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Multiple Settings Calico’s Partner Search


Unlucky Member

After a small stint away from the site I’m back and looking for some fresh partners, though if I did have something going with you and I vanished, I apologize. I got the opportunity for my dream job and I got busier than I imagined.

About me/Guidelines:

  • I’m EST, so I’m usually available in the afternoons after work and usually available all day on my days off unless I have prior engagements.
  • Even if I’m not available to respond to the rp, I do love chatting about the rp and new ideas we want to add, or even just gush about our characters.
  • I can be pretty active, especially when the rp is picking up, but I try to respond at least 2 times a day. Sometimes more if I have the time, but I will try my best to send you a message to let you know if I’ll be away for more than a couple days.
  • Ghost friendly. If you are gone for more than a week I usually check in, things happen in life and I don’t hold that against my partners. But if there is no contact for more than a week, I will assume we are done.
  • I love romance in my roleplays, but I don’t expect it to be the main focus. I like having our characters fall in love organically.
  • I tend to match what my partner gives me. I write anywhere between 500-1000+ words depending on what the rp calls for, but I’m not expecting you to write me a novel, just something I can reply to and no one liners please!
  • I love to hear my partner’s ideas! Don’t be shy, it's no fun when the plotting is one sided.
  • Please have an idea of what you’re looking to do when you message me, I’m open to do anything I have listed so just let me know!

Stuff I’m looking to do:


Now for these I only do OC x OC, I do not play canon characters. Sorry if that turns anyone away, it’s just not for me, but I’d love to use the settings. I’m also fine with next gen.

  • Harry Potter
  • Demon Slayer
  • MHA
  • One Piece
  • JJK(I need a really good plot for this)
  • InuYasha
  • HoTD
  • Avatar the Last Airbender(I need a good plot)


So I’m always down for fantasy, any setting is fine, I adore modern, medieval, high or low fantasy. I’m also cool with darker themes, drama, and angst. But don’t be afraid to share any realistic/modern plots or ideas as well, they just aren’t something I’m used to, but I’m always down to try new settings and make characters to fit within them. I’m also looking for m// or f//. Just let me know your preference when you message me.

Vampire x Human-I was thinking more of a modern fantasy for this, definitely a more fluffy story with some occasional drama thrown in. But basically a single parent vampire with a half-human child, the human is a preschool teacher and the vampire’s child is in their class. It’s a very basic idea, definitely needs some more plotting.

God x Mortal- A human finds an old shrine while they are traveling and decides to clean it up, unknowingly waking the forgotten god that the old shrine was dedicated to, they left behind a simple offering and went on their way. It wasn’t until weeks after returning home they found a stranger there, claiming they wanted to thank the human for what they did. The god refuses to leave until they can help the human, but the human just thinks this is a weird dream.--Honestly this seemed like it would be fun to have this old god following the poor human around and unintentionally throwing their life into a bit of chaos. There is room for drama as well if other gods find out this “forgotten” god is awake again, plus the whole unwanted roommate to friends to lovers sounds fun to me too.

Warrior x Bard- Kinda similar to my other bard and sellsword plot, but this time the two of them know one another. I liked the idea that the bard and warrior traveled together for years but one day the warrior disappeared, leaving the bard behind. They left to protect the bard but they didn’t get the chance to explain. Fast forward like 5 years and the warrior ends up in a large town and winds up in the tavern the bard plays in, seeing one another for the first time was a shock for both. The warrior wants to apologize but the bard is angry. For whatever reason they end up traveling together again, forcing them to open up old wounds and learn to trust one another again. –Honestly I have other small ideas for this but I didn’t want to just ramble on. I’d love to flesh this out further!–

Werewolves- Muse A and B were inseparable as children, their packs were close, but due to dwindling resources both packs went in separate directions. 10 years pass, both muses have grown into respected members of their packs. Yet they don’t forget the bittersweet memories from their childhood. When the impending danger of a large pack dominating other packs in the area starts creeping closer, Muse A and B’s packs come back together once more to protect themselves against the rogue pack. I think it would be fun to have these two childhood friends meet again, having to learn about one another in times of crisis and impending war with the rogue pack.

Vampire x Werewolf- A rich/famous vampire and their werewolf bodyguard.

Original Plots:

Muse A: A grumpy, hardened sell-sword, scarred by war and burdened by guilt. They’re a master of their craft, but their heart is cold and their tongue sharper than his blade. They’re seeking anonymity and solitude, hoping to outrun the ghosts of their past.

Muse B: A charismatic, traveling bard, with a voice as bright as the sun and a smile that could melt glaciers. They’re full of life, joy, and a contagious optimism, but beneath the surface, a painful secret and a longing for something real linger. They hope to find a place where their music is appreciated and they can find the freedom they want.

Muse A settles in the large city of Almaras to rest for a few days. The city is home to the wealthy and well respected Lord Barlow, the city is set against the coast, allowing it to grow into a large hub for trade. Muse A is just hoping to lay low and find a quiet spot in a tavern to drink away their troubles. They had been on the run so to speak for months now, but the shadows of their past follow close behind.

Their quiet time was interrupted by the vast amount of people filing into the tavern. That's when they look to the makeshift stage and see the person who has gained everyone’s attention, Muse B stands there with a dazzling smile and chats happily with the people closest to the stage.

Muse B, a talented and well loved bard, meet’s Muse A’s gaze. They seem to study the sell sword, but they turn their attention back to the crowd not soon after.

Once Muse B seemed to finish up for the night they disappeared into the crowd, Muse A takes it as a sign to leave but two mugs are set down. When they look up they are greeted with Muse B sitting down across from them. Before the sellsword could speak, the bard spoke up first, offering a large sum of coins in return for being escorted to a festival that was happening across the valley. They were prepared to turn the offer down, but the option to get further away and the hefty sum that was offered, Muse A agrees.

The two of them clash quite a bit on their journey, Muse B’s cheery disposition grating against Muse A’s more stoic and grumpy personality. Yet they seem to find common ground the farther they go. It doesn’t take Muse A to notice holes in Muse B’s story, slowly realizing the bard is hiding something. Then Muse B’s mask starts to crack, the cheerful attitude slowly melting away to offer up a glimpse at the bard’s sorrow. After that the two of them start to grow closer, bonding over their losses and hardships.

But the calm doesn’t last forever, it isn’t long before they encounter hired men from Almaras during the festival, looking to bring Muse B back. Muse A manages to fight them off enough to allow the two of them to escape, having to rethink their plans now.

I have more notes and stuff for this, I just didn’t want to info dump everything here. I’m definitely into the grumpy x sunshine trope, as well as characters finding their home within the other. I’d love to play the bard, but I am also super fine with playing the sell sword as well!

Muse A - A cursed prince/princess, who is outwardly charismatic and loved by the people. Their curse makes them transform into a monstrous beast by night, unable to control their actions. They are deeply isolated by their curse.

Muse B- A skilled healer and herbalist, the child of a well off lord. They are quite empathetic and have a strong sense of duty to help others.

When Muse A was born, a scorned sorceress cursed the infant in defiance of the king and queen, once they turned 18 they would begin to transform into a monster each night until the curse consumed them and they were stuck as a beast forever. By their 20th birthday, the king and queen arranged a marriage to the child of a Lord under their command. Muse B was known to be a great healer, so the king saw it as his best option to try and save Muse A.

Muse A seemed very distant when they finally met Muse B, who was confused because Muse A was not the person they heard about. They seem troubled and distant, much unlike the charismatic and open person they were said to be.

After the wedding, Muse A goes about their duties as normal, but they still keep Muse B at arms length, then once the sun sets Muse A disappears. Only to reappear for breakfast the next morning. This goes on for weeks until Muse B decides to follow Muse A after sundown, curious to know where they are running off to. But when they saw the beast, they fled, seeking out the king and queen.

Finally they told Muse B about the curse, apologizing for not telling them sooner, thinking that their child would have told them about it. But it seemed like it wasn’t any easy subject to bring up.

Muse B is initially shocked and confused, but despite that they decide to help find a way to break the curse on Muse A.

Can the two of them learn to trust one another and break the curse that binds Muse A so tightly? Or will outside forces cause drama and turn the city against the monarchs? Can the two find friendship and eventually love or will their world crash down around them?

Vampires and other supernatural creatures have been living amongst humans for centuries, seamlessly blending in with the humans, many of them are influential members of the cities they reside in. Some humans even offer themselves as feeders, companions, or a mix of the two in exchange for something they want. Like helping their families financially, funds to attend a college they want to get into, get out of a bad situation, or anything else they are willing to offer themselves to a vampire for. A lot of these humans end up living lavish lives with the vampire lord or lady they made the deal with. It’s a mutual exchange for both parties.

Muse A is an old vampire who’s been around for hundreds of years, they are cold and closed off most of the time. They have a high standing in vampire society as a lord/lady in charge of a large brood of vampires and has influence within the city.

Muse B is a human who has come across hard times(we can discuss what exactly) and goes to muse A seeking an arrangement.

I really liked the idea of Muse B being the reincarnation of Muse A’s spouse from when they were human, it being one of the reasons muse A accepts the deal, because B looks so much like their past spouse.

I’d love to explore the in and outs of vampire society as Muse B gets thrown into it, and have that slow progression of Muse A slowly softening for B.

I feel like we can add twists of drama throughout the story, with a good semi slow burn romance with a little bit of enemies to lovers.

Muse A- A powerful sorcerer/sorceress with a rebellious spirit and a disdain for authority. While they are skilled with their magic, their control over it is often impulsive and unpredictable.

Muse B- A loyal knight who has served closely to the king/queen, they take their duties quite seriously but there is a kind heart and sense of humor under their hardened mask.

Muse A’s father arranges them to a ruthless king/queen known for their cruelty and their relentless pursuit of power in order to gain the favor of the king/queen, who seeks to use Muse A’s powers to gain control over more lands and secure their power. Muse A resents the union, seeing it as a betrayal of their freedom.

Muse B is ordered to be the person guard to Muse A, meant to protect them but also to keep an eye on them and report back to the king/queen about them.

At first the two don’t really get along but after seeing how the king/queen is trying to use Muse A , Muse B starts to see them for what they really are. A tyrant. So Muse B starts to feed the king/queen false reports, wanting to try and help Muse A any way they can.

Muse A starts to use their magic to help the small folk who have been affected by the king/queen, gaining the favor of the people in the city. Eventually they become the unofficial head of a revolution amongst the small folk against their monarch.

One day Muse B finds out about Muse A’s dealings and has to choose between their duty to their king/queen or the betterment of the kingdom and the safety of Muse A.

Can these two survive the revolution that is coming or will everything around them end up in chaos?


Pirate x Royal
Warring kingdoms
Supernatural being x Human
Warrior/Knight x Bard
Warrior x Prince/Princess/Civilian
Adventurer x Runaway/exiled royal
Witch x Cursed Royal
Royal x Commoner
God/Demi-god x Human
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Supernatural x Human
Arranged marriage
Rivals to lovers
Flower Shop/Tattoo shop AU
Dragon riders

Honestly I’m up for anything new as well, if you were feeling something and you think we’d both enjoy please suggest!

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