"Cafe au Lait," said her.

Name: Frida Flores

Age: 19

Appearance: (I do intend to draw her out, this is probably just the best imagine to describe my character at the moment. She has frizzy brown hair and darker skin, really big glasses that help her see and an unfortunate sense of fashion that has followed her into adulthood.)


Personality: Frida is brilliant, but she's also slightly manic. She's at the coffee shop a lot because her roommates can't stand her behavior and because she uses coffee to deal with the lack of sleep which she frequently deals with. Her ethnicity is something she's shy about: she came from Puerto Rico with her mother, father, and younger brothers when she was young and so her English is good, but she slips up occasionally. She also avoids talking about it if she can, and tries to be as "American" as possible.

She enjoys writing and is trying to making a documentary at the moment, but unfortunately has no idea what she wants to do. This is especially troublesome as she is in school, though she skips most of her classes, and her documentary is one of her major projects due at the end of the semester. Otherwise she's naturally very sweet, and a bit dorky. She is not very comfortable talking with people she doesn't know, preferring to be more of a wall flower than anything. She also is intensely into the internet, finding the mode of communication easier as well as gaming culture in general. Her parents are somewhat befuddled by her little quirks and her interests in general, as well as the want to pull away from her traditional home life, and this weighs heavily on her too.

Likes: Most animals, they don't have the expectations of her that other humans do. Chocolate. Video games. Writing.

Dislikes: People who make jokes about her being a "saucy Latina." Carrots. Classwork.

She's always at the cafe because she enjoys documenting all of the strange people there.

Fears: That she will never be American enough, or that people will see her as foreign. Blood. Most insects.

Other: Her hair is a wild and an untamed thing.
Name: Shepard Vines



This is about what he looks like. His hair is a golden blonde and his eyes are light green.

Personality: Shepard is a really laid back guy. He comes from a higher-class family who want him to follow in their footsteps, but he doesn't want to. He's a free spirit who would rather take a nap than do his homework. He loves messing with people, but would never offend them. He adores sweet food. He would do pretty much anything to help out his friends, but would never tell them that. He goes to collage under his parents wishes and comes to the cafe to dodge his family and work. Shepard might act like a tough guy, but he actually cares quite a lot.

Likes: Cake and naps

He goes to the cafe to avoid his family and work.

Fears: Silence, Offending people, and getting forced into things by his family.

Other: He always comes to the cafe after his classes.

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