Age: 25
Ethnicity/Nationality: Celtic || Irish
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Journalist
Age: 25
Ethnicity/Nationality: Celtic || Irish
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Journalist
- Appearance
Height: Six Feet and Two Inches
Weight: One Hundred and Seventy-Five Pounds
Hair: Black || Shaggy
Eyes: Ice Blue
Body: Ecto-Mesomorph*
Attire: Casual, jeans, graphic tees, hooded jackets
*Ecto-Mesomorph is muscular/athletic, but not super defined in terms of muscles
Real Life Face Claim: Rasmus Ledin
*Has a chest & quarter sleeve tattoo of a tribal dragon on his left side
*Has a long scar on his right hip
*Has various other scars littering his body but they aren't "eye-catching"
*Phoenix tattoo on his right leg
- Personality
Key points:
*Trust issues
*Masks himself emotionally
- History
Childhood & Adolescence
Born in a suburban community to a freshly immigrated Irish family, Cael didn't have the best childhood behind closed doors. He was the last born of a series of seven children, with four older brothers and two older sisters. His father was the stereotypical Irish man, usually found drunk when he didn't have to work. His mother was a homemaker, raised under rules that could have been pulled from the dark ages. The drinking was always excused by a stress filled life, and each child was ranked by their age. Which left Cael on the bottom rung, having to work the hardest to gain his parent's attention. He fought for their attention, and most of his life he thought he had to fight for their love.
Their father was verbally abusive to all in the family, save for the oldest son, and the two daughters. They were his pride and joy as he would point out, just before pointing out the flaws and reasons why everyone else were inferior. When Cael turn eight, his family became the front page news of the suburban community when his father was arrested and convicted of molesting his two sisters. Life began to circle the drain for little Cael. The oldest of the boys abandoned the family, disowning the family name so that his father's conviction wouldn't harm the reputation he was beginning to build as a fresh from University lawyer. His mother basically had a psychotic break over what had happened, pushing the idea that it had never happened to herself and her remaining children. She brushed the abuse under the rug, refusing to look at the issue in the eye.
No one was allowed to speak of their father, or what happened, lest be punished. This punishment usually consisted of a beating, and being sent to bed without supper. Not to mention the frantic tongue lashing they would receive for slandering their reputable father. The remaining three brothers fell into line under their mother's direction, keeping silent and doing as they were told until they could leave home like the oldest had done. When Cael was twelve, the oldest of the two girls committed suicide after years of being told what had happened to her hadn't been real, and her own mother refusing to accept what had happened and help her daughters find peace again. This sparked the only remaining daughter's spiral into alcohol and drug abuse. All through this, Cael tried to do his best to keep his family together. He took numerous beatings and lashings for his siblings, and fought to keep everyone happy. Yet there was no one there to fight to keep Cael happy.
At seventeen, after the three remaining brothers had left home for either work or university, more terrible news befell Cael and his dwindling family. The remaining sister was found dead, alone in a hotel room. Official reports stating she had overdosed on methamphetamines. His mother finally broke, causing the state to place her in permanent psychiatric care, and Cael became an adult. He it was less than a year until he was to be eighteen, so the courts declared he was to be emancipated, since it was in all essence, pointless to place him in foster care for only a few months before he would outgrow the system. From there, Cael was awarded all his mother's and late father's assets and property, as well as being placed as the payee of his mother's insurance and unemployment. Automatic deductions covered his mother's care, and the rest was for him to live on until he graduated high school and was able to obtain a job to support himself.
After graduating, Cael didn't worry about finding a job right away. He wanted to go to college. He submitted application after application to various community and area colleges, until he was finally given an acceptance letter. That fall, he was enrolled into a college a distance away from his home town, and Cael felt it would be good for him to get away from his terrible roots. He loved college, and in the last year before graduation, he met the woman of his dreams. With his major in journalism, and her major medicine, he knew they'd be able to live together. They both weren't the biggest on the warm, cuddly parts of a relationship, but rather loved just having the companionship when they weren't busy with studying or working. It seemed like heaven, and in all things, it was to good to be true.
In the year after his graduation, and her continuing education to become a doctor, things took a turn for what seemed to be the better, yet worse all at the same time. With intimacy, comes risk. Risk of adding a life to the world one might not be prepared to care for. His girlfriend became pregnant after a combination of broken condom and failed birth control pills. Cael was happy, though he worried that he'd only repeat what had happened to him and his family. She was worried for school, for Cael, and for their unborn child. She had no fear that Cael wasn't his father, or his mother, but she was fearful that his worry would consume him.
Time went on, and things seemed to be moving along decently. At only seven and a half months into term, something terrible happened. His girlfriend, turned fiance, was hit by a drunk driver late at night when she was on her way home from her evening class of the day. She was rushed to the hospital, and Cael was contacted since he was listed as her emergency contact. He rushed to the hospital, spending nearly ten hours pacing the waiting room while his fiance and child underwent surgery to hopefully save their lives. When the doctor finally came to him, it was with a heavy heart. His fiance succumbed to her grievous wounds and internal bleeding that had been caused by the wreck.
Yet there was a silver lining to this sad, tragic story. The child had been saved, and rushed to NICU. He had a beautiful baby girl, but this beautiful baby had no mother to welcome her into this world. Cael was crushed at the death of his fiance, but he remembered her strength in him, and he told himself he wasn't going to be his parents. He remained with the child, there in that cold, seemingly heartless hospital for weeks. They kept her for the minor wounds she had received in the wreck, and to make sure her development was stable enough to go home. During these weeks, Cael was present in the trial of the driver that had caused his fiance's death, and during the readings of her will that said Cael was her beneficiary even if they weren't married in the eyes of the state.
He was only twenty-four. He was finally allowed to take his child home with him, and he did his best to her right. Within weeks, he learned that would be nigh impossible for him to accomplish with his job as a journalist, but it was the only job he could get that would support himself and a child. So, only two short months spent with his daughter, he finally had to sign the papers. He gave her to a loving couple who were unable to have their own child, with the agreement that he'd be allowed in her life. She would know he was her biological father, and the circumstances in which she was adopted by her new mother and father. They had no issue with this, as long as Cael agreed that he would never, under no circumstance, attempt to regain custody of her. He agreed.
Now, he's well into his twenty fifth year on this earth, and all he can think is that he's doomed to a life of tragedy and all that makes him happy being ripped away from him. Yet he doesn't let this show when he is around other people. No one will know what he knows behind closed doors. There is a wall between him and everyone else. Outwardly, he's happy, content, and living life, when inwardly, he's a writhing, swirling mess of sorrow. But you wouldn't know that if he knew you watching.
Theme Song
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