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Realistic or Modern Cadence City (open superhero/villain rp)


faerie sightings
[border]Check overview

forgot to include sexual and romantic orientations, make sure to put them in

Main characters must be 17+
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Logan Sofia Sharpe

21, Female, Pan

Whatever she wants to be that day




Logan is able to control and create shadows at will. She can teleport through shadows. She can use a person's shadow for her own will as well. Using a person's shadow she can suffocate them, track them, and even control them for a limited amount of time.

Standing at a striking 5'11" Logan is a force to be reckoned with. She has a very lithe body. Her eyes are a sparkling blue.


+Hand to hand combat

+Bright spaces

+Getting what she wants

-Bossy people

-Being underestimated



+Great control over her powers

+Pretty good in hand to hand


-Reluctant to kill

-Her emotions can mess with her powers



Logan grew up in a close knit, poor family. They were constantly moving because they couldn't afford to stay many places for long. Things were finally turning around when Logan was fourteen, her parents both found steady jobs and they had a lovely home. Logan's two younger sisters were happy in school and everything was going great.

Until it wasn't anymore. Her father was killed during a mugging when Logan was sixteen. Her mother turned to alcoholism shortly after, losing her job and almost losing her children. In an attempt to escape child services, she drove her three daughters while drunk. There was a crash and Logan was the only survivor, because she went through a shadow and found herself on safely in the median.

She wound up in a school for "gifted" children, and was trained to use her powers. She also learned three forms of martial arts. She left the school at eighteen and pursued a career in modeling. She never quite recovered from that night, but tries to keep moving forward.


Theme Song: Terrible Things - April Smith

Favorite Color: purple

Occupation: model

Hero suit: a body suit very similar to AoU Black Widow

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Kynnon Maxwell Everett

22, Male, Hetero

Neutral with a bad boy streak



Psionic Manipulation

Standing at 6'6" Kynnon is known to insight fear into many, many people. His muscular build and dark brown eyes don't help their nerves.



+His club

+Using his powers

-Not getting what he wants

-People who think he's just a party boy

-His family


+Physically strong

+Can use most of his powers quite well



-Hasn't fully learned to control his powers

-Emotional rollercoaster


Kynnon grew up in a rich family, and was rather spoiled but neglected. He rarely saw his parents, and his siblings were clearly favored over him. He's the middle child of three, with an older brother and young sister. The boy was incredibly wild in his teen years. When his powers first kicked in it was with telepathy. He heard every thought within a mile radius, while at school. He screamed for hours, and broke many things due to telekinesis.

His parents had him admitted to an asylum, which made things worse for him. He was seventeen when he was admitted. Slowly he learned to shut it off. His parents basically left him there to rot, but on his eighteenth birthday, he checked himself out. He backpacked through Europe after hearing a rumor of a monk that could help him. He found the monk and studied under him for two years before coming back to the states and finding himself in Cadence City.

Once in Cadence City he bought the night club Pandemonium and that's where he spends most of his time. He often uses his powers for ill means, but is by no means a villain. He has no need, his parents gave him a large sum of money to keep the asylum a secret once his father started running for House of Representatives. Though, he also makes plenty of money on his own.


Theme Song: Skulls - Bastille

Occupation: Owns a club

Hero suit: literally just a black zip up jacket and a pair of black pants (think Agents of SHIELD uniform basically)


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Layla Opal Mason







Super sonic scream that can stun and push back enemies. She also has a slight form of future vision where she gets an odd feeling, a feeling that makes her want to scream, when someone is about to die violently. She also knows martial arts.

Layla is a pale girl, she has naturally blonde hair, though its usually dyed a nice reddish-brown that looks good with her green eyes. Shes thin and weights 115 pounds and is 1'6".


Cats, Movies, Sunshine

Night/nightclubs, dogs, Shrimp

Her scream, she can tell when someone is going to die it helps her save them, shes fast

She tends to be too into saving people (she puts herself in dangerous situations), sometimes the death feeling gets so strong she really needs to scream but cant in her daily life, she doesn't see too well in the dark.


Layla grew up quite normally for most of her life. She lived with her parents and her younger brother. They were happy until she turned about 14 when her powers emerged. She was at school when she felt an overwhelming feeling that she couldn't really describe. The only thing she had to describe it as was it felt like death and she felt like screaming out of almost terror because of it. Since she didn't scream in the middle of class, she began to feel nauseous and went to the nurse, going home from their. The feeling continued until around 4:43 pm when the feeling intensified and she finally let out her scream knocking back her mother who'd been helping her.

Her mother when she was pushed back hit her head on Layla's dresser and passed out, later found to have a severe concussion and died the next day. Her father ran in to find Layla crying on her bed in the corner. That night on the news it was revealed there was a robbery turned murder that took place at 4:44. After that the episodes continued coming, though Layla slowly learned how to control them and after the grief passed they lived more normally.

She had started being a 'hero' when she turned 17 and used her scream against a couple robbers who were trying to rob a family. She ran away immediately, scared that they'd persecute her for being a super human. After that she learned that she could use her powers for good and created a costume became Banshee. They lived in Dallas until her father died when her brother's powers emerged (a story for another day) (I plan on making his character sheet and adding him later in the rp) and she moved to Cadence City, away from the place where both her parents had died.

Her costume is basically like Black Canary's from Arrow

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Catherine Grayson






Villain of course


Don't have one


Aura absorption

Physical Description

3+ Likes


Being a villain


3+ Dislikes


Having her plans ruined


3+ Strengths




3+ Weaknesses

Taken by surprise

Her insanity

Her Confident


A criminal genius, appeared to be an insane, sadistic and psychopathic individual. She exhibited the following traits: extreme intelligence, grandiosity, incapacity for remorse, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. she also appeared Machiavellian.

She was also clearly quite calculating and resourceful for his age, managing to retrieve an almost undetectable poison that would work effectively in the circumstances that Catherine required. As an adult she had complete mastery of terrorist techniques and intimidation strategies.




A consulting criminal



Lucas Timothy Mason







He has the power to control and create fire, he can also create wings out of fire and levitate few yards off the ground with them.

Lucas has an athletic build, he weighs 152 pounds and is 5'11". He also has naturally dark brown hair and light brown eyes.


Dogs, Fire, Stars

Cats, Cold Weather, Rain

He can flyish, If there is existing fire he can use it rather than making his own, he knows Banshee (his sister's) weak spots.

Water, if its too cold he cant use his powers well, he's afraid of death and failure.


Lucas's life was pretty much normal like Layla's until her powers surfaced. When that happened and his mother died, most of their fathers attention turned to Layla and helping her control her power. When Layla was 17 and he was 15 however it was his turn to get the attention. It was the middle of summer, around July 11th and he was experiencing what he at the time would call a hot flash. He felt extremely warm, and was even running a high fever. His father recommended rest, while Layla was saying to give him medicine. Lucas agreed with his father however, happy that he was finally paying attention to him.

This 'hot flash' lasted for days, he couldn't stand to be outside or under the covers of his bed, most of the time he wore shorts without a shirt since he would feel too hot with it on anyway. His family tried to help, giving him cold foods and medicine but it wasn't really helping. On the fourth day, he was sick of being in his room and decided to go downstairs where his father was watching TV. When his father noticed him enter he asked if he was feeling any better, of course he wasn't though, and when he told him his father suggested going to the doctor. Lucas was opposed to this however, insisting he was fine. They got into a heated argument, and the angrier Lucas got the hotter he became, soon enough the couch beside his father caught on fire randomly, and then his pant leg followed by the rest of his clothes hair and skin.

Terrified Lucas ran to his sisters room and told her what had happened. She called 911 and a fire truck and ambulance came to deal with it. They had told them their father was lighting a candle and dropped the match, before they left. Life was hard after that, Layla and Lucas grew further apart than they already were, and eventually Layla moved out (at this point she was 18, her birthday is August 5th btw. Lucas's is May 12th) and Lucas stayed in the city and emerged there as the villain Phoenix who set fire to seemingly random places. Eventually he decided to follow his sister to Cadence city.

{I plan on at the beginning Lucas is moving there and Layla finds out, she's not happy about it since she's aware of his villain status and doesn't have to fight her younger brother}

His suit is very similar to Black Panthers except the gold stuff is silver and the claws/ear things aren't included. IGNORE THE BATMAN PART OF THE PIC

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"No matter what power, person, or force comes to hurt you, just remember, I will protect you."


Brooke Casey Vierson






Force-Field Generation


Little Brooke stands at 5'4 with light brown hair and comforting green eyes with a petite build.


-Helping Others


-Mint Gum



-Hot Weather

-People Who Harm Other People



-Great Control Over Power


-Flexible and Athletic


-Somewhat Of A Pacifist



Brooke was born into a normal family, living a normal life. She never really had any big experience besides her high school graduation. However, on her 19th birthday, she would finally meet the man who would change her life forever.

On rainy November 19th, a drunk man was waddling across the street. The man didn't know what was happening or where he was going. Suddenly, a car started to rush towards him. Quick to see the car coming after the man, Brooke dashed to his aid and pushed him out of the way. Instinct told Brooke to shield herself with her arms. Finally, out of nowhere, purple ovals covered her forearms, stopping the car in its tracks.

The man, the driver, nor Brooke was hurt in the incident. However, the driver was terrified and called the cops. Not knowing how she would explain her new found power, Brooke has been on the run ever since.


Armour: Wears both but without the blades.


Fight Me

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Name: Aster Winchester

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hero/Villain: Villain

Alias: Blood Moon

Powers: She can see almost perfectly in the dark, her sense of smell and hearing has an incredible boost, and she has the ability to transform parts of her body into that of a wolf's.


On first glance, it would be awfully hard to filter Aster's appearance under evil. She has a young and bright face, and when in the crowd she almost always has a smile on. Often times, she pulls half of her dark chocolate brown up into a braid. Aster stands at 5'9" and has a moderately athletic build. Her eye color can switch from brown to gold within a matter of seconds depending on her mood.




+Getting what she wants


+Ice cream


-Enclosed spaces





+Tracking and Hunting

+Hand to hand combat

+Convincing other's that she's good.

+Book-smarts (not really a supernatural strength unless she's gonna kill you with the power of quadratic equations.)


-High pitched noises


-Hiding her abilities


Biography: Aster was born into the average middle class family. She had the simple life of any well-raised child. Throughout elementary school, she had perfect grades, in fact, she was the smartest in her grade level often times. When middle school rolled around, Aster was often picked out of the sea of students by your common teenage bullies. At the time, she was overweight, needed glasses, and had an unhealthy obsession for canines. She was pretty much your typical nerd. However, the girl did make other nerd-friends such as herself, and she often shared her obsessions and ideas with them. One day, when she was in 8th grade, Aster proposed to her nerd friends the idea of genetic evolution. She ranted and raved about how it would be the newest trend and that one day, everyone would become superhuman. The majority of her own friends just laughed in her faces, clearly calling her idea dumb. It hurt her, it damaged her soul completely. Her friends didn't even care about her or her ideas. One of them told her that if she came up with genetic engineering, the world would come to an end. Aster, being quite sensitive at the time took it as a challenge.

She snuck into the local zoo's lab after hours and began to do a little bit of experimenting. Of course, the girl was only fourteen, she was way to young to know what she was doing. But, the girl didn't care if it was a suicide mission, she was going to prove to her friends that genetic mutations could be forced. And so, after combining random non-poisonous chemicals into a vial along with several drops of wolf's blood, Aster was prepared to die. Or at least that's what she assumed would happen. After chugging down the vial of liquid and gagging multiple times from the taste, Aster waited patiently for something to happen to her. It took her an hour to realize that her whole attempt at possibly becoming a super awesome monster had just gone to waste. Once she got home that night (without getting caught by the zoo or her parents), she drifted off into sleep. Until being abruptly awakened by the sound of her alarm, blaring a high pitched and incredibly loud sound in her ears. That was what caused Aster to realize that she actually gave herself powers. She no longer needed glasses, and soon realized her senses. By the time she developed the ability to grow claws or develop wolf canines at her own will, Aster had to show her so-called friends. Instead of them applauding her for her achievement, however, she was shunned and called a freak. That gave her an undying hatred for people, and ever since then she strives to wipe out the human race, even if she's not strong enough to do it.. yet.

Hero Suit: Pretty much exactly like the Scarlet Witch's outfit (from Age of Ultron)
except my character has a hood along with it (and I don't care if there's a version of Scarlet Witch with a hood, because it's probably highly likely. AoU is the only Marvel thing I've ever laid eyes upon [feel free to shun me]).

(I'm half asleep, so I'm sorry if this sucks, I just promised that I would have it up today.)

A stolen wolf pup that she named Steve.

A stray husky pup that she named Dave.
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