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Realistic or Modern Cadence City (open superhero/villain rp)

Logan Sharpe

Logan woke to the screaming of her alarm and groaned, rolling over and slamming her hand on it. She was far from a morning person, but that didn't matter when you were a model. She had to get her work out completed and ready to go before Vogue's interviewer arrived. She went to her workout room and blasted her playlist, The Good the Bad and the Dirty playing first.

Her workout was an hour long, her shower twenty minutes long. Breakfast was a protein bar and a energy shake. Hair, makeup, wardrobe. All done by nine am. She smiled and ran a hand through her freshly curled locks as she turned on the morning news. "Good morning Cadence City, I'm Hannah and it's nine am on July 3rd."

The news was boring. A murder intrigued her though. But then, there was a report about a rise in national fear of super powered people. She scrunched her brow, "we're not scary." She muttered. Her train of thought interrupted by the doorbell.

The interview didn't take long, but it was almost insulting. She didn't get asked anything juicy. Just about fashion. She finished with a monologue about that. Which was great. She hoped they published it.

Heading out to her garage Logan grabbed her keys. Locking up the house and then climbing into her car. She took off towards town. She didn't know what she would do yet, but she wanted to do something.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e40de64499173dd0c0f2b0175a83fa13.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104790" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e40de64499173dd0c0f2b0175a83fa13.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Layla Opal Mason

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Layla groaned as the loud beep of her phones alarm pulled her out of her slumber. "Why do I even have an alarm set?" She groaned to herself. She slid her hand out of the warmth of her covers and clicked off the alarm before returning to the warmth of her blanket. She really didn't want to get up, the night before she had got the death feeling as she called it, she suddenly remembered why she set the alarm when she recalled that. She jumped out of bed and grabbed her flannel for warmth and turned on the news to see if the feeling was right. It usually was but she still liked to check and see if they were correct. As she watched a cold feeling settled in the bottom of her stomach, she was right, there was a murder and she could've done something about it.

After a bit of watching the news some more she clicked it off and trudged into her bathroom to shower, and then got dressed. She slid on her shoes and left the apartment, locking it behind her. She was going to the supermarket for some groceries for the week, since she hadn't gone shopping yet that week.



Lucas Timothy Mason

Lucas stared out the window of his plane. He hadn't felt like driving all the way to Cadence City so he took a plane from Dallas instead. He could see the sun had risen, and he checked his phone, 9:00 am. Layla is probably up by now. He thought with a grin. Lucas hadn't slept on the plane at all, instead stirring inside with excitement. He hadn't spoken to his sister in about a year, especially since they ended up taking different paths with their powers and all, with Layla taking the boring hero path and Lucas taking the fun villain path. They were close to landing actually and in about thirty minutes they were getting off the plane and grabbing their luggage.

Lucas already had a car at the airport, he'd had bought it and had the car dealership bring it to the airport. He left the airport, got his keys and went to his vehicle. He drove around a while until he saw his sister walking on the side walk to the supermarket. He debated saying hi and freaking her out cause he was in the city, but changed his mind.
Not yet.


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Kynnon Everett

Kynnon was usually a late riser, but today was different. He wasn't particularly sure why, but he was up anyway. He showered, dressed, and headed to his motorcycle. He'd get breakfast in town today. Switch up his routine a little. That would feel good, in a way. The young man enjoyed change every now and then.

Typically he would take his car, but today just didn't feel like the right day. He pulled his helmet on and took off towards town, driving much faster than he normally would. He felt reckless today and he liked it. He sped past a blonde in a convertible who fought with him for dominance of the road. He enjoyed her style. They both stopped at a red light and he looked over, he knew her, actually. "I would have never guessed it was you, Logan."

"Same to you Kynnon," she laughed. "Headed somewhere important?"

"Nah, just to get breakfast." The light changed, "see you around, blondie." He sped ahead and laughed as she followed, not trying to catch him this time. She was a regular at his club. Quite the pretty face, she was popular with the other customers. He always made good money when she was in, a lot of guys bought her drinks.

Brooke Vierson

Brooke jolted up from her bed. Sweating with fear, she breathed heavily, slowly losing more air. Still heaving, Brooke leaned over the side of her bed and grabbed her phone. The clock read 5:59 am.
Please. Don't do this to me now, she thought. Quickly trying to unlock her phone, the alarm buzzed! She then dropped her phone in fear. "Jesus Christ..." she muttered under her breath. One scare was all she could handle

Brooke got up from her bed and picked her phone up off the ground. No scratches. She pushed the curtains aside to let in the faint sunshine. However, the view was still stunning from her 12th story apartment. She then headed to the kitchen. She sighed as she opened her refrigerator. Completely empty besides a a bottle of water.

She took the elevator downstairs to the lobby, trying to make as little human interaction as possible. Once she reached the ground floor, she started to speed walk down to the Starbucks a few blocks away. The cold air cradled her body like a blanket. She slightly shivered while walking, but the hot coffee she was about to drink was great motivation. After about 10 minutes of walking, the time was 7:00 am. The store was just opening. When she entered, the smell of coffee blasted her in the face. Strong, but comforting.
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Even with the volume on her phone turned down to the lowest it could be, Aster's shrill alarm cut through the silence of her sleep. That alerted her dogs who both began to bark without end. Aster didn't take long to pull herself out of bed afterwards, quickly shutting off her alarm and trying to wake herself up completely. Mornings had always been and will always be her arch-enemy, no matter what the News may say. Speaking of the news... Aster took hold of her remote and flipped on the television before getting out of bed and starting to get ready for the day. For once she planned to have a day that didn't involve robbery, kidnappings, or making a public appearance for no reason whatsoever, she was going to simply roam the streets, maybe do some shopping. Aster was going to try and be a normal person for at most a day.

As she sifted through her closet, her sensitive ears picked up on the news about a murder. "There was a murder? And people found out about it? Amateurs." She said to herself. Although, she really had no right to call the murderer an amateur, as she had never successfully murdered someone yet. "If I had killed someone, he would be digesting inside Steve's stomach." After throwing on a random set of clothes, Aster glided out of her room and into the living-room where her two dogs (Steve and Dave) sat anxiously in their crates. Feeding them was usually the first thing she did when she woke up. So, after feeding her cuddly little wolf pup (whom she enjoyed stealing from the local zoo very much) and her husky, Aster decided to head for town. Since she had no car at the time, she would end up walking down the street, thinking about what she would have for breakfast.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b8b8d88_Screenshot2016-02-09at8.03.35PM.png.d5c86ff42facdfe9f8062447de94453a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b8b8d88_Screenshot2016-02-09at8.03.35PM.png.d5c86ff42facdfe9f8062447de94453a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Minus the bag and the hair color of course.



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Layla Opal Mason

Layla's trip to the grocery store was quick, and since she didn't buy any frozen foods she decided to go out for breakfast afterward as well. She began to walk to her normal breakfast place and opened the door, welcoming the cool air conditioning. She didn't know what she wanted so she just ordered a water for now. After a bit though she decided to get French toast with strawberries. She ate slowly, she didn't really know too many people in Cadence city, after being there for around a year she still spend most of her time as Banshee rather than as Layla which really took a bite out of her potential social life time.

Logan Sharpe

Logan pulled up at the Starbucks and parked her car. She liked coffee, a lot. Especially lattes. She ran her hand through her curls, loosening them further. They were still fairly tight and she loved the loose waves when she ran her hands through them enough.

There were a lot of people in here this morning, which was surprising. It usually wasn't so busy so early. It messed with her flow. She noticed the girl in front of her seemed a little nervous. "You okay there?" She asked her softly.

Brooke Vierson

While in deep thought, Brooke was startled by the sudden voice. Brooke quickly jumped forward into the the man in front of her. The man cursed at Brooke and she went back in her original spot.

Brooke then turned around to the woman who whispered softly. She was met with a tall blonde woman who intimidated Brooke. Brooke locked eyes with the towering woman. The her voice soft and quiet Brooke responded, "I'm fine." Brooke then turned back around. The woman's presence didn't feel right to Brooke.

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Logan Sharpe

"Good to hear." Logan responded, "sorry for spooking you." The blonde could tell the girl was uncomfortable, so she didn't press any further. She ignored the people who recognized her, she was usually very friendly with her fans, but today she was just not in the mood. She wanted to do something reckless. She played around on her phone, looking at news about superheroes and villains. Especially Enigma, it was always funny reading about what people said about Enigma. Though, it was strange reading about herself as though she was a different person.

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