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Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club


Demon Hunters

✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣

  • Demons Hide Among Us

    In your closet. Under your bed. They could be anywhere. They could be in your next door neighbor. They could be in you. The governments of the world will tell you it's a lie. Of course Demons don't exist, they'd say. Have you ever seen a Demon? There's a reason for that. Because out there, in the night, there are people... It's a stretch to even call them people, really. Whatever they are, whatever you call them, they're out there. Hunting Demons. Fine, fine. If you must call them something, call them Cadavers, because that's what they are. Soulless, unfeeling things. Marionettes with no strings. Dead.

    To become a Cadaver is to forsake the life you once knew, to give yourself over to the eldritch powers that exist beyond death. The exact specifics of how it's done are hard to come by. That is no accident. You see, the Ritual to become a Cadaver is as dangerous as it is occult. Many would-be Cadavers have died in the attempt. Many more have been driven to madness - these Cadavers are dubbed Ravenous - due to a botched Ritual, becoming no better than the demons themselves. The Ritual, when performed correctly and to completion, culminates in the separation of Soul and Body. But the Soul has to go somewhere. Some Cadavers store their Soul in the steel of a blade, others in a spear. Some even choose unassuming household items to become Soulbound.

    In society's shadow, Cadavers endure. They tirelessly carve out the rot and excise the cancer that lurks beneath the gilded facade of modernity. Like animals, some Cadavers form packs, while others live a solitary existence. The guiding thread that binds all Cadavers together in their un-life is simple: the eradication of Demons.

    Now that you've heard my tale, I've a question for you... Will you live your life the same way you did before you knew that the creatures who go bump in the night are real and are coming for you? Or will you join the ranks of the ones who become monstrous in the name of hunting monsters?

⛧ c o d e d _ b y _ s p o o k i e ⛧
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Is there a post schedule or frequency requirement?

I think the expectation would be for RPN posts, about 1/week? Although that's player dependent and ofc life gets in the way sometimes. If anybody is ever waiting on someone to post IC, we can also run shorter RPs on discord to keep the creative juices flowing
Redemption Complex triggered. Alrighty. Interested; though, one question: is everyone going to be a cadaver, or, say, there are cadavers and then there are magi, and then there are other people... etc.

Interesting lore, by the way! Cadavers seem very much like liches/archliches with their Soulbounds. Just less... skeleton-y.
darkborn darkborn happy to have you aboard!

is everyone going to be a cadaver, or, say, there are cadavers and then there are magi, and then there are other people... etc.

Good question!! I think that it’s fine if not everyone plays a Cadaver. I’d say the available races to start would be Human or Cadaver. Humans, while not up to par with Cadavers in most cases, can have some minor magical ability.

Angels and Demons are on the table, too. But I think they’d be better served with a narrative arc unto themselves, so I’d probably ask players to hold off making them right away (unless they’re okay with their characters being sidelined somewhat until later)

With that said I think it’s also important to note that there won’t be any hard limits on how many characters a player can have (with the soft limit being, ‘don’t overdo it’)
Hello! This sounds super interesting and I would love to take part! Do you have any characters lined up already, or perhaps a character sheet for us to fill out? I would love to know some more details, so please let me know what works!
Melomania Melomania yes! Let me dig a template out

Cadaver Profile






Magus Type:


Soulbound Weapon:


There are a few Character Sheets kicking around in the Discord if you’d like to take a look there!

Also feel free to fill out the CS and post it here/send it to me in a pm if you wanna discuss

Happy to have your interest 😊
Some notes on affiliation since that has been a sticking point for some:

Affiliation can simply be the country your character hails from (if you have an idea for a country that’s not already on the map then that’s totally doable just lmk and we can set it up), or if you have an idea for a non-governmental organization that might want to hire or otherwise affiliate with Cadavers then that works too. Of course Cadavers can also simply be unaffiliated.
Aaaand CS


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