• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Cիɾoղiclᥱs o⨍ Eldɾiα (CS Tիɾᥱαd)



Roleplay Type(s)
Cիɾoղiclᥱs o⨍ Eldɾiα (CS Tիɾᥱαd)

Please do not post if you were not invited into the rp! This is a smaller group recreation of an rp previously created. If you wish to ask further questions please contact me (co-gm) or Nothingness Nothingness (the gm and original creator)

  • Character Sheet
    Character Sheet
    Appearance: (What does your character look like? If you have multiple forms, make sure to add them all)

    Name: (What is your character's name?)

    Age: (How old is your character?)

    Gender: (What gender is your character?)

    Race: (Be sure to read the rules about this.)

    Role: (What role do you play? Mercenary? Bounty Hunter, First Mate, etc.)

    Member of the S.S Infinity: (Yes or no. Be sure to explain how you came to be apart of the crew if you choose 'yes'.)

    Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)

    Sexuality: (What gender does your character find attractive?)

    Height: (How tall is your character)

    Weight: (How much does your character weigh?)

    Backstory: (What shaped your character to how they are today? No less than a paragraph.)

    Weapon: (What weapon does your character use for a weapon? 2 Max.)

    Abilities: (What did the Eternum crystals give you as a power at birth? These can range up to be anything you want. Just be sure to remember to add weaknesses to each of your abilities. The more powerful the ability, the strongest the weakness must be to compensate for it. For example, if you can shoot fireballs from your hand, a weakness you might have is that the stronger or bigger the fireball the more you will be burned yourself as well. 3Max.)

    Talents: (Does your character possess any particular talents special to them; such as hacking into computers, crafting, etc.)

    Hobbies: (What does your character do in their spare time?)

    Theme: (Optional) (What music defines your character?)

    Other: (Optional)(Anything else you might want to add.)

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    • Azure || Shipwrite or Helmsman
      • Finished
    • Eloise "Atlas" || Paladin
      • needs to be updated
    • Shohei || Shrine Guardian
      • Finished
    • Shion || Rebel Member // Musician
      • Finished
    • Cypher || Technitian // Engineer
      • Finished

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  • Lin.

    • Lindsey Tate


      First Mate

      S.S Infinity

      May 19th


      Upper Class




      blood type
      star sign



      Lindsey only uses weapons she makes herself. She can make pistols, rifles, crossbows, tasers, taser crossbows, semi-automatic machine guns, mini-guns, grenades, a rocket launcher, flamethrower, and more. Her go to though tends to be her pistols.


      She's highly intelligent and creative in all areas of study but she tends to enjoy technology, inventing, computers, and hacking the most. She's very observant of her surroundings and always is on the ready. She's the type to notice a person's presence even if their silent. She was taught hand to hand combat by top tear fighters so she's quite proficient in that. She also has talent in drawing which is very helpful when drawing out plans for her inventions.


      Reading, drawing, tinkering and inventing.


      face claim


    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
    © weldherwings.
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  • dsblIvd.jpg

    Name: Levina Burza

    Nickname: Levie, Levi

    Real Name: Cynthia Fairweather

    Age: 23

    Birthday: April 21st

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Role: Navigator

    Member of the S.S Infinity: Yes

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    About Her

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 118

    Distinguishing Features: Blue hair with Wolf like ears and tail..

    Hobbies: Nature Walks, Gambling, Adventuring

    How did she become a member of the Infinity:
    What was sheer coincidence, happening upon the captain while at port nearly two years ago. Levina happened to be looking for a ship she could join that might accept possible wanted 'fugitives' and the ship so happened to need a navigator.

    Levi is a rather reckless woman. Taking risks tends to bring her a great deal of excitement. It's very hard for her to ever resist a challenge, particularly if goaded into it even if it might be something she has little hopes of actually winning. She can come off a little arrogant, though she tends to be a bit more 'playful' when it comes to this side of her. She can be a bit tomboyish, often finding it easier to hang with the guys. It's not unusual for her to be a bit of a loudmouth when she feels prompted to do so. At the same time, she can also have her moments where her energy can tapper off. A bit less often, it's those moments you might find her relaxing back or even napping, often having a bit more of a thoughtful mindset.

    She can come off a bit airheaded, though Levina herself is a bit smarter then she lets on. When actually able to ease back from acting reckles, she can show a good bit of planning, something that when it comes to navigation she is actually rather tactful when not simply trying to find a 'fun' way to guide the ship. While she doesn't like the idea of being 'sappy' she can be quite caring for those she feels close with, even if she far prefered to hide any sort of affection she feels and can have difficulty even showing it. If pushed enough and someone she cares about is put in danger, she can be quick to have an outburst of anger bringing down her wraith on those that attempt to hurt those she cares about.

    Despite her tough demeanor, Levi does have a rather soft side. She has an innate fear of losing those close to her again, and an even greater fear of being the one to hurt those close to her herself. She often bottles up her feelings to a very unsafe degree being evasive about addressing it to the point it can often show with her lashing out in anger or simply storming off. She does anything she can to hide away her feelings being often evasive if someone tries to get rather personal with her or might attempt to bring up waht she sees as more sensative points to her.

    "Cynthia Fairweather"
    Cynthia was born in what could be best described as 'the middle of nowhere' by most. An island known as Godfrey's Salvation by the locals though by outsiders often refered to as 'Death's Dagger'. The island had become a settlement long ago by a number of people who fleeing several pirates were forced to land. The island itself was even at that point known as a natural disaster due to the constant turbulance and danger attempting to land there. Despite it, a man simply known as Godfrey was able to help steer the ship landing upon it. Expecting a possible long stay, instead the survivors managed to survive off the land in what appeared to be an almost natural paradise, leading to when eventual rescue was had that several had instead opted to live there.

    When Cynthia was growing up, the island itself had advanced to be much more that of a small rural town. A large part of the island remained ripe with wildlife as the people were careful building upon it. At that point trade had become an active import and export from the island with several local delacasies being carefully harvest. The rather rough climate around the island itself a the time had been mostly 'figured out' by the locals with many a talented navigator and helmsman having originated from the region or even those outside having come to train within the region.

    Cynthia grew up a rather normal life over-all. Being the youngest of two siblings with her older brother Dillian being several years older then her. She went to what was effectively a rather small school making a hobby of going on hikes and even going hunting with her brother. She became known as a little bit of a tomboy, having out mostly with other boys with only a few girls around her age. Being a girl in a group of mostly boys, it lead her to become quite an impuslive risk taker, something that on a few occasions would get her into a bit of trouble. She always felt compelled to prove herself often even if the risk was rather pointless.

    It was when she in her teens when things seemed to start to unfold on the island. It seemed Aradia had at some point came into sight of the island finding it the ripe place to set up operations. An area difficult to be navigated into, it was the perfect place for some of their more 'secret operations'. Rumors thought it was meant as perhaps a secure prison. Others thought it to be perhaps a labortory to do shady testing. Whatever the purpose was it was rather clear they intended to take the independant island for their own. At first it's leader and inhabitance had been offered wealth... and when those offers were denied, those much more 'kind' offers began to be made more forceful turned into veiled warnings.

    Still, they did nothing. It seemed as threatening as it could be they had no plans of attacking the island to take it over. That was, until rebel members came to the island. An unknown event at the time, it was only after the government attacked did even word of it come. Threats of surrendering the rebels were made, yet the villagers were all but ignorant of their even existance. Still, despite the claims it was only three days of a stalemate held before the attack began, ravaging the village and all those who lived there.

    She could still recall the day as vague and as horrific as it was. The sight of her parents bloody bodies strewn on the ground. Her brother standing up to protect as soldiers pushed in telling him them to surrender yet clearly him not buying it at all as smoke filled the air, and her last memory being that of the moon, glistening down upon her through a whole in her once ceiling as it felt as if she was stuck in some horrific nightmare... a moment of traquility... and then nothingness.

    Taking to the Skies
    Cynthia had awoken what was several days later. Left on a ship finding herself redressed with her hair having turned a dark blue possesing strangely wolf like ears and a tail Such a strange feeling lingered over her as she felt strange... the tragedy itself only slowly sinking in. The ship itself had managed to escape carrying a small portion of the islands inhabitance. When she had passed out a great feral beast seemed to arrise from the ashes catching the soldiers off guard killing many. It's wrath spreading lightning destroying much around it with the villagers who were capable of using that chance to escape, using their knowledge of the area to slip out to safety. They were on what happened to be only two ships that managed to escape the island theirs being the last one.

    She was quick to try and find her brother only to find out he had been the one to bring her there. After the beast's attack seemed to be halted, her brother had somehow managed to grab her escaping with her getting to the ship just before they left. Her brother seemingly fatally injured offered to help distract the soldiers away to give them a chance to escape promising to try and find his way off the island after. Cynthia all but unconcious at the time covered simply in blankets and covered in blood though seemingly unharmed outside a scar on her side.

    With their village in ruins, the townsfolk's only solution was to spread out and go into hidng. Branded as being rebels, the only thing they could do was lay low having the relative anonymity allowing most to be kept unknown as to not have active bounties upon their heads. Cynthia at the time a young teenager had no one to go with. A few townsfolk offered for her to go with them though she refused. The idea of simply hiding away and having a normal life seemed too far fetched for her. She wanted to see the world... and perhaps find a way in which she might somehow find justice.

    She managed to do just that accidentally stumbling her way into a pirate crew. The crew itself focused itself upon raiding government ships or those shipping from Aradia. Many of those on board had a somewhat similiar dislike towards them leading to a life of what they would considered 'grey' crime. The ship itself went by the nickname "The Shark". It's on the ship Cynthia was taken in as an apprentice Navigator. Having some experinece from her homeland, it felt like the ideal role to get a better understanding of. It's through her time there she learned much of what she knows of navigation beyond simply following her instincts.

    The few years she spent on the ship were over-all interesting ones. She grew to find a connection with her fellow shipmates as she was treated in many ways like a young daughter to many of them. Cynthia even having her education finished being taught by what had been a previous teacher who had joined the ship after having lost his daughter and wife due to an incident. She entered into adulthood becoming a full blooded member of the crew even learning how to fight. While many of their raids were often devoid of bloodshed, there were still engagements where there was fighting making it important for her to learn how to defend herself, something that also pushed her to learn how to utilize her power of electricty better.

    Having grown older and as a way to move on from her past life, Cynthia decided to change her name to Levina Fairweather. A way to seperate her old life from her new one.

    The Next Stage
    A few years had passed as Levina was just in her twenties. Her crews exploits had continued though with a bit more danger. It was apparent the military was far more onto their exploits as they became much more careful in their attacks. Venturing further out to plunder ships further away from Aradia's reaches. Their tactics themselves became much more tactical. Even still, they found themselves in more engagements dealing with the military often resorting to them making an escape. It seemed clear that a change would be needed as their pirating was becoming a much more risky endevor.

    Talks among the crew about joining as part of the rebellion lingered as word of its existance became more prevelent. Still, many stood in opposition of it, with Levi herself being a bit unsure of the resistance given her past in some putting blame for the destruction of her home due to them. Instead, they opted to focus more on smuggling, taking in shipments that might be too difficult to be done discretely delivering goods between areas less guarded by the military with the occasional pirate attack when such an engagement seemed practical without much risk.

    Unfortunately the crews luck could only last so long. What seemed to be a small government ship in distress turned out to be an ambush planted to lure the crew out. The military sprung out of hidiing ambushing the crew. While they fought hard in the end they were rather quickly overpowered with many of the crew killed. Levina herself had managed to get injured with a last ditch effort the crew left managed to fly far off with their damaged ship in a last ditch effort only to crash land leaving only a small handful of people left along with Levina.

    With herself rather badly hurt along with another, they managed to take the two to a village where both were taken in and treated. It was there the remaining crew urged for the two to be taken off the island secretly where the others would 'steal' a small ship as to avoid tying those at the village in with them. Levina never saw the rest of the crew again after that day finding herself sent off elsehwere. It was only then did she find out she happened to have a bounty, her appearance working against her as it seemed somehow the identity of the crew had been found out forcing her to head out attempting to lay low attempting to find another crew to join as a wanted criminal.

    Abilities and Gear

    Metal Spear
    A specialized spear with a rigid metal tip meant to piece through sturdy material. What would be normally wooden shaft is instead made of a light conductive metal to both act to attract and absorb electricity as well as keeping it light enough for the sake of it being used for throwing.

    Lightning Enhancement
    Due to the power of eternum she inherited, she posses a natural connection with electricity and Lightning in particular. She is capable of creating a charge of lightning in her body or on a limb of which she can lash out to strike those who she gets close to. The charge can be used as a consistant source channeled into a weapon or her claws to caused moderate shocking damage. In a more consistant charge of electricity, the range it can 'emit' off her is at most one two two inches, with particularly conductive materials like metal tending to pull some of the charge towards it when nearby.

    When used in a charged form, the power of the attacks greatly increase. It can inflict much greater damage to what is directly struck by the attack. Such a charge also allows for greater range, with the lightning able to be emitted roughly ten feet in range at the greatest, though through the use of metal tools given charge when directed towards such a charge object the range itself can be increased to be nearly 20 feet in range (rounded up). Using this charge she can also use it to propel herself in a single direction with far greater acceleration.

    Electricity in itself remains conductive meaning while Levina has control, it can spark on its own limiting it's general control to materials like metal able to help redirect it, particularly when used in ranged compacity. It's limitation in range very much limits its possibible effective useage. Substances such as a liquid like water can 'dilute' the charge, while not always a negative it can greately reduce its concentraited power when used within it. Due to the intense heat, the lightning does pose a risk of starting a potential fire making it hazardous to use in certain situation of which Levi's usual immunity to her lightning wouldn't help if say it causes a spark that sets of some gas that explodes on her (ouch).

    Animalistic Instinct
    Levi has a strong animalistic. She is far more sensative to changes in her environment giving her far greater awareness to danger. It acts as effectively a 'sixth' sense that goes beyond her other senses. It can allow her to pinpoint a general direction of which danger might be coming from of which her other senses can very quickly kick in to help pinpoint where the disturbance is coming from.

    Her instincts are also very potent when getting a 'feel' for the weather. It can alert her to changes in the environment able to notice problems before they might visually appear. Taking time to to focus in on it, it can help her pinpoint dangerous weather or even natural disasters allowing her to help navigate around it or to avoid it in it's entirity. While a useful ability, it does require her to experience those events to have knowledge of what danger that might be, and given the tendency for such disasters to change and adapt, it doesn't help her tell exactly what it might be like, only making a 'feel' of the situation if it might likely be getting worst or tappering off.

    While her instincts make her very aware of her surroundings, it doesn't make her ominipotent either. Having distractions or an individual who is particularly sneaky might be difficult for her to pick up on unless the danger itself is much more evident. While the feeling gives her vague knowledge of something like danger or perhaps some unknow presence, it's not very percise often only able to get a general feel of a direction of which her senses would be needed to pick up on the exact place of which it might be coming from. Her instincts primarily rely on certain 'tells' meaning it wouldn't be effective on telling if someone is lying or misleading her unless they suddenly act in a suddenly more aggresive manner that might alert her of the danger. While innately useful, in a situation where things might be 'off' even without a direct problem she has to deal with it can lead to mental unease in Levina which can interfer with her mental compacity to think or act.

    Lightning Wolf (Raiju)
    All of Levina's power is in part a consequence of her power connecting to a mythical creature the Raiju. By focusing on building up electricity in her body, Levi will drop onto all fours becoming charged and taking on a much more wolf like aspect. While taking on this stance her powers are greatly increase, making her much more animalistic in nature as well. She comes much more agile and speedy to the point of being able to move around at very quick speeds. Upon charging herself up she can turn into a 'living lightning bolt' able to travel quickly in one direction able to move rather far discharging her energy along the way or into the poor person of whom she collides with on the way. In the case of a lightning storm of general high degree of electricity in the air it only further enhances her condition.

    Taking on the stance does hamper her from using weaponry. While her instincts are heightened, her ability to reason tends to also diminish. She finds it hard to speak often only able to communicate in brief phrases or using scattered words. Given she takes the stance in a storm or given there is a strong electric charge her ability to communicate might be even furhter hampered and she can become much more feral and focused, able to tell friend from foe though can become far more reckless.

    To end her 'form' she needs to discharge the energy built up in her body. Once discharged, her body will experience temporary paralysis which will give way into her being able to move though at a greatly diminsihed degree. The length of this weakened state lasts around as long as she remained in the state to begin with. Should she attempt to take the stance again, beyond the initial pain and a constant discomfort with her muscles she will be able to react, however disengaging from the form will cause her to collapse as she will be in a full state of paralysis that can last several hours with longer durations kept in that state making it worst. A side effect of the form is it provides her body with the ability to regenerate, restoring her body after transforming, although scars or other lingering 'marks' can remain that were inflicted while in her wolf form (though such scars are recovered after transforming again).

    With the full moon a full transformation state can be taken by Levina should she gaze upon it. In that state her body will fully transform into that of a large blue wolf the constantly has electricity cascading from her body. She becomes nothing more then a feral beast able to unleash lightning from her mouth and jump around in a bolt of lightning causing destruction around her. Her ability to tell friend from foe becomes greatly hampered to the point she will tend to lash out on any who might get close or she 'views' as a possible theat. Upon the moon becoming covered by clouds or her being somehow kept out of the moonlight, her form will remain only so long as the electricity charging through her body remains until it wears off (Usually after a few minutes) before she will revert back into her human form and remain unconcious for several hours.

    Levi keeps herself physically fit being quite active. She seems to innately have a degree of skill as well being quite flexible and nimble.

    While her instincts have lended her well to being rather good at navigating around dangerous weather or condiitions, Levina has had been trained more formally with how to navigate. She can plot charts and do aspects expected of a typical navigator to handle.

    Heightened Senses (Hearing + Smell)
    Due to the animalistic characteristics Levina developed due to her powers, she has gained much more heightened senses. While it has made her particularly perceptive over-all, her senses of Sound and Smell have become particularly amplified beyond what a normal human is capable of. She is much more sensative to sound to the point of being able to hear things that might be typically inaudible normally to humans. Her sense of smell itself can be used much like that of a dog to smell out particular scents being able to pick them up uniquely.

    While these heightened senses do particularly benefit her generally, they do also have some negative side effects. Her particularly sensative hearing makes her more susceptible to certain loud sounds, while her sensative nose can very much take in certain strong odors to a degree that can negatively effect her much more harshly such as dangerous chemicals.

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Serina Greene

  • h.png




    Member of the S.S Infinity:
    Yes, though she practically intimidated her way aboard the ship as a scout. "Give me a job old man, or I'll set yur ship on fire."

    Distinguishing Features:
    Bethany's most notable features would be her miscolored eyes, her left eye is bright red while her right is a soothing hazel brown.


    Height: 5'7

    Weight: 140lbs​

Gaberial De'Sardet

  • 32649b9847d39897af6c849aef608f34.jpg





    Member of the S.S Infinity:
    Yes. After meeting Captain Edward when their ship had docked for supplies they spoke to one another. Before he knew it Gaberial was brought along into the crew.

    Distinguishing Features:
    Gaberial's most notable features would be his long fiery red hair and his crimson eyes. Along with natural features, Gaberial's attire is usually expensive and well-tailored clothing, making him stick out like a sore thumb in low-class environments.


    Height: 6'1ft

    Weight: 195 lbs​
Quartermaster / Captain
  • Strength
    Combat Ability
    As long as I draw breath, I will never fall.
    Jin Aethor
    Standing at a full height of 6'2'', Jin's physical build is lean and athletic, although not overly muscular. Unlike ordinary humans, he has a pair of cat-like ears and a tail that match his hair color; white except for the fact that both his ears as well as his tail are spotted like that of a spotted snow leopard. Under his shirt, his entire torso and back are covered in scars that appear to be due to a mixture between surgical tools, claw marks, bullet wounds, and other torture devices. The largest scar on his body is in the center of his chest which appears to be a scar of what looked like a giant gash, almost as though his chest had been ripped open.
    Those who are first meeting Jin could easily assume that he's an antisocial individual who tends to give people the cold shoulder more often than not. However, truthfully, he tends to be a much nicer person once someone gets to know him. While he may not respond at times, he is more than willing to help those in need silently rather than openly say something regarding it. The only people that Jin is open to speaking with are the rest of the crew of the S.S. Infinity as he considers them the only family he truly has left. It is uncommon to find Jin actually angered when it comes to situations that involve himself as the main target, although when it comes to anyone on the crew being harmed or targeted, children, or worse of all his little sisters than his demeanor tends to change to that of a monster who would tend not to show mercy towards harming anyone.

    Even with his seemingly cold attitude towards others, Jin has a rather soft spot when it comes to children and small animals. When spending time with either a group of children or animals, those who observe him can clearly see that the Jin that they once knew almost seems to be a completely different person from what they might see before them.
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