• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern C H A O S

And now it's time for my favorite part... Character creation! Alright, here's what you need. Do note that if you add in the optional parts, and do some BBCode, it will definitely increase your chance of acceptance.


Make sure you use anime/drawn faceclaims, there will be no exceptions for this rule.







Sexual Orientation:


*Blood Type:




Hair Color:

Eye Color:


*Overall Description:






Personality: (2+ Paragraphs)


Biography: (2+ Paragraphs)

Family: (Include if they're alive or deceased, even if your character doesn't know it yet.)


*Theme Song:


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Haruka Senji






14th February


Cisgender Female; She/Her


Bisexual Demiromantic


The Gamer









5'8" (173 cm)


132 lbs. (59.87 kg)


Natural - Black

Dyed - Stark White


Bright Red


Ghostly Pale



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Rei Aono | 青野 王

r e q u i s i t e


Name: Rei Aono | 青野 王

Nickname: Four Eyes

Age: Eighteen

Birthday: January 2nd - Capricorn

Gender: Cismale (he/him/his)

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual, but loves books more than people

Role: The Brain

Blood Type: O

a p p e a r a n c e


Height: 6’0”

Weight: 157 lbs

Hair Color: Originally Black ; Dyed Navy

Eye Color: Purple

Complexion: Fair skin that usually burns, then tans

p e r s o n a



Reading , Planning , Being Busy , Manga , Perfection


Immaturity , Time Wasters , Dirty Rooms , Someone Touching His Glasses , Loud Noise


Being Puked on , Getting bitten , A failed plan


Working well under pressure, piano, violin, writing fast, and is secretly flexible


Rei is a pretty cool guy to hang around...if you want to hear about theories and book summaries all day. Thankfully, he’s not particularly boring. He can make conversation go from three minutes to three hours. Unfortunately, Rei can come off a bit bossy and sassy. When someone makes a shot at him, he’s fire when it comes to comebacks. Sometimes he can speak to you in a condescending tone if you don’t understand what he said the first time. He’s known for being harshly sarcastic and due to his stoic tone of voice, nobody really knows if he’s serious or not. However, he’s great at coming up with a plan and steers people from a bad situation. If you’re his friend then he will remain loyal to you in the end.

h i s t o r y

hometown ;; Tokyo, Japan - current location ;; Jindai Academy

Rei never really knew his parents growing up. The only thing he held dear to him was the fact that they wanted him to becomes the best he could be. Since the married couple was always away on business trips, he was raised by his older sister. The only problem living with her was she loved to party. Sometimes, she would come home drunk and Rei would have to take care of her until she’s better again. Knowing that his sister would never be responsible, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Rei always loved to read on his free time. He would read books over how to become successful and excel in life just like his parents. He wanted to travel the world, settle down, and have a family to spend time with...unlike his parents. Putting it frankly, home life was pretty boring for Rei because of the lack of activity. To defeat the purpose of that, he decided to join a lot of clubs at his high school.

Newspaper club, debate club, swimming club, etc. You’d think that doing all of these things would be...exhausting, but Rei is determined to become someone greater than his parents. Someone who is able to overcome anything and would still keep going.

Thankfully, school life is pretty busy for Rei. He’s made a lot of friends with all of the clubs he’s joined, but he’s used to being alone. It’s almost like he doesn’t want anything to do with his friends. However, that’s never the case. He just wants to take a breather sometimes to let his mind rest. If not, then he’d go crazy.


Aono Yumi (Sister - 23 )

Aono Aya (Mother - 49 )

Aono Ryota (Father - 50 )

o t h e r / e x t r a


Theme Song: [media]

Random Facts:

Rei is both handed

After school, Rei likes to take long runs on the school track. However, its more for endurance than strength.

Rei is a strict vegan

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Name: Alistair Damon

Age: 18

Birthday: December 15th

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Role: The Royal

Blood Type: AB

Height: 5'11

Weight: 160 lbs.

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Silver

Complexion: Pale

Likes: Being in control, manipulating others.

Dislikes: People challenging his authority

Fears: Others discovering how sensitive he actually is.

Talents: Trained in all kinds of sports, giving him utmost mobility.

Personality: Alistair is very much the condescending type of person. He's very guarded and closed off, preferring to keep his distance from others so they won't ever get to see what's going on inside his head. Internally, he's a very broken boy. Tortured by his brother in his youth, Alistair doesn't trust easily and certainly won't be opening up to anyone anytime soon.

Once you crack his tough outer shell, you'll see he's actually really soft and breakable on the inside. Worn down and weary from his years of torture, when pushed to extremes he has a habit of breaking down, but will never weep openly. Often, just before he breaks, he'll get aggressive and confrontational, opting to scare off whomever's doing the cracking rather than letting them in. This, obviously, leads him to have little to no friends.

Biography: Anne and Mort, after having Octavius, were unable to conceive a second son, thus leading to them to adopt Alistair. Alistair's name wasn't initially Alistair, but he was too young to even remember his name when he was adopted. His birth parents were apparently drug addicts, causing child protective services to remove him from the home when he was an infant.

Alistair's adoptive mother and father doted on him very much, to his older brother's dismay. This caused Octavius to eventually resent Alistair completely, and when their parents were away on month long business trips, Octavius would often subject Alistair to his 'games', like locking him in the closet for hours on end or pushing him into the lake in the middle of winter when Alistair couldn't swim. Despite the many scoldings Octavius received, he never let up.

The family company is a medicinal manufacturing and distribution company, grossing millions of dollars a year, leading the Damon family to be very rich. When Alistair was fifteen, his parents sent him off to high school in Japan as a way of expanding his horizons, and partly due to his older brother running the family company's Japan branch. Alistair's parents died in a plane crash a year before the zombies showed up, causing his brother to transfer back to the US in order to run the company.

Family: Mother - Anne Damon - Deceased

Father - Mortus "Mort" Damon - Deceased

Brothers - Octavius Damon - Eldest - Alive
Theme Song:


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Basic Stuff

Name: Katsu Yomiel Takeshi

*Nickname: Kakashi




Sexual Orientation: Straight


*Blood Type:

"What are you lookin' at?"


Height:5.6 Ft.

Weight: I dunno, Around 50 Kg?

Hair Color: Grey

Eye Color: Blue

Complexion: Light Brown

*Overall Description:

"How i act is none of your business."


Likes: Manga,Mangoes,Calm Anime Music, Vocaloids, Kendo, His Friends

Dislikes: Those who dare disrupt his peace and his Friends.

*Fears: Yuuko's Life Ending.

Talents: Surprisingly, It's Drawing. It's the only other thing that keeps him calm other than music. Also, Kendo


Katsu is usually the odd one out of the family, usually the one who's Lazy and doesn't give a crap in the world. however, he spends his time practicing swordplay and Reading Manga. In school, he preferred to be alone, intimidating to those who haven't befriended him. Yep that's right, he could be befriended. He is that kind, caring and Protective kind of Guy when it comes to friends. Katsu has a very low sense of humor. Either most of them come out as a bad joke or a perverted one.

However, who told you that Katsu was a nice guy? When he finds people who try and harm any of his friends, he wouldn't hesitate to beat the living hell out of them. If there's anyone whom he cares the most, is his best friend Yuuko Nanami and his sister, Erika Takeshi. Overall, he is very Nice to those he cares about and Dangerous to those he hate. Katsu wouldn't give a crap about love, since he thinks it'll end up what happened to their parent. If you ask him who Katsu likes, he'll say two words.


"Why would you like to know my past?"


Biography: Born in a family which is overall an Average one. He was born after his Father had gained a higher position in his job. In his younger days, he was naive like any other child. Thinking that everyone could be if they just tried. When Katsu was 5 years old, is when Erika was born. Everything went like normal there. When Katsu was 10, he started to go out more and saw the world's flaws and mistakes.That's when he first started beating up children who tries to bully the weak. When Katsu was in Middle school is when he met Yuuko; A Joyful and bubbly girl who is the very first friend he had, and one of the children he saved. He still retained his intimidating image while being friends with Yuuko. When Katsu Graduated Middle school, Their Father Died in a car accident. So their mother had to go away to find a job in the west, which made Yosuke in charge.

When Katsu entered Highschool, that's when his energy started to decrease. He became more Nihlistic, wishing that something. . .No, Someone could save him from his suffering of his parents being gone. Surprisingly, he was popular at school. Always known as Kakashi, the school's Guardian. It's because he'd always beat up Muggers who happened to target the students of the school and the School itself. Let's say they're still in the hospital until now. Katsu just wishes for a peaceful life, free from the world's troubles.


Erika Takeshi-Little Sister(Age:12)

Julia Takeshi-Mother *Away*

Jotaro Takehsi-Father *Desceased*

Yosuke Takeshi-Older Brother(Age:22)

"Fine, have a listen to my favorite song or something."

*Theme Song:



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ebf89b2a4856c5cb02ac05be75187fd9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ebf89b2a4856c5cb02ac05be75187fd9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> no slide​
no slide

Height:6ft 8in


Hair color:brown

Eyecolor:blueish green

Complexion:beach tan


Likes:lifting weights,eating,old music,swinming,boxing,turtles,and girls

Dislikes:sitting around,homework,schoolwork, Whiney people,cinnamon

Fears:grizzly bears.

Talents:extreme strength and endurance,great boxer everyone sees him going pro

Personality:Big Al is like that one awesome big brother who lets you play with his video games,and actually teaches you how to use them.hes a big softie always trying to be the best guy he can. He is often times airheaded and at best a D student. but he is very passionate about his physique maintaining a struck diet. He's a romantic kind of guy and really old fashioned,holding the door for a lady,pulling out her chair so she can sit,etc.

he currently lives alone having just moved out of his parents house.

His fear of grizzly bears is a borderline obsession.

Background:Big Al was never anything but Big.hes always been the tallest heaviest kid around,but he's never been a bully.he worries more about friends than school and his dream is to become the super-heavyweight champion of the world. he might not be very smart but you don't need to be when you hit like a truck. He's broken records clocking in a 4000psi punch(that's a little more than the worlds hardest kick) .having just signed a contract with a manager to start his professional career he is finishing his last year of high school finally living alone. But he does have a criminal record...a single charge

Manslaughter. His father used to drink a lot and he'd get very angry and Alec was the initial target but when his father couldn't hurt him anymore he turned on Alec's mom...Alec lost it. He kicked his father through the front door and beat his old man to death on the front lawn. It was witnessed by several neighbors and spread like wildfire.His father was a big man like him...and he died in two punches.

Family: Mother:Alice McGrath(on bad terms with Alec)

Father:Cole McGrath(deceased...)


Theme song:[media]


This is the song he plans to use when he enters the ring



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.....Nope. Nope, I'm totally not going there. Bye, it was nice to meet you all!


Name: Ikkairo Fellar - Ikku


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual whit small love for dicks.

Role: Joker


Height: 180cm

Weight: 70kg

Hair Color: reddish - ginger

Eye Color: brown







-Being really salty



-Being in center of a drama

-coffee withdraw

-public talking

-leading anything


-cuddly feelings, as in if someone tries to be serious and talk about feelings.


He himself says he's great at sassing everyone else. Honestly, he has great memory and usually writes everything down. Great whit kids.

Personality: (2+ Paragraphs)

Ikku has weak spot for children and babies. Other than that he only jokes around and does pranks to anyone else. Think he's funny, or at least tries to be. Friendly and gets along almost whit everyone but teachers - surprise, surprise, teachers hate him. Reason being that he really won't listen them.


Biography: Half Irish, Half Japanese. Have been in japan (is this in Japan, right?) About five years. Not that good at it, to be honest. Her mother is Japanese, and after her getting very ill, the family moved back in japan.

Family: Mom - bedridden, Dad - alcoholic asshole, two years old sister. Mom is probably dead - by her husbands paranoia - and his father has fortified their house and stays there whit his girl. Jailie (Ikku's sister) is still alive, but who knows how long because Their dad isn't the best dad of a year.

Ikkus main goal is to safe his sister.




Utter WIP

Sorry for it

(. - .)

"I ain't a good guy, and it's better that way."

Black, Kaito

Age Seventeen


Pansexual Heteromantic

The "Badass"

February 21th

AB -

Lets watch it burn,

Lets watch it burn,

Lets watch the city burn the world,


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The Sissy

Kyoko Binyamin

Name: Kyoko Binyamin

Nickname: Yoko

Age: 18

Birthday: December 24th

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Role: Sissy

Blood Type: O-


Height: 5'5

Weight: 125

Hair Color: Dark Purple

Eye Color: Grey-Purple

Complexion: Slightly Pale

Overall Description: Kyoko has long, choppy, dark purple hair and lighter, greyish-purple eyes. There is a beauty mark under her left eye's corner. She stands around 5'5, slightly taller than some of her classmates.

no slide no slide
I want to disappear


+ Sweets

+ Someone who doesn't mind her being there

+ 8 Ball

+ Luck

+ Cheering People On


- Overly Sour Foods

- Poor Health Decisions

- Being Yelled at

- Overlapping Sounds

- Wrongly Directed Insults


- Being Left Alone

- Heights

- Passing Out

- Being in a Coma

- The Number 13

- The Number 666

- Getting beaten with Stones

- Burning Alive

- Falling Off Roller Coasters

- Flicking Lights

- Cockroaches

- Lightning

- Thunder

- Drowning

- Losing her volunteer privileges at the hospital

- Blood

- Going Insane

- Drinking

- Smoking

- Being Laughed At

- Being Ignored

- Of having too many fears


- Diagnosis

- Treatment

- Seeing through 'Poker Faces'

- Geography


Kyoko suffers from extremely low self-esteem - something that she has been working on by herself. She is easily intimidated to the point of tears, apologizes a lot and when nervous or startled, and stutters over words. She constantly worries about bothering, boring, or offending others, even going as far to ask others whether it would be alright to remember their names. She is very skilled at reading people's faces, but she overanalyzes them and is quick to conclude that she is disliked by those around her.

Despite this, she actually likes bullies - not to say that she is a masochist - closer to the idea that it is better to be badly abused than to be ignored thoroughly. This frame of thinking prohibits herself from telling others since she doesn't enjoy the prospect of being alone - even more than the possibility of getting hurt and wounded.

Yoko, although knowing a great deal of medicine and science, is also quite superstitious. This going as far as having fears related to two numbers, not wanting to see or hear those numbers. If that does happen she would probably cowardly curl herself in a fetal position.

In other news, this sack of fears and tears is also rather curious. Even if she tries not to leak that out, not that it is bad - it is closer to that she doesn't want to end up causing others discomfort by the questions that she asks. Not that they are uncomfortable most of the time anyways, but her overthinking nature doesn't 'allow' her to even consider that.

You want to explain


Kyoko was born in a family of five...thousand. Of course, not her biological family (although some are), she was born in Watashitachi no wasure rareta kibō Orphanage. However, unlike the majority of the people staying in the orphanage, she wasn't an orphan. Her parents were the co-founders of the orphanage and were responsible for taking care of the legal matters of having the orphanage.

When she was born it seems that they had made a promise not to treat her differently than any of their own 'children'. And the two definitely followed through, a bit too well to be honest. The two parents and co-founders ended up orphanizing their own child. Yoko noticed this when she was around five, however, she mistook it that her mother and father were simply ignoring her rather than not trying to pick her out of the group. It was an odd feeling, her face seemed normal she was smiling like any of the other orphans who were playing at that age, but tears were rolling down her face when she made that incorrect answer to why they weren't talking to her as much as a parent should. She calmed herself down but that thought became implanted and soon took the place as her 'core memory' from that time period.

As time moved on, Kyoko spent more and more time in the infirmary. Not that she was hurt, actually... she was hurt most of the time - mainly by the other orphans - she didn't blame them. She knew that she didn't fit in, she wasn't an orphan nor was she a daughter. While in the infirmary Kyoko had made 'friends' or at least what she thought was friends with the nurses. They used to talk rather often, in fact on her free time she usually met up with them. Of course, this golden era didn't last long. The majority of the nurses were volunteers from High School or College, after the summer that she had met them they had left because their hours were 'up'. This resulted in her fear of being abandoned/left alone by others.

When she was fifteen going into her first year of High school she managed to get herself some friends, actual friends not the volunteers that were there only because they had to get their hours in. Kyoko was actually a little confused but happy during those times. She was confused since she was 'too used' to being bullied at this point that she didn't understand why people were being so nice to her. She still does but it she is starting to get used to it.


Purotekutā Binyamin - Father - 54 - Deceased

Nise Binyamin - Mother - 54 - Deceased
But I am only human


"S-sorry! Please forgive me for existing"

“It's too much for me... If I'm alone...I'll go crazy...”

“If it's not too much trouble for you, I would like to...talk to you again."

"..I just get so very very happy when people start talking to me... Until now... everyone always either thought I was gross or simply hated me...”

"S-sorry, f-forgive me for being useless!!"

"D-don't ignore me, d-do you want to hit me, hurt me? Please don't ignore me..."

"Why a-are you being so nice... I-I d-don't understand.."


{Might have Dependent Personality Disorder}

{Is registered at Hope's Peak Hospital (>->)
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The Sissy


Name: Natsuki Chiba

*Nickname: Tsuki

Age: 17

*Birthday: 18th September

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Role: The Sissy


Height: 5'3" (160 cm)

Weight: 55 kg

Hair Color: Raven Black

Eye Color:Gray

Complexion: Normal

*Overall Description:

Likes: Music, playing music, reading, flower's scent

Dislikes: dark, insects, pain, public speaking

*Fears: same as dislikes

Talents: Good singing voice, logic thinker, common sense, hard worker

Personality: Tsuki is a very normal girl, that means she get what people often overlook, it's common sense. She believes that anything can be achieved through hard work and always choose to deal with her problem head on. She spends most of her times with her friend and always be the one to hold them back from doing stupid things. Friendly, kind with her friends but she become very shy when have to deal with a crowd, public speaking.

Tsuki can be stubborn or hot head at times, but actually, she is a scaredy cat, afraid of many things like dark, insect, scary noise, blood, pain... Because of that, she often being treated as just a crybaby, but her common sense can save others from time to time from doing something stupid, given that she hadn't frozen in one place out of fear

Biography: She has a rather normal and quiet youth, spent most of her times with friends. Due to to her friendly personality, she got quite a lot of friends in high school, but she was never a popular one but rather a background and happy with her role to encourage and help others while leading a carefree life.


Rikuto Chiba - Father (Alive)

Hoshiko Chiba - Mother (Alive)

Hina Chiba - Younger Sister (Alive)

*Theme Song:


Ren Kita ~ The Druggie


  • Name: Ren Kita

    Age: Sixteen

    Birthday: 9th December

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Role: The Druggie

    Blood Type: A



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Kimi ? Matsuno

Full Name: Kimi Matsuno

Age: 18

Birth date: September 24th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: The Royal

Blood Type: O




Height: 5'6" (167 cm)

Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)

Eye Colour: Midnight purple

Hair colour: Dark blonde but also a bit of a cream colour

Complexion: A bit pale

Detailed Appearance WIP






Other: N/A

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Name: Daichi Arakida

Nickname: "Dai"'

Age: sixteen

Birthday: april 23
Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: demiromantic

Role: the brawn

Blood type: AB +
Height: 5"7

Weight: 134 lbs

Hair Color: honey-brown

Eye Color: hazel

Complexion: tan

Overall Description: Rarely if ever does Daichi smile - so few people are even able to illicit such an unguarded expression to his lips. But those who have seen it can testify to it being one of his most charming expressions. Above all things Daichi is known for looking unfriendly - he encourages the fear his name merits. His features are a mix of Japanese and Italian, an imperfect mix that resulted in the Asian eyes and the European complexion that makes him stand out more often then it merits compliments. Despite his possession of an atypical strength, he's really not particularly muscular in any uncommon way that's distuinguishable unless he were to keep his arms bare for all to see at all times. His hair is done rather, what he (and his friends) would call stylishly, accompanying this are both of his ears being pierced.


- music

- the color of the sky

- effortless aesthetics

- staring

- country music

- cats

- sarcasm

- feeling inferior


- voice

- making a racket

- intimidation factor

- offense

- cats

- cats

- water

- and cats

Personality: Daichi harbors an extremely large amount of anger at the world and particularly the people that brought him into it. This anger is often communicated as he lacks control over his temper, and can quite easily be goaded into losing control over his emotions. Accompanying this is quite the inferiority complex when it comes to anyone who seems to possess of more in terms of materialistically or intelligently. He doesn't think himself smart enough or kind enough to be considered "likeable" to anyone, really, so he compensates for this by trying to fit the light with which he's painted in the school. It's not hard, given that it doesn't take long to make Daichi loose total control over his emotions, and due to this he gets in quite a few fights with others. He has yet to realize that not all of life's problems can be solved with his fists. FONT=Crimson Text]
Background: His whole life, Daichi has been nothing short of defenseless to the domineering forces that ruled his life. Born into a large, lower-class family the youngest of eight brothers, he quickly became the object of there ire. This dislike might've had a lot to do with the fact that Daichi was so similar in appearance to the father that abandoned the family upon Daichi's birth. They had nothing, they would be nothing - it's what they truly believed, and Daichi with his big dreams and "I can's" simply rubbed them all the wrong way.

The blows were more physical then mental, though that's not to say they didn't call him names as they shoved and kicked him around. Daichi's mother was really no defense - she seemed to relish his pleas for her help, telling him simply to "grow-up". Her abuse was more mental - she convinced Daichi that he was weak, that the only reason he his brothers abused him was because they wanted him to stronger.

Even now Daichi is internally convinced of his possessing of such weakness. Being in constant company with these obstacles lowered the boy's self-esteem significantly, though it could be arguably good as it is what led him to adapt to his circumstances entirely and become a totally new person. From nine-years-old Daichi became obsessed with being the strongest, so obsessed with this idea that school, his grades,
his old dreams no longer seemed important next to meeting this goal.

He got into street-fighting, garnered enough underground fame and involuntarily immersed himself in the underworld of gangs and drugs not even his brothers wished to be a part of. It's only recently that Daichi begin to see the path his life was going on was a course that would result in nothing but trouble, and veered back onto do-right path that required his not skipping school.

Mother (Sakura Arakida) - Dead

Father (??) - Alive
Toshio Arakida - Deceased

Naoiki Arakida - Deceased

Sora Arakida - Incapitated

Reiji Arakida - Alive

Yuri Arakida - Deceased

Hiroshi Arakida - Deceased

Eiji Arakida - Alive

Daiki Arakida - Alive
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