By Our Fists, We Are Exalted (Need some interest)

I shall play a character that, despite being born without the sense of smell, trains his other four senses to such refined perfection to eventually become a fearsome warrior.
Okay, you've got me hooked.

I'm thinking of a character who's the son of a snow goddess who combines fighting with a staff with ice skating.
Here is what I have so far for Kyros's character sheet and some questions for you all mighty and powerful ST :D .


Str xxx

De xxxx

Sta xx


Per xxx

Int xx

Wit xxx


Cha xx

Man xx

App xx


Martial arts* xxx

melee xx


War x

Athletics xx

Awareness xx




Integrity xx

Performance xx


Resistance xx

Survival x



Ride x


Socialize xx



Lore x

Medicine x



Sifu: 3

Ally 3 (Rich half older brother)


Compassion XX

Conviction X

Temperance XXX

Valor XXX




Essence 1

WP: 6

Pool: 26

BP: 21

I haven't spent the bonus points until I clear some merits/flaws and mutations with you.


Heirloom for his bokken to make it special

Favored weapon Bokken

Quick draw


Oath: Spend 1 hour in wandering meditation each day

Oath: Never use a weapon made of steel

Oath: never kill

Oath: Always offer enemy a chance to yield


Healing factor

Perfect Healing factor

Elemental rejuvenation

God body
At the moment, I'm working up a former(now more or less reformed)syndicate enforcer turned gladiator. Likely a God-Blood. I've got most of the sheet written up and I have a good idea for a writing sample. I just want to let it finish congealing in my brain before I sit down and write it.

That being said, I doubt many violent crime syndicates would just be willing to let you walk. I'm thinking an Obligation("Yeah, we'll let you out... but you gotta do one last job for us!") or Enemy("You want out? The only way out is into the grave!") flaw would be appropriate. What say you, Storyteller?
Time to answer questions:


-Merits are A-Ok there.

-Your Flaws and Mutations have not been done right. For a start, you've not said how strong you think the oaths are. For another, you've not said what they apply to, or at least what you want them to, so that, if you break them, I can enforce the penalty. Finally, you've not justified your mutations so I have no reason to okay them.


I like the concept. Love it, in fact, if you can make it sound good. Both are acceptable but I'd prefer Obligation to Enemy. As a note, if you fail your Obligation, you will not lose the BP, merely gain sufficient Enemy levels to replace it. I will also need to stamp my OK on your Obligation.

You've got a lot of potential in this idea.
Hm, it seems I have absolutely no need for any of my Background dots. Just a single possession, which I would really rather Heirloom because it actually is inherited in the backstory (a pair of Iron Boots, preferably of high quality). Any way I can trade them in for something, or should I just leave them out?
Ach forgot to say, I'm gonna need some time to properly build a character, mainly because I have many things to do on this board between game reloading pc rebuilding and of course that damn Mandate of Heaven mod... so please don't wait for me to start this thing... though I'm not against popping up once the game has started.

Cool things about martial artists is that they often run into one another even with a world as huge as Creation :wink:

and... tis okay if I affiliate my character with a MA society such as the Temple of the Violet Lotus ? (in which case I'd need approval / ST details for several points on the bg for this temple, mainly location, masters, allies etc etc).

Also, I have written a new background: Master, to be a mix between Sifu and Mentor (which are unadapted to a decent MA game).

Here's what I had back then.

New Background : Master
In this game, the Master Background will represent a combination between Mentor and Sifu, so for the same character you just need to spend x BP to represent his influence, personal power, and teachings.

You may have another Mentor apart from your Master (in case he's another MAist, he will be a second Master), teaching you different things, and not necessarily martial arts.

°: your master is a bit more powerful and wordly than yourself, he could be the famous student of an elder master who has opened a popular dojo. (in terms of game, a local spirit ess 2/3, exalt ess 3/4).

°°: your master is a figure of some note, or a famous master who has little time for your character. (a spirit ess 3/4, an exalt ess 4/5, Terrestrial master who can learn and teach CMA fall into that description)

°°°: your master is wise, respected and influential as well as considerably more powerful than yourself (a spirit ess 4/5, an exalt ess 5/6 elder Terrestrials knowing various CMA fall into that description).

°°°°: your master is exceedingly important and his words and deeds could shape the face of the martial arts world. (a spirit ess 5/6, celestial exalts ess 6/7, old lunars and most sidereals masters fall under that description).

°°°°°: your master is exceedingly powerful and takes great interest in both your instruction and your person (a spirit ess 6+, elder exalts ess 7+, anything you want, ranging from Ma Ha Suchi to a deathlord to a Yozi, the Green Lady etc ... )

Note: you need to have a master to learn MA charms unless you have some other means (holograms, scrolls, artifacts etc...)
Of course it's easily adaptable to the power scale required in your game.

I wanted to clear them with you to see what your input for them would be, since it is your campaign I didn't want to take liberties and say what BP the oaths would be or whether the mutations would even be allowed in your game.

So my questions were actually what cost would you assign, and if you would allow those mutations? Thank you for your response so far tho :D .
Unfortunately, due to rising work loads, I will be withdrawing my interest for this game (looks like you all will be alright without me though :) )

I will probably try to follow along with it once it starts though, as it still sounds pretty cool.
@Therealbrickwall: If you've got too many background dots, convert them into Resources or Reputation or Face or what have you. If I let you trade background dots for other things, it'd be a touch unbalanced.

@cyl: Sifu is just a specific kind of Mentor. There's no need for that background.

For the record, you will probably get a good chance to find a Mentor/Sifu in game. Several, in fact. This IS a Martial Arts game, after all.

As for an organization, PM me the details of what you want and I'll work on it. Extra love if you mention Pai Sho tablets in some way.


-Meditation is a Minor Oath

-No steel weapons is a Moderate Oath

-Never take a life is a Legendary Oath

-Always offer a chance for surrender is a Moderate Oath

As a note, you can only have 7 points worth of Negative Flaws. Any more than that and you get no bonus BP.

Also, all your mutations would give you a SERIOUS benefit over other characters and you'd need to really convince me as to why to give them to you. I am honestly more inclined to give you ONE of these, with the more powerful ones being more likely as you can have a more epic reason attached to them. Impress me enough and I'll be inclined to let you take it.

I had some interest in this game but had a quick question I hope could be cleared up: Is inheritance allowed?

I understand if it isn't, I know I would probably not allow it as an ST. But, I thought i should at least ask, as it fits the concept I had in mind (being the son of a lesser elemental dragon who has been promoted to a heavenly position).

Additionally, it sounded like you want to limit merits and positive mutations. Is there a specific cap I should aim to stay under? I was considering between 7 and 14 points being spent in this area currently.
I've already said Inheritance is not allowed. If I wanted to give you it, I would.

As for limiting mutations/merits, you can take as many mortal merits as you like (the ones from Scroll of Heroes that are BEFORE the section about Blessed Races/God-Blooded). Taking mutations, positive or negative, or flaws, on the other hand, are limited because it's very easy to muck things up that way.

You can take mortal merits without asking. Flaws or mutations require special permission.
After I get the ok's on these I'll finish up the background, and I might change his avatar a bit as well and also will we know if we get extra bonus points if we are accepted or will you tell us so we can add before then?

These oaths are sent to his mother as a way to bring him closer to her, and give her a way to monitor him if he falters.

Wandering Meditation (minor)

If he forgets to do so he becomes more drawn to the will of the winds. Each day he does it he needs to roll conviction, a failure means he will spend until the next sunrise wandering the direction of the wind until he can regain his focus.

No steel weapons (moderate)

If he does so he loses harmony with his Bokken and can not bring himself to draw it until spending adequate time to regain harmony (at the GMs discretion)

Always offer enemy a chance to surrender (Moderate) Failure to do so leads the character to waiver in his personal strength. If he ever fails to offer an enemy a chance to surrender before knocking him unconscious (or worst) he rolls Valor and a success means he feels the cowardice of his action. Until he finds a way to show his courage again he is unable to draw a weapon against another person.

Elemental Rejuvination: I was thinking of it as being the only thing that he feels connects him to his goddess mother, he doesn't feel like he gained any natural abilities as he always seemed smaller than other boys, and wasn't as strong growing up. His skin is tinted white, and his lips are blue, his eyes seem to swirl with a storm, his emotions are always therefore carried in his eyes. His hair seems to always be swaying even when there is no wind. These things caused him to be an outcast as a child, and even his mortal mother wanted nothing to do with him sending him away when he was 8. The rejuvenation is one of the only things that has kept him alive, as an inherent understanding helped him recover from the beatings his mother and the other children gave him. When he left it was able to help keep him alive until he came across his Sifu.
Okay, here's my character sheet with appearance, personality and background. I didn't add the BP from the Obligation flaw because I wanted to get your approval on it first. Writing sample forthcoming.

Name: Blue Keshta

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 133 lbs

Type: God-Blood (Water Elemental)

Motivation: Make amends for her criminal past.

Dodge DV: 5

Parry DV: 6(Cestus), 4(Boots)

Dodge MDV: 4

Parry MDV: 2

Punch(Cestus): Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 6, Defense +3, Rate 3. Tags: M.

Kick(Iron Boots): Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 9, Defense -3, Rate 2. Tags: M.

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 3, Defense +2, Rate 3. Tags: N.

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 6, Defense -2, Rate 2. Tags: N.

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 3, Defense (NA), Rate 1. Tags: C, N, P.



STR ooo

DEX oooo

STA ooo

CHA oo

MAN oo

APP oo

PER ooo

INT oo

WIT ooo




*Martial Arts ooooo




Integrity ooo


Presence oo

Resistance ooo




Lore o

Medicine o


Athletics ooo

Awareness ooo

*Dodge ooooo

Larceny o

Stealth oo


Linguistics oo



Socialize o



Resources ooo

Sifu o(First Pulse Style)

Contacts oo




Third Martial Arts Excellency



Essence: 1

Personal Essence: 26

Willpower: 6



Compassion o

Conviction ooo

Temperance oo

Valor ooo



Innocent people(Positive)



-0 []

-1 [][]

-2 [][]

-4 []

I []



Obligation (3 BP) - Owed to the Eagle Clan, a powerful crime syndicate headquartered in Nexus for teaching her their

styles and giving her a good introduction to the gladiatorial scene when she "retired".

They occasionally call upon her for bodyguard duty or collecting payment from a debtor who's

fallen behind on payments. These jobs seldom require anything more than a stern glare and

harsh words. Perhaps a bit of roughing up now and again. However, it was made very clear to

her when she left that one day she will be ordered to kill one last time before her debt is

considered paid in full.

Bonus Points 21(0)


Third Martial Arts Excellency(7 points)

Martial Arts +2(2 points)

Dodge +2(2 points)

Athletics +1(2 points)

Awareness +1(2 points)

Dexterity +1(4 points)

Integrity +1(2 points)



Keshta was born the the daughter of a water elemental named Blue Deep Darkness and a mortal woman of the Eagle

Clan crime family. The head of the Eagle Clan, an Air aspected Dragon Blood known as Black Eagle had long encouraged

his mortal clansmen to produce children with lesser gods and elementals in order to produce god-bloods to swell the

ranks of the clan with essence wielders who could learn terrestrial martial arts and sorcery. In this manner he sought

to produce a large number of loyal soldiers who were much stronger than the average mortal, but still too weak to

challenge his authority. Keshta's upbringing was typical of a God-Blood of the Eagle Clan.

Keshta barely knew her father. She was raised by her mother with the assistance of other clansmen. While she lacked

for no necessities she had little time for anything but training in the art of fighting and the laws and rules of

behavior the Clan. She was taught to respect strength above all else, because without strength one has no power to

achieve victory. After strength, she was taught to respect Integrity, for to compromise in the criminal underworld

is to show weakness. After integrity she was taught the value of loyalty, for if no one is loyal to another then

there is no clan.

She took to the training well, and excelled in the mortal Kestrel-style. Soon she found herself able to empower her

techniques with Essence. At the age of eighteen, she was put to work as an enforcer for the clan. She performed

quite well in her duties, earning a fearsome reputation as a ruthless armbreaker who would crush anyone who dared to

defy Black Eagle's will.

However, one day she was ordered to kill a young man who had freed a group of slaves that the Eagle Clan had recently

taken. When she confronted him, he easily defeated her. Expecting him to kill her, she asked him how he had become

so strong. He explained that he did not use his skill to beat down the innocent and the weak. He fought

only to gain the strength he needed to follow his heart and do what he felt was just. Then she asked him if he was one

of the Exalted. He said no, that he was as mortal as her. And then... he turned and began to walk away.

She called out to him, "Have mercy upon me! I will die a horrible death if I return a failure!" Upon hearing her

words, he said "Then take my bracers as proof. I will stain them with my blood so that they will be convincing

evidence of my death, for all who witnessed my deed saw me wearing them." He removed the beautiful golden bracers

and cut his hand, smearing them in his blood. "One as greedy as your master will not believe a living person would

part with such a treasure" he said, as he laid the bloodied bracers on the ground infront of him. Then he

bowed to her and left in peace.

The shock of her failure was tempered by the mercy she had just been shown. She began to feel a sense of remorse for

the wrongs she had done, and shame for her gross overestimation of her own strength. Although she returned to Black

Eagle in failure, she had no trouble convincing him that her quarry was dead. He was very pleased with her, and

especially pleased with his new trophies. She took advantage of his favor to ask permission to begin the process of

leaving active service to the Clan. Black Eagle was initially hesitant to allow it, but he granted her request on

the condition that she swear a blood-debt that could only be paid by killing one last time for the Clan. Until

then, they could ask her for any number of lesser favors and she would be obligated to obey. In return, she asked

that until her service ends, she be allowed to continue to study First Pulse style with any Eagle Clan sifu she wishes.

A bit worried about her debt, but glad of the opportunity it provided her, she used her contacts in the Clan to set

herself up as a gladiator in Nexus and earned a respectable sum before moving on. She knew that the Eagle Clan would

more than likely be watching her every move, but she was free to travel and do as she wished. So, she set out in

search of something greater than what she had known before... a life lived not just for the sake of improving herself,

but a greater purpose than selfish ambition.



Keshta is a very introspective person, if a rather jaded one. Although she's no longer willing to prey upon the

innocent, she doesn't have any problem with hurting or even killing someone who threatens her life. Her new

career as a gladiator doesn't bother her at all, because they know exactly what to expect well before they choose to

step into the arena. Also, she gains the benefit of fighting strong opponents and learning from their techniques.

However, she has decidedly lost her taste for blood, and will spare an opponent she knows to be good at heart. The

unrepentantly wicked are not shown such mercy, however. But even this could change in time. The mysterious young man

ignited a smouldering ember of righteousness in her, however. More and more she finds herself empathizing with the

people she once victimized. Although she would never speak of it, she is beginning to doubt she will be able to

fulfill her oath to Black Eagle.



Keshta is a tall, stern woman with a dark complexion and long deep blue hair. Her serious demeanor makes many people

think she's older than she actually is. She has river-green eyes and lithe, muscular body. Her clothing is usually

very plain. Typically just a simple brown long-sleeved shirt, trousers and iron boots. She also wears a chain shirt

under her clothing if she's expecting trouble.



Chain Shirt: +3L/+1B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 1.

Fine Cestus: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Defense +3. Tags: M

Iron Boots: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +6B, Defense -3. Tags M

Song & a rough idea of what she looks like(Just pretend it's a picture of her in training). <-- Portrait

<-- Theme song
Writing Sample

Keshta was seated at a table by herself, in a quaint little tavern in a quaint little town far east of Nexus. For all the world, she appeared to be dispassionately eating her meal, oblivious to all else. However, she was keenly aware of the three drunken men walking through the door, and making a bee-line for her. She'd seen that swagger, that ignorant overconfidence a thousand times before. This was the sideshow boxer she'd beaten yesterday, a tall, sinewy man with burning red hair and beady green eyes. His bare chest was sporting a tattoo of a fierce looking wolf. Chains were wrapped around his forearms to give more weight to his blows.

His two friends she didn't recognize. They were shorter, but bulky. Likely as much muscle as fat. Both wore the sleeveless green shirts that marked them as members in a local gang... small-timers... posers, really. One was bald and had a patch over list left eye. The other had blond hair and extensive scars on his arms, and one on his cheek... likely self-inflicted, to make him look tough. She knew what a _real_ battle scar looked like.

The boxer crossed his arms and grinned down at her as he spoke. "Hey, little girl! I thought I'd give you a fair chance to give my money back! I know you cheated, but I'm gonna go easy on you because I'm such a nice guy!"

Keshta looked up at him impassively and replied "And precisely how did I cheat? I fought you with bare hands and feet, and no less than fifty people watched. None of them called foul." She stood up and looked the man in the eye, standing nearly as tall as him.

The boxer and his friends seemed surprised at her response, taking a few moments before the one with the eyepatch replied. "Shut up, bitch! We're not the guilty ones, here! You're just trying to get out of this and it's not going to happen! Fork over the cash now or there's going to be trouble!" With that, the two green-shirts pulled knives hidden behind their backs and held them menacingly. The boxer sneered at her in aggravation. "Just give the money back already! You're outnumbered! Do it and we'll leave you be!"

By this time, a small crowd had gathered to watch the confrontation unfold. Several people quickly took their leave, not wanting to get involved. Keshta regarded the boxer and his two goons with contempt, and spat at their feet. "This is pathetic. I bruised your ego and won your money fair and square, so you come up with this half-assed scheme to try and justify taking it back. But you're too afraid to fight me alone, so you hire a few third-rate goons to back you up." She took a step forward, now nearly nose-to-nose with the boxer. "You want me to give your money back?" She said, narrowing her eyes as she clenched her fists. "Make me."

The boxer stumbled back a good five feet, shocked at her boldness and her blunt refusal. "You... you stupid bitch! You think you're tough? We'll tear your apart! Get her!" The two thugs came at Keshta like a pair of charging Yeddim. They surged forward on both sides of the boxer, trying to flank her from the sides. They obviously had some skill with those blades, holding them parallel to the ground as they lunged forward, tensing up for the inevitable strike.

Keshta moved with the speed and grace of a rushing river, grabbing a pair of chairs and whirling them around a full 180 degrees. The chairs struck her attackers in the sides, shattering with the force of the impact. The two burly men were sent sprawling ungracefully to the floor, nursing a few cracked ribs. She smirked at the boxer and spoke. "Maybe you really do need that money, if these guys were the best help you could afford."

The boxer gnashed his teeth and howled in anger. "Get up! Get up and kill her, right now!" The two thugs painfully hauled themselves back up to their feet and approached more cautiously this time... simultaneously striking with their blades.

Keshta nimbly jumped into the air and flipped over the scarred thug, avoiding both blows. She spun on her heel and slammed the heel of her heavy iron boot into his back, sending him crashing into the eye patch wearer, then hopped forward and smashed her boot into his face. Both thugs were sent over the bar, crashing into the glasses, plates, and bottles of alcohol behind it. The bartender only barely managed to avoid them.

The boxer charged forward with a powerful roundhouse, trying to catch Keshta off-guard as she handled his friends. However, she knocked the boxer's fist aside with a sharp blow to the wrist, then followed up with a pair of punches to the solar-plexus. The man coughed as she knocked the wind out of him, doubling over slightly. She moved in closer and caught him across the face with an elbow, breaking his nose, and then viciously driving her fist into his chest, pivoting to put the weight of her entire body behind the blow. The boxer was launched backwards and crashed through a table, clutching his chest in pain. Blood from his broken nose was smeared all over his face, and dripping down onto his chest.

"You... you freak..." He sputtered. He half-crawled, half-stumbled across the floor until he got to his feet, then broke out into the best run he could manage, bolting out the door and leaving his hired help behind.

Keshta shook her head and started digging around in her pocket. She pulled out a small bag of money and handed tossed it to the bartender. The man looked confused, opening it up. "What... what's this?" he said.

"It's the money I won from that loser. It hasn't brought me anything but trouble, so I thought I'd get rid of it. Maybe it'll go a little ways towards fixing this place up." She shrugged and smiled at the bartender, then calmly walked out the door.
Aww, now my First Pulse character will be all unoriginal and stuff.

Okay, the two are nothing alike except for the MA Charms they use. But still.
TherealBrickwall said:
Aww, now my First Pulse character will be all unoriginal and stuff.
Okay, the two are nothing alike except for the MA Charms they use. But still.
Hey, it's a good "beat the shit out of people" style. Can you blame me? :(
You realize that the up-side to this is that it'd be easier for them to coordinate attacks for cool team-up techniques. :mrgreen:
Here's a first go at a character. Further details/background forthcoming.

Name: Rigid Bulb

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 270 lbs

Type: God-Blooded (Earth Elemental)

Motivation: Find the means to protect his home and meet his father’s expectations


Str xxxx

Dex x

Sta xxxx


Per xxx

Int xx

Wit x


Cha xxx

Man x

App xxxx


Martial arts* xxxxx

Melee x



Athletics x

Awareness xxx




Integrity* xxx

Performance x

Presence xx

Resistance xxx

Survival xx






Craft x


Lore xx

Medicine xx

Occult x


Patron 3

Manse 2 (Cold Iron Bauble)

Cult 1


Compassion xx

Conviction xxx

Temperance xx

Valor xx


His father

His own physical prowess

His mountain temple

The village and inhabitants at base of mountain

His father’s armor


Brutal Attack 4

Pain Tolerance 7

Heirloom (armor) 1


Intolerance (terrestrials) 1

Too Perfect 1

Code of Honor 5


(Jade Mountain Style)

Boulder-Crushing Grasp

Pillar of Marble Stance

Essence 1

WP: 5

Pool: 24

Health Levels:

-0 [][][][][][][]

Dodge DV: 1

Parry DV: 3

Dodge MDV: 4

Parry MDV: 2

Punch: Speed 5, Rate 3, Accuracy 10, Damage 4, Defense +2. Tags: N.

Kick: Speed 5, Rate 2, Accuracy 9, Damage 7, Defense -2. Tags: N.

Clinch: Speed 6, Rate 1, Accuracy 9, Damage 4, Defense (NA). Tags: C, N, P.

BP: 21+7 flaws = 28

12 Merits

14 Charms

2 MA skill
“Well look what we have here.†A giant of a man stepped out in front of Durst. Foot steps tapping up behind, Four more. Durst looked up at the man with his white eyes, blind from birth.

“What is a blind boy doing in these---†the giant said with a laugh, but cut short, as the boy lept gripping the man’s belt with his foot and the shoulder hand seeming to climb him with a deft ease, instead slammed his knee into the man’s chin knocking him back, as the giant fell back, Dust gripped the man’s hair as though riding a wild horse, landing with both feet on the giants throat, leaving only a gurgling snore.

A few gasps sounded followed by a the quick patter of feet. Not wanting to waste time the boy quickly cut the man’s coin purse and ran hoping from barrel to post flinging himself onto the roof of a short building. He ran almost floating across the rooftops.

Durst leapt down to his usual alley but something was wrong there were men there searching as he came down he braced planting both his knees into the back of a thug, and launched jerking on the man head feet first towards the man who seems to be in charge, but was instead snatched from the air by the leader. “So you are the blind rat that has given me so much trouble.†With those words it began to rain.

Durst threw a smoke egg into the thug leader’s face. Startled the Leader threw Durst away into a pile of trash. Durst then slipped into the sewers entrance hidden by the trash only to meet another surprise a giant rat bit into is arm. Durst rolled back locking his legs about the neck of the rat and ran a thumb blade across its neck.

Running the sewers, hoping from pipe to stone ducking though low openings the rat over his shoulder and his arm wrapped in cloth He made his way towards his home a small opening in one of the walls, barely enough room for him and his sister. A problem, there were people at his home, and his sister was crying, he could hear, Durst dropped the rat and charged, he ducked under the first intruder, grabbling a pole to launch himself into the chest of the next one. Nothing there. He flew uncontrolled into a fist knocking him unconscious and into the sewer.

Waking in a bed much too nice, “Am I dead†Durst asked no one in particular. A young woman a few years older, and so beautiful she had to be an angel brought in a tray with two tea cups and a tea pot. The girl giggled, “No silly you are in the home of my father.†She placed the tray on a table and left. No sooner did she leave than did a old man entered.

“I see you met my daughter Illiya. Sweet girl.â€

“H-how did I get here,†Durst asked with fear in his voice.

“Boy my son brought you after you washed up on the river.â€

With a flash of memory, “I have to save my sister.†And pain throughout his body he couldn’t move.

“Son, I will help you if you will do something for me at th same time, I believe you have met my son.â€
I apologize to you all but I am afraid this game is on temporary hiatus. I've been busy and cannot deal with taking another game on my shoulders. I've barely been able to deal with the ones I have.

I do like this concept and will return to it later, but, for now, I am afraid it cannot be pushed forward by me.
Aw, dang, and I just had a sweet idea too. I think I'll write it up anyways, and keep him in the drawer if you don't get to pick this back up/ I don't get in anyways etc.

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