Butterfly judgement

This is where we will RP.<br><br><br>


Plot:<a href="http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1329-butterfly-judgement-Plot" target="_blank">http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.p...judgement-Plot</a><br><br><br>


Character sheet/ sign ups: <a href="http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1328-Butterfly-judgement-character-sign-ups#post28295"'>http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1328-Butterfly-judgement-character-sign-ups#post28295" target="_blank">http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1328-Butterfly-judgement-character-sign-upshttp://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1328-Butterfly-judgement-character-sign-upshttp://www.rpnation.com/misc.php?do=dbtech_usertag_hash&hash=post28295&amp#post28295&amplt;/a>
(lol, well il do us the honor then)

Seiko stepped out of Jerries Pub, a local hive of scum and villainy. His raincoat pulled up, so the fur hood would shelter his head from the cold winds sweeping the town. He pulled his right hand from his coat, and led it to his lips, where between them laid a cigarette. he lit it, and took a deep breath as he looked up at the cloudy day. It was bleak, like much of the weeks before it, winter was in full swing. As he exhaled, smoke mixed with his cold breath covered his face in a veil. It faded slowly into the cloudy sky, he sighed, and murmured to himself "I like bleak." He then took off at a sloths pace down the lengthy alley next to the pub.
Seiko quickly turned, his instincts honed to the sounds around him. As he did, his eyes caught sight of a young girl with pink strands of hair. She seemed different from your everyday chick, though he couldn't quite place his finger on why. As she approached, he inhaled one more drag off his cigarette, then grabbed it in between his index and middle fingers. He moved his hand down by his side, and blew out the smoke to the side, not meaning to blow any this girls way. For that would be rude, something Seiko wasn't. With one hand holding his cigarette and the other clasped to his belt he spoke in a low tone, yet loud enough to be heard perfectly. "Sup?"
"I'm a bit lost" she said talking out a map. She pointed to a spot on the map. "If it isn't too much trouble, could you show me to here?"

(it's actually a place that no longer exists xD he/she just wants to send them on a wild goose chaise)
He looks at the map, taking a quick second to analyze it. He immediately recognizes it is an out of date address, a desolate area with no life. He cocks a smile at the girl, coyly replying "And just where are you headed?"
Atori sat in the cold winter outside a cafe. She exhaled a white stream of breath after taking a sip of her mornings coffee. Axis laid at her feet, pawing at a bug, and growling at it. "Axis..." Atori nudged her. The raven black wolf let the insect be and rested her head in between her paws. "Nice out today, huh girl?" Atori patted Axis's head and smiled. "Kinda like the day I found you." Axis wagged her tail and barked.
Raistlin pulls up the hood on his cloak as he entered the bar. He didn't care for the company of others, nor did he care to make eye contact with so much as well meaning bystander, much less any one of the fools that frequented this bar. Of course, the regulars new better than to bother Raistlin, knowing the type of person he was. He was as a general consensus considered to be unstable at best. Most of the patrons looked away when he walked in, but some of the newer customers had begun to take interest in the recluse. As he walked to the corner, he scowled to himself and prayed that the ignorant fools wouldn't try anything stupid.
Atori set down her cup again, finished with her drink. She reached around to the hood of her jacket and adjusted it before standing. "Let's take a walk. C'mon Axis." She patted her hip and the wolf stood, stretched, then waited for her master to lead. Atori kept her eyes on the street, not noticing anyone unless she was about to run into them. She had Axis's leash gripped in her right hand. Axis poked her masters leg with her nose. Atori looked down at her and Axis used her body to point at the park. "Oh, alright." Atori rubbed her head and released Axis when they got inside the park.
Seiko turned and spoke "Nope, just making sure. its just down 5th street by what your map says" he walks back out the alley and down the nearby street, indicating for the girl to follow him. "so, what are you doing around town?"seiko said before taking one more drag from his cigarette.
Atori sat on the bench while watching Axis chase squirrels. She rubbed her forehead. "Man...Nothing ever happens in this town." She took out a piece of gum to chew and thought out loud "But..guess that's for the better." Axis started her prowling after spotting a squirrel on the ground.
Seiko veered behind him before speaking, while walking at a cool pace "No, not really. i wander around a lot, and ended up here. This place ain't bad, so i've decided to stay for a bit before moving on" As he finished speaking, odd noises could be heard at a distance. They caught Seiko's attention, but he couldn't quite make them out at his distance.
(What is the name of the town they are living in?)

Rose stride was long and graceful as she walked out of the house. Her brindle and cream pit bull June bounded ahead of her nose to the ground. The dog soon returned to her side looking up at Rose with the classic pit bull smile. Rose pulled her brown winter jacket tighter around her body slipping her hands into her pockets. She looked down at her foot prints mingled with June's paw prints.

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