• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Streets of Rage: A Vigilante Story


General Rules

- My SiC and I are the moderators here. Any questions or concerns will be answered by us. Any arguments that you cannot find a solution to will be solved by us. What we say goes.

- Godmodding is forbidden. If you godmod, I will slap you.

- RP Nation rules DO apply.

- Three posts every seven days minimum. If you won't be able to meet that for a while, pm the SiC and I with the reason why. Failure to do so may result in your character being deleted.

- Only OOC goes here. If you want to discuss things, make a plan with other characters (ones you don't care if others know), etc., you do it here. No (Ohai guise this is OOC) in the Roleplay thread.

- Standard rules of physics apply.

OOC and IC Rules

- No one is going to be the god damned Batman. So don't even bother to make a character like that. Same goes for Tony Stark wannabes, or Expendables-esque badasses. Everyone in this RP is a normal person put into an extraordinary situation. The most badass I'll let you be is a soldier. And even then, you aren't going to be some perfect sniper with hundreds of kills to your name.

- No one is going to have access to military grade weaponry at the onset of this RP. When writing what type of weaponry you have, your limits are simple. If you can't buy it at the average gun store, it isn't allowed.

- Keep it PG-13. You can cuss, but don't go crazy. You can have relationships, but you and your lover have to PM any sexytimes to each other. NO CUSSING IN THE OOC. Keep my OOCs clean please.

- The killing of other player characters is only allowed with the player's permission. Both parties need to PM the SiC or I to let us know beforehand so we don't give you the boot.

- I would like to see at least one paragraph per post. Quality over Quantity.

- Two characters per person max.

- Use "quotes" or bold for speaking, and italics for thinking.

I use a three strike system. I'll let you slide with a warning the first two times you break the rules in a post. When i tell you to fix it, you would be advised to do so. Third time you break the rules, you're gone. I hate to be that guy... but I'm being that guy.

The Roleplay Staff

- GM ~ Elysium

- SiC ~ Hallowed Mind
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My apologies, that was an old rule from the original RP years ago. I understand, because even I wouldn't have time for that nowadays. I'll drop it down.
And CS is done! I am hyped for this. I'm not used to having to post three times a week but I'll do my best to keep up.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4021-elysium/ said:
@Elysium[/URL] Could I make a gang member?
What do you mean by that? Do you want to play a criminal character?
I hate double posting, but I have to do it.

So sorry everyone with a CS, I fell the hell asleep right after work yesterday. I'll check up on characters right now.

Also, where are all my interested souls? I had like six of them in the interest check section D:
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Arg. I'm having trouble making my brain think in the right way so as to make the CS read more like an official report. I'm too used to writing narration. Even with the examples of the previous CS's I'm struggling.

Any advice?
....I don't know why I thought this was still the interest check. I need to make that CS omg my bad
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Arg. I'm having trouble making my brain think in the right way so as to make the CS read more like an official report. I'm too used to writing narration. Even with the examples of the previous CS's I'm struggling.
Any advice?

Some suggestions:

Write in third person

Keep it objective (unless your writer is commenting)

Only refer to your character by name when introducing him/her or for clarification. After that, refer to your character as subject/patient/prisoner/etc.
For the history section, it doesn't have to be written as patient and such right?

Plus I'm way better at narrative anyways so it's a little difficult to transition
Hoki said:
For the history section, it doesn't have to be written as patient and such right?
Plus I'm way better at narrative anyways so it's a little difficult to transition
That's fine with me
Yesman said:
if it is futuristic, may I change my smg to a laser gun?
Hah, well, he's already talked about our typical guns and whatnot. I'm talking like cybernetics, related tech, and the like.
@Elysium[/URL], the pics of Neo Sirius suggest that the setting is a somewhat futuristic one. Is that right, or am I reading too much into it?
Somewhat. Not star wars level of sci fi, but technology is more advanced than our modern day. I couldn't find pictures I liked without the spaceships, but those don't exist in this universe. Technology upgrades in this universe are things like lighted ceilings instead of light fixtures, more advanced medical equipment, etc.

Guns might be better too, but not like plasma rifles or anything. Things like less likely to jam, more accurate and fire harder with less recoil, stuff like that.
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