Burngate [Inactive]

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Xyne was up before the sun had even awaken, as she was yesterday, and the day before, and everyday for as long as she could remember coming to this place. In dim darkness Xyne moves through the tent she shares with about 25 others, most of which were already awake, getting ready for the days work a head.

Xyne didn't say much to the others around her, besides giving then a slight nod in greeting. She was just to tired to talk at the moment and she would be working until the sun has made it's journey downwards towards the over hanging mountain that she worked inside of most of her day, beside a quick break for water, or maybe food if the bounties were being nice, or drunk. She shivers, at the thought of them getting drunk, it was never good to be around them if they had a few drinks in there stomachs.

Rico wakes up eye still drooping from sleep, he like many other were use to waking up so early that not even the sun told you hello, but that didn't mean he liked it. In fact he hated it and often attempted to sleep in until a few minutes before the Bounties lost their patients with the dark hair boy. Not like he was overly worried about them, he was their little snitch, their informer. He kept them informed and they gave him food, clean water, and a few extra winks of sleep.

He groans and gets out of bed, walking out of the tent at a leisured pace, a smile on his face. He goes to the kitchens and sits on the counter spotting the cook already there," Hey, what are we serving." he asks, a bored tone in his voice.

IT IS TIME TO START (Sorry I was late to post)

@MeowMix @Macaberz @yistae @Rise of Albion @Robertaka123 @Sheepcat
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Isa got up before the before anyone else that fateful morning and decided to take a stroll through the camp to get a good feel of the place. She found herself at the camp boundary with none of the bounties there to stop her if she just decided to keep walking. She doesn't know why she didn't leave when she had the chance except for this strong sudden urge that she had to stay. After awhile she got tired of walking and went to the kitchen where she started to prepare for breakfast for the camp that morning. Not that long after Isa arrived at the kitchen did Rico come in and ask her what they were serving, in witch she replied "Why don't you choose today, Rico?"
Xavier yawned and blinked away sleep, not quite used to the early mornings of camp life even after three months. Walking away from the tent he wrapped a piece of white cloth tightly around both of his forearms and palms to try and let a burn heal semi-decently. "Stupid sun," Xavier muttered to himself, kicking a rock before looking up and going over to the counter of the kitchen. He glanced at the boy sitting up on it, nodding a silent hello before looking away quickly. The boy was a snitch, and Xavier honestly didn't want anything to do with him. Putting his hands in his pockets, Xavier found his watch and held it tightly, drawing comfort from the small machine and turning his attention to the cook.

"Can I have some breakfast?" His voice was quiet and sleepy sounding still, but he remembered his mothers teachings from years before and added quickly, "Um, please, ma'am?"
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Shae Hildebrand threaded her tangled hair through her fingers until she deemed it brushed enough and then banded her silver-lined hair tie around it and lifted it up into a high pony-tail. She could remember, once years ago, when she had left her hair hanging loose around her shoulders. It had gotten in the way of her vision and forced her to sweat uncontrollably on the back of her neck, so as she was distracted, she had almost ended up seeing Lily again. The unstable wooden floor beneath her had collapsed just as she stepped off it to pick up the lucky pebble for her locket. At the time, she had almost stopped working as she broke down in tears but now she just chuckled at the memory. In this new age, getting hung up on things and holding grudges only get you killed. She turned away from her made bed with a smile ready for the day and to hopefully help some of the younger children's moods. Getting up every day before light was hard for anybody, especially if they had to do it day after day.

Breakfast would probably be ready soon, so long as the Sugars felt willing to work, and that also depended on the quality of the food. Of course they would provide perfection for the higher officers and their commanders but when it came to their fellow orphans, it could vary. She remembered one time when they were all served food with pieces of rat in it because one of the boys had offended the head chef. Many hadn't eaten that day and the cases of sun stroke had increased dramatically, along with number of injuries.

Shae, as a nominated leader of the Sun Husks, was forced to deal with the aftereffects and the Bounties had not been pleased with what happened that day. She had returned to her bed, beaten and sore, yet glad that she could have stopped the same happening to the children. Her thoughts turned away from that day and to simply exiting the tent and getting a feel of the early morning temperature to judge what it would be like at midday. Relatively warm. That was okay, she thought as she made her way to cafeteria part of the kitchens.
The lifts are old and creaky, and a slight memory of the fear Mo felt on her first time in the mines comes back to haunt her each time she descended into the musty blackness, although she's gotten used to the idea of the mines collapsing on her shoulders. She holds a small bird cage in her hand, home to her canary Oliver. She'd named him after an idol she had before.... this.

The guy running the lift, whom Mo had never really asked the name of, gives her a small nod as she steps out into the dark tunnels and walks over to the left, all the way back to where she'd been working the previous day, raising her pick-axe and bringing it down against the blackness. Oliver sings happily on the ground next to her and Mo wondered what it was like to be Oli. Sitting there, in a cage, singing without a care in the world. She'd gotten rather attached to Oliver, and loved him as a pet rather than a tool. She chose to see him as a friend, and ignore his primary function which rested always in the back of her mind. If Oliver was to stop singing and suddenly die, the mines had a gas leak.

Several others in the mines had canaries like Oli, but Mo was certain that Oliver was a genuine beauty. His golden feathers were unlike any other bird she'd seen in the mines, tiny and shriveled, miserable little things. They'd make a few peeps now and then, but Oliver was happily bursting out song no matter what. Mo wished she could be happy in this hole like he could, but she grew to savor the pain in her shoulders as she brought down the axe, over and over again.
Natasha woke up in her nice comfy little apparment that were given to high ranking officers or commanders. she got dressed and headed down to the cooking area to get her food before she headed out to check on the workers in the mines and then head out to get more moles for the mines. She reached the mess area and saw the workers preparing the food and saw her friends sitting over at the other end but went to go get her food before she went to talk to them. She saw a lady with a nice locket and long gray hair working behind th counter and asked "how are you doing today?" while she grabbed some silverware reserved for high ranking officers only.
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