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Fandom Burned out in the Flame


That Lass Over There

Constant Panic

St. Ruth Valkyrie Academy
7:20 | 19 - 03 - 2018
Class B Homeroom

"Teach's late."

"Did she stay out late drinking, or something?"

"... Kinda feels like she would?"

For twenty minutes, they'd all been patiently waiting for the woman - maybe this sort of conversation was a bit overdue to start? With someone having broken the spell that had hung over the classroom until then, everyone started whispering with their friends, neighbors, or just about anybody they could talk with to theorize what might be going on.

" - Hey, Pandora," Her neighbor finally prodded her after whispering to her friend that had come over, "You're well connected, right? Is it true? Is Teach bringing in someone new?"

"I heard from my dad she was kept for questioning after Teach got deployed two weeks ago."
The girl's friend spoke up, looking to Pandora with sparkling eyes, like a pet waiting for a treat after their trick. Perhaps, if someone looked behind this classmate, they might even see a wagging tail.

Such trivial thoughts would remain unanswered, though, as the devil's name had finally been called and before those nearby could hear the answer of the classroom's de facto queen the long-awaited... Well, now mildly dreaded smell of cigarette smoke hit their noses with the open classroom door. "Those of you who woke up late this morning must be feeling pretty lucky, huh?"

A woman with pinkish-blonde hair stepped into the room, massaging the back of her neck with an expression that could only be saying 'what a pain in the ass'. "I heard you hyenas gossiping from the hall, can't you keep it down a bit..." The woman's hand twitched to her pocket but the pulled it back with a click of her tongue, directing her eyes to the still wide-open door behind her. "Come on. Nobody is going to bite."

It took a few beckons from the woman before the person staying outside stepped in, wearing the academy uniform - and drawing everyone's attention quite well. The new girl seemed somewhere between tired and disinterested, showing no reaction to the gazes that pierced her as she met each one by one.

"Hey." The soft, whispered reminder came from the girl's side as she and the teacher came to stand in front of the class, prompting her to move on with it and ignore the last few gazes she had yet to meet: "I'm... Muto Miki. I'll be studying with all of you from now on, please take care of me."

"Alright. For now just sit anywhere that's available, I gotta redo seating soon anyway." Veronica shooed Miki off, eyes lingering on the departing girl for a few seconds before hardening back to the cold sharpness that the class was used to. "Now, we're just about at time for math -" She pulled out a stack of papers, and the classroom tensed as she spoke the next line, "- so I hope you all were studying well this morning and not just daydreaming."


A few hours later the bell rang for lunch break and Veronica excused herself, leaving the classroom of girls unsupervised. Almost immediately the window seat that Miki had chosen randomly in a middle row was swarmed with girls, asking her all sorts of questions.

Aron the Aron Aron the Aron
A few hours later the bell rang for lunch break and Veronica excused herself, leaving the classroom of girls unsupervised. Almost immediately the window seat that Miki had chosen randomly in a middle row was swarmed with girls, asking her all sorts of questions.


St. Ruth Valkyrie Academy
12:30 | 19 - 03 - 2018
Class B Homeroom

It was hard to ignore the interruption to the day-to-day routine, and Pandora couldn't fault the rest of Class B for being so taken with the upheaval. Attending the same classes listening to the same professor drone on and on; the monotony had certainly evolved into a special brand of cabin fever amongst the students, but this... was a tad ridiculous even for someone who always had one or two lovesick puppies shadowing her.

Of the miniscule handful that hadn't taken to buzzing about the new blanchette, only the Fushimi girl on the far end of the room showed absolutely no care, instead more content to sit to the side and observe the class with all the interest of watching a zoo exhibit.

"Они сидят, скрестив руки, и как только входит кто-то новый, сразу бросаются к ней..." She couldn't help her amusement as she folded away her PDA, looking at the new arrival being swarmed before standing up and giving a polite clap with her hands. "Достаточно; let's give our newest friend some time to breathe, no? We only have so much time until next period!" A collective groan rang out from the rest of Class B, but none dared disobey the Russian Beauty as little by little, the students slowly cleared out and went back to their own lunch routine.

"I must apologize on behalf of Class B; they've been left for want of something new since the beginning of the month." Extending a polite bow, Pandora finally introduced herself. "Здравствуйте, I am Class B's representative; you may call me Pandora if you so desire~"

---------- Meanwhile... ----------



... Well, there went her entertainment for the day...

Seated on the far side of the Homeroom, Tokuhime quietly sat and observed with nary another to bother her. It was one of the many advantages that keeping to herself afforded, and not attracting any enmity from the others meant that for the most part, she was left to her own devices. The Fushimi girl certainly got her fair share of mild interest way back when everybody was still new and unfamiliar to each other. Perhaps the idea of a Human wearing the Fushimi kamon sparked some interest, but after a few days people had just gradually lost interest.

All the better for Tokuhime though; the more disconnected she was with the Class, the better she stood a chance of not getting caught up in their affairs... Well, all except that damn Russki. Can't damn well leave anybody alone, and while most of the class was absolutely smitten with her, Tokuhime knew better.

That smile... it was not one of sincerity, but a porcelain mask...
It was hard to ignore the interruption to the day-to-day routine, and Pandora couldn't fault the rest of Class B for being so taken with the upheaval. Attending the same classes listening to the same professor drone on and on; the monotony had certainly evolved into a special brand of cabin fever amongst the students, but this... was a tad ridiculous even for someone who always had one or two lovesick puppies shadowing her.

Of the miniscule handful that hadn't taken to buzzing about the new blanchette, only the Fushimi girl on the far end of the room showed absolutely no care, instead more content to sit to the side and observe the class with all the interest of watching a zoo exhibit.

"Они сидят, скрестив руки, и как только входит кто-то новый, сразу бросаются к ней..." She couldn't help her amusement as she folded away her PDA, looking at the new arrival being swarmed before standing up and giving a polite clap with her hands. "Достаточно; let's give our newest friend some time to breathe, no? We only have so much time until next period!" A collective groan rang out from the rest of Class B, but none dared disobey the Russian Beauty as little by little, the students slowly cleared out and went back to their own lunch routine.

"I must apologize on behalf of Class B; they've been left for want of something new since the beginning of the month." Extending a polite bow, Pandora finally introduced herself. "Здравствуйте, I am Class B's representative; you may call me Pandora if you so desire~"

While the flood of attention was quite unreasonable, up until Pandora's interference Miki held her own quite well, singling out questions and statements that stood out from the clamor around and responding on her own time. She seemed to have a sort of smile about her lips as she greeted everyone's enthusiasm, but something about it just like the rest of her felt ever so slightly off from the girls that stood for stark contrast around her.

Handling the tribulation well or not, though, her head turned same as everyone else's once the attention-grabbing young lady spoke out. Miki, puzzled, tilted her head ever so slightly as the crowd dispersed and one of the last students to introduce themselves came forward, speaking an occasional word in an unfamiliar tongue.

Only after a few seconds delay did Miki take the space she was now afforded to stand from her desk and greet Pandora, who towered over her to the point of Miki doubting her own height. It was interesting seeing a woman so much taller than her, but also just a bit intimidating. "I introduced myself earlier, but my name is Miki. A pleasure to meet you."

Once again, Miki's head tilted just a few degrees, as she debated the language she was hearing, before deciding to save that for a later discussion and asking the class rep the question currently at the top of her mind. "... By any chance, Pandora, do you know the girl who was trying to stare a hole through me when I entered?" In a class of people who are supposed to be future friends and comrades, Miki hadn't expected to feel that almost nostalgic-feeling pointed gaze appraising her posture, her strengths and weaknesses.
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Once again, Miki's head tilted just a few degrees, as she debated the language she was hearing, before deciding to save that for a later discussion and asking the class rep the question currently at the top of her mind. "... By any chance, Pandora, do you know the girl who was trying to stare a hole through me when I entered?" In a class of people who are supposed to be future friends and comrades, Miki hadn't expected to feel that almost nostalgic-feeling pointed gaze appraising her posture, her strengths and weaknesses.

"Hmmm?" For a brief moment Pandora turned her head around to see if she could catch the person who was supposedly attempting to burn the new arrival with her eyes. Somewhere deep inside, the Russian suspected she knew who Miki had been referring to, but when neon pink met pale gold...

Конечно, это должна быть она...

For a the briefest of moments, Pandora felt her glance turn into a glare as she met the one anomaly she couldn't figure out. She didn't keep it though, as she quickly schooled her face back into the serene and charming expression she put on for everybody. "Ah, I see who you mean!" Pandora fought to keep the twitch out of her smile as she turned back to the new arrival. "Please, pay her no mind. She is a representative from the Fushimi elsewhere in Japan, and is content with keeping to herself and staring holes in everybody. If you want, you should introduce yourself to her sometime! Better to make friends than enemies, да?"
"Introduce myself?" Miki, unaware of the moment of tension in the girl that had come to personally greet her, considered the idea for a moment as she looked back at the Fushimi girl that Pandora didn't seem to have the highest evaluation of. "... Well, that'll happen tomorrow. V- Miss Snyders told me that it'd be sparring, and I get the impression that might be the best time with her." Anyone who looked at someone like that on first meeting was either paranoid, rigorously trained, or the type looking for fun, and regardless of which it turned out to be she thought that giving space until then would be the best option.

While a bit reluctant to part so soon after saying hello, Miki saw that the classroom had emptied significantly now, reminded of the fact that it is lunch time and everyone else would need to go to the cafeteria and take care of food. "I shouldn't keep you long, lunch time is short. We'll talk more later?" Thinking that there would be plenty of time to make friends tomorrow and the following days, Miki gently reminded Pandora about the limited time and left the door open for future conversation.
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While a bit reluctant to part so soon after saying hello, Miki saw that the classroom had emptied significantly now, reminded of the fact that it is lunch time and everyone else would need to go to the cafeteria and take care of food. "I shouldn't keep you long, lunch time is short. We'll talk more later?" Thinking that there would be plenty of time to make friends tomorrow and the following days, Miki gently reminded Pandora about the limited time and left the door open for future conversation.

"Конечно!" The smile on the Russian woman's face was as gentle as it was graceful and dignified, and if Miki had been paying attention she could've heard a bystanding student swoon at the sight. "You have the rest of the year to get to know everybody, no? Take the time to make yourself comfortable; you are among friends!" And for Pandora: it meant another "friend" to keep tabs on. "I will be in my dorm in the meantime to finish some last minute business; do enjoy your day in St. Ruth."

It had taken a few minutes after departing that Pandora felt the relative solitude of the emptying hallways, safe enough for her to drop the smile and let down a bit of her hair. The bulky holographic PDA in her hands had been safely folded and stowed away under her arm to be used later once she returned to her dorm room, where she could more properly gather information without the need for greater discretion (or the fear of somebody discovering the many wiretaps and bugs she had slowly installed everywhere throughout her stay in the academy).

"Muto Miki". A peculiar name and person all the same, and while St. Ruth was no stranger to latecomers partway through the year, this late in the academic year was unnatural. The new arrival no doubt had strings pulled to get her inside... which meant she was worth observing, if for nothing else besides Pandora's natural urge to see where the thread would take her.

After all, nothing was ever a coincidence if Muro was involved...
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"Nn." Miki gave a light wave to the departing class rep, feeling like they might be able to get along in the future. At the very least, Pandora seemed like a nice girl, even if her name was a bit on the weird and foreboding side. Who knows, maybe her parents just had an ill sense of humor... Though, Miki did wonder since she had mentioned having something to do, was the girl going to have time to eat?

As Pandora walked out the door she passed by Miss Snyders in the hall, the woman carrying a packaged meal from the cafeteria in her hand. The two passed by each other in cold silence, and at the door Veronica hesitated for a moment before opening it herself and speaking up into the classroom, "Is shrimp fine? There weren't any non-seafood options..." The unusual note of extra care in the teacher's voice was all she heard before she left earshot.


Later that night, just an hour out from curfew, there was a knock on the door of Pandora's dorm room. "Pandora?" Miss Snyders' voice could be heard outside, and when Pandora came to open the door the teacher stood there with the curious new arrival. "Yours is the only room with an empty bed, so..." Veronica rubbed her neck with one hand while reaching for her pocket with the other, having to twitch her itching hand back as she thought of how to deal with this situation. Miki only blankly stared at the two from her position behind the woman, taking note of her restlessness.

"... Well, Miki says she's fine with it, but if you're not, we could assign her a separate room..." That was what Veronica had wanted, but there'd been some talk about not being able to show such obvious favoritism to the new student when arrangements were being discussed a few hours ago. She was hoping that Pandora would give the excuse to do so anyways, but... Given that girl's personality...
Later that night, just an hour out from curfew, there was a knock on the door of Pandora's dorm room. "Pandora?" Miss Snyders' voice could be heard outside, and when Pandora came to open the door the teacher stood there with the curious new arrival. "Yours is the only room with an empty bed, so..." Veronica rubbed her neck with one hand while reaching for her pocket with the other, having to twitch her itching hand back as she thought of how to deal with this situation. Miki only blankly stared at the two from her position behind the woman, taking note of her restlessness.

"... Well, Miki says she's fine with it, but if you're not, we could assign her a separate room..." That was what Veronica had wanted, but there'd been some talk about not being able to show such obvious favoritism to the new student when arrangements were being discussed a few hours ago. She was hoping that Pandora would give the excuse to do so anyways, but... Given that girl's personality...

It was the small mercies in life that prevented people like Veronica from bursting a vein with people like Pandora, especially when the statuesque stunner had opened the door just enough to tease the fact that she was barely wearing anything save her smallclothes. The Russian student from Rostok-Yantar took a mindful peek behind the S-Rank Valkyrie at the newcomer that had arrived earlier that day during homeroom... and took all of about two seconds before smiling and opening the door wider (unhelpfully still concealing her partial nudity from Miki).

"I do not see the issue with finally gaining a new companion to share a dorm room with! The facilities are generous, but even someone like me can find the extra space disquieting when it is clearly meant for two!"

And just like that, any hope the Valkyrie might have had in seeking an alternate room for Miki were shot down in characteristic Pandora fashion.
It was the small mercies in life that prevented people like Veronica from bursting a vein with people like Pandora, especially when the statuesque stunner had opened the door just enough to tease the fact that she was barely wearing anything save her smallclothes. The Russian student from Rostok-Yantar took a mindful peek behind the S-Rank Valkyrie at the newcomer that had arrived earlier that day during homeroom... and took all of about two seconds before smiling and opening the door wider (unhelpfully still concealing her partial nudity from Miki).

"I do not see the issue with finally gaining a new companion to share a dorm room with! The facilities are generous, but even someone like me can find the extra space disquieting when it is clearly meant for two!"

And just like that, any hope the Valkyrie might have had in seeking an alternate room for Miki were shot down in characteristic Pandora fashion.

Veronica could only sigh when she realized the state that this fox had opened the door in to answer a teacher, staring her straight in the eyes as she asked, "Are you trying to get me in trouble?" This teacher was one of the few individuals that had no inclination towards the Russian heiress and her charms, leading to the natural dynamic of oil and water. As one of her students, Veronica tried not to stir up trouble with Pandora, but sometimes she felt the consideration was not returned.

"Anyways." Veronica looked back toward Miki, who had her head tilted as she was a bit slow on the uptake of why her provisional guardian seemed upset. "Seems like you'll be rooming with her. You have all your things?" Miki nodded, and the teacher turned back to meet Pandora's eyes one more time. "Just don't complain to me in the afterlife if she gets corrupted and kills you, or something." The scenario was an absolutely ludicrous idea as people don't just get corrupted out of nowhere, needing Honkai energy as a catalyst, but as a joke it seemed in poor taste and odd.

With her piece done, Veronica left the scene, leaving Miki and Pandora alone in the dark and empty hallway to sort themselves out. On Miki's back was a duffel bag on the smaller side, carrying all of her few possessions. "I'll try to be quiet so you can sleep," she offered as a way to break the silence. She didn't mean to come so late at night where many early sleepers had gone to bed, but the meetings and paperwork around her arrival had taken longer than expected after classes ended.
With her piece done, Veronica left the scene, leaving Miki and Pandora alone in the dark and empty hallway to sort themselves out. On Miki's back was a duffel bag on the smaller side, carrying all of her few possessions. "I'll try to be quiet so you can sleep," she offered as a way to break the silence. She didn't mean to come so late at night where many early sleepers had gone to bed, but the meetings and paperwork around her arrival had taken longer than expected after classes ended.

The tall Russian let out a light giggle as she beckoned the new student inside. "I hardly see any need for you to maintain silence. We are both guests and students of this very academy, and there is no reason why we should not make our room a piece of home!"


The room itself was much like and unlike the rest of St Ruth: homely, minimalist, and modern in one package. The low circular table had a delightful bowl of mandarins haphazardly placed beside a small accumulation of technical books and documents, the only real mark of Pandora's presence besides what looked like a very... normal room. Everything the student seemed to own and had added to the room all followed a similar sleek aesthetic, and either composed of newfangled pieces of technology that would make scientists green with envy, or knickknacks that only made her Russian heritage extremely obvious (as if the touches of Russian she occasionally spoke weren't a giveaway).

The other side of the room, itself a mirror copy of Pandora's side, had remained completely untouched save the lack of dust or garbage. Clearly Pandora had taken care to keep the dorm room in a suitable shape for if someone like Miki needed to move in. And speaking of Pandora...

"Hm? Oh, don't pay me much heed; I can put something on if my state of dress bothers you."
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The tall Russian let out a light giggle as she beckoned the new student inside. "I hardly see any need for you to maintain silence. We are both guests and students of this very academy, and there is no reason why we should not make our room a piece of home!"

The room itself was much like and unlike the rest of St Ruth: homely, minimalist, and modern in one package. The low circular table had a delightful bowl of mandarins haphazardly placed beside a small accumulation of technical books and documents, the only real mark of Pandora's presence besides what looked like a very... normal room.

"Hm? Oh, don't pay me much heed; I can put something on if my state of dress bothers you."

"N? Ah-" The statue started to move as she looked to the ground, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the development. All the sudden, she understood Veronica's words, though it felt more like she was the one getting in trouble. Or being swallowed by it. Either way, with the wake up call she fully came in and closed the door behind her, diligently making her way to the unclaimed bed and setting her bag down. "If that's how you're comfortable, then you don't need to worry about it." This weird, indescribable on-edge feeling would surely go away with time and exposure. She was the invader, in a light, so she didn't want to be forcing any changes upon her roommate.

She started pulling what few things she had out of her bag, most of which had been provided to her just this morning. Three extra sets of the St. Ruth's uniform, some gym clothes, a school-provided laptop, and a safe that had been weighing the bag down. Barely anything, but that wasn't surprising since she was found amidst a Disaster. Anything she had before likely would have been lost in the rubble.

For Pandora, the transfer student remained surprisingly deadpan under the circumstances, though the starting freeze told plenty of the undercurrents behind the facade. Add to that the stiff movements, the refusal to look in her direction, and the slightly raised shoulders that indicated Miki's unrest, and it became a fun little show.
"N? Ah-" The statue started to move as she looked to the ground, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the development. All the sudden, she understood Veronica's words, though it felt more like she was the one getting in trouble. Or being swallowed by it. Either way, with the wake up call she fully came in and closed the door behind her, diligently making her way to the unclaimed bed and setting her bag down. "If that's how you're comfortable, then you don't need to worry about it." This weird, indescribable on-edge feeling would surely go away with time and exposure. She was the invader, in a light, so she didn't want to be forcing any changes upon her roommate.

She started pulling what few things she had out of her bag, most of which had been provided to her just this morning. Three extra sets of the St. Ruth's uniform, some gym clothes, a school-provided laptop, and a safe that had been weighing the bag down. Barely anything, but that wasn't surprising since she was found amidst a Disaster. Anything she had before likely would have been lost in the rubble.

At first, it had been entertaining seeing Miki do her absolute best to respectfully avert her gaze. Pandora was no stranger to the leering and ogling she regularly received, and it was both sweet and silly that the newcomer thought to behave in the face of temptation. She decided to humor it and fetched a simple nightdress to spare her new dormmate the need to keep her eyes from looking in one particular direction.

"Ничего страшного; you can look now, my dear." With the nightdress, Pandora was more presentable without sacrificing much of the eyecandy material, hopefully enough so Miki could stop being stiff in what was supposed to be her home for the near future. Perhaps it was a bit too early to be teasing somebody like her when she was barely a day into St Ruth, so Pandora would stow it for a better time; later when she was more comfortable and let down her guard for the blanchetter to tease. "I appreciate the chivalry though; few others bother to try~"
When prompted Miki's head turned, and she breathed a sigh of relief as the on-edge feeling faded away. She wasn't entirely sure what 'chivalry' her roommate was talking about where she had just been startled and uncomfortable, but she didn't really know how to ask and didn't much want to linger on the subject either, so she simply brushed it by.

After putting all but one set of clothes away and setting the laptop and safe around the small desk area, she sat on the bed's white sheets and looked around the room properly. "Even for two people, this is really big, isn't it? It's just as big as a Federation hotel room." It was a bit less impressive if one considered how much of the room, around the central table, could be thought of as a shared space - but the girl seemed either unaware or uncaring of that detail.

Looking back at Pandora, she remembered that there's a few things to settle when sharing a room together... but she wondered, given the state that the girl had answered the door in, if such things might better be discussed tomorrow. "Is it past when you normally sleep? We can discuss agreements and such tomorrow, if that'd be better." Miki didn't feel very tired, but she still had some things to do like a shower and finding some privacy to write in her journal if possible, so she thought it should be fine to let Pandora go back to sleep and leave details for later.
Looking back at Pandora, she remembered that there's a few things to settle when sharing a room together... but she wondered, given the state that the girl had answered the door in, if such things might better be discussed tomorrow. "Is it past when you normally sleep? We can discuss agreements and such tomorrow, if that'd be better." Miki didn't feel very tired, but she still had some things to do like a shower and finding some privacy to write in her journal if possible, so she thought it should be fine to let Pandora go back to sleep and leave details for later.

"It's not even midnight if you're that concerned; I can and have slept later than that if you think yourself intruding."

Pandora was truly infallible with that perpetual light smile (or was it more a grin of amusement? Miki might never know) as she observed her new roommate put the finishing personal touches on her own side of the dorm. It was almost impressive how she seemed to contrast Pandora with her "minimalism" in decoration, but it could be chalked down to her just having moved in if the Russian felt lazy about thinking.

"Sparring tomorrow, and a new member of Class B today... I look forward to seeing how you will surprise us."

The next day...

That "tomorrow" in fact had brought a lot of events when the smorgasbord of girls known as Class B next gathered. Pandora herself had been planning on bringing an event of her own when the sparring came time, but nobody expected Class B's resident loner to be the one providing most of the entertainment...
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