



history:she left with her brother at night fall before her father came for her again,her mother die when they were little and every since at night her father came in her room and raped her then in the day they where like slaves her brother couldent hold his sister in the night when she was crying after dad was done any more so they blocked the door and left




history:ever since mom died he whent in his sisters room at night to cheer her up and be there for her while she cryedView attachment 2711View attachment 2712
Kelly nodded. "Wow. So you've just been....On the street?" she didn't want to sound rude. She'd been on the street for years herself

trevor nodded. "C'mon, kid, we've got a bit of a hike" he motioned toward the street. "But it's safe once we get there. No coppers gonna find you there" he promised

Jay nodded. Suddenly her stomach growled wildly. "wow, never knew I had the guys to that" she joked as she stood up. "well, better find shelter for the night" she streached her arms. "you coming?"


Nathen looked up the street. "what are you pointing at?" he asked him staring up the dark road
Kelly was surprised by the offer. "Uh, sure. Yeah, I'm coming" she stood up and stepped forward. "As long as you don't mind, that is"

Trever smiled. "the woods. About fifteen minutes in, there's a cabin that's been abandoned for ever. I fixed it up some, now it's safe, dry, and cozy" he answered
(yeah just try to use propped grammar and all that please)


Jay smiled a little at her. "cool, I saw a cabin in the woods a few minutes away, let's go there for the night"

(I want to make them all meet up xD )


Nathen nodded. "well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
She smiled. "Oh, that sounds good!" she started walking. "Um, ant chance there's food there?" she asked, her stomach growling

Trever laughed. "Easy there, kid. the cabin's not goin anywhere" he said, ambling along. "Hurrying just burns extra energy"

"stay here il go get the gun" he sneaks in fathers room as katie waits out side he searchs the room and dosent find a gun but katie standing in the door way "katie i told you.." she looks down upset and say" i know but i was scared" then the light turns on and they where coght the fathe hops up and grabs katies hair when jake chokes him he lets go.

katie: after her hair was let go she freaks and while jake and dad fight she finds the gun and aims it at father shakeing

Jay started walking. "oh if it's food you want.." she pulled out a bar of chocolate and gave it to her. "sorry if it's not healthy, it's the only thing I have.."


"I have no energy!" Nathen replied full of energy. He started walking down the street.

her father smiles as he said " you dont have the guts to..." she shot him straight in the head by then cop cars were near by so jake grabed the gun and his frozen sister and ran the cops never saw them so they stoped in a ally katie fell to her knees in shock of what she did " i'm a bad person i'm never going to see mother i'll be with him" she teared up as she really thought about it
Erabella leaned agianst the hard brick wall and pulled at the sleeves of her Abercrombie shirt. She was freezing and starving. She began to think that running away hadn't been the best idea. She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. She desperately tried to sleep but the sounds of the city made it impossible.

Lucas and Jacob snuck through the alley. They looked through all the trash cans. They were desperate to find food. Lucas tapped his brother's shoulder and handed a burnt loaf of bread to him. He had finally found something to eat. They had never thought of looking in the bakery's trash can. They raced back to the dark warehouse where they surrently stayed and ate their bread in silence.
Amber ran down the street from the street police that had been chasing her from stealing a loaf of bread from a bakery. Tucking the bread into her sling on backpack, she looked behind her to see he was gone. She halted to a stop and dropped to the floor of the sidewalk. Breathing heavily, she crawled into the nearest alleyway. Feeling somewhat safe she unzipped her pack and ripped of a piece of the bread. Holding it up to her face she sniffed at the warm food in her hand. She plopped it into her mouth and chewed slowly, savoring the warm taste. Sighing, she lifted herself from to cold ground and continued to walk, though she was so tired it hurt. Sweeping her blond hair behind her shoulder, she counted each step she took.

200, 201,202..... She continued to count until she came upon some woods. Weaving her way through the trees, she spotted a cabin. "Yes!" She yelled as her body filled with hope. The closer she got to the cabin the faster her feet seemed to move until she was running. Her hand went into her pack, making sure her blowgun was still there in case she needed it in the house, though it seemed abandoned. When she finally get to the door, she pushed on it causing it to easily swing open. She stepped inside to find it empty causing her to let out a sigh of relief. Setting herself on the dusty couch further into the interior of the house. Within minutes she was sound asleep.
Lucas and Jacob had seen an older girl go into the bakery. They quickly followed behind her until they reached the cabin. They waited until she had fallen asleep to emerge from the dense overgrwoth. They tiptoed into the musty cabin. Lucas raced up the stairs and found a room with two beds. He waved his brother in and they each climbed into bed, asleep within seconds.
Amber woke up still groggy from her nap. Her eyes scanned the room and spotted a window edged with spider webs and dust, it was already getting dark outside. She sighed, knowing that she will be up all night after sleeping that long. As she stood she stretched her arms, trying to wake up. Wondering the downstairs of the house she found an empty kitchen and a few more dusty rooms. She made her way into a bedroom upstairs to find to sleeping boys. She almost screamed, but quickly stopped herself not wanting to wake them up. They looked to peaceful. She could not help herself, but she sat at the edge of one of the beds and just stared at him, remembering her family. The boy reminded her of her little cousin. The thought made her sad and she started to cry.
Evangeline walked down the street slowly with her eyes fixed forward. She didn't dare meet anyone else's gaze. Why? Because she despised people she didn't trust.

She continued to walk through the cold night with her hands swinging by her side slightly. She let out a deep sigh, but was soon cut off when rough hands covered her mouth from behind and began choking her.

"What's a pretty little lady doing out here at this time of night?" A man's voice rasped into her ear, but blackness was edging into her vision as the man choked her even harder. She squirmed violently, but failed at the attempt to escape, and ended up going unconscious. He chuckled and dragged her into the darkness, disappearing without a trace of anything.

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