

New Member
Your life hasnt been one of the best life's in this world, something terrible has happened to you, maybe you just found out your adopted or yur parents are abusive to you, well in whatever way it was you couldn't stand it for much longer. You ran away from it. You don't know where but you ran away from it. For months you were living out on the streets collecting spear change to survive. Just when you were about to give up on hope, you met... Them, people who are just like you, they understand what you went through!

Well usually that's the end, happily ever after, done. Well not in this RP. Your worst nightmares come back, but stronger, with an army, with guns. Now you need to learn how to survive with team work.


1. No "my life was worse than yours" or anythng like that in this RP please

2. Make a boy and girl. It's more fair on other players

3. No godmodding

4. Follow the rules

5. No "invincible" people please

6. No killing other players without their promission



Code name:


Age: (12-19)

Appearance: (description/pictue)



Weapon: (only 2)


Name: Jay Parkerson

Code name: viper

Gender: female

Age: 17

Appearance: http://media21.onsugar.com/files/2011/06/23/1/1774/17744747/ca/sad_anime_girl_with_brown_hair_2.jpg

History: her life was a lot like a roller coster. Her parents obbandened her h

When she was 6 months old because they wanted a boy. When she was 5 she got adopted by two abusive men. She ran away when she was 12

Personality: Jay is a quiet girl, she doesn't trust anyone straight away. If she does trust you, she will be very protective over you. She doesn't want to loose anyone important to her. She's a shy girl who doesn't say much, but she can be a leader.

Weapon: rifle and a pistol.

Name: Nathen Jasker

Code name: scar

Gender: male

Age: 16

Appearance: http://monochrome-dreams.yolasite.com/resources/AnimeGuy1.jpg

History: Nathen had a hard life, his parents were ALWAYS fighting. He never got to spend time with them, he only spent time with his older brother, who bullied him during school hours and at home, he ran away from school and home at the age of 10

Personality: Nathen is sort of the same as Jay. He won't trust anyone that easily, but he's very loud. He's romantic and sensitive too.

Weapon: swords and pistol

--- Merged Double Post ---

I'll fix the links later
Name: Amber Luna Garner Code name: Birdie Gender: Female Age: (12-19) 16 Appearance: (description/picture)
History: Amber was always bullied in school by everyone, no friends. She never told anyone in fear it might get worse. Until one night, her family went out for a weekend trip, when she was fourteen she could not take it anymore and she snapped. That night she tour apart the house while screaming throughout the night. Around one in the morning she calmed down, packed her bags and ran away. Personality: Amber is a very charming and sly girl. She is very sweet but if you cross her she will not let you get away with it. She always tries to do her best and not disappoint, and if she fails it ripes her apart, she cannot handle it. If you can break her shell and get close to her than you will see that she will do anything for the people she loves. Weapon: (only 2) Blow dart or knife http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/115963411/Bamboo_Blow_Dart_Gun.jpg http://www.kleeskornerstore.com/images/_products/sunrisedemo/39286.jpg Name: Chase Bennett Code name: Ghost Gender: Male Age: (12-19) 19 Appearance: (description/picture)
History: Chase grew up in a neighborhood filled with drugs and and bad issues. His parents were always at work and so he could do whatever he pleased. When she was just thirteen he got into drugs and big big trouble. As he got older he realized what he was doing with himself after a trip to a hospital, from having to many drugs. He turned around his life, but things still seemed wrong and missing. After a while he realized it was his parents. He ran away and promised himself he would help other kids in his situation and then he found this group. Personality: Chase is a very caring and giving person. He is protective and will always look out for people he cares for like the are his family. Weapon: (only 2) Gun http://www.google.com/imgres?q=gun&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=695&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=dY7-oLEGJmgdQM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bestpoliceguns.com/&docid=I83xpMKbHJINYM&imgurl=http://www.bestpoliceguns.com/images/gun.jpg&w=400&h=285&ei=Xth0T_jYFITA8AS918W_DQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=313&sig=109583955895399014661&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=191&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&tx=80&ty=62


Erabella Jayde Cloakwood

Code name:









Erabella grew up in a rich family. She had everything she wanted. That all changed when her parents told her that she had been adopted. Her mother's roommate had had her when they were in college. The roommate hadn't had the money to take care of a child. The only reason she was at the college was because she had a full ride. So, Erabella's adopted mom told her that she would take care of the child. When Erabella was told this she was so upset and angry that her parents had lied to her her whole life she ran away.


Meet her.


A pistol and her dad's Samurai sword.


Lucas & Jacob Anolayen

Code name:

Lucas, Stonehenge & Jacob, Fishfood







Jacob, left, Lucas, right


The boys grew up in an abusive home. Their father was a drunk and hardly ever home. But when he was it never was good. The boys have multiple scars across their bodies and are terrified of seeing their father on the street.


Meet them.


They both have pistols.


Walked the obbandened street with her pipped coat in one hand and her pistol in another. Looking up at the midnight moon she turned the corner and slid the gun into her pocket. She sat on the curve and looked at the sky. She'd been on the run for 5 years now, she was now out of money, food, water and shelter. She sighed and closed her eyes. She started thinking about the day she ran away, the screaming of the men, the screeches of cars stopping for her to run across the road. Her eyes shot open as she sat there.


Ran along the curve of the road as a car screeched to turn behind him. He looked back to see a police car chasing him. Panting almost out of breath he ran around a corner that was closest to him and hid behind the brick wall. He panted franticly while hoding his chest, turning his head around the corner now and again to check that he was safe. He wondered what he did to make the police so angry. "I wonder..." He muttered to himself as he carried on running down the street, stumbling along the way.
Kelly Lunitz

Codename: Bugs



Personality: Kelly is hard headed, sarcastic, and will fight for what she believes in. She likes people, likes to be around other people, talk to other people, she's never been a loner, and doesn't like to be alone

Bio: Kelly's life was great. She had a loving mother and father who spolied her rotten, good friends, lived in a nice house. Until tragedy struck. Her father was killed in a car accident. Her mother was distraught. In her time of grief, her mother sought out the company of men. Lots of men. Bad men. But these men, for some reason, made her mother feel better. She ended up inviting one man, Jason, to move in. When he did, things went from bad to worse. Jason was abusive. He drank too much did too many drugs, and didn't work. One night, after a particularly drunk, angry Jason took his frustrations out on her, Kelly'd had enough. she packed her backpack with a change of clothes, a tootbrush, and a picture of her family, back when her father was alive. she took those few things, and she left, never looking back

Appearance: Kelly is a small girl, 5'3 with jet black hair and eyes so green and clear they seem to see right through a person

Weapon: Knife

Name: Trever Williams

Code name: Eagle Eye

Age: 19

Personality: Trevor likes to think he's a tough guy. And a lot of the time, he is. But if you can get through his defenses, he's a big teddy bear. He oves with all his heart and will fight tooth and nail for the people he cares about. But cross him and you might wind up in a world of hurt

Bio: Trever never knew his parents. He supposed they were probably alright people. Maybe married, with a dog, a house...Or maybe not. he used to spend a lot of time thinking about it. About why they'd left him on the doorstep of the children's aid building. About what sort of person could do that to a child. He was 18 months old when he'd been abandoned. He grew up in foster care, going from one crappy home to the next. When he started to rebel, he was deemed a trouble maker. He never knew what a real family was like. When he turned 18, he'd been booted from the foster system. In his mind, it was just one more betrayal. With no where to go, and no one to look to, he wandered the streets, picking up odd jobs here and there, but never enough to live by. he ended up stealing to keep himself alive

Appearance: Tall, well built, but not bulky. Trever stands around 6 feet tall, maybe a bit taller. He's got dark brow hair that's a bit longish, but not to the point of looking bad. Blue, bright eyes that take in everything around him

Weapon: Sniper rifle

Kelly walked along the dark street, knife in hand. It was the only weapon she'd ever had, but she never went anywhere without it. Plus, it was easy to conceal. She liked that fact. she was thinking about her family. Especially her father. She missed him, she missed him so, so much. She wondered what he'd think of where she was now, homeless and alone. she was so lost in thought she tripped, quite litterally, over a girl sitting on the curb. "Aghh!" She threw her arms out to break her fall, tumbling to the ground. "Ugh!" she couldn't believe she'd just done that. "Sorry...." she looked over at the other girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't even see you..."

Trevor was munchng on one of the apples he's stole earlier that day. He'd grabbed several. They were a nice treat, not often he got fresh fruits. Usually he'd just pocket something canned or boxed, fresh just didn't last very long. But the farmer's market was out, so while the merchant was off somewhere chatting instead of watching her product, he'd nabbed a few apples and stashed them in his coat pockets. No one had even noticed. His blue eyes scanned the street ahead of him, watching for any movement. He hadnt seen anyone about lately.

Jay helped the girl up and stood up herself. "it's fine." she said without saying a other word after. She saw a wall behind, walked towards it, and decided to lean against it. She looked at the girl up and down. "where're you from?"


Nathen had looked behind him and saw that the police car had stopped chasing him. "FINALLY!" he slightly shouted as he fell to his knees out of breath. He had been running for all this life, but he didn't expect anything like that! He sat down and leaned against a lamppost to catch his breath for a while.
kelly nodded her thanks, brushing off her elbows. Ouch. She'd scraped both arms in her tumble. Great.....She looked up to the other girl. "It doesn't matter anyore where I'm from" she said. "I'm not going back. Ever" she stated defiantly, just in case the other girl had pland of trying to make her

Trevor spotted a kid up ahead, breathing hard. "Hey, kid!" he yelled. "What're you doing?"

Jay looked at her in a strange way. "Im not going to make yu go back there, and plus I ment which country are you from?" She saw the grazes on the girls arms. She pulled a few band aids out of her pocket and gave them to her.



Nathen's head shot round to the guy at the end of the street. He noticed that he asked him somthing "I'm painting zebreas! What does it look like I'm doing!"
kelly sighed. "Thanks...." she took the band aids and stuck them on the worst of the scrapes. "I'm from Ontario. You?" she asked, looking up once she was done doctoung her arms as best she could

Trevor laughed. "Hey, I like you! Apple?" he asked, pulling one from his stash in his coat pockets. "Here, it's safe, promise" he held it out
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Name: Evangeline Marcelli

Code name: Eve

Gender: Female

Age: 18

History: When she was younger, her parents left her for apparently no reason at all. So she was left alone to fend for herself. Luckily, her aunt offered to take care of her, and immediately took her back to her house. But this aunt is not particularly nice, and made her do extremely hard chores. She hardly gave her any food and treated her like a slave. Think of it like the story of Cinderella.

Personality:This girl is a little TOO independent and is a bit naive. She takes things the wrong way sometimes, meaning if you said something sarcastic, she wouldn't get it. She also has a sweet side, but it is covered up mostly by her ignorance and calmness. Other than being selfish half the time, she has a passion for sitting on the beach and playing her guitar with the sunset. She does this when she is feeling depressed or lonely.

Weapon: A gold lined rifle and a sharp army knife that hides in her back pocket.

Jay loomed at her and stayed quiet for a minute. " England" she said, short and snappy, just the way she liked it.


Nathen looked up at him, not knowing to trust him or not. He decided to go with his gut in the end. He took the apple from is hand. "thanks.." he said taking a small bite into it
She nodded. "Wow....Long way to come" she sighed and leaned back against a streetlight. She dug through her backpack to pull out a bottle of water and took a long drink. "I'm Kelly" she held out her hand

Trevor smiled. "See? Good stuff. It's fresh. So why do you look like you just ran a marathin, kid?" he asked

Jay looked at her hand blankly. She started daydreaming for a moment then snapped out of it. "Jay" she said shaking her hand. After a few shakes she let go of her hand and leaned back against the wall.


Nathen gulped down the part of the apple he had just been chewing. "oh... Police were bugging me.." he said trying not to say what he had done.
She nodded. "Nice to meet you, Jay. Sorry again about...you know....tripping on you..." she felt silly for that little mishap

Trever snorted. "Obviously not for stealing food" he leaned against the building. "What're you doing out here all by yourself, kid? Why aren't you at home? "

"it's fine. It was an accident" she said stretching her arms behind her head. She looked up at the sky "beautiful night, ain't it?"


Nathen looked up at hi, ne didn't really feel comftable explaining what had happened to a stranger. "why arnt you?"
Kelly followed her gaze up. "It sure is. bet it looks even better out of the city. I used to know all kinds of constellations...." she said wistfully. "But the temperature's nice

Trevor smiled. "I'm 19, no need to be kept on a leash by no one. Good job dodging the question, though" he added. "Nother apple?" he offered, holding the fruit out to him. the kid reminded him of him. Which was a bad thing. No kid should be like him, it just wasn't right. So he decided to give what he'd wished for, someone to look out for him

"yeah.." she said looking up at the stars. She knew a few constalazions but not many. "so why are you out here anyway?"


Nathen shook is head. "I'm fine, thanks." he looked up at the stars. A question was going through his mind at the time. "why are you being so nice to me?" he asked.
She shrugged. "Long story. You won't want to hear it" she answered, still looking at the sky. "You?"

Trevor leaned against the wall. "Cause, kid, when I was in your position, I sure wished someone would be nice to me" he answered simply.

"long story short, I got adopted by two abusive men. Been running since I was twelve" she tried to make it as short as possible.


Nathen shrugged. Suddenly he saw red and blue sirens coming from around the corner. "gotta go!" he said as he stood up and started running in the opposite direction.
She nodded. "I'm sorry. My mother dated a string of abusive men" she confided

trevor watched him. "Alley on your left" he called non-chalantly after the kid. "They won't see you in there"

(I'm headed to bed, night)
((Ok. I'm going to school anyway. Night!))


"oh, sorry about that." she replied as she looked down at her feet. "how long have you been running for?"


Nathen turned round and smiled a little "Thanks!" hexshouted as he ran into the alleyway.
She thought about it. "I guess about three years. Ish. You?" She asked, she could hear sirens in the distance. "No one even tried looking for me..." she wasn\t sure f she was saddened ot relieved by that fact

Trevor chuckled as the cops went flying by the alley, then strolled toward it. "C'mon, kid, enough running for the night. I've got a place you'll be safe" he told him, then thought a second. "And no, I'm not some creeper who lures kids home." he added

Jay thought about how long she had been running for. She ran away on her 12th birthday. She started doing math, she wasn't very good at it though. "Um.... about 5 years"


Nathen wasn't too sure about trusting him yet. But he decided to follow his gut and go. Becides, if anything went wrong, he had his pistol.

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