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Realistic or Modern 𝙱𝚄𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚃 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙱𝙾𝙽𝙴- (ᵍᵃʸ ᶜᵒʷᵇᵒʸ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ - ʳᵈʳ² ⁱⁿˢᵖⁱʳᵉᵈ)


sad lil rat

1871 ; the rugged expanse of the American frontier stretches before you, the beating sun hiding the barest hint of nervousness in your eyes from squinting officers asking too many damn questions, but you’ve danced this dance your entire life. False bravado rolls off your tongue naturally, the truth nothing more than a second language you begrudgingly learned as a child. Nary a bead of sweat forms on your brow in the height of the New Hanover heat. You raise your bandana over your nose upon bidding the officers well, taking off on your trusty steed; quite possibly the only living thing that knows you heartbeat for heartbeat. Dust clouds swirl around you on your way back to camp- rising, dying, and threatening to choke you like the secrets you guard. Nights around the campfire are drenched in blood red sunsets. You drink moonshine with your fellow outlaws, the only family you know these days, revelling in your life on the outskirts of a society you could never be forced to conform to…

Important Notes: Yes, if you’d rather have Characters A & B be males that’s fine! I thought the female twist was interesting, but am open to anything (so long as it is GAY and ANGSTY). I’m looking for someone to write Character A; I’d write B and C. We’d both be writing as and exploring a plethora of other gang members as well, but A, B and C will be our mains as this is ultimately their story of found family and survival. Yes, A and B are meant to be in love, or soulmates, or whatever you want to call them. Whether they’ve admitted that to themselves is an entirely other thing.

This is the story of the rise and fall of one of the most feared gangs in the West, led by the charasmatic and idealistic Character A. Few and far between are unaware of their gang- less are aware that not only is Character A female, but the majority of their posse is, too (Characters B and C included). Those who are in the know are often much too proud to admit they’ve been swindled by a ‘bunch’uh no-good women.’ By Character A’s side is their right-hand, Character B- easily the more steadfast and patient of the two. They’d been on the road together for ages before becoming the head of the gang, which is where Character C came into the equation; the scrappy kid that tried to pickpocket their spare cash all those years ago who A and B couldn’t quite convince themselves to let go of (which had absolutely nothing to do with them finding themselves charmed by C’s raggidness, sailor’s mouth, and willingness to start a fist fight with anything that moved - of course not - having a kid with them simply made the law so much less suspicious of their doings).

Yes, this is a female dupe of Red Dead Redemption 2 where I’m going to get the happy ending I yearn for (rockstar i am in ur WALLS-) Ultimately, I’m looking to explore the relationship between the two gang leaders and their adopted child (ie: our versions of dutch, hosea, and arthur) via exploring their past (i’m frothing at the mouth for anything pre-gang life, especially pre-Character C so we can really get a feel for A and B’s relationship and how C entering the mix changed them) and their current devotion to the gang slowly ripping them apart; all of this mixed with crime, heavy Western accents, A and B leading their crew to success and notoriety (whilst slowly realizing they hardly know C anymore with how busy they've become), and gang politics. I wrestled with whether or not this should be a group rp, and realized quickly I’m much too interested in the story of A, B and C to warrant opening this up to an entire group.

I imagine current-day (hayday of the gang) ages of the characters would be in the following ranges- C (mid 20s to early 30s), A and B (late 30s to late 50s). We'd need to work out the math and timeline of the three meeting, but I'm sure you get the idea.

Seriously hoping any of that made sense! As always, I am 100% open to collaboration, and would love to hear any and all ideas you have. Knowledge of RDR2 is not required- tbh I've only ever watched parts of the game online. I’m looking for advanced literate partners that love aesthetics, avid ooc chatter, appreciate quality over quantity, and are patient with reply times. 18+ only as I’m 25. Discord is a plus. My name’s Meg, by the way! Nice to meet you c:

Please be aware that I may ask for a writing sample! As per usual, I do not tolerate bigots and bullies.

I’m gonna keep this short and sweet- fingers crossed it reaches the right audience. DM me if you’re interested ;u;

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pls ignore any grammar mistakes i wrote this in a fevered rush of inspiration-

this has been living in my brain rent-free for about a month now- message me if you're interested in gay cowboy angst c:
Hi! If you would be down to writing on discord I'd love to collaborate with you, I also have writing samples!!
so, SO, so interested in this! i may even already have an old western sample hiding somewhere in my drive, AHH!! this is so good!

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