Building a God-Blooded


Elder Member
Hi forumites, I need help :(

I'm trying to build a Demon-blooded, as I've been allowed to play one in a exalted-meets world of darkness game I'm in at the moment, but the god-blooded rules and all the of the mutations and spirit charms are giving me a headache, so I'm here to beg some assistance. Especially since I tend to overlook vital parts of character construction even at the best of times.

My concept is thus.

A fox demon, child of Ligier and a fox bloodline, (essentially a kitsune), normally looks like a green fox with many tails.

Apart from shapechange so I can take a human form, I've got no idea what to take.

I've been allowed to take inheritance 5 and I have 200xp carrying over from my previous character though, so lots of building material.

There is no limit on max essence for me at this time.

Any Advice or ideas would be really helpful.


Edit: Oh, I'll also add that I've been allowed to take "Black Claw Style" if I can fit it in, I mention this because I don't think god-blooded can normally take celestial level styles.
My, that's going to be some beast of a demon blood. Well, from looking at the wiki kitsunes seem to have some dream hopping abilities, so I'd look in the Roll of Glorious Divinities 1 for spirit charms that might be suitable for that. Also, dematerialize, if you can talk your GM into it (make sure you also know materialize, just in case). Principles of Motion used to be good, but it's only so-so now. Most of the enchantment charms from there (page 157ish) seem like they would be great.

The real problem is going to be that combat-wise you're probably not going to be too awful scary, as you can't combo charms. You might consider taking a lot of levels of the god-body mutation to turn into some sort of huge terrifying monster, though. If you're going to be spending any significant amount of time in Malfeas you'd be crazy not to take elemental pussiance (scroll of heroes pg 133). Maybe elemental regeneration if the GM allows you to abuse it properly. Also, the merit special sense (telepathy) could go well with you being a trickster.

Another route that might make you consider disregarding all of the information I've put thus far, is to go hard-core into sorcery. With that amount of bonus and experience points you can pretty much master every terrestrial spell, I'm not confident that will make you good at anything, but you'd basically end up being a Swiss army knife. If you go this route talk your ST into letting you take Sorcery Focus.

I'm afraid I can't speak to the world of darkness side very well, but there might be some great charms/disciplines/numina/whatever to look into there.

edit: While Black Claw is a fantastic style, I fear that your inability to combo may make this not the most appropriate option for your character to pursue. I imagine most 200xp exalts would devour you whole if you tried to take them head-to-head with this.
My' date=' that's going to be some beast of a demon blood. Well, from looking at the wiki kitsunes seem to have some dream hopping abilities, so I'd look in the Roll of Glorious Divinities 1 for spirit charms that might be suitable for that. Also, dematerialize, if you can talk your GM into it (make sure you also know materialize, just in case). Principles of Motion used to be good, but it's only so-so now. Most of the enchantment charms from there (page 157ish) seem like they would be great.[/quote']
I'll have a look for dream hopping stone, honestly I'd forgotten all about that protion of the myths, I was remembering the shapechanging trickster part. Man, Kitsune are sounding more nad more like Succubi to me.

According to the Materialise Charm, if I have dematerialise I can materialise for free if ever affected by dematerialise, so that kills two birds with one stone.

The real problem is going to be that combat-wise you're probably not going to be too awful scary, as you can't combo charms.
*flips through books*

son of a biscuit, you're right. How annoying. My ST has instituted a free reflexives houserule for everyone, not just dragonbloods, so that should help in that regard. Additionally I'm allowed, should I wish and reach essence 4, to become a fully fledged demon, with all the advantages and disadvantages that entails, I was planning to put it off for in character reasons though.

You might consider taking a lot of levels of the god-body mutation to turn into some sort of huge terrifying monster, though. If you're going to be spending any significant amount of time in Malfeas you'd be crazy not to take elemental pussiance (scroll of heroes pg 133). Maybe elemental regeneration if the GM allows you to abuse it properly. Also, the merit special sense (telepathy) could go well with you being a trickster.
I was considering that, God body seems pretty good despite the 5 tick activation.

My Gm's hinting that going to malfeas won't be plot relevant for a while, so I don't think Elemental puissance would be worth investment, I was looking at gatekeeper so I could nip there in downtime though.

Elemental Rejuvenation is elemental blooded only, however I could take Blessed [Element] Body as a charm which includes elemental rejuvenation AND some extras, nothing seems to block me from that.

Telepathy is a good idea, I hadn't even gotten to merits yet since I've been scouring the 5ish existing books that contain mutations (in a previous build wasting 18 bonus points on Perfect Healing Factor, Immortal Flesh and Immortality, no idea why)

Another route that might make you consider disregarding all of the information I've put thus far, is to go hard-core into sorcery. With that amount of bonus and experience points you can pretty much master every terrestrial spell, I'm not confident that will make you good at anything, but you'd basically end up being a Swiss army knife. If you go this route talk your ST into letting you take Sorcery Focus.
I'm avoiding sorcery, there have been some sore spots regarding the interaction of exalted sorcery and mage sphere magic that left me somewhat annoyed, maybe I should have mentioned this.

I'm afraid I can't speak to the world of darkness side very well, but there might be some great charms/disciplines/numina/whatever to look into there.
This... is a very good point, I believe I am one of the first characters in the campaign to actually come from the modern day (wod setting) rather than jumping forward in time from the age of sorrows, I shall ask.

edit: While Black Claw is a fantastic style, I fear that your inability to combo may make this not the most appropriate option for your character to pursue. I imagine most 200xp exalts would devour you whole if you tried to take them head-to-head with this.
Indeed, Mind you I forget to make combos for most characters anyway >_>

Maybe I'll save it for if I ever choose to become a full Demon.
Let me put things this way. Are you worse off without Black Claw Style than with it? Does knowing it hinder your ability to fight? Myself? I seriously doubt this is true. So if you're interested, and can...why not? What is there to lose?

Aside from that whole unbreakable intimacy for your Sifu...but that's half the fun...
Yup, this is true. Mind you I'll probably only be dropping one or two charms into it since I want to pick up some spirit charms too.

Is it a good idea to burn my essence as high as possible at character creation? It seems it'd be cheaper to get all my mutations with xp, but do I need essence 6?

Edit: As an early setup I've currently gone for for following, more information can be provided if people want it

Essence 6


Artifact 2 - Hearthstone bracer

Manse 1 - Overflowing Essence Stone

Inheritance 5

Patron 3


God-Body (additionally Has the disturbing voice flaw and the large size mutation from the resulting point, I think this is allowed, I'm tempted to drop it and use the points making my character better about messing around while immaterial)

Great Mien (not so sure about this. It gives a 2 mote discount on social keyword charms and other social powers. Depending on what other social powers includes this could be pretty useful)

Natural Immunity



Enhanced Sense: Smell

Enhanced Sense: Hearing

Beast Speak

Night eyes


Essence Attack



Divine Dodge Subordination


Open Palm Caress

Torn Lotus Defense

Regalia of Authority


I've got 11 xp rolling over so I'm tempted to wait one session and buy shattered adamant attack so I can throw Essence attacks at people while dematerialised.

Any good or absolutely terrible? I tend to overlook important stuff.
Essence 6? I thought all [insert supernatural creature type here]-Blooded were capped at Essence 3. Above that, they experience an apothesis into their parent supernatural creature type. Did I miss something here?

Captain Hesperus
It's not a hard and fast rule, they tend to. My Gm's ruled that I can choose to undergo the change to full demon if I want to, but my essence isn't capped either way.
Ok, I've shuffled things around a bit after deciding on a final motivation and plan for the future. Just need to clean up/add the spirit charms restrictions.

But if people could take a look to see if there are any massive flaws I've missed.

Here's a prelim sheet

Sheena Stellaverde-Vulpes

Vriska, the Emerald Moon

Heritage - Ligier

Motivation - Adorn Creations sky with green once more

Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2, Cha 3, Man 2, App 3, Per 2, Int 1, Wit 3

Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Martial Arts 3, Larceny 2, Performance 2, Socialise 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Investigation 1, Lore 1, Occult (favoured) 4

Essence 6

Willpower 6

Compassion 2, Temperance 3, Conviction 3, Valor 1

Backgrounds: Inheritance 5, Patron 3 (Ligier), Artifact 2 (Hearthstone Bracers), Manse 1 (Stone of Overflowing Essence)


Shapechange – Any creature that lives under a sun.

Divine Martial Arts Subordination - Anything touched by light


Essence Plethora

Regalia of Authority



Harrow the Mind

Blessed Fire Body

Positive Mutations: Great Mien (Manipulation +2 Charisma +1), Natural Immunity, Fur, Small, Enhanced Sense: Smell, Enhanced Sense: Hearing, Beast Speak, Night eyes, Gatekeeper, Essence Attack (green foxfire)

Negative Mutations: Beast form (green fox, glowing green eyes, tails = Permanent essence -1) , Too Perfect, Mood Swings: Manic, Walking Blasphemy, Unnatural Being, Behavioural Archetype, Oathsworn, Natural Emnity: Solars

Flaws: Fear: Dogs 5
Smeggedoff said:

Shapechange – Any creature that lives under a sun.

Divine Martial Arts Subordination - Anything touched by light
I know this is between you and your ST, but doesn't this seem like it's a little too broad to you? I know the spirit charm rules allow this kind of thing, but it just seems like it's a bit abusive. You might find it easier to roleplay a kitsune if you force yourself to be more subtle. I hope you don't think me too much of a nitpicker. Otherwise, I think it looks like a good character sheet.
Both were suggested by my ST actually, I was going to go with "attractive Humans and Foxes" for Shapechange and "Touched by Sunlight" for the Subordination, but *shrug*
I don't think you need to pour so much xp into Essence 6, as one of the main bonuses to that (besides slightly higher defense values and essence pools) is that it increases your attribute and ability maximums as well. But if that's most of your xp, then you can't buy up your other stats to 6 to match with it.

I can't remember all the details to god-blooded characters, but assuming you get charms in spirit format, pick two virtues you want to keep high and use that to help focus what powers you should take. Many attack charms are Valor based, which suggests confronting people and not hiding much, which sounds very demony, but not very foxy. With that much XP, make sure to round out the character decently too with some good socials, mentals, and Craft abilities (Ligier is the Master Smith for Malfeas too after all). And if the world is modern day, Craft can turn some broken-down jalopy into a tank in no time flat when supernatural powers are involved. Imagine 'Craftsmen Needs No Tools' in a microchip processing plant, or using a Ride charm on a motorcycle or car(or is it sail charms for vehicles)?
You're right, being ligier's progeny means I should have some knowledge of crafts and due to future plans I should have some ranks anyway.

For a start I'm taking a dot out of occult, using it to take Esoteric craft: glamour (though I might not need the merit, I'll ask my GM tomorrow), then changing my dots in occult to that. I'll also pull the 6th dot out of Essence

Now I just need to decide whether I can get more out of 15 bonus points or 90xp

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