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Realistic or Modern Brookner Studios


Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee

Roles (Role In Brookner Studious You Play):

For Actors:

Leading Lady

Leading Man

Chorus Girl

Dumb Blonde

Gold Digger



Child Star

Behind the Scenes:



Stage Hand

Costume Designer






Stage Mother


Specialties (Movies you Specialize in):



Screwball Comedies

Literary Adaptation







Birth Name:

Stage Name (optional):

Nickname (optional):


How long have they been in the business:


Specialty (Up To Three):

Appearance (Realistic, Optional):

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):​
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Elsie Josephine Ferrer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_miyxtsF3481rt21j5o3_250.gif.e1715d899611de680cfe851c8e37fcfe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_miyxtsF3481rt21j5o3_250.gif.e1715d899611de680cfe851c8e37fcfe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Elsie Josephine Ferrer

Age: 24

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

How long have they been in the business: 14 years

Job: Leading Lady

Specialties: Romance & Screwball Comedies & Drama


Detailed Description: Elsie is 5'5" and weighs around 117 lbs. Her hair is a chocolate brown and normally kept short, with bangs. She has brown doe like eyes and small pouty lips. Her body is rather thin for her height and has rather pale skin but with a slight tenish glow, but overall she is a gorgeous lady.

Clothing Description: Elsie's style is very elegant and timeless. Never a fan of showing too much, she normally prefers to wear slacks instead of skirt or dresses finding them much more comfortable to be in and are normally black. When picking something to wear Elsie goes for a very simplistic style, meaning her clothing is very monotone so there won't be a hassle when she tried to get ready in the morning. Normally she can be found in black flats never one for tennis shoes finding the utterly repulsive.


Personality: Elsie is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Elsie tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Elsie can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Digging Deeper

History: Elsie attended private schools in England and the Netherlands. Her mother was very strict and her father left the family when Audrey was young. She later called his abandonment the most traumatic moment of her life. After the 1935 divorce of her parents, she was living with her mother at Arnhem, Netherlands.

After a while, Elsie and her mother moved to London, where she studied ballet, worked as a model, began acting in films, mostly in minor or supporting roles. She got into acting mainly to make money so that her mother would not have to work menial jobs to support them. Her first major performance was in a film, in which she played a ballet dancer.

A year later she was chosen to play a lead character in a Broadway play. Because of the play she won a Theatre World Award for her debut performance, and it had a successful six-month run in New York City. Elsie was then offered a starring role in a Hollywood motion picture. People began to see her star quality and insisted she share top billing. For her performance, she won an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Afer her starring role, Elsie started to hit it big being offered contracts for various movies and book deals. Though Elsie never really cared about those kinds of things, all she knew was that she was a star.

Family: Rudolph Legaspi- Elsie is estranged from her father though she still holds onto that one day they can be daughter and father once more.

Ella Ferrer- She is very close to her mother even though her mother had treated her terribly in the past, but she is the only family she has.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/2272-audrey-hepburn-.gif.5ae80f5f52c5d22bbe310d77d4e78c29.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/2272-audrey-hepburn-.gif.5ae80f5f52c5d22bbe310d77d4e78c29.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_miyxtsF3481rt21j5o1_250.gif.ca6f708d19c52850143c407758f08a15.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_miyxtsF3481rt21j5o1_250.gif.ca6f708d19c52850143c407758f08a15.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Amara Ann Healy is twenty-one, and known as the Chorus Girl. She has been with Brookner Studios for two years, specializing in musicals.


A young woman with full lips, mahogany brown hair, and green eyes. She stands at 5'11 with long legs and a slender frame. Showing respect to others and moving in a graceful manner is very important to her.

Since moving to Hollywood and joining Brookner Studios, Amara has learned some things about fashion and beauty 101. There are many woman in gowns, complete with fancy gloves, peculiar hats and expensive jewelry. While she enjoys dressing up, Amara prefers light make-up, and comfortable, yet feminine clothing.


If one word was to describe Amara, it would be 'dreamer'. Not once did she allow herself to lose hope, and now she is a member of Brookner Studios. She enjoys sparking creativity in others, and encourages people to be expressive. Her mind is open, and she wastes no time dwelling on the past.

Although kind and passionate, Amara has become somewhat selective of who she befriends. She enjoys forming meaningful relationships, but feels a person must have some passion in life to hold a conversation.


Amara grew up in Lewes, California with her mother, a struggling bridal gown designer. Her father left when she was still young, and it was always just the two of them. As Amara grew older, she enjoyed ballet and singing for the choir in school.

Fortunately, brides all over California began to take notice to the dresses, especially in Hollywood. The family of two moved to Hollywood when Amara was sixteen, and 'Gowns by Gwen' became
the place for expensive, custom dresses. It was hardly an issue to switch schools, Amara meeting many new faces. She and many others wanted to join Brookner Studios, star in movies, sing...

Brookner Studios was most impressed with Amara's singing voice, and she has starred in a musical comedy since joining. Today, she feels famous, and continues to grow as a singing sensation.
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Birth Name: William C. Rilesworth

Stage name: N/A

Nickname: N/A

Age: 37

How long have they been in the business: 15 years

Job: Leading man







Appearance Description:

Standing at a 6'2, and weighing in at 187 lb. He appears to be a tall man in general, and one who stays in the balanced side of body frame. Although he possesses a body frame more fitting to a more toned physique, he only seems to lean towards this area more subtly, better classifying him as balanced. His eye colour is a more generic dark brown, whilst his hair colour is made up of a really dark brown, which is usually styled into a mullet-esque hairstyle. He also possess a moderately expansive stubble, which is more concentrated and thicker on the frontal areas.

Clothing Description:

His wardrobe consists only of sophisticated formal clothing or to a minimum of semi-formal outfits, implying that he's always dressed to impress. The clothing he seems to wear the most, happens to only be a set of fine suit, with a simple template of black and white, often the jacket happens to be white. His choice of shirts are simply consisting of subtly coloured or plain shirts, seldom of which, are striped. His ties vary the most, ranging from striped to plain flat colours, although most of them are usually not patterned. His preferred type of shoe is usually a sleek pair of oxfords, double monk straps or the classy pair of wingtips.


His main defining, or rather precisely, distinguishing nature, would be his calm and composed psyche. His lack of using much words often adds or even boosts his serious personality to a definite extent. He's quite often described as being a cynic by most acquaintances, however, he likes to describe himself as a realist, seeing how he knows his limits and others too, and the situations ahead of him. Whenever he's not being a quiet or just moody man in general, he likes to use a bit of subtle, or often dry, humour which often seems to border to a sarcastic nature. He seems to habitually leave a sophisticated air behind him, which is frequently defeated, or removed, by his more snide and dismissive side of character.

Nevertheless, he's quite pragmatic, seeing as most of his approaches are well planned, but which mostly owes to his more mildly paranoid side. He's also quite witty, and a bit on the charismatic side too. On a more side note, describing him as being expressive would indeed be a rather laughable incident, since he's exactly the opposite, being an individual who tries to keep his inner emotions to himself most of the time. He, at some few certain times, seems to behave quite competitive to anybody who seems to be on par with his acting skills, or even better.

Bio: W.I.P


He has a brother, Manuel C. Rilesworth, with whom he holds a bitter rivalry with, and a competitive one at that. Manuel currently works as an aircraft engineer for the royal air force in Britain.

He also has a mother, Alicia Kim. His relationship with her is quite estranged, due to her... Past behaviours.
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Birth Name:

Alexander Davis Hailenburg

Stage Name :

Lex Davis

Nickname :




How long have they been in the business:

7 years


Leading Man


Screwball Comedy


Literary Adaptations

Appearance :

Lex has been told his face was built to c harm the nations. Standing at the height of 6"2, he towers almost everyone he comes across. And his well toned frame doesn't help him out either. He comes off rather intimidating in person, besides the fact that his long dirty blonde locks and blindingly white smile could melt hearts a mile away. Even on the screen, his intense blue-green eyes are a wonderful sight.

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):
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Birth Name: James Compton

Stage Name (optional): None

Nickname (optional): Jim (with friends), Jimmy (with closer friends)

Age: 28

How long have they been in the business: 8 years

Job: Director

Specialty (Up To Three): Westerns, Musicals, Action/Adventure

Appearance (Realistic, Optional):

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least): James stands at 5'9", with brown hair he keeps combed back almost always. He's an average build and always has a smile on his face. He has dark brown eyes, with an always clean-shaven face that never seems to have a spec of beard on it no matter what time of day it is. The most notable marking on his face is scar across his chin, which he earned as a child.

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least): At public events, James is always seen in a three piece suit that is either Black, Gray, or a Darker Gray. with a tie and vest to match underneath. He normally does not wear a hat, but if he is seen with one, its normally a bowler cap. At parties, he wears the same, however he takes his coat off to be seen with just the best on. In the privacy of his home, or with whoever happens to be his significant other at the time, he normally just wears a white shirt with boxer shorts.

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least): Off the set, James is a very friendly man, with a cigarette and lighter always handy if someone was to ask, even though he doesn't smoke himself. He finds it very distressing to disappoint people, especially his friends and family. He has always been considered an easy person to talk too, and one of the best people in the Studio.

On set, during work, James can be very strict and tedious about how he wants people to act. People know him to be this way, and generally work with him because over the last few years he's been hitting films out of the park always getting an Oscar nod. He's been known to yell, scream, and break people down over mistakes that they can't seem to fix. He also very much dislikes it when people go off script.

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least): James started off in Hollywood young, his father had been a big time producer of Silent Films, working with the likes of Charlie Chaplin for a number of years. James used his father's name unashamed to get his started. The first four years at the Studio James was a assistant director, until he managed to (with help from his father) get the helm to direct a big budget Western. It was a big success, losing only to Clark Cable and Caludette Colbert in "It Happened One Night". After that, the Studio made James its leading director, and each year he's gotten nominated for Best Director and Best Picture, but each year its alluded him. Currently, James has started searching for unknown scripts that he can make his own. He believes that his directing is good enough, but the stories haven't been. He's also been looking for a hidden talent, trying to bring up a star of his own so the two can make many blockbusters together.

James has also been keeping his ear to the ground when it comes to Europe. He very much wants America to become involved with its Allies in Europe, trying to prevent Germany from taking any more land than it already has. He can also see the war building up, and is greedily excited to start directing war movies to bring up American Morale.

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):

Paul Compton, Father - Old time Producer, has since retired, helped get James into the business and get his big start, extremely supportive

Mary Compton, Mother - Its his mom, very supportive.

Daniel Compton, Brother - His Brother, currently in the Army

Pearl Butcher


Basic Information

Birth Name: Pearl Butcher

Stage Name: N/A

Nickname: Pearly

Age: 28

Born: June 5th, 1911

In The Business: 5 years

Job: Costume Designer

Specialty: Westerns, Historical, Romance

Appearance Description: Pearl stands at 5'5 and weighs 125 pounds. Her eyes are a deep brown, her hair being a slightly lighter shade. She has pale skin with a slight, almost unnoticeable red tint. All and all, Pearl is considered rather attractive in a subtle way, although she's never mind.

Clothing Description: Pearl's style at work and out on the town is very different. At work she generally favours plain white or cream coloured blouses, and long navy blue or black skirts, all tied together with some short black heels. She keeps her hair down and lightly styled, and makeup wise sports red lipstick and nothing else. On her own personal time, Pearl favours the knee high dresses in reds and deep blues and blacks. She enjoys wearing long party gowns to formal celebrations, and will occasionally wear men's pants and shirts in the privacy of her own home while she works.

Pearl is quite in your face with things. An incredibly assertive woman, she is very willing to snap at any man who questions her without reason. In a business so dominated by men, Pearl takes her job very seriously and is very work oriented. She's spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours working to get where she is, and is very competitive in staying there. With a sharp tongue and even sharper looks to match, Pearl does not let people step on her. Although when she isn't at work her quick wit becomes more humorous, and her demeanor becomes a more friendly one. While she never considers herself the life of the party, Pearl does enjoy making a splash and becomes far more easy to talk to. She enjoys the excitement that socialization brings, and is known to let her hair down when in an unprofessional setting. In fact, many wouldn't believe that she is the same person.

Selfishness is something Pearl is known for. She is known for taking what she wants, and has and will step over people to get it. While she will aid in other people's successes, in the end it all has to do with what will most benefit her. She is rather cynical about the world as well, and voices those opinions after a couple drinks. She is also quite ruthless. Pearl tends not to spare anyone when angry, and will gladly crush a man to his core if she sees fit.

Born into a rather middle-class family, her father served in the first world war as a foot soldier. He was one of the lucky men who returned from the war, and while Pearl cannot remember what he was like before he set off to battle, the man she grew to know as her father was always very resentful and stoic. Although it wasn't always like this, his first several months back the man was fine, and Pearl's mother even became pregnant once more, although once the two year mark hit, things became worse. His nightmares got worse, as did his leg. One of the memories that stick out most in her mind is her father banging his cane on the floor, cursing at her mother about how much he hates his damn leg. Due to her father's outbursts, Pearl spent most of her time in her mother's company, cowering at the sight of the man. To this day she continues to fear him, although she now pities him as well, seeing as the man can no longer walk, even using a cane. Her mother has always been a quite woman, and due to her husband's condition, she tended to keep to herself, although she encouraged Pearl to go off and have fun at parties and live a full life. It was this encouragement that made Pearl pursue her career in fashion, show her mother that she can make it. When she was not spending time in her mother's company. She enjoyed playing with her younger brother. The pair became very close, Pearl even learning to play baseball just so that she can teach her brother because her father could not.

School was always something Pearl was good at. She worked hard for good grades, and raised herself up amongst her peers as someone to be trusted. She had many friends, and two boyfriends in high school whom she fell in and then out of love with. Although her most powerful relationship was with her close friend Mary. The two had always been close since grade school, and when high school rolled around things began to change. A tension of sorts was built. It was only on a quiet night out by Mary's lake house in the summer that the tension snapped. The pair were drunk, and Pearl vaguely remembers what happened. All she knows is that the kiss was nice, and that she'd like to do it again. Fortunately for her, Mary did too. Soon the pair fell into a routine of waiting for Mary's family to sleep before engaging in kissing. But, by the time Pearl's sophomore year rolled around, Mary wanted nothing to do with her, and to this day Pearl wonders why.

University was more entertaining for Pearl. She found herself more interested in her classmates, more engaged in the subjects, and more motivated to pursue her career in fashion. She'd moved from Boston to Los Angeles, and began working long hours as an intern before finally convincing her boss to hire her full time. From there she spent years building up her career until she is where she is today. One of the few woman who work top dollar in costume design, and while Pearl hasn't enjoyed every step of the way to her new position, she'll be damned if someone tries to knock her off of it.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/PeggyCarter.jpg.908c4791db6e8695788c95f43545d975.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/PeggyCarter.jpg.908c4791db6e8695788c95f43545d975.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Evelyn Butcher | Mother: Pearl and Evelyn have a very close relationship. Every sunday afternoon the pair used to go for a walk around her mother's neighbourhood and enjoy a coffee together. Although ever since Pearl's move they have settled into a comfortable schedule of sending each other letters every week.

Arnold Butcher | Father: Pearl considers him to be a very authoritative figure, as well as the only man who scares her. She tends to be very formal with the man, although as of late has aided her mother financially in taking care of him due to his degrading health.

Henry Fisher | Uncle: Pearl and her uncle have little contact. She had never liked the man and finds that despite her mother's pushing for the pair to be closer, Pearl has refused, finding him to be a rather poor influence on all those he surrounds himself with.

Susan Fisher | Aunt: Susan has always been a part of Pearl's life. For better or for worse. An on and off alcoholic, Pearl prefers to keep her distance, although she does occasionally reach out to her.

John Butcher | Brother: Pearl and John are a very close pair. Despite the four year age difference, they both get along very well with one another, and enjoy engaging in many forms of banter. John had even moved to Los Angeles to study business because Pearl had encouraged him to. She spends her sunday mornings eating brunch at his house an entertaining his children with stories about her work. John is the only one who knows all of Pearl's secrets, including her sexuality.

Claudia Butcher | Sister-In Law: Pearl had first met her when she was interning for her boss during a film. Claudia was an aspiring makeup artist, and thus they had met in a meeting. The pair had hit it off, and Pearl decided to introduce her to her brother because he had just moved, and she felt he could use some company his own age. What Pearl hadn't predicted was that the two would fall in love and get married, although Pearl is glad that they did because the two are as happy as can be.

Molly Butcher | Niece: Molly is quite the handful for Pearl, although she enjoys her. Being the eldest of the children, Pearl finds that she has a certain spunk to her that the others don't. While Pearl doesn't have a favourite niece or nephew, if she was forced to choose she'd pick Molly.

Jack Butcher | Nephew: Jack is rather quiet. Sticking to himself and reading books, Pearl finds him to be rather easy going and enjoys talking to him about movies, mostly because she finds that he has many ideas for them. She hopes to one day take him to her work and show him a potential career path.

George Butcher | Nephew: The newest edition to her brother's family, George cries quite a bit. It drives Pearl off the wall, although she puts up with it simply because she finds him to be quite a cute little toddler.



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Birth Name:

Stage Name (optional):

Nickname (optional):


How long have they been in the business:



Appearance (Realistic, Optional):

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):



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Mia Moulop] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25976-aio/ said:
@Aio[/URL] Can you edit this? A lot of things don't add up. It speaks of WWII and the 50's, and this RP takes place in 1939.
@DrCompton Accepted.
Sorry for some reason I kept thinking everything was later. Sorry!
Still a bit of a wip...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bbac97_rowan1.jpg.3ccfaa5eca61c4552288cffd65eae461.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bbac97_rowan1.jpg.3ccfaa5eca61c4552288cffd65eae461.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Birth Name: Kathleen Loretta Martin

Stage Name (optional): Kathy Martin

Nickname (optional): Kathy

Age: 12

How long have they been in the business: 9 years

Job: Child Star

Specialty (Up To Three): Musicals, Drama, Romance


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bd8de0_rowan3.jpeg.63d65e19772aef97683421b4c4fefe09.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bd8de0_rowan3.jpeg.63d65e19772aef97683421b4c4fefe09.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least): Kathy is a petite child, soon to be teenager. She doesn't have much muscle to her or curves. Small hands, small shoulders, etc. Kathleen has long dark brunette hair, hanging down her back. Its wavy and blows in the wind just right. Makes it perfect for scenes in movies. Her mother wanted to keep it that way. She stands 5'2 and weighs about 102 pounds. Her mother keeps Kathy on a strict diet so she can be perfect for the cameras. Kathy has tan enough skin and big brown eyes, beautiful cheek bones and plush lips. Due to all the make up, she looks much older than she is.

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least):Kathleen doesn't have a lot of say on what she wears. If it was her way she'd dress up comfortable in a nightgown all day with her teddy bear. But thats not real life. So, her fashion designers and her mother dress Kathy up in dresses and skirts. Usually either in red or blue, sometimes more whites and blacks, depending on the occasion, But everyone thinks Kathleen looks better in bright colors. It makes her blushed cheeks glow. The dresses are down to her knees and either have long sleeves or short sleeves, no in-between. Kathleen wears flats and wedges usually. Sandals during the summer. She loves sandals. If it was up to Kathy she'd wear them all the time. Kathleen gets put in pearl necklaces, earrings and bracelets on a daily basis. She is dressed up all the time. Has her cheeks blushed pink, hair curled, nails down and lips red as blood (don't worry she's not a vampire).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bdc1b4_rowan4.jpg.50eaff9756ac2b6bcdcf31021d978eff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bdc1b4_rowan4.jpg.50eaff9756ac2b6bcdcf31021d978eff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least): WIP
In Depth

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bd59b0_rowan2.jpg.0550cb2a2ea894ba2bb9e391aa450317.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95bd59b0_rowan2.jpg.0550cb2a2ea894ba2bb9e391aa450317.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least): WIP

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):

Her mother is the only one in her life. They act out in public like they have a good relationship, but really they don't... At least to Kathy they don't have a good relationship. Kathy just wants to be free. But her mother doesn't allow that. Kathy feels that her mother treats her like she's her little doll.



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Birth Name: Florence Hardy Mitford

Stage Name (optional): Florence Hardy

Nickname (optional): None

Age: 19

How long have they been in the business: Since 1923, 16 years

Job: Leading Lady

Specialty (Up To Three): Drama and Romance

Appearance (Realistic, Optional): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95b7d249_FlorenceHardy.jpg.f94c0f26e3386355a5c5f6df7f9e08d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95b7d249_FlorenceHardy.jpg.f94c0f26e3386355a5c5f6df7f9e08d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least): Florence has strawberry blonde hair that is cut down to her shoulders, and usually styled in a flipped bob or curls. She often wears a bit of makeup. Usually red lipstick and red blush, along with stage makeup. Her eyes are brown and warm, the same warmness of her smile.

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least): She wears fancy dresses and glittering jewels in public as that keeps up the public persona of being a movie star. At home though, she abandons all of that and wears simple dresses, and blouses and skirts. It feels much more comfortable to her, and it makes it nice to get away from all of the Hollywood hoopla.

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least): Florence puts on the act of a Hollywood diva in public, something that follows her charming on-screen persona. In reality, she is a sweet, down to earth young woman. She is very kind and very generous. She does not like to start any drama and always shies away from conflict.

She is also rather shy, despite what her on-screen persona gives the impression of. She often feels that people are disappointed in meeting her as she gives off the impression of a charming girl, but is rather a socially awkward and timid young woman. She is a bit of a doormat, as well, letting her mother and bosses walking all over her.

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least): Florence was born in Burbank, California to Emily and Charles Mitford. She was only child and her parents were never happy in their marriage. When Florence was three, her mother decided it was time for her daughter to enter in the pictures. Her father was against the idea, but Emily did so anyway. Florence hit it big as a child star in the silent era. Her parents marriage continued to deteriorate, and they divorced when Florence was seven.

Florence was one of the few child stars whose career was able to transition into her teenage and adult years. She has since gone on to play in more mature roles. Florence has never enjoyed acting and has always wanted to let the life go, but she sticks with it, as she knows it what her mother wants for her to do.

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):

-Emily Hardy (Mommie): Florence knows that her mother loves her and wants what's best for her, and she tries to believe that her mother knows best.

-Charles Mitford (Daddy): Her mother does like Florence seeing her father, but the two are very close, writing and calling each other often.​



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Birth Name: Mildred Lana Tenenbaum

Stage Name: Lana Tenenbaum

Nickname: Lanie, Millie

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closeted lesbian

Age: 26

How long have they been in the business: 8 years

Job: Leading lady

Specialty (Up To Three):




Appearance (Realistic, Optional):


Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Lana is stunningly gorgeous, with her short wavy blonde hair, and defined cheekbones. Her blue eyes are the kind that stare into you, and her pink lips are plump and long.

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least):

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least):

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):
Birth Name: Robert Newman

Stage Name (optional): N/A

Nickname (optional): Bobby

Age: 21

How long have they been in the business: 0 years

Job: Leading Man/Taking any role he can get

Specialty (Up To Three): Unknown, thinks he'd be good in Westerns or Action movies

Appearance (Realistic, Optional):


Appearance Description (One Paragraph, At Least): Bobby is considered a classic handsome, with a square jaw, wide shoulders and a smile that'll melt a heart. He normally keeps his jet black hair unkempt, and always has some stubble on his cheeks. However, once he cleans up, shaves, and combs his hair he can be quite the lady killer. He stands at about 5'8" with an average build.

Clothing Description (One Paragraph, At Least): Normally has pants held up by suspenders, with a button up shirt. He also wears a leather jacket thats been through the dirt a few times. He also has a brown wool flat cap that he wears most of the time, whenever he is out walking around. The only thing of value he has is a pocket watch his father gave him.

Personality (Two Paragraphs, At Least): Bobby is very quiet and shy, but when he opens up, he can be the life of the party. Right now since he's trying to impress people to make it big, he's a bit of a liar and is willing to do anything he has to do to get the role that'll launch him to stardom. However once people get to know him they can see where Bobby is a sweetheart, and very loyal to his friends.

Bio (Two Paragraphs, At Least): Growing up in a small town in Texas, Bobby has that perfect southern drawl. He father was a farmer who provided very well for Bobby, his 4 sisters and his Mother. He dropped out of school when he was big enough to work in the fields, and it shows sometimes when Bobby has to read, or do math. When Bobby was 18, he knew he was meant for more than farming.

His father gave him 20 bucks, the watch, and a suitcase. He told Bobby he could do anything he wanted. And if that anything didn't work out, that the farm would always welcome him back. With a firm hand shake in public, and a very tight hug in private, the two parted ways and Bobby made his way to Hollywood. So far he's yet to make it big, doing very small roles an extra here or there for the numerous studio's, he's yet come close to a starring role.

Family (Plus One Sentence About Relationship):

Father - Farmer, very supportive in secret of Bobby's dreams

Mother - Mom, very supportive.

Mary - Older Sister, Supportive

Sue - Older sister, Supportive.

Beth - Younger Sister, wants Bobby to get her introduced to all the stars of Hollywood.

Clara - Youngest Sister, is struggling with math, could care less with what Bobby is doing.

(Sorry if this one is a little weak, I started it a few days ago then got distracted.)
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Mia Moulop] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25976-aio/ said:
@Aio[/URL] Can you edit this? A lot of things don't add up. It speaks of WWII and the 50's, and this RP takes place in 1939.
@DrCompton Accepted.
I fixed it. Forgot to tell you that.

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