Brookfield Academy of Young Thinkers


"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations.."


Teresa Quinn














Others / Outsiders




Teresa has been described as quiet and smart, however there is much more to her than what people think. For the most part, a frequent dose of verbal downgrading from her mother has worn her self esteem to the lowest that can possibly be reached. It's made her become a seemingly invisible person in the crowds and has made it her mission to keep out of anyone's business for her own precautions. There is a deep feeling of guilt buried inside her, product of a dark childhood event that caused her the hate that she now receives from her mother. However, if you can even get her to speak a word you will know just how phenomenal she is. Aside from being intelligent, Reese has a special and incredible gift for creative writing. From poems to short stories, Teresa is a pro. She is also very caring and because of her low self esteem will most likely never try to interrupt or try and overpower your cool stories with her own. She's a great listener and an amazing friend with a high capacity for loyalty. However, like everyone she has a side that rarely appears but it does exist. There is a limit for everyone, and hers comes after a very large sum of offences. Although she will seem to take any insult you throw at her, the emotions become bottled up and at some point have to explode. Her breakdowns usually occur in moments of solitude, and if there is too many people around Teresa will try and make it seem like nothing has happened and all is well. Then again, no one really notices her enough to care so none of these problems are an issue. Reese is a pacifist and highly lacking social skills, therefore she tries to keep herself out of awkward or iffy situations.



In the beginning, Teresa's life seemed happy and perfect. Her mother was in love with her small princess who showed much promise and made many efforts to keep her happy. Reese's father was also very happy with his princess, in fact he adored her so much that at times her parents would have discussions over past decisions that had been made. Usually at cause of her father thinking the ruling on any restrictions set by her mother were unfair. All seemed normal, as dads are usually more lenient towards female children and become more endeared with them while mothers usually grow closer to the male child. However, as Teresa reached the age of nine, her father's affection changed in a way the still somewhat young girl didn't understand. Her father had begun to develop an unhealthy love for the young girl, and molested her in ways Reese was still too young too comprehend. This continued for 3 years, until her mother discovered the twisted events that had been occurring. In a rage, her mother immediately became violent and attacked the man removing him from their home. It became an entire ordeal that brought the young Reese into a world of legal meetings and tangled court dates. This went on for another two years, when at the age of 14 the paperwork and time devoted into a divorce had been dealt with. By now, she was already beginning to receive verbal abuse from her mother who believed their rough past times had been entirely her fault. The woman was mad with anger and bitterness for how apparently shallow the then 9 year old had been to what had been happening. Their family had been torn and she was worthless, were just some of the attacks she received. Currently, the live in high middle class standards although it seems as if the bonds severed can never be repaired. The pressure keeps building and there is only so much she can take. A highly unpleasant event that occurred at the Academy is also something that has her anxiety through the roof.


She's very skilled in writing poems, short stories, and haiku styled pieces as well as strongly worded notes if need be.

Although she takes private lessons at the Academy, Reese has always been
very skilled at playing the cello.




Reese is very informed on most things that happen in school, although she wished she didn't know half of the things.

She's quite athletic, although she doesn't compete in any school teams.

Teresa is very experienced in trying to avoid drama.


+Academically Inclined



+Musically Talented




+Not Outgoing

+Quite Awkward

+Somewhat Quiet

+Easily Influenced


-Tucks her hair back when she feels nervous.

-Avoids eye contact when she feels uncomfortable.

-Clenches her jaw when angry or annoyed.


Secret Exposed:

-Reese had supposed
recreational sex with two guys on the Football Team on various occasions.


Block A; AP English Literature and Composition

Block B; AP Calculus

Block C; AP Environmental Science

Block D; AP World History

Block E; French

Block F; Philosophy

Block G; Physical Education

Block H; Fine Arts

Elective: Music Appreciation


Extracurricular Activity:

Poetry / Literature Club


Speaks with Katerina from time to time.


Her favorite color is

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{Pic/Gif here. No anime/manga/drawings please}<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1e0c9e9a_images(14).jpg.dcbfc6a28d2d0f67af38b39170e5a652.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1e0c9e9a_images(14).jpg.dcbfc6a28d2d0f67af38b39170e5a652.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Insert a fitting quote of you're character here}

Don't judge my choices without understanding my reasons

Name:Elizabeth Golden


Age: 17



Grade: 11th


Twitter Username: @Geeky_Chick

Personality: Elizabeth is a kind and am caring girl even if she doesn't show it all the time, she had a short temper when it comes to idiotic people or when people are rude to her friends and family. She hates getting picked on which leads to her seoersring herself from groups and hiding places during school.

History: when Elizabeth was 5 her mother died, she doesn't express her feelings about it or even talk about it. At the age of 11 she moved and went to a new school, missing her friends but knowing she had to get over it, she was bullied for loving to learn and picked on about her mothers death. At the age of 13 she moved again, her father became a drug addict leading to her running away and moving in with her aunt, every since then she's lived with her and never wanted anything to do with her dad.

Talents: skate boarding






Weaknesses:easily trusting

Short tempered

Habits:can't hold still for long periods of time

Secret Exposed: fathers a drug addict

Other Secrets:

Has gotten in trouble with the law a couple times

Her mother died

She lives with her aunt

*work in progress*


Block A-AP Literature and Composition

Block B-Physics

Block C -french

Block D -Psychology

Block E -AP World History

Block F -AP Calculus

Block G -Fine Arts

Block H -Culinary Arts

Elective -music appreciation


Relationships: none



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"When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that is love" -Lana Del Rey

Name: Macey Stevenson

Nickname: Macey

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 11th

Clique: Other (She’s a new kid)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-4.jpeg.43d392b3b873d6bc97b6aefbd59412d5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-4.jpeg.43d392b3b873d6bc97b6aefbd59412d5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Twitter Username: @MaceyMayxoxo

Personality: Macey has a bubbly personality and is very flirty. She can be very sassy but knows when to shut up and just listen. She’s smart and very witty. She is a people pleaser and just wants everyone to be happy with her. Some say that she’s too nice. She puts others’ happiness before hers. She trusts easily which leads to many heart breaks. Sometimes distractions, like boys, may influence her grades.

History: Macey grew up in a family where sports and grades were considered equal. You had to master a trade all while getting As and Bs. For Macey, her trade was cheering. And she was good at it too. Her parents paid for tumbling lessons, fitness classes, and bought her, her own set of cheering mats. That was the price they paid to get their children to exceed. They also paid for tutors. Now, Macey is in a new school where she’s with the best of the best: Kids with amazing grades and athleticism.

Talents: Cheerleading, Can tie a knot with a cherry stem

Skills: Shopping, Texting, a great tumbler

Strengths: Tumbling, School, Flexible,

Weaknesses: Boys, Cute Animals

Habits: Flirting, Blushing, Bites lip, fidgets when nervous or anxious

Secret Exposed: The only way she excels at school and sports is by taking pills: Caffeine pills.


Block A: American Lit.

Block B: Calculus

Block C: AP Environmental Science

Block D: World History

Block E: Spanish

Block F: Anthropology

Block G: Physical Education

Block H: Digital Art

Elective: Public Speaking

Extracurricular: Cheering

Relationships: None yet, she’s new

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-5.jpeg.7f85e63ff9af13aa82165224e98c8205.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-5.jpeg.7f85e63ff9af13aa82165224e98c8205.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Before you create, first you must destroy"


Ariana West


Aria, Tanya, and Ari










Other: Floater

Twitter Username:




Being a social butterfly is the one thing that this girl is good at. She's friends with everyone and always knows how to cheer up anyone when they're down. With her sweet personality she has a very sour side that shows that she's quite human. Showing a tough front isn't her thing at all, so she's quite open to everyone and informs them about herself. Since she isn't the perfect girl she appeared to be, it became for people to approach her. With her cute appearance and small size, Aria isn't threatening at all so she isn't really feared at the school. I mean come on she doesn't look that dangerous. However she can be a bit of a wild child when it boils down to it. Let's explore a bit more about this interesting butterfly.

At school Aria is the same as she is around her family. A smile on her face most of the time, always laughing at the jokes being made when heading to class, she seems like she couldn't care less about what's going on. She seems out of the loop and never is involved in the drama, however she'll be in the shadows watching everything. Aria knows many things from confessions of drunk students, finding the lost diary of someone that isn't on good terms with her. Aria is actually quite involved in drama and yet she doesn't do anything with her knowledge. Let's say she has information about someone and if she talked about it could ruin that person forever. However, she won't say a word. She keeps all this information to herself and lets herself change her views about a person if she has learned something about them. This is the kind of person she is. She doesn't enjoy in ruining the lives of others and just wants to be friends with people. Aria is very sweet and gentle to everyone even if they have been a bit rude to her in the past. She's someone who may not gossip about others, but she's certainly the one who holds grudges. Aria is a very quirky and kind of dorky girl once you get to know her. Once you get close to her you'll find out that she has a big heart and will accept you for who you truly are.

Aria may be very sweet and confident to others, but deep down she's very insecure and doubts everything she does and says. Do to her depression and bipolar disorder it's hard for Aria to communicate her feelings properly without blowing her cover. She tries to be happy most of the time in order to keep her emotions under control since she's much calmer when she's happy. She has a very short fuse with everyone, even if she's friends with them. Though nobody knows that she's usually always pissed off at someone since she never shows that type of negative emotion unless she's been dumped then beware. After something bad has happened to Aria she tends to take down her happy giggles and smiles to replace it with her rather rude and pissed off self. She's one of the worst people to have in a bad mood since she has been trusted with many secrets, seen many things, and has crap on lots of people. Aria however still doesn't say anything bad, but that doesn't stop her from threatening people if they continue to annoy her. Since she's bipolar she goes through low and high days. On low days it's better for her to be angry since she'll be a bit calmer and it'll take more crap to set her off. If she's on a high day then basically one or two wrong comment can flip the switch and she'll lash out at you like a wolf. Aria has actually been held back by a couple people when she was trying to get to a girl who had done the worst thing to piss off our short Aria.


Aria grew up in a quite and loving family. She lived happily with her sister, mom, and dad till she was 12 years old and her dad died in a car accident. Devastated her mother turned to alcohol and drugs, leaving Aria and her sister to fend for themselves. Their mom was sent to rehab that same year since it was getting out of hand. Two years passed before their mother recovered from her experience and came back home married to the doctor that helped her in those two years. Over the course of the two years that Aria had been without a mother, she had become depressed and she ran out of her medicine for her bipolar disorder. When her mom came back, married she was extremely angry. They hadn't been allowed to see their mom since she said, 'It's too hard for my daughters' so Aria was left with many questions. Her sister Sarah wasn't helpful at all and kind of just ignored her stressed and unstable sister. So when Aria was reunited with her mom and their step father she snapped. Aria had a mental episode and started screaming and getting very out of hand. She wasn't able to be touched and their new step-father had to take her to a psychiatric hospital in order to keep her safe. There she stayed for three months, being forced to take new drugs to make her 'better' and less 'unstable'. Once she was released, Aria became distant from her family and slightly disowned them.

Aria was 14 when she was placed in a psychiatric hospital for the first time and she never wanted to go back. Sure it was full of nice nurses and kind people, but Aria didn't like it. That's why she vowed never to do anything like that again. Finally when she was 15 she was introduced to her attractive step-brother Matt. They two instantly hit it off and Aria hug around with him all the time. He was her support system, he was the one who actually cared for her. That's what lead to them hooking up one night. Aria had gone to pick Matt up from a party. One thing lead to another and in the morning Aria found herself asleep in Matt's bed with him beside her. Freaking out she left his room in a hurry and spent most of the morning in the hot tub. Matt had tried to explain things to her, but she didn't want to understand or listen. They had occasional nights like that, they shared a kiss here and there, but other than that they just were closer. Even though she was too young to do something like that, she still did it. Maybe that's why she grew up too fast. This continued until she was 16 and she met a teacher that really helped her out with everything. He was doing some teacher exchange program at another school and he met Aria at a coffee shop. Aria shared a fling with him before Matt found out and basically forbidden her to ever do something like that again.

Aria had finally recovered from her fling with Matt and the teacher so she was doing good. Of course she wasn't the best person someone could ask for. She was always dating, always getting a new guy, rarely staying with someone for more than a couple months. She seemed happy so nobody bothered her. Until one night when she was supposed to do a play. She had just turned 17 so she had felt much more mature. While she was in her dressing room rehearsing her lines she had suddenly stopped. Matt luckily had come to check on her since she was running late when he found her passed out on the floor. When she woke up she was once again in the psychiatric hospital. For three more months she stayed, recovering from her suicidal episode. Everything about her past had been kept hidden from the school since her family didn't want them to know that one of their students had such problems. Since then she began to go to the doctor frequently to make sure that her meds were working and she was stable.



- Amazing voice

- Extremely intelligent

- Wealthy

- Amazing actor

- Models from time to time


+ Becoming friends with many people

+ Finding out secrets

+ Planning pranks or revenge

+ Can speak multiple languages [French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, and is learning German]

+ Usually has the answer to anything

+ Gets out of trouble with ease

+ Is known for her acting skills


? Intelligent

? Is able to make others smile

? Helps anyone in need

? Is positive most of the time

? Is always there when you need her

? Can make you feel better with one hug

? Outgoing

? Gives good advice

? Is calmer than most in stressful situation

? Hard to tell if she's acting or not


? Can't handle cheats [including herself]

? Children and animals

? Kind people

? Boys being sweet or shy

? Pathetic things

? Opinionated

? Short temper when it comes to boyfriends


? Does a cute dance when she's really happy

? Hums when she's tired

? Bite on her lip when she's testing

? Parties when she gets her report card

? Eats Swedish fish when she's stressed or bored

? Plays with her keys when she's unhappy

? Has a short fuse with everyone when she's been dumped


Secret Exposed:

Aria cheated on her boyfriend for his older brother.


Block A: American Lit

Block B: Calculus

Block C: AP Environmental Science

Block D: World History

Block E: German

Block F: Philosophy

Block G: Physical Education

Block H: Digital Art

Elective: Music Appreciation




Aria is pretty much friends with everyone, but she doesn't have a set best friend or anything. She also recently broke up with her boyfriend so she isn't in the dating mood right now. Her real best friends live in Hollywood or around in the richer parts of California.

Pink is life! Love it!

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Name: Naomi Zalkovsky

Nickname: Nai

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Grade: 12th

Clique: Other

Twitter Username: @PurpleStrokes

Personality: Being rather shy but covering it with hardened behavior around others, Naomi is usually the tough, coolheaded and calm one of the group. Rarely showing many emotions, but not completely un-human, she will occasionally do a amused "Hmph" at a joke or a nod with the head for approval, she is geniunely good-natured around her friends, although she prefers to remain the quiet, but intimidating one on campus. She is a tough nut to crack in terms of socialising, but be consistant and she'll become a great friend. Naomi is hugely loyal to anyone she considers a friend in all circumstances. She'll never back down from a fight and won't hesistate to stick up for her friends, but even with this courageous attitude she still remains very quiet most of the time. Naomi also has an appropriate sense of when and where, not making crude jokes at the wrong time, and being respectful of other people's requests when it is required. Being quite mature compared to others.

History: Naomi Zalkovsky was born to Jacob Zalkovsky and Raven Zalkovsky on the 2nd of March 1996, in New Jersey, being born into a rather average family, nothing too bad happening to Naomi in her childhood, her father was a commerical pilot, her mother was a professional doctor at a hospital in Manhattan. Naomi was an only child, provoking her to learn to be alone most of the time, her father always flying half way across the world, and her mother being called in half the time to her very busy work. Leaving Naomi with her grandmother who she loves to pieces, Naomi learning to respect her elders from her lovely grandma, said grandma teaching Naomi all of what she still uses today, to respect others, to try be friends or atleast be nice to everyone she meets, and even how to read people, tell what their problems are, and how to confront those that offend or insult her.

Naomi's school and social life alike were the same, bland and uninteresting, Naomi was apart of the most popular group in her year, but she just stood there to look either intimidating or to pass the time, Naomi personally finding all of the group's gossip extremely uninteresting and boring as hell, but standing with them neither the less as it would quote on quote `Make her life easier in high-school.` Which it did, moving into a high-school she was granted almost instant immunity from bullying or being insulted AT ALL, mainly because she acted as a sort of bodyguard or muscle for the popular kids, although she never once had to actually hurt someone, mostly because no one decided to go near them when she was around.

After graduting high-school, with mostly B's and a few A's here and there, most noticeably for Physical Education, the only subject in school Naomi found NOT boring, Naomi was encouraged by her grandmother of course unintentionally on her grandmothers part, to sign up for the 101st Airborne Division, from her grandmother's stories about Naomi's grandfathers missions in WW2, this combining with how she taught Naomi courage and how to always try and do good things for people, made Naomi determined to join. Months of vigourous training later, Naomi had finally gotten her wish and was deployed almost instantly with her division and new-found friends to Afghanistan at the age of 16, bordering JUST on 17, actually enjoying something in her life now, not finding this new job boring. It was too good to be true, it was, and then her new CO showed up, Colonel Willis, he was sexist to say the least. He made Naomi's newfound life a nightmare, punishing her for the most simplest of Human errors, and making sure that it was noticeable how he treated the males better than Naomi and her friends. The Brass not taking her complaints seriously, she could understand that though, they had bigger things to deal with than this. But with no one standing up for them, she did something she'd later regret. She struck a superior, she was reported in, court marshalled, and found guilty, being dishonourably discharged a week later, being sent home to New Jersey.

When her parent's found out they were mortified, they were skeptical on the idea at first of her enlisting, then supporting, then proud. Now ashamed, something Naomi didn't care about from them, but the biggest blow came from her grandmother, she was disappointed in her, something about that just sent a ice cold shiver piercing into her heart and mind alike. Her parent's now not knowing what to do with her, Naomi obviously not having time for college by being deployed overseas, and out of a job. The support came from her aunt and grandmother alike, the two using their suprisingly vast wealth to send her to Brookfield Academy, in hopes that they could let Naomi make something out of herself.






Physical Education



Fighting in-general






Physical Strength



Her Service

Her Grandmother

Her Shyness


Throws stones at Squirels in the park when bored.

Scares sleeping dogs for fun.

Goes on Tumblr to read blogs.

Plays basketball against her cousins.

Watches the news.

Goes to the Gym.

Secret Exposed:

Dishonourably discharged for striking an officer

Other Secrets:

Questions her own sexuality.

Was actually the victim of bullying for 2 years.

Lied about a crime and got a friend sent to prison.

Has a strange weakness for kittens.

Is geninuely frightened of large amounts of social interaction.


Block A: Physical Education

Block B: Calculus

Block C: American Lit

Block D: Modern Studies

Block E: Biology

Block F: Music Apprication

Block G: Geography

Block H: Digital Art

Selective: Russian Tutoring

Extracurricular: Basketball Club


Naomi prefers to stay reasonably distant from most people, she is deep down still questioning her sexuality which makes her feel uncomfortable around those of either sex.
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RIPSaidCone said:

Name: Naomi Zalkovsky

Nickname: Nai

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Grade: 12th

Clique: Other

Twitter Username: @PurpleStrokes

Personality: Being rather shy but covering it with hardened behavior around others, Naomi is usually the tough, coolheaded and calm one of the group. Rarely showing many emotions, but not completely un-human, she will occasionally do a amused "Hmph" at a joke or a nod with the head for approval, she is geniunely good-natured around her friends, although she prefers to remain the quiet, but intimidating one on campus. She is a tough nut to crack in terms of socialising, but be consistant and she'll become a great friend. Naomi is hugely loyal to anyone she considers a friend in all circumstances. She'll never back down from a fight and won't hesistate to stick up for her friends, but even with this courageous attitude she still remains very quiet most of the time. Naomi also has an appropriate sense of when and where, not making crude jokes at the wrong time, and being respectful of other people's requests when it is required. Being quite mature compared to others.

History: Naomi Zalkovsky was born to Jacob Zalkovsky and Raven Zalkovsky on the 2nd of March 1996, in New Jersey, being born into a rather average family, nothing too bad happening to Naomi in her childhood, her father was a commerical pilot, her mother was a professional doctor at a hospital in Manhattan. Naomi was an only child, provoking her to learn to be alone most of the time, her father always flying half way across the world, and her mother being called in half the time to her very busy work. Leaving Naomi with her grandmother who she loves to pieces, Naomi learning to respect her elders from her lovely grandma, said grandma teaching Naomi all of what she still uses today, to respect others, to try be friends or atleast be nice to everyone she meets, and even how to read people, tell what their problems are, and how to confront those that offend or insult her.

Naomi's school and social life alike were the same, bland and uninteresting, Naomi was apart of the most popular group in her year, but she just stood there to look either intimidating or to pass the time, Naomi personally finding all of the group's gossip extremely uninteresting and boring as hell, but standing with them neither the less as it would quote on quote `Make her life easier in high-school.` Which it did, moving into a high-school she was granted almost instant immunity from bullying or being insulted AT ALL, mainly because she acted as a sort of bodyguard or muscle for the popular kids, although she never once had to actually hurt someone, mostly because no one decided to go near them when she was around.

After graduting high-school, with mostly B's and a few A's here and there, most noticeably for Physical Education, the only subject in school Naomi found NOT boring, Naomi was encouraged by her grandmother of course unintentionally on her grandmothers part, to sign up for the 101st Airborne Division, from her grandmother's stories about Naomi's grandfathers missions in WW2, this combining with how she taught Naomi courage and how to always try and do good things for people, made Naomi determined to join. Months of vigourous training later, Naomi had finally gotten her wish and was deployed almost instantly with her division and new-found friends to Afghanistan at the age of 16, bordering JUST on 17, actually enjoying something in her life now, not finding this new job boring. It was too good to be true, it was, and then her new CO showed up, Colonel Willis, he was sexist to say the least. He made Naomi's newfound life a nightmare, punishing her for the most simplest of Human errors, and making sure that it was noticeable how he treated the males better than Naomi and her friends. The Brass not taking her complaints seriously, she could understand that though, they had bigger things to deal with than this. But with no one standing up for them, she did something she'd later regret. She struck a superior, she was reported in, court marshalled, and found guilty, being dishonourably discharged a week later, being sent home to New Jersey.

When her parent's found out they were mortified, they were skeptical on the idea at first of her enlisting, then supporting, then proud. Now ashamed, something Naomi didn't care about from them, but the biggest blow came from her grandmother, she was disappointed in her, something about that just sent a ice cold shiver piercing into her heart and mind alike. Her parent's now not knowing what to do with her, Naomi obviously not having time for college by being deployed overseas, and out of a job. The support came from her aunt and grandmother alike, the two using their suprisingly vast wealth to send her to Brookfield Academy, in hopes that they could let Naomi make something out of herself.






Physical Education



Fighting in-general






Physical Strength



Her Service

Her Grandmother

Her Shyness


Throws stones at Squirels in the park when bored.

Scares sleeping dogs for fun.

Goes on Tumblr to read blogs.

Plays basketball against her cousins.

Watches the news.

Goes to the Gym.

Secret Exposed:

Dishonourably discharged for striking an officer

Other Secrets:

Questions her own sexuality.

Was actually the victim of bullying for 2 years.

Lied about a crime and got a friend sent to prison.

Has a strange weakness for kittens.

Is geninuely frightened of large amounts of social interaction.


Block A: Physical Education

Block B: Calculus

Block C: American Lit

Block D: Modern Studies

Block E: Biology

Block F: Music Apprication

Block G: Geography

Block H: Digital Art

Selective: Russian Tutoring

Extracurricular: Basketball Club


Naomi prefers to stay reasonably distant from most people, she is deep down still questioning her sexuality which makes her feel uncomfortable around those of either sex.
Hey, sorry I'm no longer accepting any female characters, but you are more than welcome to make one male character.
Mademoiselle said:
The dorm assigments are now even for the women and it'd be uneven if I accepted more female characters but it is uneven for male characters.


Mademoiselle said:
The dorm assigments are now even for the women and it'd be uneven if I accepted more female characters but it is uneven for male characters.
Can I keep this character just for the time when the dorms become even? Idk like a slot reserved or something similar? I'm really enthusiastic about the strong like personality I've thought about with this character.
RIPSaidCone said:

Can I keep this character just for the time when the dorms become even? Idk like a slot reserved or something similar? I'm really enthusiastic about the strong like personality I've thought about with this character.
How bout changing the female to a male but you can keep the history and personality etc
RIPSaidCone said:

Can I keep this character just for the time when the dorms become even? Idk like a slot reserved or something similar? I'm really enthusiastic about the strong like personality I've thought about with this character.
Okis, done.

Stoked911 said:
How bout changing the female to a male but you can keep the history and personality etc
I don't think that'd be the same since her leader was sexist so she'd definitely have to change more than gender.

Name: Aaron Tortuga

Nickname: N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 12th

Clique: Other

Twitter Username: @TheGuy..


Personality: Aaron tends to be very charismatic and charming, although he almost always has ulterior motives. He passes himself off as a funny, intellectual and just generally a nice guy. But he usually just puts this up to decieve others for later use, in reality he tends to be rather distant to most people, and not show his inner thoughts and feelings to most people, he does have a sense of humor, just not what most would call a normal kind, he finds the most sadistic stuff funny, although he apologises if he laughs at something sad later on, knowing full on how hurtful it can be to others, deep down he doesn't really care but for the sake of his reputation he has to. He does enjoy social interaction but the real pleasure comes from him thinking he's better than everyone around him.

History: Aaron was born in Hawaii and lived there most of his life, attending elementary school there, and starting high-school before his parents and him moved to Connecticut for a job offer, he was an only child, usually playing video games or going outside with his gang on friends to cause trouble later in life after video games had gone out of his interest, he served 6 months in prison for grand theft auto when he was 16, he was given a psychoanaylsis while in prison by the authorities, they hadn't had sufficent evidence to prove that he suffered from being a sociopath, given the personality description from his parents and his interaction towards the prison guards. After his sentence he was sent to 3 different misfit institutions with intent of solving his clearly evil usage of his intellectual mindset. (Think of Lawful Evil in the allignment system)

When he was 19 after various institutions all rejected him for various reasons, most of which he doesn't discuss openly, he was sent to Brookfield Academy of Young Thinkers, his parents putting his college funds into that exclusively, putting his clear defiance of their authority as a number one priority to solve.






Physical Education



Physical Strength



Puzzle Solving


Social Interaction


Intellectual Tasks






Attention Seeker


Throwing stones at passing cars.

Stealing street signs.

Misplacing equipment (IE putting cones from one place onto a street to prevent traffic.)

Throwing eggs at other high-schoolers.

Secret Exposed: Expansive criminal record.

Other Secrets:

6 month prison sentence.



Rather Hipsterish.

Weakness for dogs.

Nice to those he actually likes.


Block A: American Literature

Block B: Calculus

Block C: Biology

Block D: Geography

Block E: Spanish

Block F: Psychology

Block G: Physical Education

Block H: Digital Art

Elective: Music Appreciation

Extracurricular: None




"Oh man...I do love this, you guys are SO gullible!"

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RIPSaidCone said:
Huh? I looked at them, but I don't get it? Mind explaining in more detail.
Also GTG, I'll be on tommorow.

  1. Twitter name: you need one so you don't get lost and you are up to date with what happens with the burner
  2. You need a minimum of 6 secrets (not including the secret exposed)
  3. Schedule and classes are posted in the Overview tab, under the spoiler named "COURSE CATALOG" and you have to choose one course following the order provided (i.e. Block A is an English course, Block B a Math course, Block C a science course, etc.)
  4. Since you wrote that one of your character's strengths was football, perhaps you could say that he's in the football team.
  5. The rules are also in the Overview tab in the first post. Once you read them you will understand what I meant with the last note.
Mademoiselle said:
  1. Twitter name: you need one so you don't get lost and you are up to date with what happens with the burner
  2. You need a minimum of 6 secrets (not including the secret exposed)
  3. Schedule and classes are posted in the Overview tab, under the spoiler named "COURSE CATALOG" and you have to choose one course following the order provided (i.e. Block A is an English course, Block B a Math course, Block C a science course, etc.)
  4. Since you wrote that one of your character's strengths was football, perhaps you could say that he's in the football team.
  5. The rules are also in the Overview tab in the first post. Once you read them you will understand what I meant with the last note.
Wait are you basically forcing me to make a Twitter account for an RP?
RIPSaidCone said:
Wait are you basically forcing me to make a Twitter account for an RP?
No I'm not. You are the one who ultimately makes the decision if you want to be up to speed like everyone else is with the burner.

@Stoked911 Your snide remarks are not appreciated or welcomed. I would recommend you writing up that goodbye post from Jersey either today or tomorrow because, as you requested, she will no longer be part of the RP and the spot she is leaving has been reserved :)

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