The Cold One
- One on One
Greeting, greetings. I'm Edy. I've been here on and off with protracted breaks for almost a decade, i've been RPing for about a decade and a half in all formats you can think of. I got my start on IRC channels, and if you've been in one, congratulations. You're either a tech nerd, older than you'd like to admit or both. I've done extensive RP in everything from forums to chat to MMOs to Tabletops for half of my life.
I don't have strict requirements about post lengths, it all goes after that is natural and what fits the scene. A dialogue heavy part will have naturally shorter posts than something that is setting up details in the environment or establishing what is diagetically known and unknown but present. All I ask is you make your best effort and write what you find to be natural, when in doubt, match the other person to the best of your abilities. I've done 5000 word posts, I've done 1 paragraph RPs, each have their place, it all depends.
I don't do fandom and don't do offsite.
Being 18+ is a requirement, being 21+ is a preference.
Be warned that the following advert and RP will contain themes of neglect, abuse both mental and physical, self harm and other dark topics. If you are not comfortable with that I suggest you close this tab and move on.
A second thing is that despite this being a request for MxM pairings, not all, if even any will be centered on romance. Not saying I am completely discounting it. But even if it is platonic, friendly or even just professional, for some reason I am preferring both to be male even if there is no romantic connection between them, and in some instances really shouldn't (such as in a professional or working relationship).
A third thing to be up front. I quite enjoy the theme of young idiots. Sometimes older teenagers if no romance is involved, sometimes 18-20 if there are. I do enjoy exploring the natural angst and frankly idiocy that comes with still figuring yourself and your life out. So. On to the prompts.

I don't have strict requirements about post lengths, it all goes after that is natural and what fits the scene. A dialogue heavy part will have naturally shorter posts than something that is setting up details in the environment or establishing what is diagetically known and unknown but present. All I ask is you make your best effort and write what you find to be natural, when in doubt, match the other person to the best of your abilities. I've done 5000 word posts, I've done 1 paragraph RPs, each have their place, it all depends.
I don't do fandom and don't do offsite.
Being 18+ is a requirement, being 21+ is a preference.
Be warned that the following advert and RP will contain themes of neglect, abuse both mental and physical, self harm and other dark topics. If you are not comfortable with that I suggest you close this tab and move on.
A second thing is that despite this being a request for MxM pairings, not all, if even any will be centered on romance. Not saying I am completely discounting it. But even if it is platonic, friendly or even just professional, for some reason I am preferring both to be male even if there is no romantic connection between them, and in some instances really shouldn't (such as in a professional or working relationship).
A third thing to be up front. I quite enjoy the theme of young idiots. Sometimes older teenagers if no romance is involved, sometimes 18-20 if there are. I do enjoy exploring the natural angst and frankly idiocy that comes with still figuring yourself and your life out. So. On to the prompts.
You come across a boy, short in stature and malnourished. Despite the rain he has no coat and not so much as shoes, his hoodie and sweats drenched from the downpour and now hiding wherever shelter can be found. The reason for this could be inferred by a bruise developing across his eye. One would hardly be prepared to go outside if they were running from a bad situation. What would your first steps be if you came across such a person?
Code for "Temporary, involuntary psychiatric commitment of individuals who present a danger to themselves or others". With MC waking up at the hospital after [Insert Incident here]. This one could go a few different ways. Depending on which you would prefer. Is YC a doctor, a psychologist, a fellow patient with a similar story and the two confide in eachother inside and out of the place? I'd love to hear your input and take on this, simple as it is.
This one isn't so much a plot or an idea I have. But me opening up the floor for you. To give you a general view of my interests and help it inspire you to see if there was something similar yet not listed which might interest you. As listed, I like people recovering from their worst. After enduring abuse, or coming from a codependant or even gaslighting relationship. After dealing with bullying or harassment. These of depression and dealing with that. Though notably with a light at the end of the tunnel, trauma beans coming out the other end not particularly 'okay', but definitely better than they used to. Even if they substituted one bad thing with another, as long as it is slightly less bad, they are still in a better place.
Are there any such themes which you enjoy? Send me a DM