Broken Ground

Asagi blinked once, twice, then let her eyes focus on the figure holding onto her. I let my guard down. She blinked and looked around, seeing the people she was listening in on and a new stranger who had a very firm grip. She lifted her hand to her scarf and tightened it again before moving her eyes to meet that of one of the girls she saw talking. Asagi then moved her eyes to that of the other girl who was there. Her delivery. She slid her hand into her messenger bag, rather obviously, to prove she had nothing to hide.
Collin heard a ruckus above him, but continued to wait for a few seconds. "Huh," he said aloud. "I guess I'm coming up," he called upwards. He began to climb the ropes, jumping from one loop to the next. It was a slight struggle, but he finally made it to the top. He stepped on to the second story landing and found himself face-to-face with a small group of people. "We'll what do we have here?" Collin mused to the lot of them. "I wasn't aware we were traveling with a party."
Eliza let go of the girl, watching her reach into her messenger bag. "Neither did I." she replied to Collin, looking his way. "At least, not so soon." She looked over at Jane and the other guy there. What the hell happened? Surely she wasn't gone for too long...

"Put that thing away," Eli said to the unknown boy, "There is no need to pull out any weapons here."
Asagi pulled out a neatly packed box and a letter, along with her clipboard and walked forward to Jane, handing her both items, her eyes staring at the package rather than the receiver. She glanced back at the boy that climbed up shaft, who was now standing beside the girl who had grabbed her. She scanned them both, then she turned to the man with the weapon, her eyes settling upon his before scanning him. She blinked and turned her attention back to her receiver, waiting for her to take the package and sign the board.
"Hey hold on," Collin said, pointing a finger at the quiet girl with the package. "Are you from Middle Ground? I recognize your face." Suddenly he snapped his fingers. "oh! you were at that fight earlier. Near the surface entrance." He turned back to Eli. "What exactly is going on here? Whose in charge?"
Asagi turned her attention back to the boy once he snapped his fingers, her ears rang and her head throbbed from the heightened senses, and chewed the inside of her lip. She glanced him up and down, her eyes resting on his face to see if she recognized him. She blinked. Nope, don't know him. She turned her head back to the receiver, waiting patiently.
Eli looked over at Collin. She crossed her arms and spoke with a sigh, "No one's in charge. However, it was Jane's idea to go looking for Broken Ground. So, I guess you'll wanna talk to her for the details." She looked over the delivery girl, sick and tired of all this suspense.

She walked over, snatching the package from her hands and tucked it under her arm. "Thanks for coming all this way, but I think you should leave before the Ratters crawl out of their holes." she said, walking over and setting the thing down by a nearby window, tucking it against the wall in a the corner of the room. She turned back to the girl, giving her an expected look.
Asagi gave a small smile and held out the clipboard. " I'm not too worried about the Ratters. I still need a signature by the way." She spoke softly. She glanced back at the elevator shaft, then back to the girl. After a moment, she heard a cry, signaling the Ratters to emerge from their places and felt the night begin to come alive.

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