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Fantasy Broken Balance

Valadir is pleased to see Gathrea's reaction to his actions. Hopefully that reminds him of his place.

Flying towards a second wyvern, he plans to take it down similarly to the first one. Slowly so it can suffer and repent from existing. He saw and felt how both of those insolent reptiles spat something on him. He didn't feel anything in particular. Only that he's a bit wet. He also seen one of them burst into flames. Probably the human. Hopefully that was painful. The more suffering they get before dying, the better.

Valadir tackled one of the wyverns and killed it by dismemberment, very similarly to the first one. Again having the time of his life while performing the sequence.

Then he went for the third one. When he pinned it to the ground, he's heard Crystal calling for aid. He turned his head to see her. He sees her laying on her own blood. His usual self is starting to resurface. A part of him feels worried for her. That maybe he'll lose her.

In his brief distraction, he was bitten in his paw. Valadir responded by roasting the wyvern's head away.

The dragon then shook like a wet dog to get at least some of the spit away and walked towards Crystal.

"You don't look right" He told her when he saw her. His worry and idea of losing her are increasing the longer he stares at her. She's bleeding a lot and her usual tails are cut. He can't see the one responsible anywhere. His face is mirroring his feelings. What's worse is that he can't think of a way of helping her. He's no mage, and if he tried to cauterize her wounds with his breath he'd probably kill her. It pisses him off that there's nothing he can do to help her after everything she's done for him.

The only thing he can think of is having someone else come over. Stating at the others, he yelled for help. Better to not leave her alone.


Starfall got hit while mid air. She's too fast for him to dodge. Maybe his sis would have been able to. He thinks she's really fast.

Due to the hit, he started to fall into the ground. He shook his wings violently in order to regain altitude but to no avail. Seeing how the ground was nearing, he braced for impact.

The impact hurt, yet he doesn't feel like anything is broken. He still has control over his limbs.

After his quick inspection, he could see his new foe coming. Thus, he's making the effort of getting up as quickly as he can.

"I really don't want to hurt you! Don't make me!" He yelled at her. He gets the feeling she'll not quit. If his acute ears told him anything earlier is that she's getting forced into this.

His plan is to pin her. Immobilize her on the ground and get that gem out, as he was previously told. Thus, he's thinking it's impossible for that to happen without hurting her.


Blade felt a moment of relief on his mind when he cut the kitsune's extensions. Said relief was really short lived as he was sent another pair of attacks on his mind. Now it feels like he has a massive headache. This is taking long and a great deal of energy and concentration. Better to end it soon before he slips.

The dragon began to cut the tendrils that are on his mind, given how powerful the attack is he reckons it'd take a bit. He also sent a big tendril towards his opponent.

The white dragon was focused enough in his main opponent that he wasn't aware of the undead coming until they were starting to put their hands on Ashley and on his right paw. He felt a bit of pain from it but no damage to his scales.

Blade raised his free left paw and aimed his palm towards their weak enemies. From it, a scatter of ice shards emerged at high speed (think a shotgun shot) towards their foes.


Celestina backed away a bit when she saw the net getting thrown, flinching a bit. It surrounded her. It has weights on the edges which make it particularly troublesome.

Then, her comrade in arms got in front of her and charged against their enemies. She's dumbfounded at what she's witnessing. He's... fearlessly tossing himself against the enemy, taking several hits yet he isn't slowing down. Like he doesn't care for his own life. A part of her is surprised. Some of her comrades have been like that and she gets where that feeling comes from, for sometimes she's done the same. Yet, she won't ever shake the feeling about seeing them as somewhat insane.

She took advantage of the distraction she was being provided and used her breath to burn away the net and take it off as it turned to ash.

When she successfully freed herself, it was her comrade's turn to get netted. Which in her opinion means it's her turn to provide cover.

"Burn the net!" She yelled at him as she pressed foward. She went ahead and buried the lance she stole into the trapper she had previously identified as their leader. The one dishing out the orders earlier.
Starfall's warning fell on deaf ears. The white and gold dragon responded with a chilling blank face, a stark contrast to the impending danger.

The words kept playing through her head, over and over again. Words that drilled into her mind anytime she thought otherwise. The white and gold dragon has no control over it. She can only obey what the kistune says.
"Kill them."
She hated hearing it; makes her feel sick.

Seizing the opportunity presented by her grounded opponent, she folded her wings and plummeted towards Starfall, her safety forgotten in the heat of the moment. Her aim was clear-to drive her razor claws into the dragon's chest, a move that could potentially crush him.

Just before she made contact, she snapped her wings open to break her plunge in order not to kill herself during her dive.


The black-tailed kitsune is impressed with Blade's unwavering mental control. Few can hold out as long as he can. Before he sent his final mental assault, the dragon threw his own attack, a powerful burst of energy, catching the kitsune off guard. The force was so strong that it caused a moment of weakness, leaving the kitsune vulnerable. With Ganjiro and his two companions gone, he's unsure if he can best the dragon mage and his comrades.

The kitsune created a volley of needle-like black spikes above himself and shot them towards the dragon in a desperate attempt to sway Blade. He managed to keep up the black domed shield around himself to avoid physical attacks, diverting Ashe's arrow in a random direction. His mana reserves are quickly draining.

With Blade taking care of the rest of the undead, Drekk joins Blade in his mental struggle. He lurches at the kitsune full force, making the kitsune divert his attention to the drake.


The arrow hit the wyvern square in the chest, the head drilled into the leather skin and causing the black creature to screech in pain. Circling around to the source of the attack. It opened its maw to spit another wave of acid. Black blood was the only thing that spilled out before its chest burst into flame with an explosion. The creature plummeted to the ground beside Blade and Ashe, Leaving a black mess of guts and blood.


Hearing Valadir's plea, Sabato appeared beside him, sword in hand. He was disgusted by what he saw: Crystal in her fox form with a single tail.

Without a word, he sheathed his sword and stooped to Crystal's side, ignoring the blood. Leaning over her to check her vitals, he put a hand on her chest and neck. She was still breathing, and her heart was beating at an irregular pace. She is under a fever as well.

He moved a hand over where her single tail was and released mana to seal the wounds where she had lost the rest of her tails. Shortly after, he sealed the stab wounds that were bleeding profusely. Healing is not his strong point, so it drained much of his energy. His breathing started to become laboured.

Rechecking her vital, "Still alive... That's a start."

He looked at Valadir angrily, not intimidated by his strong appearance and aura. "Leave! Go help the others. I'll deal with Crystal."

He didn't want the dragon near Crystal, for he knew what deal he had made.

As Sabato looked over Crystal, the crimson dragon spoke to Valadir.
"You show pity in the fire of battle? You have much to learn, youngling."
Angry with Valadir, displeased with his actions.


Listening to Celestina, Merth took a deep breath and burnt the net around him, causing two of the elves to back away, during their retreat, Celestina skewed the leader in the side, making him yell and fall to the ground. He tried to crawl away but Merth leapt on him and crushed his head with his large foot.

The last lance-wielding elf retreated to the ones who carried the nets. One had a sword in hand, while the other rolled up its sleeves and created a green ball of energy. An additional two elves joined their ranks from the forest. They carried crossbows, ready to fire again.

Seeing the immediate danger, Merth only had one thing on his mind. Protect the dragon. He ripped the bolt from his shoulder and roared at the five elves. He released his firey breath upon them. A green energy shield was erected in front of the elves, absorbing the fire. Two bolts flew through the shield without disruption and hit Merth. One drilling into his unprotected inner thigh and the other into the wrist. Merth dropped to one knee in pain. He must not let them take Celestina.


Gathrea led the golem further away from the battle. As he continued to evade its pursuit, he couldn't help but wonder-would it ever tire of this game?

Just as his thoughts passed, the black rock golem turned around and headed back to the primary fight, going directly to Blade and Ashe.

"Just my luck."

Gathrea tried to grab the golem's attention with fire but to no avail.
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Ashe watched the fire trail blaze into the wyvern. Her first test shot had missed by mere meters. Her second shot hit square in his chest. Yet the wyvern still circled towards them. Had the flame gone out? The large sky creature had opened its maw to send acid rain upon them. The halfling was about to pivot when a fleshly explosion sounded. The arrow’s head had exploded in the chest. It’s lungs and blood flaying and spilling on the battlefield.

Ashe covered her eyes from the specks of sand and blood that scattered her way from the wyvern’s impact. She licked the corner of her mouth. The small burn had worsened. She gave herself a quick analysis. Thighs bleeding and, possibly bruised rib. She took a breath. This is becoming exhausting. She checked her surroundings before placing her bow across her back.

We are fighting at least three fronts, not including Jura’s area. It seems to be nearing the end however with Ganjiro’s disappearance. Beside Blade now, facing the kitsune once more. She noted her previous arrows at him did nothing. The white dragon was holding his own. Though she had little to garner how straining the mage battle truly was. Starfall looked like he was having some trouble on his end.

She heard bearing of rocks scraping against one another. Glancing to the right of Blade. a giant golem. She gritted her teeth. Her hand in a fist, she focused on both kitsune and the golem. Her heart beat thunderously in her chest. She mumbled, “We need to cut the source away.” She wondered about the allies. Ringing began in her ears, but who? Her breathing quickened. Everyone is entangled. Drekk won't follow me to the kitsune. He stays by Blade’s side. Panic was swelling in Ashe’s body.

The sickening smell of corpses, the dark sky lit by flame, swords banging against shields, yelling and forgone friends. The sensations and memories were threatening to reel her back to her failure. I wasn’t made for the battlefield. I lost everything when I tried to play soldier. Jura should have been there to lead the army then. She’s not here now… … No.

Ashe steeled herself. Locking the memories away. Returning to the present fight at hand, she calmed her breath. Barely seconds had passed and the halfling decided. Everyone is busy. Help where you are able. She stared at the kitsune, seeing part of his fatigue. This is a stupid plan.

Ashe spoke, “Wish me luck.” With that, she sprinted towards the kitsune. She pulled her knife out once more and used her remaining energy to charge forward. She noted the shield the kitsune used. On closer inspection, the enemy mage was tiring out.
Starfall stared at his opponent. His words made no effect on her. Sad. Well, at least he can't be told he hasnt tried. She's incoming, thus the army training applies from now on. Lives are at stake plus she refuses to heed the warning, thus no choice but to fight seriously.

He currently put his efforts into dodging. Luckily it'd work and give an opening for a counter.


Blade saw the kitsune tumble. Good. The foe is starting to falter. This is the time to close things up.

Before he could cast a spell, his opponent attacked. He tried to quickly raise an ice wall to cover himself. He also kept his head down in order to protect his eyes and brain. He still got hit, some of the shards going through the purple membranes forming his wings and ending on his back. A couple drops of blood are dripping from the contact area. The dragon grunted in pain. Moving hurts now.

He glad that the drake is pitching in the battle, Blade feels he has a bit of a breathing room. He thinks Ashley is insane for what she is trying to do. He does wish her luck. But... both the drake and Ashley make for an excellent distraction.

Keeping the mind pressure going with another mental attack , he also raised his paw, palm towards the enemy. A huge ice shard emerged a meter away from his paw. It's sharp and the point is aimed towards the kitsune. It's as long as a grown human and as thicc as a barrel. He launched it towards the opponent at a speed.


Valadir stared at Sabato in a really unfriendly fashion when he was told to go.

"YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" He furiously yelled at him. How does he dare talk that way after fighting half the battle on his own. Such an ungrateful bitch. "YOU'D BE DEAD IF NOT FOR ME!" The dragon looks thoroughly disgusted. If not because he is still of use he'd kill Sabato in the spot for his insolence.

"You go fuck yourself!" He angrily told his temporal comrade when he heard how displeased he was with his most recent action. No regrets for saving someone who has already done so for him in the past.

He sighed and looked to the battle. Whatever. Waste of breath to argue with these people. There are better ways to spend one's oxygen supply. Like for example battling. That big stone golem looks fun to fight against. The idea of fighting it brings a smile to his face and better his mood. It's decided. That's the next target.

Valadir then went airborne with a jump and aimed his hot fire to the golem's legs so it falls.


Celestina observed the situation unfolding in front of her. One less enemy to worry about. They have a mage and what looks like more reinforcements. Luckily they no longer have someone to give them orders.

Given the mage will prove to be the most troublesome enemy, it is better to take that one out first.

Given her drake companion is currently drawing all the attention, Celestina's runes briefly glowed and she dissapeared from view. Her invisibility cloak is on. With that, she plans to silently trot around the enemy and attack from behind. Jump over the mage and get him. She trusts they won't see that coming.
The white and gold dragoness landed hard into the sandstone, cracking the ground. Under the stress of the failed crushing attack, her back legs gave way underneath the force, causing her to stumble. She snapped towards her opponent to unleash gold and white fire at her opponent to cover up her mistake.

"Kill them..." The kitsune voice repeated over and over in her head. Causing her to have a headache, but she cannot ignore it. She is bound to listen.


The kitsune fought valiantly against two relentless mental fronts, but the pressure was overwhelming. It prevented him from casting more spells, leaving him with no choice but to focus on defence.

The human charging doesn't bother him; one easy spell against the bowmen will wipe her out. The kitsune quickly conjured a few black needle spikes in the palm of his hand and shot them at the charging human, just enough to kill her.

Just as he managed to cast a spell, he couldn't see Blade's attack behind the ice wall. Too late to dodge, the ice attack crashed into his shield, breaking the black bubble defence and knocking the kitsune to his knee, exhausted. The psychological attacks continued to pound against his mind, and all of his energy is being used to suppress the attacks. His vision started to blur.


If not for the remaining opponents, Sabato would have given more attention to Valadir roaring at him. The kitsune silently stared at the black dragon, deeming his threat empty. He can pour out his anger on the remaining adversaries. If not, Sabato would take his threat seriously and defend himself and Crystal by making a tricky escape. Best to stay out of the way of an angry dragon. They cause reckless destruction.

Sabato remained quiet and focused on keeping Crystal alive. Trusting Blade and the drakes had everything under control, as soon as Valaldit flew off, kicking sand in Sabato's eyes, the kitsune carefully picked up Crystal onto his shoulder and moved away from the fight. He headed into the forest.


The golem's heavy footsteps stopped after seeing the charging dragon. The rock giant ignored the massive firey attack. The drake didn't do any damage, so why would the dragon do something? The golem slowly lifted up an arm to catch the dragon. Before it could even make a move, its leg melted. The golem toppled forward and crashed, breaking the sandstone with a booming sound shaking the ground.


The crossbow wielders frantically charged up their bows. To cover them, the elves, with spears and swords, slowly stepped towards the reptiles. With the mage on their side, their confidence increased. That's until the dragon disappeared. The elf immediately threw the spear at the dragon's last location before scurrying back to the elvish mage for defence. The other elf also decided to back off and go to the mage.

Merth snorted at Celestina's trickery. He immediately opened his mind to see if the dragoness was making an escape. Once he realised she wasn't and understood what she was up to, the drake roared and returned to his feet. He drew in his breath and- A bolt green spear struck his neck, piercing right through, leaving a large hole. The drake clutched his neck and made gurgling noises. He fell and sprawled on the ground, trying to crawl at the elves. His injury quickly overcame him, and he stopped moving.
The young halfling dashed to the kistune. He barely gave her a sideways glance when black needles materialised. These needles shot quickly at the halfling, leaving no space to dodge, and Ashely kept charging at the kitsune. The halfling felt the mana drawn into her and diffused. The needles lost form and dissipated.

Reverse gripping the knife, Ashely closed the distance. She swiped at the kitsune’s neck feeling the more mana siphoned from passing a shield. Ashely attempted another stabbing, manoeuvring behind him. She then reached out to grapple the kitsune.
Starfall failed to dodge the dragoness' fire. It hit him on his front and right side. He's thinking that his sis would have been able to dodge that with no problem at all.

Yet he hasn't felt much of it. He has only felt some heat. Like hot air getting blown his way.

Seeing how he is fine and his opponent is having trouble balancing herself, Starfall took that moment of weakness to press onwards. Moving from her side in order to minimize the risk her head presents, he aimed to get a hold of her. See if her movement can be restricted and what can be done with the gem lodged on her chest.


Blade continued to act offensively, given their opponent is starting to fall. He tightened the mind pressure he applied on his foe, turning it into a strong squeeze. He also turned his right palm towards the sky. A group of big, sharp ice shards flew directed to the heavens. After they took height, they traveled downwards at a high speed towards the kneeling kitsune.


Valadir saw with pleasure how the golem fell upon missing a leg. Good. Going as planned. He then aimed to land with full force on its head in order to finish it.

"I thought I told you to quit dissapointing me and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB?!? WHY MUST I INTERVENE?!?" He told the drake group but their leader in pparticular. His ire is palpable. This can't go unpunished.


When she was just about to jump over the mage to bite his neck and kill him, Celestina stopped. She saw her comrade in arms fall. Well, that's what he gets for acting carelessly. Even then, a comrade's sacrifice is not to be left in vain.

Now, she's alone and still hidden from the eye. Taking these enemies as they are now would be suicidal. They are grouped up together. Attacking one of them would mean the others would get her immediately after.

Thus, she went for a distraction. It'd lower their guard. Ideally make them split up a bit.

She put her head near the ground. A small flame coming from her left nostril on the vegetation a few centimeters away from the enemy group. She then silently backed away and saw the situation develop.
The white and golden dragoness eyes widened at her second failed offence. Her gold fire did not harm her opponent. Good. At least she has control over something.

Seeing her foe charge her side, she attempted to fly away before she could be hit. Just before she could flare her wings, the brawny dragon seized hold of her. Gripping her chest and shoulders, his larger frame prevented her from making an escape. Understanding the danger she is in. A loud roar erupted from her maw, and she swung her head, looking for his neck to sink her teeth in. Additionally, she weaponised her talons and tried to slash his chest. Doing everything she can to break out of the hold.


One final push. The black kitsune forced himself to his feet, barely managing to ward off Blade's onslaught of mental attacks. He held a hand up at the incoming ice shards. A small black shield appeared above him, blocking some of the crashing shards. His shield disappeared just as the last one landed next to him. He dropped his hand, about to send one last final mental attack against Blade- His neck slit open, black blood spilled. Another stab to his gut. Gurgling noises spilled from his mouth before he fell unconscious.

Within Ashe's tight arms, the kitsune's body dissolved into a black liquid and seeped into the sand.


The golem slowly pushed its torso up, its rocks creating deep rustling noises. It didn't have time to turn to face its new opponent. Its head was blown to bits from Valadir's crashing blow, finishing the gaint golem. Its body crumbled into many pieces, symbolising its death.

Dathka, Drekk on the ground, Getthrea in the air. All of them witnessed Valadir kill the golem by himself. They have never seen such a display of strength. A power that the Armageddons cannot compete with.

The grounded drakes flinched at Valadir's words. Taking a few steps away from him.

"Merth has fallen. An elven group at the forest with a dragon. Look for the burning trees. Kill the elves. Go, both of you." Gathrea directed Dathka and Drekk to their next task. They took a few steps to get a running start before taking flight towards Celestina and the elven trappers.

Gathrea circled around the golem and Valadir, confirming its death and checking Valadir's state with keen eyes. The two-toned dragon doesn't appear to be injured. Not even a scratch. What happened to Valadir? When did he become so... Dauntless.

The four-winged drake stayed in the air to oversee the battle and coordinate the drakes. Seeing Virve still fleeing with the young one and Rega, he said to Virve, "Stop your retreat. The battle is nearly over. Stay by the water."

Next, he reached out to Thresh, the shaman. Looking for his mind and finding it in the forest. He inquired on him. "What is your status?"

"Hiding with Jura, she is sick. Fever. I stay to keep her safe."
Thresh promptly replied.

"Good, do not leave her side. The battle is nearly over. We will regroup soon."

Finally, Gathrea observed Blade's fight. It appears he has overcome their greatest adversary. He saw the small human girl covered in black liquid.

Close by to them, two dragons battled. Starfall, who he had just met, and another, white and gold in colour. Gathrea contacted Balde, "Radiant One, who is this newcomer fighting Starfall?"


The elves' heads snapped to the random fire. The sword-wielding elf, closest to the fire, jumped from the sudden heat. Unintentionally separating himself from the group.

The elven mage assumed command of the group.
"Stay with me! As soon as it shows itself, We'll have it." The mage held a hand out. The fire started to swirl and then snuff out from existence.
"Show yourself, you sneaky bitch." The mage said into the open air.

"Look!" One of the crossbowmen shouted. "More incoming!" All the elves looked up to see two drakes heading in their direction.

"Shoot them!"

The elves holding the crossbows got to their knees and aimed at the flying drakes.


Sabato carefully picked up Crystal and put her over his shoulder. She started to make his way to the forest.


"We will stop here. We are safe from the action. We cannot go too far from the others. " Virve commanded her protected dragons. They are by the sea. The suttle waves just missing their feet.
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Bile threatened to escape, but Ashely pushed the nausea down. She swiped off what black liquid she could. The smell was vile. The young halfling bent over, leaning her hands on her knees, panting. Thank the heralds. She found the energy to check her surroundings, taking the opportunity to pause.

The guild master noted Starfall was still subduing the white and gold dragoness. The zombies and golems were being dealt with. What happened to Valadir? Was he not smaller than Starfall? One of the drakes she saw, barely visible, flying about. the battle is nearing its end. Good.

The halfling’s heart dropped when she saw the fire in the trees ahead. Jura. The trees were close to where her friend was. Moving forward Ashe stumbled, her leg nearly giving way. She picked herself up, swaying slightly. Jogging past Blade to where she saw Jura and that drake disappear. She crossed the battlefield, avoiding any ongoing fights.

Smoke filled the air. She breathed a little easier finding that the fire was further away. She entered the tree line. The halfling carefully took out a small glowing stone, ensuring it did not touch her skin. The stone had a twin, which glowed brighter when closer. It was how she found Jura in Diabmoure beforehand.

She tucked the stone away when she caught sight of her companion lying unconscious. A shaman drake was beside her. …Thresh was his name. The halfling quietly made her presence known although she assumed Thresh was aware already. “How is Jura?” the halfling asked taking a protective stance by the dragonness’s head.
Starfall didn't stop his offense when his opponent defended herself, for his scales are thick and resilient. Plus he's big bodied, there are plenty of foes that have attempted bigger attacks than this. He doubts she can do much to get him off due to his innate weight. A small part of the pain and none of the damage.

Aiming to put a paw on her head in order to keep her down, with the other he grasped the gem on her chest and started to pull.


Blade felt his mind clearing as his foe vanished. He lowered his paw laboriously and took a deep breath. It's finally over. He feels exhausted, both mentally and physically. His body language mimics that. He stared at his surroundings and it seems the others are also wrapping up their part.

"The battle is ceasing" He relayed to Sabato.

He then started to tend to his wounds. He started by the holes in his wings due to the shards lodged in his back. He did so by sticking them to the sides of his body and touching with his paws the affected areas. With a slight glow, the holes started to regenerate. Then, his frontal wounds. They are superficial yet its unwise to leave them like his. He placed a paw on his chest in order to cast a painkiller spell on himself and pulled them out. Then put a paw over his wounds to heal.

Lastly, the shards on his back. It's a spot he can't reach. He looked around for help and everyone seems busy. Pity. That'll have to wait.

It was then when he noticed Valadir. He's changed. His body. Eyes. He's not himself. Maybe things are not over yet.

"She's possessed" Blade started explaining to drake addressing him. "By one of our now fallen foes. A gem on her chest forces her to obey her master's command. He has promised to not kill her

I shall ask a favor of you. I require aid with my injuries

Valadir finds himself having several feelings at once. He's pleased at how intimidated the drakes are feeling due to his presence. Threatening them is so fun. It reminds them of what their place is. As his disposable servants and nothing else. He's more convinced that these people are useless fighting wise.

He also feels sad that the fight is over. He felt free as he fought. Those feelings mostly override the disappointment he was feeling. Maybe keeping these servants alive is best. That way they can be constantly reminded of their lack of skill and purpose.

"I will report your uselessness to your superiors"


Celestina waited the situation out. See how things evolve due to the fire. She's just a handful of steps away.

One of her enemies split from the group. He's alone. The dragoness quietly neared him and bit her neck in a single move. She then quickly backed off to the forest and cleaned the blood from her muzzle in order to not create a trail. She remained hidden, in order to see if anyone else makes a mistake.

Celestina clenched her eyes when she heard the mage insult her. In her opinion, he's the bitch. He's the one scared. In any case, he's next. Mages are always dangerous, plus he's acting like the SL. No command means no plan.

Seeing how some allied reinforcements are incoming, the dragoness waited for the crossbows to fire and then went to jump over the mage in order to bite his neck.
Upon witnessing Starfall's maneuver, the white and golden dragoness seized his lower leg in her jaws, determined to break his scales. She used all her limbs to kick and push him away, but his size and strength were overwhelming. Yet, she remained resolute, prepared to face whatever fate awaited her, even if she was to be put out of her misery.

As soon as Starfall started digging his claws into the black gem, his opponent froze briefly. She stopped her offence and whimpered before releasing his leg from her teeth and roaring from the pain. The black gem started to glow as if it was yelling back stubbornness and unwillingness to part from its host.

With a quick pull, the gem popped free. Immediately ceased its glowing and melted within Starfall's paw. The gold dragon's roar was cut short. Her eyes dilated, and white foam quickly formed in her mouth.
"T-The voices... T-their gone..."
She coughed a few times before fainting, completely falling limp.


"I'll be beside you, Radiant One."

Gathrea kept an eye on the brawling dragons for a few seconds, ensuring Starfall had the upper paw before diving to Blade's aid. He landed softly to avoid kicking sand at the Mage.

Sensing what he needed help with, Gathrea started plucking the black needles from the dragon's back. A few at a time. Waiting for the Mage to heal himself before taking out a few more. The lead drake sees Blade's weariness, a physical and mental toll. He knows the struggles of wizard duelling as he has seen drake Warlocks, Oracles and Shamans battle.

So he offered, "Radiant One, if you need strength, take some of mine so you are able."


The red spirit stirred within Valadir. Pleased with the young dragon's results. Now, he has had a taste of his potential.

The crimson dragon's slow and dark voice emanated in Valadir's mind. "Good Unbroken. You truly are a specimen of courage and fearlessness. You have seen what you are capable of when we are together. You single-handedly won this battle. I foresee good things will come from our partnership. Now go back to the mountains, and you will find me in the caves."

The spirit dragon suddenly left Valadir's body. His presence completely disappeared, leaving Valadir dry of energy and hungry, like a void opened up inside him that needed to be filled. He shrunk back to his original size and regained all his normal attributes. His eyes turned from red to yellow, and the bite mark disappeared.


The swordsmen had no opportunity to counter. Suddenly, there was a great shove, pain in his neck, and then silence. His body dropped to the ground with his neck spilled open.

The only elf holding the spear pointed his weapon at his comrade's death. Fear in his eyes as his brethren suddenly collapsed. He started jabbing the spear in the air, hoping to catch the invisible dragon at the tip.

The elven Mage held a hand at the diving drakes, ready to cast a spell. The crossbow's fired. The Mage created a green ball of energy then- Then his neck split open like his collegue. Blood guzzled out, and he emitted a gurgling noise before collapsing.

The spearman snapped around to see his fallen friend.
"No! Terial!" The elf threw his spear at the dead Mage's direction; maybe the killer dragon is still there. Then he ran into the forest, hoping to disappear from sight.

The bolts bounced off the drake's thick armour. The elves expected their Mage to kill the drakes. Nothing happened; the reptile creatures are still diving towards them. The crossbowmen went to scatter from their position, but the drakes were too quick and landed on the elves and crashed them, instantly killing them. They tore the crossbows in two before roaring, challenging anyone who threatened their might.

Dathka, the larger of the two drakes, went to Merth's body while Drekk quickly went around to search for any more elves, thirsty for their blood. He noticed he could not see Celestina.


Thresh sensed another presence closing in on him from the beach. At first, he picked up his spear, ready to fight, but as the presence got closer, he recognised the human mind as being with Jura from the beginning. Deeming the human, not a threat. He lowered his weapon and continued his focus on Jura.

The Shaman drake didn't flinch as the human girl approached, although his annoyance rose.

"Quiet human!" Thresh growled. Giving Ashe a stern warning not to distract him.

Jura is slowly slipping away from overexhaustion and fever. Medicinal practice is too slow for her to recover. He pulled out a green gemstone that had a slight glow. He placed the shiny object onto the blue dragoness and pressed it against her scales. Thresh closed his eyes and murmured a foreign phrase. The gemstone was absorbed by the blue scales, causing Jura to shudder. Thresh kept his hands on the dragoness and transferred some of his energy into the dragoness. Within seconds, the drake started to pant before taking his hands off. Thresh slowly took to his feet and backed off, leaving Jura enough room to get up.

Jura slowly stirred awake. Her eyes snapped open, and she jerked her head, unintentionally hitting Ashe. She whined out of pain all over her body. Her breathing was sharp at first but quickly became controlled and slow. Her eyes went in and out of focus, but she could see Ashe's shape. She flicked her tongue, tasting the air to confirm that it was Ashe.

"Lolo... Is that you..." Calling Ashe by her given nickname.

Later on, Sabato arrives at the scene with Crystal on her shoulder. He started at the dynamic trio before picking a corner of the small clearing where he carefully laid Crystal. He didn't disturb the others. If they want to talk to him, they will inquire. Right now, his focus is getting Crystal back to consciousness.
A tick of annoyance flashed through Ashe at Thresh’s demand. The drake cut a nerve, but she elected to silence her retort. Now is not a time to argue. Ashe reminded herself. Settling on the floor, the half-human watched Thresh’s medicinal care. Her eyes studied the creature’s body, a continuing mystery in her mind. A mystery causing unwelcome confusion. Scales, teeth, wings and a tail like a dragon but humanoid. His murmurs were alien and accompanied a subtle glow. It sets tension within Ashe, who is hidden by a demure façade.

She was drawn from her observations by Jura’s voice. It sounded weak, nonetheless, it was relieving to hear her speak. “Hey, Blue J. ‘Tis me,” Ashe whispered. “You have taken quite the hit but will be okay. Starfall and Celestina have arrived also.” Even if the healing was a small change, the relief dared to bring tears to her eyes. Seeing Jura’s unconscious disposition brought back unwanted memories and a pang of accompanying guilt. I do not know what I would be or do without you friend.

She glanced at the drake and thanked him for his aid. After she had spoken her reassurances, the dark kitsune emerged from the forest. GANJIRO. She whipped out her bow with an arrow knocked in a practised motion. Then she saw a small figure of white fur on his shoulder, and the different coloured eyes. Ashe let out a small breath, placing a name to the new stranger, Sabato…and is that Crystal? The white creature was a fox, in great likeness to the kitsune from before.

Lowering her bow, and returning the arrow to the quiver, disappointment flashed through Ashe’s eyes. This was barely a win she thought after noting the immediate losses she counted. I fear what could have been if the twins had not arrived. . Ashe clenched a fist hidden behind Jura’s head, the other reassuring her presence to Jura. Ganjiro is a greater threat than I originally anticipated. My plans require alteration.

Ashe then tilted her eyes unto her companion, “It is nearly over. I can handle the rest until you feel better. It is going to be okay soon.” Then keeping a lowered voice she asked Sabato, “How shall we proceed to the south? There is ill intent upon us, and we are at a disadvantage with injured, and dependants. I suspect moving inland may be fruitless. From my knowledge ports of this region, will not suspect hiring a crew or ship for a connecting trip. If any ports are near, I have connections and means to barter for a sea vessel or commandeer one. Upon regrouping, the drakes and dragons stay hidden whilst I and another procure passage to the south. It may be our safest option.”
Starfall ignored his opponent's efforts of stopping him from pulling out the gem lodged in her chest. If anything, that made him try harder. She wouldn't be trying to stop him if it wasn't unconvenient for her.

He didn't stop while his foe cried in pain and stopped opposing. If anything, it makes it easier.

The gem was now liquid and squirmed out of his right paw. Well, that solves the matter of disposing it. He watched the dragoness pass out. If he remembers correctly what his mage comrade told earlier, the gem controlled her. Crossing that with what the dragoness muttered before collapsing must mean that the effect is no more.

Starfall took a deep breath and looked around. Everything seems to be wrapping up. He's seeing Blade get help. He looks hurt and spent. Same deal with Jura. Getting taken care of by Ashely and their new comrades. That reminds him that interrogating the one that knows his father is due soon. Valadir doesn't seem to be looking good. He looks like he's struggling to stay on his paws. He hanlded his passed out former opponent, making it so she's laying down on her side. While he's glad he didn't kill her, her current state makes matters more complicated. They can't stay here yet she's out. A trip with a body. He also briefly went to slap some sense into Valadir, hitting him twice in the face. Once per side.

"Stay on your feet. This place is too dangerous for you to sleep" He told him in a serious tone.

"Things are done here. We got to carry an unconscious dragoness with us. Possibly a second. What about you?" He relayed to his sister.

"In a minute!"

He saw one fox looking individual appear, carrying another on their shoulder. Oddly Katsumi looking. Maybe that's the one he and his sister are looking for. Interrogating it is within mission parameters. Yet Ashely beat him to it. Well, time to check on Jura then.

"How are ya feeling?" He asked her. "Sis is taking care of a group nearby. She told me she's got it under control. We bought our packs with supplies. You look like you need food judging from how thin you are"


Blade's glad he is getting the help he requested. Working in tandem with the drake made the healing process a lot quicker.

"My appreciations for your aid" The white dragon told his comrade after the task was finished. Even his voice sounds tired.

"Conserve your energy" Blade told his companion, denying his aid offer. He then grasped his necklace for another energy jolt. It allowed him to stand up better. "It is unwise to weaken you for a temporal measure. Yet I yearn for real rest"


Celestina watched the situation unfold in front of her after she dealt with the mage with a smile. Terial the Bitch. She is smiling from her own bad joke.

Back to the situation at paw though. Whoever and whatever these people are, they got it under control. Thus she decided to dwell into the forest for a minute or two to check for enemy reinforcements. No one there. When she returned the enemy was dead. She killed her cloak after stepping out of the forest and headed towards her allies.

"He fought well yet he died carelessly" She told the one kneeling over the dead.


"It was fun..." Valadir added to this guy's parting words. He finally felt like he was free and in control of everything and everyone. Like he could speak up his mind and no one would oppose. Everyone acted like his little bitch and he loved it. An addictive feeling. But well, at least he won't get told off for caring for his friend.

With him gone, Valadir felt his eyesight worsen, at least compared to how it was moments ago. He instantly felt weak, dizzy and with a throbbing headache. He feels his vision to be slightly blurry. He carried his left paw to his head. He's having trouble staying on his paws. He closed his eyes and groaned.

Starfall came around and slapped some sense into him.

"Yeah, thanks..." A small hit of adrenaline surged from his hits. Yet it only prolonged the inevitable. After fighting for a couple of minutes against this body state, his limbs and consciousness failed him. With a thud, he fell unconscious on his left side.

Blade looked at the origin of the noise. Valadir is out. Must be that the spirit that got into him left. A talk with him about it is due at a later moment. He's also seeing Starfall approach him and put a paw in the corner of his jaw in order to check his pulse and breathing habits. Everything adds up to a normal case of unconsciousness. Thing is... why? He doesn't look that agitated. His armor makes it hard to assess, but judging from the thiccness from his paws, neck and tail compared to his size he seems to be suffering from some degree of malnourishment. Maybe that is why. Maybe his body has been weakened too much for the pursuits against their kind. All the more reason to stay and help.
The elf ran as fast as he could from the fight. Trees ablaze all around him, sucking precious oxygen from the air. His lungs are on fire from the dry heat, but he must keep running. Alas, his fate will be the same as that of his friends.

A branch cracked from its dead trunk. With a thunderous sound, it fell fifteen metres in front of the elf, crashing into the snow and blocking its escape. To his left and right is a burning bush; to turn back is to face whatever is potentially chasing him. His situation is dire.

With a yell, the elf jumped over the branch, burning his clothes and skin from the intense heat. He crashed on the other side against the hard snow. Quickly picking himself up, head on the swivel to find his escape. The elf froze with fear. Between him and the escape path stood a gaint red creature. It resembled a dragon but stood like a man on two legs. The same one that attacked his group from the sky. Its wings are like lakes of blood, and its eyes of hellish fire. It covered itself in black armour and bore a large spear.

The elf pulled a knife from his green tunic. The monster didn't flinch. The longer the elf waited, the closer the fire crept.
This is it. Now or never.
The elf, in a final act of sacrifice, charged the red monster. A sudden burst of searing pain in his gut and he was thrown back. The elf's knife fell from his grasp as he clutched at the spear that had pierced him. His life ebbed away, a stark reminder of the loss in this epic battle.


Dathka, who is over Merth's body, saw a flash of movement in the corner of his eye. He quickly recovered his spear and pointed it at the direction. It was a dragon. One who he hasn't seen before. He promptly dropped the spear and bowed his head at the dragon, who had some words about his comrade's death.
"Not careless. He is- Was the youngest out of us." Dathka's deep voice almost sounded like a constant growl from his now overtaking exhaustion from the battle. Dathka started stripping Merth's body of his belongings.
"He always said it was his dream to fight among dragons. This is why he accepted the mission without hesitation. You were among the first dragons he has witnessed and now the last."
Dathka stopped what he was doing and stared at the feathered dragon.
"What is your name, great one?"

Drekk the red drake emerged from the forest with blood on his spear. He took a second to lean forward and bow at the feathered dragon before walking to Dathka.


"Of course, Radiant One." Gathrea quickly replied after Blad'es thanks. The small four-winged drake promptly circled around the white dragon for any hidden injuries.

"As you wish." Gathrea took note of the necklace and how Blade seemed to regain energy from touching it.
"Rest as much as you can. We will reform and leave promptly. The longer we stay, the closer danger lurks."

Gathrea took a step back away from Blade, about to take flight, when he noticed Valadir collapse. He dashed towards him and laid hands on the two-toned dragon and Starfall. Despite Valadir's harsh words towards all the drakes, they still care and are there for his protection. He noticed he had shrunk down to his original size. Is he also a spellcaster? Gathrea touched Valadir's mind to make sure he wasn't fading away.

"I didn't take him to be a fighter... Something doesn't add up. He showed us up." Gathrea said to Starfall with a slight sense of humour but still serious.


Thresh didn't respond to Ashe's thanks. He found the human repulsive. Afterall, it is her race that started the onslaught, and it is also her race that threatens his home. He kept a keen eye on the human while she was beside the Blue One. Any threatening move will be her last.

Upon hearing Ashe's voice, Jura relaxed.
"Ah, t-thank the Heralds, you're ok."
The blue dragoness dropped her head on the ground and tried to regulate her breathing. Her eyes quickly improved as more shapes and colours came into view. The pain, however. That did not stop. Her head throbbed with a burning headache. Her gut cramped from spewing out the meal she had earlier. Many of her wounds stung in the cold air.
"D-did you say the twins? Wait! Aren't we under attack!?" She disregarded Ashe's words.

Jura tried to quickly get up but only ended up hurting herself. She coughed up blood. Upon hearing Starfall's deep voice, she stopped her efforts and rolled her head to get a glimpse of the large dragon.

She released a sigh of relief. "Oh Star... You're a welcoming sight right now. I definitely could have something to eat and drink. Y-you wouldn't happen to have a four-course meal?" The least Jura can do is spit out humour in her dire situation.

Without looking at Ashe, Sabato replied to her with a calm voice, "I do not know what options are available to us. There is a large Trade port along the coast Southwards. But right now, we must focus on keeping everyone alive. Let the Leadership decide what we are to do."

Sabato closed his eyes and prodded Crystal's mind. A now, small kindle to what once was a consuming flame. She has lost what makes a kitsune. All but one tail is gone. Her power, personality, beauty and pride have been taken from her. Stricken down to her birthed form, a white fox. What Ganjiro has done cannot be redeemed. The Guardians just lost their most powerful member.

After a minute of prodding Crystal's mind, a stream of activity formed in her consciousness. She twitched and stirred until her blue eyes blinked open. Overcome with anxiety and fear, Crystal leapt to all four legs and tried to dash away. Sabato grabbed her by the scruff and immobilised the scared fox. He quickly reached out with his mind and tried to calm Crystal down. What he found in her head was just like any other animal. She is now semi-sentient. Showing shallow signs of intelligent thinking and reason. She is incapable of speech. The closest she can give and receive are thoughts and feelings. It deeply saddened Sabato to see Crystal be brought to such a low place she doesn't know. At least she has retained some of her abilities. She can still communicate telepathically and perhaps wield mana to a limited extent. That is up to her to figure out.

After half a minute of wrestling with Crystal's emotions, he managed to calm her down and gain her trust so she would not run away. He let go of her. Because he is also a kitsune, he can still communicate with her to a great extent. They both share similar emotions, feelings and thoughts. Sabato may need to change his form to further comfort Crystal if it comes down to it.


"Alright. It's safe to approach. Let's go to the others."
Virve slowly leads Rega and Cassiopeia towards the tree line where most of the others are.


Gathrea took to the sky to oversee the remnants of the battle. Black foul bodies littered the ground. The bodies of the Undead and six wyverns. Black blood soiled the once-white sand and snow. The forest fire has eased off and is showing signs of dimming down.

"Report. Gathrea sent a telepathic message to the others.

From Dathka, "The trappers are defeated. We have another dragon here."

And from Thresh, "The Blue one has regained consciousness. One of the fox creatures is either dead or... Nearly dead."

And lastly, from Virve. "Soul Eater and the Little one are safe; we are returning."

"Regroup at the tree line. The beach will slow us down. We must leave as soon as the weak is recovered. Drekk, go find Tile's body. North," Gathrea gave orders to the drakes.
Ashe protested against Jura’s, but it went unheard. The half-human winced at the dragoness’s limb fall to the ground, and coughing fit. It was thanks to Starfall’s presence that Jura calmed. Ashe smiled at the joke her friend made.

“You are indeed a sight for sore eyes Star. I look forward to talking with you and your sister when time allows on a few matters. Nonetheless, I appreciate your support in this battle. I would not have liked to experience the results had you and Celestina not been here.” Ashe said to the large dragon. She offered a smile before turning her attention to Sabato. As she did, she eyed the drake beside Jura.

His contempt for her was obvious. The half-human made a passing glance, a suggestive acknowledgement that the distrust felt was a two-way street. I hold no moral standing in his eyes. Yet should this disrespect continue, I will not stand for it.

Sabato only provided a brief response to her queries. She agreed on a few points replying, “Alright. Regrouping and reassessing the situation are priorities. But make no mistake Sabato, the final decision will not be left to nor made only by your leadership. Despite our groups travelling to the same destination, it does not mean we are bound under the same rules or rulers. Should any decisions be made, they will be made with us, not for us.”

She glided her eyes from Sabato, past Thresh and to Starfall. She made two hidden hand gestures for Star’s eyes behind Jura. It was a sign she used across the guild in Castrock to communicate that ‘back up may be required’ and ‘do not trust easy.’

She continued to speak, “If you doubt me, Starfall can testify for my character. If doubt remains, then ask Blade for his testimony of escaping Diabmoure’s colosseum. Understand this, I will not allow any subjugation especially when it concerns Jura’s or my other companions' safety.”

With her piece expressed, Ashe moved to a knelt position. As she awaited the responses, she took a mental stock of her injuries and equipment. There was an ache in her shoulder and lungs that throbbed, and the cuts on her legs demanded her attention. She only tightened the red-stained bandages already on her thighs. The bleeding is stopping. She patted her side bags and pockets, relieved to find everything was still on her person. She kept a divided attention on Jura, and Starfall should he communicate back.
Blade nodded and proceeded to lay down on his belly. Shame they got to move. His survival skills are low, thus he didnt argue on the need to get moving. What she wishes is to be able to stick his eyelids together for a handful of hours. That way his body can rest and the mana from his body and necklace could recharge. He contemplated Sabato return. With Crys in a poor condition. The sight breaks his heart, for he knows the implications of it.

"What has been done to her is unforgivable" He relayed to Sabato. "Was this Ganjiro's doing? We are not to leave this go unpunished"


Celestina didn't react to this creature's pointing his spear at her, for she knows it's a force of habit. She subtly raised her eyebrow at his bowing.

She nodded at the dead's description. Right. These people were secluded for a while according to Katsumi. If she remembers correctly, the two races have fought together in the past. That must be why this guy was acting all moralized. She reckons he wanted to make an impression.

"He fought pretty well" Celestina started giving her thoughts on her fallen comrade. She thinks the least she can do is show respect for him. To not honor a comrade's death in battle is low. "The battle would have certainly gone differently without 'im. He's made it so I was uninjured. I was also briefly disabled due to a net and he covered me up. Did the same when it happened to him" She thinks it's a good thing they are stripping the body from valuables. No point in leaving supplies for the enemy.

"Fight is done here" She relayed to her brother. "Currently dealing with a body from these drake guys"

Starfall is relived from hearing that. Good. Sis no longer in danger. "Good. Currently feeding Jura from our supplies. She needs 'em"

"I'm Celestina. Ranger corps" She said in order to introduce herself when she was asked about her identity. They are going to be together for the foreseeable future. Knowing eachother leads to better synergy.

"We should get moving asap. There'll be more coming this way soon. It's only a matter of time before they figure this group's missing"

She again raised an eyebrow to the guy that came from the forest to bow at her. She's still not used to it yet she bets this is the kind of thing that is bound to get to one's head.


"Me neither" Starfall added to his drake comrade. "He was pretty scared when the golem showed up. I thought he would seek refuge, which i consider a good course of action given he is not a soldier. I'll recognize he fights well. We were together for a bit and he's good at following. If you want my take, I'd say he just overworked himself. Look at him. He's clearly thinner than he should"

"I know. I'm so handsome" Starfall smiled innocently with a lighthearted tone when Ashley adressed him. It's an attempt at a joke in order to lighen up the mood. He's fully aware that maybe he shouldn't be saying these things to his boss. Then again, this wouldnt be the first time he does it. Far from it. Then he switched back into serious mode. "I don't wish to imagine that scenario either. This battle was weighted against us. Glad we were of use"

"I got a three course. Hold" He told Jura with an innocent smile once again. He's matching her joke yet his words have a serious meaning behind it. He went to fetch his and his sis' backpack to the bush he left them at. He carried his on his shoulder and his sis with his mouth. He returned with the girls and left both on the ground. He got a hold of his pack and set it with it's back on the ground. Front towards the sky, intending it to serve as some kind of table.

He got a hold of two sandwiches and unwrapped them at the same time, leaving them over the backpack.

"Grilled cheese. Butter. Mustard. These go first. I shouldn't remind you. Eat. Slowly. You are in a rough state" He also left a handful of his dried meat.

"Side dish. Beef"

Then he got a hold the sweet nuts and left a pawful on the backpack as well.

"Dessert. Toffee nuts"

Then he took out his water canteen.

"Water" He then proceeded to crack another joke.

"I should open a restaurant at this rate" His face full of innocence. Deep contrast with the dragon from a couple minutes ago that bled out a wyvern and roasted another from within in a minute's span.

In the process, he took the conversation with his sister.

As he watched Jura eat, he took sight of the signs Ashley gave him. Awareness required. Got it. Plus backup. He made no gesture back for he could be seen. Maybe he could send a letter to the guild after the destination is reached as he previously spoke with his sister. No means to send a message at this time.

So this guy's Sabato? Good. Mission at hand. He just hopes he and his sister don't get into too deep of a trouble with their boss for what he's about to say.

"Been looking for you. Katsumi mean anything to you?" He asked Sabato.
"Aye. I must keep a keen eye on him. We have too few numbers to have another to be unable." Gathrea replied back to Starfall.
"My name is Praetor Gathrea."
The forest green drake dipped his head at Starfall before studying his features. The drake gave him a questioning look.
"You remind me of a great dragon. Fenris The Bastion."

After Ganthrea finished scouting and gathering information on everyone's position and situation, he landed next to Valadir and stayed by his side until he woke up. He is too big for the smaller drake to carry. Another reason for his position is that he also has a view of Blade, who he can keep an eye on. The others are by the forest, where the beach ends.


"It is an honour to meet you, Celestina." Dathka spoke with sincerity in his croaky voice.
"I ask that you report to our party leader, Praetor Gathrea. The one with four wings, Both Starfall and yourself, seem to fly out of the darkness at the most convenient time. It causes us confusion. However, we are grateful for your aid. Once we recuperate and understand each other's goals, then we move."

After Dathka finished stripping Merth's body, he heaved the body onto his shoulder and slowly made his way to the main group at the forest line. There is some cover, at least while they recoup.

Drekk, on the other hand, took flight and headed North to find another dead drake. Tile, who was scouting.


Jura patiently waited for Starfall to return. In the meanwhile, she silently listned to Ashe and the fox creature. Learning as much as she can.

When Starfall returned, the dragoness slowly got to her seat and reached for the food. With a weak voice, she thanked Starfall. "Much appreciated Star."

She went for the water first.

Cel should be the one opening the restaurant. It was then she noticed Celesina's bag. "I take it she is here too..."

Jura drank the water, making sure she did it slowly even though everything in her body screamed to drink fast. Vomiting again is something she rather avoid.
Oh sweet, sweet water.

Then she started to dig into the food by taking little bites at the time all the while listening to the conversation at paw. She will leave Starfall and Ashe to do the talking. Negotiating has never been her strong point.


Sabato took a moment to answer Blade. With heavy words, he said, "Before one of my assignments for an assassination, Elijah once said to me, 'No one is past unforgiveness'. I have completed my tasks with that in mind. I am beginning to question his teaching...

"This is his doing. Ganjiro's intention is not known but to himself. He did not kill her... He has something in mind. I feel this will not be the last time we will face him. He has a habit of striking at the most inconvenient times. Be on your guard."

Sabato will admit that Ashe gave an excellent speech, one that has been educated. Then is the authority in her voice. She must also have some sort of command. This halfling has the kitsune's curiosity. She seems to have a good relationship with three of the new dragons.
Furthermore, what alarms him the most is that he cannot dig into her mind. She is invisible to him. That is where his mistrust lies.

He took his time to answer. "There are only two sides to this war. Your friendship with your dragon friends tells me we are fighting the same cause. The way we go about it can be different. We have different allegiances.

"The drakes..." Sabato pointed to Thresh. "They are under oath to defend the dragons. They will also see them through to their dying breath. Their home is threatened by your race, Eryalian. I am not threatening you, but I will give you a warning out of care for your safety. Do not be haste to think our ideologies keep us apart. We are not to different as you might think, wheather you have nine tails or not. Our ruler right now is survival and we must work together. When the drake's Lead is ready, we will discuss what to do. I also have some questions for you."

Sabato's ears pricked and twisted towards Starfall, mentioning his colleague's name. His curiosity and interested can be seen. He looked between Ashe and the dragons, quickly forming some answers.
"He is a colleage of mine. Are you all from Castrock?"
“Valadir, he seemed different on the battlefield. In the end, he seemed larger and more violent. I wonder if it was just physical exhaustion that overcame him,” Ashe pondered aloud. Then a small laugh passed her lips hearing Starfall’s joke, for only a second. I would have to reprimand him for that joke if he was not such a great fighter. I will rebuke him another time, it sure will not be the last. Instead Ashe, joked back, “Too bad that you had to miss the Burning Lac by coming to our aid.”

Starfall did not provide any signals back to her, but she trusted his training. She watched the larger dragon care for Jura in his boy-humourism way. The half-human’s shoulders relaxed a little. I am thankful the twins are here. Thank the Heralds.

After assessing herself, Sabato spoke. She provided a polite curt nod at his acknowledgement. She said, “Your words are appreciated. Allies in this time are sorely desired, so we will do our utmost to act in good faith.” Hearing Eraylia’s actions criticised recalled much hurt in Ashe. She continued, “I also understand Eraylia’s stance in this war intricately. Believe me, they have ostracised more than just the dragons and drakes. As for your questions, I made a deal with Crystal to exchange information. I am truly sorry for what has befallen her. I am amenable to transferring this deal with yourself.”

Ashe’s eyebrows raised slightly when Starfall mentioned Katsume. Sabato’s ears perked up, amusing Ashe. I see his fox-like heritage now. Although I do not know how that eccentric elf is relevant. Then Sabato answered causing Ashe to lower her head and hide her annoyance. A small throb found its way behind her eyes. She lifted her hand and pinched the arch in between her eyes. Why should I not be surprised? I knew there was something off about that elf but I thought it was just that he preferred plants over people. Does this mean Castrock’s location is compromised?

Ashe took a subtle breath in and exhaled. She responded to Sabato’s question, “We, are all from Castpoint guild. By what regard is Katsume your colleague?” The half-human turned to Starfall, “And why do you mention him all of a sudden? Is he part of your explanation for travelling south?”

Ashe unbuttoned the top layer of her leather tunic only until the collarbone was exposed. Underneath the outer layer, was a muted crimson material to cushion against the treated leather. Tucked between the leather protection and thick underlayer, a folded parchment was kept safe. She reached for it, her fingers feeling for the corners of the paper texture, without lowering her eyes to search.

A small pendant fell from its secure spot as she procured the desired item. It dangled from her neck freely. Ashe unfolded the parchment revealing an official insignia of her guild. It was a standard practice for guilds to mandate members carry such a token. Some guilds practiced tattooing their crests on their members. This way, when guilds travelled across the continent into ports, towns, or cities they could be identified, or find work. Different guilds were famous or infamous for specialised roles. Some specialised in hunting rare or high-risk monsters where clients needed body parts. Others dealt with bandits, bounty hunting, assassination or bodyguarding. Others were trading guilds for merchants and commerce.

The Cashpoint guild was founded on commerce and monster and bandit hunting where towns were being harassed. In the later years, the guild expanded and completed requests and assignments for bodyguarding, escorting, bounty-hunting, and exploration. About half a year ago, the guild’s name became known in ports, territories in the north, and small areas across the continent where guild members were originally from or where a job required members to journey to.

The parchment in question held an insignia of Castpoint – an outline of a mountain, with a phoenix at the crest. She opened it and showed Sabato, “This is proof of our identities. Starfall will have something similar.”
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"Agreed" Starfall's words on his comrade's opinions on the dragon at hand. Dragging this guy around would be a piece of work. Jura can be dragged due to her really small size. Plus, as he said all paws are needed. It can be argued that asking a civilian to fight is a questionable maneuver... but in their defense, he decided to stay out of his own volition. Plus the dire situation at paw. Thus, he needs to wake up in order to keep fighting with them.

Right. This guy knows his father. Due to the battle he had forgotten about it.

"How'd you meet my father? I have reasons to believe he has passed. When did you meet him?"

"One of these guys knows dad. Or rather, knew dad" He relayed to his sister.

"Really?? How? When?"

"Interrogating. Hold"

"Well, he did transform one of those wyvs into an empty torso, didn't he?" The maned dragon when his boss mentioned Valadir's sudden outburst of violence. "That must have taken lots of energy. Maybe we should ask him about it? What made him so eager to fight I mean"

"What I wouldn't do for a sip o' that" Starfall said with a smile when his boss recalled one of his favorite drinks. "I should have bought that and the Burnin' Fee instead of regular coffee. It's good that it's an acquired taste. People either love it or hate it. It means more for me. Imagine if we could get a shipment with us..."

Seeing the situation unfolding in front of him and after Ashley showed her pendant and mentioned his, Starfall reached for a pocket in his backpack and took a necklace similar to his boss' yet bigger, in order to fit his proportions. Good thing she ain't pissed at what he said. He then stored it back.

"I was told you have more details to give us about the upcoming war. Me and my sister want in"


Blade took a deep breath after hearing Sabato's words. " His words are wise. Crystal is the best example of his words. Yet, leaving his deeds under these dire circumstances remain with no consequence is unfair to those affected. Some actions defy correction"


"Roger. We are heading towards your lands. Our goals should line up" Celestina bluntly said as a heads-up. Evidently she's not much for conversation. Or she's just not in the mood.

While heading towards the others in order to talk to the SL from these people, she had her short conversation with her brother.

She eventually arrived back to the big group, quickly scouting the situation with her gaze. Guy who needs talking to is effectively here, with one of the guys she had seen a while ago. The one with the armor. He's on the ground. No wounds visible from here. Maybe knocked out?

The feathery one that's also out and split from the rest she doesn't recall. Certainly an introduction once able. White guy is also fine yet he looks slightly worked up and is pretty malnourished.

Main group of interest. Brother. Boss and friend. Her other friend and workmate. Seems Star is feeding Jura some of their rations. Good. She'd done the same. What she is gathering is that everyone from her race except for herself and Star are either wounded, tired, starving, passed out, scared shitless or a mix of the aftermentioned. All the more reason to be here and complete the mission Katsumi has tasked them to. She feels they've had it too good for too long. These people have been suffering and have had a lack of food and rest for what looks like a lot of time, while her and Star have had been safeguarded from all of that.

"This group has suffered too much from the looks of it. Makes me think we had it too nice for too long. All the more reason to help them" She relayed to Star.


The dragoness then headed towards the instructed drake in order to do as instructed and recieve further details on the mission. Greeting the others will come after. First the main objective.

"I was told to report to you" She told Gathrea after she walked to him.


Valadir's tail began to twitch. Soon after he opened his eyes. He tried to get up but to no avail. He feels weak. He then laid on his back and felt a splitting headache and a big amount of dizziness. It makes him feel disoriented. His stomach also rumbled loudly.

"Can you bring me my backpack...? He asked the drake that was with him, in a weakened voice. "I bought food and I'm hungry. It should be around here somewhere..."

Celestina had taken a couple steps back in order to give this guy some space. Now that he's up close and awake, she can see him better. She finds him to be quite a hotty. Definitely try to know him better later.

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