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Fantasy Bringing Balance {1x1, platonic} Dragon Rider roleplay, dragon needed

Tiff the Odd

Senior Member
Once upon a time, dragons and humans lived as friends. It is said that the humans were given the power of creation to build great cities and machines that can move the world forward while dragons were given the ability to syphon the magic from the earth so that the world never forgot where they came from. This brought balance to the world. A few dragons and humans were chosen to by the gods to protect that balance, a dragon and rider pair that were called Guardians. The gods split the soul of the human and dragon in half so they can feel each other’s pains and each other’s joys. They could hear the other’s thoughts and when the time came, both entered the next life together.

All of this changed when a dragon and her rider are seemingly kill each other. The dragons blame the humans and the humans blamed the dragons. The bonds of the Guardians are cut and the world descends into war. Dragons using magic to kill humans while humans use machines to kill the dragons.

Our story takes place thousands of years later with your character, who is a dragon known for his violence and ruthless killing of humans. His mate and his hatchlings along with the rest of his colony was killed when humans bombed their caves with poisonous gas. After that, he is admired by the dragons for his ruthlessness towards humans and feared by the humans for his hate. One day, he attacks what he thinks is an outpost for the human army but it isn’t until after he is done destroying the place that he realizes that it’s a village.

The only survivor is a two year old girl ( my character) and while the dragon is not proud of the destruction he has caused, it’s hard to let go of hate. He decides to kill the girl as mercy since she would not survive on her own but right before he does so, there is a bright light and then nothing but darkness.

When the dragon awakens, he finds that he is in the company of a monk who witnesses the whole event and the little girl. He explains that after thousands of years, the gods have tired of the fighting and wish to bring balance once more. They split the soul of the dragons and the girl, bonding them as Guardians that are tasked with saving the world. The gods sent the monk a warning and message for the dragon, that in ten years, a villain will try to rise to power to control both dragons and humans. This villain is the same one who killed the Guardians whose deaths started the war and has been gaining power as both sides fought. The dragon and his new rider must bring balance or all will perish. If they can bring balance then new Guardians will be chosen and your character will be free to live his life untethered.

The monk, who studied the Guardians and their ways, agrees to stick around to train both of them. The dragon, now bound to the girl, has no choice to comply if he ever wishes for his freedom back though once he lets go of his hate will he want it back at all?

Hello! Thank you for reading my plot! I am excited for this RP and have spent days thinking about the plot before typing it. As stated, the girl will be my character while the dragon will be your character.

The dragon can be any kind; a regular six limbed dragon (four legs, two wing), a a wyvern (two legs, two wings), or even an eastern style dragon! As for magic, I’m thinking dragons specialize in a type of magic (storm magic, snow magic, fire magic etc.) and their riders are able to use that magic through their partner.

Before the war, dragons and humans were seen as equals. Dragons and humans are able to physically speak to another but only a Guardian pair can feel each other’s emotions and speak telepathically.

Please come ready to plot, be willing to play side characters, and write 2+ paragraphs. The monk is one of my characters and serves as someone who the gods speak through to train the two to work together.

Please PM me if interested!

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