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Fantasy Brightwick Academy (Lore) CLOSED


Captain's Minion
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Interest check: Brightwick Academy
Fantasy - Brightwick Academy [Character Sheets]
Fantasy - Brightwick Academy - General Rules

The Eternal Hierarchy, which is the government system, doesn't let anyone outside of Aelmere (the country) because they claim it's "too dangerous" for anyone who isn't very skilled in magic. However, only the richest can afford to go to magic schools to learn anything of use. The public schools of Aelmere are simple where even the teachers are hardly of any help. These are only meant for the poor and people without titles, so unless you can somehow stand out from the crowd with your magic skill or test scores to match the higher ups, you won't see anything outside of the country. Therefore, people see Brightwick Academy as their ticket to the outside. The people that go there may have to stay for more years than they think, especially if they are from a poorer class. Brightwick Academy and the Eternal Hierarchy can keep anyone there for as long as they want. Unless someone literally overthrows Brightwick or the Eternal Hierarchy, no one is leaving Aelmere.

You'd think with all the rich people running around like they own the place, there'd be some segregation or racism. Look no further. Some of the all-powerful people actually collect and treat Semifers like pets, although not very good ones. They even go so far as having them as test subjects. The scientists are supplied by the richest to find out how these Semifers can keep their morph form from being active all the time. They also test to see if they can make the Semifers totally human or change completely (and someday permanently) into their secondary form. Not fun.

While there's really no one to speak out against the rich elites, maybe some new faces can turn the tide and put them in their place. Maybe a change of government is in order. Or maybe a new principal and owner of Brightwick Academy. However it goes, only small steps can be taken in the beginning.
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I’m a little confused on what semifers are. I know they are mostly humanoid with some traits from their animal counterparts, but are they in that form permanently? And can they talk in that form? Or, are semifers just witches/wizards/warlocks who can turn into animals, and not all can do that, and that’s why they’re treated like pets?
I’m a little confused on what semifers are. I know they are mostly humanoid with some traits from their animal counterparts, but are they in that form permanently? And can they talk in that form? Or, are semifers just witches/wizards/warlocks who can turn into animals, and not all can do that, and that’s why they’re treated like pets?
Yes, their form is permanent. Yes, they are able to speak. Everyone has a magic capability whether human or Semifer (mostly for rp purposes). They can all morph into one kind of animal. Humans and total believers of the Eternal Hierarchy don't think Semifers are human or capable of having the same level of intelligence as a human. And so because Semifers are simply different, humans try to exploit and take advantage of them. I hope this makes more sense! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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