Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"these look good how much was they?" kiba asked before he even tried the cake pulling out his wallet thinking 'i said ill pay so i dam well will one thing i don't go back on my word and i never will' he was also watching his surroundings just in case of more contractors.
"Around 40 dollars I think" ritsu answered as she tried her cake. ' these are delicious!' She giggled a little.

kiba reached into his wallet and pulled out two twenty dollar notes "i said i would pay" he said as he handed the money to ritsu before he started to eat his cake 'she made a good choice for me this is great' kiba smiled at her in a approved way as in saying good choice.
Ritsu gave luka a treat and ate her cake happily. ' she does make feel human...I am so happy I got her out of that lab' she looked at kiba who seemed to like his cake " you know...luka picked that cake your eating"

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Kiba stopped eating for a moment and wiped his mouth "well thank you Luka you made a great choice"he said thinking that it wouldn't understand what he said leaning back on his chair and looking to the sky thinking about the past "nice day isn't it" he said randomly out of the blue.
Ritsu smiled at him and luka meowed when he said thanks to her. " is a very nice day..." she said as she ate her cake. ' I wish our world was like this every day...but sadly it isn't...we might end up in a fight soon...' she looked at the sky blankly.

Kohaku kept walking around eventually smelling something nice. "How nice." he said to himself his mouth beginning to water. He noticed someone eating cake not far from where he stood. "" saying quietly heading over to the building and staring inside.
he was a little shocked that Luka seemed to notice what he said but after seeing what that cat can do he wasn't surprised "it's funny isn't it people do this all the time well for us its a luxury to simply do it once or twice a year if not in out lifetime" kiba said quietly
Ritsu nodded " feels nice to just relax for minute or even a few seconds...and enjoy some of the luxury this world we live in..' she said as she took another bite of her cake.

Kohaku began drawing red circles on the building. "Fun..." he said to himself still making circles. Finally, he circled the building and began making his circles on one of the tables.
Kiba notices something strange "in public seriously this is bad we may want to move" kiba said acting like nothing was up as he lit a cigarette quickly pointing to the strange man drawing "i have a feeling its a contractor" kiba said in a cautious voice.
Luka meowed and ritsu finished her cake." They certainly did a good job hiding this time..." ritsu said as she wiped her mouth. " so where do you want to go next?" She asked acting casual.

Kohaku got to the table of which they sat and began drawing on it."Fun....." he said again finishing up with his circles. He stood up straight and his stomach rumbled "hungry..." he said taking a few steps back.
"wherever we want to go but fast i don't like this " kiba said putting his cigarette out so he can easily cut himself just in case push comes to shove which he thought it most likely will knowing contractors.
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Ritsu looked at the boy and got up. Luka meowed and ritsu muttered " shit..." she looked at kiba " yeah...we should leave..." ' that boy is a contractor...' she got up with kiba and began to leave.

Kohaku watched them get up and snapped his fingers. Activating all the circles they slowly blew up one by one getting closer to their location."Don't spoil my fun..." he said walking away as the circles continued to blow up.
kiba quickly slit his forearms with his teeth and grabbed ritsu and luka "sorry about this you two" he said to the two knowing that they will get bad whiplash from this as he quickly move away from the building they was near towards a alleyway near by.
Ritsu got down and leaned the wall in the alley way. She shook her head a little 'wow...' luka also shook her head. After a few minutes ritsu said " thanks..." she sighed " I don't if getting up was a smart move or a stupid move" she looked ar luka and then at the bag she quickly when the tables started to blow up ' ok both of them are fine...'

Kohaku yelled out "Super Speed eh? I see your scared." walking around he took a bite out of his chalk and ate it. "I don't see how this is suppose to fun if you run away!" he yelled again noticing the alleyway."Maybe there..." he said quietly walking towards it.
"hmm judging from what i saw of his abilities red circles exploding explosion creation maybe but i'm not sure" Kiba said as he tried to figure out what he was up against "it seemed he spotted us" Kiba added.
" lets get moving" luka sniffed the air and started to run down the alleyway. Ritsu followed her and soon they found an area big enough to fight in " this place looks like a good spot to fight in" she said to kiba.

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Hitomi's eyes flashed blue as she rose to her feet, a aggravated look on her face. She held her hand out and with a flick of her fingers the rack of beverages came crashing down onto the Bartender, however she was able to get out of the way on time, just she was drenched in alchohol. Hitomi ran over to the Hiro and put her hand on his shoulder. "Water is a conductor of electricity, use that to your advantage. I'll get the other contractors, if they come, which I'd be surprised if more didn't come, I am not even sure how many contractors are in this one single builidng." She silently whispered to Hiro. She stuck her fingers down her throat and began to gag uncontrollably, she had nothing to throw up other than bodily liquids.
Simply nodding in response to Hitomi, Hiro's smile turned into a feral grin.

His eyes locking in on the bartender he let out a chuckle, "Oh my dear you played your part so well, even I missed what you really were. And it's a damn shame to because that's such a pretty face..." His voice trailed off as he ran towards the bar tender, she said something but he didn't care what she said, he knew his goal.

To kill her.

Grabbing a bottle on his way towards her he threw it at her feet, at first she laughed, saying something along the lines of 'you missed' and 'better luck next time'. Hiro simply laughed with her,
"I'm not the one who needs luck dear, it's you." A moment passed and then she saw the electricity in his hand, before she even had time to yell, Hiro placed his hand in the puddle pushing electricity through her veins. After a few moments he could feel her body, the electrical currents losing control and racing to fast. After a moment he navigated his impulses from her feet to her heart, "A damn shame. You were so pretty," with that his impulses stopped her heart. She dropped to the ground.

Turning back around his face had twisted in to a distorted grin, his eyes wide with adrenaline, and now blood red. As he opened his mouth to chant victory to the other young ladies, he dropped to a knee.


A moment passed and Hiro let out a pained yelp, grabbing his side. It seemed his bottom two ribs on his right side were the price for that attack. From what he could tell they were definitely fractured, possibly broken. After the initial pain Hiro stood back up, looking up his face was still twisted in a grin. Any human facade he was maintaining before was gone, his movements were sharp and violent. His eyes now blood red were darting across the room, like an impatient child.

"My powers have never been so accurate before. I love it. Taking life is such a game, a game I'm getting good at." The thought danced about his head, he continued his strides over to the young ladies. He had tunnel vision, his body was telling him to re-group while his mind was playing in the fantasies of the death to come. The only variable was, was it goes to be them or they who die on this lovely evening?
Asuna frowned as she sensed Hiro's injury. She hadnt yet learned how to heal from a distance and even if she hadnwhat was she supposed to do? Run over there like an idiot and kiss him? She didnt think so. Instead she waited for him since it seemed like the injury he did have didnt seem to influence too much of his performance. Asuna huddled under a table and watched the room. That bartender couldnt be the only contractor. There were obvioisly more, but whom and where were they?
Hiro moved back towards the wall, leaning up against it. The adrenaline was leaving his veins, his mind starting to focus, and his side starting to throb. Noting the room he saw carnage, destruction, but most importantly; no other contractors, yet.

Taking the moment of calm to re-focus himself he looked at the body of the bartender. He remembered her smile, her gorgeous blue eyes, and because of something so shallow he missed that she was a contractor. Beating himself up he turned around and punched the wall, a typical teenage boy response to something that displeases them. Drawing his hand back he leaned against the wall again.

"Great job, jackass. Now you have two broken ribs, possibly broken finger, and a whole lot of self pity. This is going to get you far." The adrenaline in his body was slowly being taken over by anger. Picking his head up he noted where Hitomi was, she was waiting just as he was. But where was Asuna? Making a second scan of the room he saw her, huddled under the table. Letting out a sigh, he pushed back his hair and moved closer to her.

"Are you hurt at all?"

His eyes had dimmed back to their natural state, a brown so dark it bordered black. Giving her a smile he crouched down next to her, "I guess it wouldn't have been much fun if we all just got drunk and had ourselves a quiet little night now would it? Regardless, we're here now. Stay under the table unless you absolutely need to move, okay? Hitomi and I will take care of the offensive, you take care of the whole 'making sure we don't die' part okay."

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