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One x One Bright City, Lazy Days


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.


De major chille. :)
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Am steadily working on a reply while the restaurant's slow. :'^) But quick question: are there districts in this city and notible social-economic statuses between them?
Not really. The only notable difference between statuses would be the "big-business" corporations who are drawn to the city to invest in aspiring artists and the artists. Gang members make up such a small percentage that they really don't have a status.
Well, I take that back. The city would be divided into different artistic styles. I just now thought about that and I think that it would provide some more settings to use and travel through.
Ooo it'd certainly be interesting to explore. I think it could add to my response, but if the turnout isn't what you're thinking of then I can edit it. 0:
Nearly done with the response; just one paragraph left but dinner rush is starting so it might take just a lil bit longer! Thank you for your patience :'^)
Hey, I hate to ask this, but do you mind editing your post to where Tye comes back to Del after the chase? I pictured it as though Tye told Del to wait at the tower. Sorry if it causes any frustration!
Hey, I'm having some major writer's lock for this. Would you mind suggesting some ideas to kickstart me into a new post?
Of course! I didn't write much to go off on anyhow, I don't think.

Let's see...a conversation about housing seems to be in the making, and finalizing plans too. Possibly add to what they could do the next day in the city? Activities to entertain or ways to provide substance to their early settlement (which Tye is solely focused on at the moment--the "realistic" aspect of him right there). Oh, or introduce powers/mob hints to the plot. That might be for later, though, like them hearing something in a rumor or whatever. Or a POV change? Not sure if that's a comfortable style. Background info in general is always an available fall back, too! The how's and why's of the duo.

Are these okay? They might be a bit too vague.
No, no, these are some pretty good suggestions, I can work with some of this!

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