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Fantasy Bright Academy : OOC

You guys mind if I join in? Also one question, how will the official battle winners be decided? I know we will be rping the battle but then technically we both want to win so how will official “duels” work?
Official duels will be judged by the Headmistress. But students can still battle amongst each other and get points :) I'm thinking there will be events with external creatures for students to battle too at some point. Players are going to have to be aware of this then, and roleplay fairly with each other, genuinely based on their characters abilities. Eg. Casey has absolutely no magical background, so is very unlikely to win in a battle unless helped some how.

In cases with powerful players, it will depend on Teachers in the area or the ominously ever-present headmistress to tell you through the intercom, if it hasn't been fairly decided between players. xD.

So for example, after reading through a battle if the Headmistress or another Teacher finds that a student dodged where, based on current points is almost impossible (eg. trying to jump out of way with 5pt motion skills against a 100pt fire attack) OR that it was impossibly roleplayed (Some kind of ridiculous forced escape outside of ability) then they will intervene.

But if a character, even if under-powered, can with intelligence beat another player, then boo-yah. Points for them. I encourage smart, realistic and fair role-playing in this rp :)..

I'm also very open to suggestions if anybody has an idea for how this could work better.

Will_0121 Will_0121 Will be awesome to have you :D
Kelsey Kelsey In regards to Bright necromancy, it was recommended by a player who hasn't created their characters yet - so I'm leaving what is included in that area to them. :3
Honeyed Tea Honeyed Tea I just LOLED at the sentence under your icon.

krsna250 krsna250 I can change her magical abilities if need be. I totally didn't mean to jack someones stuff. I feel kinda bad now...
Danzo Danzo To simplify 'Dark' necromancy will no longer be offered as a subject but still will be present as a type of power ingame
Why is necromancy divided?

Basically, there are two ways of using necromancy IRL, according to my friends who study 'magic': 'Clean' Necromancy and 'Foul' Necromancy.

Clean Necromancy is the part that does things like laying ghosts to rest, contacting spirits of dead loved ones to give the living a second chance at saying goodbye or to help the dead solve their own murder, warding an area against attacks by evil spirits, and re-directing vital energy within the body to promote natural healing and/or prolong life.

Foul Necromancy, by contrast, is where you get all of the things like raising the dead as zombies, wraiths, and other undead, compelling the dead to answer questions they don't want to answer, binding dead peoples souls into objects so they cannot answer questions about who killed them, and using unwilling blood sacrifice to power other kinds of magic.

Foul Necromancy is inherently corrupting, it will warp you into a servant of evil if you use it more than a handful of times. Clean Necromancy, by contrast, is no more good or evil than how it is used.

If the game worked the way I would prefer it, learning clean necromancy would give you 1/10th your clean necromancy score in 'theoretical'* foul necromancy, and vice-versa, but I don't write the rules...
*(Double score for theoretical/academic understanding of the subject, half, [round down,] to actually put it into practice.)

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Alexei Voryarrick Alexei Voryarrick That's different from Necromancy I'm used to. Normally Necromancy is just one thing that includes stuff like repelling undead, resurrecting people as they were before they died, creating undead, and so on. Does this also mean that necromancy in the reanimation process can't be used as well?
Basically, there are two ways of using necromancy IRL, according to my friends who study 'magic': 'Clean' Necromancy and 'Foul' Necromancy.

Clean Necromancy is the part that does things like laying ghosts to rest, contacting spirits of dead loved ones to give the living a second chance at saying goodbye or to help the dead solve their own murder, warding an area against attacks by evil spirits, and re-directing vital energy within the body to promote natural healing and/or prolong life.

Foul Necromancy, by contrast, is where you get all of the things like raising the dead as zombies, wraiths, and other undead, compelling the dead to answer questions they don't want to answer, binding dead peoples souls into objects so they cannot answer questions about who killed them, and using unwilling blood sacrifice to power other kinds of magic.

Foul Necromancy is inherently corrupting, it will warp you into a servant of evil if you use it more than a handful of times. Clean Necromancy, by contrast, is no more good or evil than how it is used.

If the game worked the way I would prefer it, learning clean necromancy would give you 1/10th your clean necromancy score in 'theoretical'* foul necromancy, and vice-versa, but I don't write the rules...
*(Double score for theoretical/academic understanding of the subject, half, [round down,] to actually put it into practice.)

This sounds like a good debate or a challenging theory.

Just for fun.

Cus with my research there is only one Necromancy. That is to animate the dead.

For those helping spirits, is what one calls a Medium. Found in many theories of all kinds of magic or studies. Voodoo, witchcraft, pagan and so on.

From the little you have explained as I figure that there is more to this than a few small words... Is that your friend has stated hat necromancy is like good witch and bad witch. Or black verses white. In wiccan They keep saying there is no curses and black or death only means new beginnings. Which doesn't make too much sense to me for the purpose of balance in everything. You can't have light without dark, and you can't have dark without light.... You can't have good without bad.

This brings me to.... You can have a good or bad Necromancer... The craft would still be the same as animating the dead and talking to spirits and such... But the good or bad part comes from the person... Not the craft.

Sorry... Debates and theories are fun. (^_^)
Danzo Danzo I don't know anything about necromancy so I can't say which category it is in, but the point I would like to make is that students can do ANYTHING. If it is not taught as part of one of the classes, one can self study an area - allowing for your imagination to go wild.
Hey eri-one :) I'm going to put a poll up regarding the necromancy thing and how it is taught at Bright. Until the time the poll closes, Clean Necromancy will be taught. If the poll prefers it as 1 subject then the Teacher may teach what they categorize as Clean Necromany if desired but will be required to answer any questions and teach anything classified as Foul Necromancy if requested by the student - unless there is a good reason not to.

Hopefully this allows satisfaction for all in both circumstances.
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I think it should also be noted that while we have this idea of one type of necromancy, that Alexei's profile for his professor does say that the professor was one of the pioneer's for this "Light Necro". So even if you don't agree or like that there's two types, with this rp, just consider it to have been invented by one of the professors there.

krsna250 krsna250 I'm trying real hard to not let people ruin this for me LOL
I think it should also be noted that while we have this idea of one type of necromancy, that Alexei's profile for his professor does say that the professor was one of the pioneer's for this "Light Necro". So even if you don't agree or like that there's two types, with this rp, just consider it to have been invented by one of the professors there.

krsna250 krsna250 I'm trying real hard to not let people ruin this for me LOL
It has nothing to do with liking or disliking the idea. Most people are familiar with actual Necromancy or the basics /foundation of the craft. I personally never heard of light or dark necromancy. Or bright or foul... And I have done a lot of research in different areas of all kinds of crafts. Necromancy is one of my favorite crafts because there was no two sided coin... The only two sides were life and death. And necromancy started out as the study to bring people back to life.

Kind of like how Alchemy was the study of changing something into something else.... Like trying to turn coal into gold because Gold and Coal have similar properties in their atom structures. Instead of doing what they sought out to do... Alchemy became the foundation and early stages of science.

I believe Necromancy was the early stages of study for the after life, or what happens to the body when they die. Most mythical magics or crafts were use today in stories were just people finding and understanding something they didn't know. Because they were the foundations of a lot of things we use to day... It kind of gives us the creativity to change that when creating stories. Like what if they found a way to change coal into gold? Or what if they found a way to re animate the body? Those would be some fun and interesting outcomes.

So I'm not saying that the idea of light or dark necromancy shouldn't be used because of it's actual foundation.... I'm more so questioning the idea behind it.... If there are loop holes.... We can fill them in to make the light and dark necromancy idea work even better with our rp.

Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I just like fictional science and like to help bring the idea more to life.
Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova I wasn't trying to start anything! I promise lol

Sometimes, I just pretend to be funny and it comes off weird. I don't know. I'm sorry!

I was just pointing that tidbit about his professor out just to say that even though there has always been technically one type of necromancy and it's up to the character how one uses it, his character has pioneered the "good" kind.

For example, let's say a teacher comes and they teach necro and it's just the one class, they don't split them. And it just happens that this teacher uses his necro for evil purposes, I mean, he'd probably try and corrupt the students or teach them "black magic" or "death magic". My student wouldn't want to do that. But how else is she going to learn Necro?

Not saying that the teacher for Dark Necro has to be evil I'm just saying that on the off chance they were evil and they were the only professor, it would probably get tricky.

Is this even a good point? I'm just going to quit while I'm ahead lol
Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova I wasn't trying to start anything! I promise lol

Sometimes, I just pretend to be funny and it comes off weird. I don't know. I'm sorry!

I was just pointing that tidbit about his professor out just to say that even though there has always been technically one type of necromancy and it's up to the character how one uses it, his character has pioneered the "good" kind.

For example, let's say a teacher comes and they teach necro and it's just the one class, they don't split them. And it just happens that this teacher uses his necro for evil purposes, I mean, he'd probably try and corrupt the students or teach them "black magic" or "death magic". My student wouldn't want to do that. But how else is she going to learn Necro?

Not saying that the teacher for Dark Necro has to be evil I'm just saying that on the off chance they were evil and they were the only professor, it would probably get tricky.

Is this even a good point? I'm just going to quit while I'm ahead lol
First off... this is more of a fundamental conversation on the topic. I find it fun and challenging seeing as there are multiple views on the subject.

I had planned on making a dark Necromancy teacher earlier or the rp... I'm even more tempted now. lol. Mostly because the idea I had for this character was that he was laid back and just loved to make twisted little jokes.... More so he would just have dark humor... And even then he would be awkward. lol

He was also going to be very open to students. He would be very old in age, but act like a child, or still have the perspectives of a young student.

And if I were to place in your thoughts about the difference in the teachers... Dark and light... It would be fun to have him have a past where he used his craft for more aggressive actions. He would not see it as, he was wrong, but he would see it as... Something that should have never happened. Like a war over nothing to where lives were lost.

But once again, I'm all down for theory talk or just getting deeper into the conversation. You and no one has offended me. I just like the deeper looks one things and trying to see different point of views. ^_^
Kelsey Kelsey I also wasn't up for including Necro at all, but the aspect of Clean & Foul Necromancy appealed to me and the atmosphere of Bright Academy. That's why even if people vote for it to be one subject I would like for the Professor to remain as he is - a pioneer of Clean Necromancy, teaching that as his subject - which according to classroom rules is valid and up to him. What would change, however, is that if students asked to be taught something specific or other - in the catagory of necromancy - he would have no option to refuse unless a good reason is given.

If the sections remain separate he will have every right to refuse under the purpose of keeping students from the corruption of dark forces. They will have to self-study other spells.
Kelsey Kelsey I also wasn't up for including Necro at all, but the aspect of Clean Necromancy appealed to me and the atmosphere of Bright Academy. That's why even if people vote for it to be one subject I would like for the Professor to remain as he is - a pioneer of Clean Necromancy, teaching that as his subject - which according to classroom rules is valid and up to him. What would change, however, is that if students asked to be taught something specific or other - in the catagory of necromancy - he would have no option to refuse unless a good reason is given.

If the sections remain separate he will have every right to refuse under the purpose of keeping students from the corruption of dark forces. They will have to self-study other spells.
I like the idea of two different necromancy's. It sounds fun in many aspects.

Plus it places a 'forbidden' magic somewhere in the rp. lol
Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova That's so true. That would be a great story line for the plot. Students secretly build army of darkness. Like they have a secret club, they meet in robes so you can't see the other members faces, and you practice raising the dead, binding, or sacrifices. People are going missing. Your bad professor turned good would try and help stop whoever is behind this.

aaaaaand I got carried away, but I'm back.

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