Briar Falls University [Inactive]

"Oh well, I just wanted your phone number. And I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my party. The whole schools invited." Sky said slowly turning her phrase into a murmur when she saw the exscessive amounts of salt Benji was putting on his fries. "Dude, I don't think that's safe." She giggled.
"Well... is the party plus one?" Benji asked eating another fry. He then looked at the salt on his plate and grinned. Reaching past Sky's arm and accidentally brushing his fingers against it, Benji grabbed a napkin and scribbled his number on it. "Here you go. Merry holiday." He passed the napkin to her.
When Scarlett got to her room, she thought of the events of the day. She knew that she'd have to start sleeping more if she were to get to her classes on time. Eventually, she fell asleep.

((OOC: Bye, guys! Gonna go sleep... Maybe.))
"Oh yeah. Who do you plan on inviting?" She asked curiously. She was so curious. Sky played her hair. She loved it when his fingers accidentaly touched her arm. It felt good. She had a song in her head. It was Benjis favorite song. She let a few lyrics slip out. "Oops sorry."
Benji ran a hand through his hair and shrugged a bit. "That girl Scarlett.. You know the one with the red hair. She seems nice." He ate the rest of his fries then leaned his elbows on the table. When she sung a bit of his favorite song, he raised both his eyebrows. "I love that song..."

((K I've done my toll I'm dead for today. G'night whoever is reading this))
"I love it too." She said looking looking in his eyes once more. She took a bite of her burger. She then looked down. She felt really jealous. She didnt want to but she was. "I'm sorry, I have... I have to go." She said gettitng up. She didn't wanna start being mean. ((Make her stay))
Benji was swirling the salt around on his plate barely listening until Sky stood up to go. His jovial grin faded and a slight frown replaced it. "Did I say something wrong?" He didn't want to start off on the wrong foot. Benji reached out and gently grabbed her wrist.
"I'm sorry." She said melting away when Benji grabbed her arm. "Its just.... no.... I'm not gonna tell you because you'd think I was a weirdo." She said sitting back down. "Soooooo you like Scarlett huh" she mumbled
Benji leaned back in his chair and surveyed Sky's face for a few seconds. Her question had caught him off guard. He wasnt exactly sure who he liked, if he liked anyone at all. He peered into Sky's eyes, searching for an answer. What if she liked him? He wasn't sure if that'd be a good thing or not. "I'm.. not sure." he answered hesitantly while shrugging his shoulders.
Natalie immediately put out her cigarette by tapping it on the ground, and disposed of it in the nearest garbage can, then looked at the man who had shouted at her. By the look of his black uniform, she could tell that he was a guard. Natalie tried to get herself out of the situation by lying, but what she said didn't seem to deceive him.

The guard, with his emotionless face, said to her, "Give me your name.", but Natalie replied with a firm "I don't give out my name to just anyone." The guard then furiously said, "You had better come with me, or you're going to have some problems with the law."

The guard then quickly reached and grabbed Natalie's left arm, but Natalie fought her attacker and broke loose from his grip, screaming at him "Get the hell away from me!" Natalie's screams quickly drew a crowd of onlookers, some with their phones out, hopefully calling for help. All the while, Natalie dodged her assailant's attacks, but the situation suddenly escalated into her running for her life.
"Sorry if I'm being too nosy." Sky said looking down. Her phone vibrated on the table. She picked it up and it was a text from Jeff. It said he was in her room. Then she remembered she didn't close her door. Sky lazily set her phone on the table and buried her face into her hands. "Why won't he just leave me alone." She whined
Benji shrugged once more then looked curiously at Sky's phone. "Who wont leave you alone?" His attention then split as an explosion of chatter began and a girl ran past the window he happened to be gazing out of. He instantly recognized her as the girl who had been smoking a cigarrette earlier. When the guard ran past the window a few seconds later, Benji realized she was being chased.
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"Its Jeff." Sky said. She looked out of the window to see the girl running. "Should we help her?" Sky asked. She was confused.
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