Breaking the Rules


Ace Character - Final 4
For OOC Needs.

Any conversation on the Roleplay, Any Ideas or Thoughts, Anything you'd like to discuss should be posted here :)

Also, if some reason you will be unavailable at certain times or anything along those lines, that discussion is also welcome here.

Any questions are also welcome!

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I just wanted to say to everyone that you guys are doing a really awesome job so far and it has honestly been a lot of fun so thanks. I'm always excited to see what you guys have said in response and you truly never disappoint. If there's anything I can do better at please give me a heads up :)
Just wanted to give a quick shout out to:




Thanks for being so awesome in the roleplay so far. You guys are really fantastic and bring a lot to the roleplay and I really appreciate it. I always look forward to a 'Breaking the Rules' reply from you guys and it means the world to me, quite honesly, so thank you.

@Michael Dineen

Welcome to the family :) I hope that you feel welcomed and if you ever have any questions or anything, feel free to ask. I really appreciate how open you are to the comments the rest of us have posted and how you have been paying attention. It's just really appreciated and I figured I should thank you too :)

So yeah, here's to the rp continuing. Thank you guys so far and I'm excited for this to continue further :D
Micheal Dineen's Idea-> ((OCC: Alright, well basically, we all have supreme form that's the essence of our power. It has one element and three animals mixed together to create an awesome creature. We all have that locked deep inside us and it's hard to bring out. It's called a Paradign, and I've got an awesome way to incorporate it. If you don't like the idea, I can always delete it.))




@Sugar and Spice

@Michael Dineen

So I find the idea fairly interesting myself but the thing is... I don't see the Mental, Physical, and Elemental super forms being that way. The idea of an ultimate form is really a good idea and adds something to being Kraya. How this would be unlocked though... that's something I'd like to discuss as well as what ultimate forms for Mental, Physical, and Elemental Krayas might be.

I like the idea of the Supreme form being true to the essence of our powers, as well. But I want it to remain within those powers... so for a Chameleon to have a mix of animals, I can see that... but for the others it would only be like one animal and not the essence of that animal, but the form. Kind of like a patronus (Harry Potter - your spirit animal kind of thing). And some people... I could their ultimate forms being outside of themselves... like a creature they control while others their supreme form is like an evolution of themself.

Paradign... I think that name is fantastic. So, how do you plan on incorporating it? Shall we discover the possibility through your character which would of course send the scientists on a bit of a frenzy trying to figure out if all Krayas have the ability when they're on the brink of death etc?

So TimeSplitter, Daelyyn, Coko_Bacon, Sugar and Spice - what are your thoughts on this? Michael, I'd like to hear your further thoughts on this :) I think the idea is fascinating and wouldn't mind finding a way to incorporate it. And remember, if you guys want all the super forms to be a mix of 3 animals and an element like what Michael said, that's fine. That I don't is my two cents :)
Are you referring to only the Chameleon Krayas? Because I'd be okay with it as long as the others got something so that the Chameleons don't feel OP. But then thinking of something of equal or slightly less power (If we do want to establish a power tier) could be complicated.

I'm not putting the idea down, just it would be crossing into an elemental's power and that might offend or make them seem 'lame' in comparison. Unless every person has an 'ultimate form' which contains some point of another power... but again could become complicated.
See, what I'm saying is instead of having a supreme form with three animals and an element for everyone... that instead can be a Chameleon's extreme form while Mentals, Elementals, and Physicals have some other supreme form. I would never even consider offering an extreme form to only one kind of Kraya- that just wouldn't be ok.
Yeah agreed. Mentals could...have total control over someones thoughts, or have the power to damage their mind forever (im thinking something thats both powerful but also dangerous so its not like...being used every 5 seconds, that would be OP) Elementals, Im guessing their power would grow exponentially, like for example Yammat could just take a whole place and sink it in darkness, or whatever. Physicals Im thinking depending on what their power is ,their directs attacks would be deadly, and they could grow a better form, like the guy with the spikes would perhaps have huge spikes covering his body that could be shot all at once to every direction or something like that.... And yeah Chamaleons, I wouldnt necesarilly say the animal form cuz for example Jo has trouble with animals but its better at the disguise so I think there is some possibilities. I dont know. I think it would be a cool idea if it was our...limit-ish, as in something Im guessing most of us students cant handle well, or most of us have never even been in a final form, or maybe we are scared of using it cuz its so powerful it makes us more into "monsters" perse.

I just think its better to have a risk in using it, that way its more of a ..reaction of us being desperate, or too angry or sad or whatever. I wouldnt think of it too specific, as in "it has to be the mix of 3 animals..." because its hard to wrap that around abstracts like Mentals or Elementals.

Im just throwing ideas :)
See, I agree.... the final form would have to have some catch so that we weren't able to change/use it whenever we wanted. I was picturing more of a survival thing... something that kicks in when it's a life or death situation. :)
Elementals could manifest into their corresponding elements. E.G., Yammat would manifest into a entity made of darkness, and have there powers amplified. I like the idea of an 'ultimate form', but I think there should be a drawback.
I like the idea, but I'm thinking maybe we should think more outside-the-box :P

For these supreme powers, why don't we let Krayas cross over into other areas?

For example:

Kamryn currently has the ability to create illusions for people, but what if in her supreme form, she is actually able to will these illusions into reality? Just using the surronding materials like the ground and trees and maybe water she is able to create minions? That would be like Mental/Elemental.

Zak could completely cover himself in his hide and then flow his power into the ground to force the earth around at his will, creating earth-spikes from the ground and maybe even earthquakes in extreame cases. That would be like Physical/Elemental

Yammat could control the darkness where there is none, spawning darkness even in absolute light and even disabling all light sources to increase his power, even though this might sound lame, he could control the darkness in peoples hearts and emotions, making them much more sinister and 'darker' version of themselves, which Yammat could manipulate. That would be Elemental/Mental

Jo's range on her invisibility is increased that she can cause entire villages to simply disappear, and perhaps not even disappear, but simply stop existing altogether if she imagines it gone. That would be like Chameleon/Mental.

Mac... well he has kinda already outlined his power :P But that would be Chameleon/Elemental

Zoey could have the ability to stretch the molecules out in things other than herself, like manipulating the environment and stretching or diminishing it to her will. That would be Physical/Mental

Just a thought :3
I did a thing! A moe kawaii Jo thing! lol

I can't really be on all that much today but don't let my inability to respond hold you back... if someone wouldn't mind just dragging Kamryn along I would really appreciate it :)

I apologize about being inactive the last few days. Final weeks and a wedding and a baseball game ate up a lot of my time and Finals are still crushing me... but this next week is Finals week so after that I should be more open to post and get back to being active so if you could just bear with me I'd really appreciate it.

@Michael Dineen





@Ember Lee
Happy to help @AkumaTenshi

At the moment, our group is currently about to get together to create a plan to help get one of our friends out from the facilities' holding cell. Most of the group, other than Mac who we are trying to break out, is in a training area where they are put up against other Krayas in the academy. Previously, there was a big commotion as Mac's plan to escape was compromised, though Zak and Yammat also have plans that weren't discovered, I'm not sure if the other residents not part of that group, like your character, would know about that though. Pretty much most of us are determined to simply save our captured friend and escape the facility in one move, and we are on the verge of discussing the details of that plan.

Also, just with your character, it seems as though you've simply stated him as a chameleon class, though you haven't really specified what his power is, is it the ability to copy others faces? Its not particularly clear. Also, nobody at the facility would know what a taco is :( sorry.
Aww why no tacos ;.; and well more or less his ability is blending in the enviorment and copy people whole look but the problem is that because of his personality if someone were to talk to him while he is copied under another person face they would find out pretty quickly
I also forgot but thank you so much for catching me up ^^ 

AkumaTenshi said:
Aww why no tacos ;.; and well more or less his ability is blending in the enviorment and copy people whole look but the problem is that because of his personality if someone were to talk to him while he is copied under another person face they would find out pretty quickly
He can only replicate people he seen not make up his own
I was thinking of joining, but man you're far in. Would it still be possible? 
I posted a character, I might need a catch-up. I don't mind being "bought in" or something? You were all here first I'll go with whatever you all deem necessary :) I look forward to participating 
How should I come into the story? @RubyRose
Elixanator said:
I was thinking of joining, but man you're far in. Would it still be possible? 
I posted a character, I might need a catch-up. I don't mind being "bought in" or something? You were all here first I'll go with whatever you all deem necessary :) I look forward to participating 
How should I come into the story? @RubyRose
There are two ways you can come into the story:

You can write as if you had been there all along and for some reason have something to do with the main group of Krayas- so like you overhear them talking about escape and want to join in, etc... maybe you heard about Mac's situation and want to help him out even though you don't know him (though considering your character I don't see that happening persay)...

Or you could come in as a newly captured Kraya (which is really pretty rare)... which means you've been hiding your powers thanks to help from parents or family of some sort... but something gave you away which is why you were brought in now.

To truly join in, like what your post could be, is you could talk about your group battle and reflect on what your opinion is of escape etc... you know, read the last few posts and then write what feels right. If there's anything blaringly wrong I'll give you a heads up and options to fix it :)

Okay, thanks! It think she'll be newly captured, it seems like the best way to get into the story without it being forced :)
I'm leaving for a band trip today so for the next 6 days it's gonna be hard for me to respond. Keep going along and just pretend I'm there I'll post when ever I can though! Just thought i'd give you guys a heads up.
Ah I'm not active enough to keep up with this RP, but you guys will do fine with out me, I think I'll drop out :(

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~

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