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Multiple Settings Brave Enough - A Werewolf: the Apocalypse Quest

I say something between stern and reassuring. Grab him by his shoulders and lead him about a foot farther away from you and then pat his shoulder.
Assertive which is firm but reassuring, clear but concise. It's the best way to set boundaries with friends, also give the guy a hug or kiss on the cheek, he earned it with the good book choices.
Hold his hand so the other girls know to stay away from your man. The bitches. Imeanwhat?

Reassure him.
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When Alex treads on your heel, you stop short and glare at him. “Can you please give me some distance?” but he isn’t paying attention to you, but instead writing in his notebook. He holds up the notebook.

Red Wine
Dragon’s Blood

Did I get them all?

You are confused for a moment. “Oh, the perfume!” You dabbed it on as an afterthought and didn’t think anyone would notice. Still, Alex is too close if he can identify out the individual scents. “You don’t have to tread on my heels. It’s okay. No one’s going to hurt you.” You snort. “You survived a convenience store robbery. High school is nothing after that right?”

Alex frowns. “How does surviving getting shot help you survive high school?” He writes.

He had a good point, but telling him that wasn’t going to help. “You’ll be fine.” You place your hand on his chest and push him back a few inches. “Just back up a bit. We don’t want people to stare.” Alex blushes when you touch him. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths. You turn away, cheeks red and continue down the hallway. Alex follows at a more manageable distance.

Your biology class is in a new single story brick building. Wide windows reveal laboratories and computer labs. When you enter the cool air conditioned building, the sour stench of fresh paint itches your nose. You and Alex walk into a laboratory. The walls display posters of various animal dissections. Fortunately, you did not see any dead animals in jars. Students sit in wooden stools around black top lab tables. A projector displays a setting chart on the front wall. The whiteboard has a topic and number in the top left hand corner: “Animal Cells” and “500”.

A stern looking teacher in a brown button down dress and a deep red cardigan in the front of the class. Her blue grey hair is pulled back into a severe bun. She watches you and Alex enter the room with dark, almost black eyes. Her eyes freak you out. One eye sags lower than the other.

You sit in the front row near the teacher’s desk. Entirely too close for your comfort. Alex ends up in the back.

“Alex,” the teacher frowns as another student attracts his attention. The biology teacher has a light Spanish accent. “I did not adjust the seating chart for you. Come up to the front.” Alex boots the kid sitting next to you out of his seat. The teacher marks off the changed seats with a red marker. The rambunctious students quiet their voices to a whisper when they enter the biology lab. The last stragglers find their seats.

The teacher clears her throat. “Today I will forgive tardiness. For the rest of the year the class will be assigned 100 words for each late student.” The teacher picks up a marker. “My name is Isobel Aguado. I teach Biology. If you are taking Algebra and Geometry this year, I teach that too.” You check your schedule and see Aguado’s name listed next to your Algebra two class. Shit. “Please check your schedules to make sure you are in the correct class.” You doubt anyone would be in this teacher’s class unless they had no choice.

Ms. Aguado’s heels click as she picks up a stack of Syllabus and passes them along to the students in the front row. You take one and pass it back. “I will not read the syllabus to you. You are in high school now, I expect you to read yourself.” She signs as she speaks, her movements precise. “Please mark down the quiz and exam dates in your planners. There will be no make up test without a note, doctor’s or otherwise.” ‘Otherwise’ sounded very vague for such a stern teacher, but Ms. Aguado stared at Alex when she said it. Garou, she’s talking about Garou. Why would a Garou miss school? Do they run wild during the fool moon? You make a mental note to ask Alex.

“Each week you will be assigned a paper on the topic we will be covering in the upcoming week. The word count for this paper starts at 500. Depending on the class’ behavior over the course of the week, this word count will grow. If anyone misbehaves, the class will write additional words.”

She swipes the seating chart off of the overhead and replaces it with notes. “Now, Biology is the study of life.” Ms Aguado waits a moment while everyone hurries to pull out their notebooks. She lectures on various Kingdoms of life. “Over the course of the school year we will be dissecting animals from each phylum of the animal kingdom. We will study the other kingdoms under the microscope…”

The door of the classroom slams open. A towering woman storms into the laboratory. Her fair blonde hair is braided around her head. Her arms carry thin pale scars and deep gouges. She wears a faded military issues olive cargo pants and a grey tank top.

The woman drags in a teenage boy by his collar. She drops him in the nearest open seat, which is at the table next to you. She shoves him so hard, it knocks the stool over. Yet, the woman was expecting this. She uses her foot to steady the seat upright. The boy snarls at the woman and jumps at the woman. She shoves him down again with a growl. The boy tries to stare her down, but shies away from the towering woman’s stare. The woman snorts in disappointment. She drops his backpack at his feet.

The class sits in stunned silence after the show. Ms. Aguado holds her hand up to her mouth, uncertain what to do about this situation. The towering woman turns towards the teacher. “Apologies, Isobel. I did not mean to interrupt your class. My son felt he no longer had to attend...” She stops and stares down at your feet. “Why are you wearing my boots?”

Shit, she’s talking to you. You look up at this towering giant of a woman. She crosses her arms and waits for your answer. This is your Aunt Ella? You don’t recognize her. She is the only one of your aunts who went through the change to become Garou and you don’t remember her at all.

And she wants to know why you are wearing her boots.

Play it cool, you tell yourself. You calm your hammering heart and shrug. “I found them in grandma’s closet.” You cross your own arms, mirroring your aunt. “If you wanted them, you shouldn’t have left them in there.”

Aunt Ella snorts at your answer. With a final look of warning at your cousin, she walks out of the classroom without another word.

Ms. Aguado collects herself and begins lecturing again. Once your aunt leaves, your cousin spins in his stool. He’s dressed in a grey patched work shirt and dark jeans as tight as a second skin. His long blond bangs fall over his bright blue eyes. His backpack sits untouched.

“Mr. Rothenburg, I suggest you open your notebook and write down this lecture. You do not want to take Biology for a third time.” Ms. Aguado instructs as she draws a model of the kingdoms of life on the whiteboard. This is your cousin’s second time in biology? You were figuring out how to survive taking the class once, much less twice under the same teacher.

Your cousin scratches his patchy stubble. “You know, I don’t have to put up with your Black Spiral bullshit.” He stands up and grabs his bag. “I don’t have to put up with any of this bullshit.”

Black Spiral? You remember your father telling you about the evil tribe of Garou, the Black Spiral Dancers. You doubt Kirksville would have an evil Garou as a high school teacher. Was your cousin throwing an insult?

“Mr. Rothenburg, please sit down, before I assign more words.” Ms. Aguado orders, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

What do you do?

> Let your cousin leave. If he doesn’t want to be here, there is nothing you can do about it.

> Talk the boy down. You are sure you can convince him to staying in class

> Force the boy into his seat. You will not let this idiot increase your homework load.

> Other

((Sorry about formatting. I copied the post on my phone. No post next Monday. I'm traveling for work this week .))
If this is the second time he's taken the class, he's not going change any time soon. Let him go for now, and if he keeps making more work for you in the long term, beat the snot out of him until he behaves.
If your aunt Ella can't keep him in his place why should you? But if he's going to make class harder for you maybe that's bad. Try talking to him.
So... I just started a new job last week and it has left me with no brain power for writing. I am going to have to put this quest on Hiatus for a bit until I get back into a writing routine. :(

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