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Fantasy Brainstorm Team


made up of opposites
Hello! I'm looking for 2-4 experienced, semi-advanced roleplayers that want to do a 'brainstorm team' with me. I don't have any ideas for a plot right now, but I'm dying to brainstorm with a small group and come up with something we all like. I was thinking it'd be Fantasy/Futuristic or something like that.


-Must be active. There's no point in starting an RP if you aren't gonna finish it.

-Must be literate, and have good grammar. If u ta1k l1ke d1s don't join.

-Please, at LEAST 1 paragraph per post. I usually do 2-4+.

Eeyup. Post here if you're interested!
W-w-what? People thinking through and pre-planning their RP plots?! What is this wizardry?

Ok, ok, so maybe it's not so uncommon xD I've always got a ton of ideas, and I'm here if you wanna wander through my brain for any good ones (just don't step on the pile in the corner, I'm saving those for later)

Ah, Cloud, wow, sorry I never responded to that PM. It poofed and I didn't even think to look... I be awfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul.

I'd totes brainstorm with y'all, my head is a natural disaster in itself, so I am great with storms xD

May I have the honors of helping out?!

Don't let Doorman on the team!!!


I mean what? I love the members already wanting to offer their help. :3

Doorman has a head full of people with lovely ideas, you, Autobiography, have only met one of them and even he has good ideas sometimes. *pouty face*

Don't make mama bear go grizzly.


Heyo, frieeeeeeeend~
Hello peoples! Yes, I'd love it if you all joined in on this wonderful.. whatever it'll be! I'll send ya'll a group PM.

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