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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Are the rules all clear, in that case? I know Noah and Brianna. What about the rest of you? Care to share your names?" He said to them. (@Stew, firejay's coming. Give her a minute to respond.)
Clay moved quickly but without haste towards Stew. "What's going on, Stew?" He asked, seeing the man panting, with his back to the now-closed door. "What happened?" Ash was bouncing seriously next to him.
Stewart stands, he sniffles before reloading his revolver,

"I think they pulled a 'Shaun Of The Dead' on us." He says with all seriousness.

"For the record. We're going to have to have some of you sharin' rooms with some of our current members. Think of it as a buddy system, I guess. Until we can set up another building - which is gonna' be a while - these plans will have to stick. I hate to be a dick an' all, but... I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it. I'll have Nathan show you around in a few minutes." He said to them. @32sillylight32, @Vaila)
Stewart pauses and snaps the camber of the revolver back into itself,

"In the movie 'Shaun Of The Dead' the main character leads a horde of zombies away and returns later on, thing is, they actually followed him back. We lead a huge group of zombies away a couple of days ago, they must've found their way back." He sighs.

"You think they're strong enough to break down the door?" Clay asked in concern. Usually it was Tony collecting the information, but she was currently out for the count. He wanted to let her sleep as long as possible, but if zeds were about to break down the door, it looks like they'd have to cut her little nap short.
Stewart shakes his head,

"I don't know, go warn the others, I'll watch the door" He said as he darts off to the armory.

".. Mhm--.. I'll help show 'em around..." He pauses for a moment. "Nathan! Get in here, bro!" He said, Nathan runs in and looks upon everyone. He's the same age as Brianna. (Aged 11), has blonde-brown, medium-length hair; he looks upon them all and gives a shy wave as a 'hello'. "Alright, everyone. This is my younger brother - Nathan. Let's see..." He runs his eyes across the group. "Okay, that's one pair. Brianna and Nathan sharin' the office he's in at the minute." He said, Nathan went red but gave a nod.

"Okay, Ellie. Show 'em around, Nathan and Brianna in his room, the brother and sister in one, and the other - I'm guessin' brother and sister - in the other. I heard there was trouble so I gotta' run." He hops up and runs out of the room to the armory where he grabs his M4A1 Assault Rifle, of which is silenced, alongside a few magazines of ammo; he runs down to the door and looks at the walkers outside of it. "What's the situation? It ain't lookin' good." He said. (@Stew)
"Ash, stay here and help the man if anything comes through, okay?" Ash nodded, his expression very serious, though it just looked cute on his childish face. The little boy was a little hesitant to join the man, but Clay had decided he was supposed to help him, so that's what he'd do. Clay sprinted back to the office. "Hey, Norman. We got a zed mob knocking on the door. Dunno how long it'll last before they break it down."
"Oh, mother of shit..." He says as he looks at the horde, frowning when he realized he swore in front of Asha; he looks down at him and frowns. "'Scuse my language, buddy. Asha. I need you to come with me, okay?" He said to him while leading him off towards the back door. (@Soul OMU)
((Ach. You guys are too fast.))

Clay passed Norman, who already knew the situation and reached Elizabeth, Nathan, and the new people. "Hey, sorry to break up the grand tour, but it looks like you all didn't come alone." (@Vaila, ETC)


Ash looked at Norman. "Why?" He asked, though he complied.
Brianna narrowed her eyes. "Then lets deal with it. This is own new home now... So we have to protect it." She said and headed downstairs.

Elizabeth quickly went after her, worried.
"Stew I swear to god, we don't need the place smellin' like burnin' flesh! Just hold the door, for Christ sakes!" He screamed at him, clearly irritated as he swept Asha up off the ground and began carrying him. "Double-time it, buddy. We're gonna' go distract 'em and I'll gun 'em down." He said; he pushed out the back door and then placed Asha on the ground, leading him around to the front but making sure he stayed behind him. "Come on you ugly bastards!" He screamed at them, gunning a few down. They'd slowly turn and face him before shambling off towards him.

"Stewart! Lock that damn door right now!" He yelled, he quickly looked to Asha. "You got your gun?" He asked. (@Stew)
Clay asked the others, "Do you think some of you could go up to the roof with me, I'm going to try picking some of them off from the top." On his way up, he stopped by their room and roughly woke Tony up.

She went down to the front level with Brianna and Elizabeth, meeting Norman and Ash. "What's the plan?

Clay also went to the kitchen and met Belinda, handing her a gun and telling her to use it if things got bad.


Ash nodded. "I have both." By now, Ash could shoot, if inaccurately, with one hand, and with his left hand. If worst came to worst, he was going to try shooting with a gun in each hand, but that was strictly last resort, since, again, he wasn't very accurate with it.
Stewart turns around and darts over, part of the door breaks as Stewart quickly locks as many locks as possible,

"Norman! You better have a plan!" He yells as he takes aim at the door.


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