Boys will be boys(Gay Romance)


Junior Member


In the year 3089 the whole women population has died off. Men are the only ones left,because of this the world has completely changed. The human population has dwindled(obviously) but not to the point of extinction. Because of this, the world has separated into two countrys - the flask, and the Uvlar.

The flask are the intelligent sophisticated and rich part of the world, they know only the finer things in life, and try their best to find ways to keep the human race alive. Meanwhile on the other side of the earth, the Uvlar men are savage. They believe that they should live that last moments of the human race, as they please. They constantly fight and steal from each other, acting like savage animals. Naturally, the two sides hate each other, but have never once gotten into war, not wanting dwindle the human population anymore. The Uvlar's and and flask's try to co-exist normally. Because of this, the Uvlar's and and Flask's have decided that they should share the same schools. The most famous is KnightSky Boarding School. (where the RP takes place) Naturally, romantic relationships aren't allowed between the two groups, it's forbidden, taboo,and if you are caught,you will be put to death .This is the only crime that you could commit to be sentenced death....and sneakily enough people do it anyway. Will you be able to get away with your scandalous relationship, or will you die with your lover?


Knightsky was the first school to be established, between the two Country's, so it has become the most famous. The classes are always Co-ed, allowing the Ulvar's and the flask's to try to communicate with each other. Although there is still very apparent hatred that some students show against each other. Security, is very light, but you will pass about 1 or two security guards when walking the halls,since the security is so light maybe that will allow you and your lover to maybe escape some place during school hours.....? But skip to many classes and you'll be caught.


  • Clearly romance is allowed in this RP, but please move to fade to black if things get to much, or PM.

  • No controlling other peoples characters, otherwise known as Powerplaying!

  • No being mean outside the Rolepay, I'll kick you out if you do.

  • Violence is allowed, but no killing anybody.

  • Keep the numbers even please



Age:(between 14 - 18, think High school ages alright?)

Flask or Uvlar:


Appearance:(anime or RL pictures idc, or you could describe)

History:(Just a small three sentence paragraph about them,you can write more if you want.Though you don't have to do this, it's opt)



Name: Finlyn Hipply


Flask or Uvlar: Uvlar

Personality: He's very vulgar. He has quite a potty mouth and has no respect what so ever for authority. He's never shy to state an opinion of his, and will deliberately go out of his way to make a point. He won't take any of your bull lying down, so watch out if you start something with him. Finlyn is quite the wild child, and he's always the first in a group to do the most craziest things.


History: He was raised with the Uvlars so all through out his life he's had to fight to take whats his. He's an only child, and he's not one to abide by authority.

Other: He loves spicey foods~

Name: Jeff Caney


Flask or Uvlar: Flask

Personality: Jeff can be described as snotty. He seems to think that everyone's below him, especially the Uvlars. He's rich, and intelligent and seem's to think the world revolves around him. You can imagine the size of his ego is enormous.


History: His whole life, he's always been given stuff. His parents cherish him like he's gold, and has always gotten what ever he's asked for. Because of this, he turned out very spoiled rotten. He has always hated the Uvlar's nasty behavior, and has grown up despising them, his entire life.

Other:He's a big fan of classical and opera music.


DORM #1 (Taken by: evanlovesyou and me,awkwardxprincess)


DORM #2 (Taken by: youngdreamer, Nerdygeekflower )



(Taken by: Awkwardxprincess and Angel evans)


DORM #4(Taken by: youngdreamer and Timv9)


DORM#5(Taken by: Angel evans )


DORM#6 (Taken by Toxic infinity)

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Name: Kenton Jones

Age: 16

Flask or Uvlar: flask

Personality: shy and quite comes form a high class family so has been very sheltered, he is very naive and will trust people far to easily, He loves music and art, tends to need protection because he gets into sticky situations by being to trusting or too helpful and he, has a very big heart and always sees the good in people, he scares easily and doesn't like to ask for help when he needs it though he will literally help anyone, and is very sensitive, he wont tell when he is hurt or sick (which is often) and he loves animals especially he 3 dogs.

Appearance: very short and very pale with freckles across his face big green eyes and very pale short spiky brown hair.


History: He grew up sheltered and sickly, he has only his father and brother (ummm duh?) and never knew his mother (also...duh?). He has always been sickly with heart/lung issues and catches infections all the time. He has three dogs A German Shepard a Siberian Husky and a mix of the two (they are all HUGE and probably weigh more than the little 4 ft 10 inich boy) and will be very sad to leave them behind. (dduh?)
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Name: Nick Smith


Flask or Uvlar: Flask

personality: Nick is a nice athletic popular rich kid. He is nice to just about everyone it does not matter what clique the person is in. Nick comes from a rich family but is not stuck up or a brat. Nick also does not feel entitled to anything he works hard at everything he does especially ice hockey which is his passion. Nick is a fun kid to be around he loves to hang with friends and loves to party.

Apperance: he is 5 foot 3 115 pounds very athletic body <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2fe01d1_cody1.png.ff1f293099b25f85a1c9ca1d5955f081.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2fe01d1_cody1.png.ff1f293099b25f85a1c9ca1d5955f081.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Nick comes from a very rich family. His dad and older brother are both very successful athletes and Nick is no different. He is an amazing ice hockey player and will be playing at the school.

Other: gay



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Name: Jack McKay

Age: 15

Flask or Uvlar: Uvlar, just a bit more settled and a lot more mischievous

Personality: Cheeky, mischievous, likes to act like a 'flask' insteas of Uvlar just to get into things but always messes things up, quite cold hearted but he has a kind side somewhere! Somewhere... He's generally quite an annoying guy to be around if you don't anser questions. Very impatient, so do things quickly or he'll explode into screams!

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/yoQYsI5Idb.jpg.e0374339a9df7d7d6785b4765fb03107.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/yoQYsI5Idb.jpg.e0374339a9df7d7d6785b4765fb03107.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: He was brought up in an upper class family but never liked them, always sneaking out and raiding shops. He never had any friends due to his place being an earl and land owner. Jack never liked being good but loves stiring up trouble, pretending to be good just to cause bad!

Other: He's gay.



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Name:Elliot Awakens


Flask or Uvlar:Flask

Personality:Elliot is a non-talkative person but,don't take that for granted.Elliot,once he gets to a point,can really click and turn into something you haven't seen before.He does have a short temper and can be ticked off at the most un-identified times.When it comes to loving someone he offend watches his back and doesn't just kiss all over a guy on the first date,no no no he knows how to respect himself and,most importantly,he heart because,he only has one of those.More about Elliot?Elliot is a nice guy really just don't tick him off and some people out there know what really ticks a person off short temper or not.He will care for his friends and not stab them in the back for any reason necessary because,he doesn't want it happening to him so he doesn't do it to anyone else.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.83ea3c71920c901181f8e1f02bf52498.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.83ea3c71920c901181f8e1f02bf52498.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.ea4e236297fbf003a1fda5e6732dee0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.ea4e236297fbf003a1fda5e6732dee0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History:Elliot was born and raised in Britain with a mother,father,and his older sister.His family was rich and all,hint's why they lived in Flask,but,Elliot never acted like them and as a matter of fact,Elliot didn't act like either sides.He was a outcast...the red flower in a feild of daisy..and he didn't like that very much but,it was who he was.When Elliot and his sister got older,his older sibling moved out to live on her own and Elliot became depressed because he never lived a day without her and that was the first time he actually acted in a way that Uvlar did to release the pain he had.No no no he didn't fight anyone or anything,he didn't steal from anyone or from somewhere,he vandalized someones car to get rid of the anger he kept tightly packed inside and till this day he still hasn't gotten caught.


(I'll make another later xP)



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Is it alright if I do twins??? ^_^  


Cody & James Brown


Cody Brown



Flask or Uvlar:



Cody is the confident and outgoing older brother. He's always been the protective older brother because when they were young James was picked on a lot. He's rebellious and a rather large player.


(left one: below)


They were born on September 1st as Uvlars. Yes, they are the savage and unruly lower class of the surviving male population. That doesn't stop them though. They've always broke through barriers, even when they were little. Of both brothers, Cody is the more confident and rebellious one. James is the gentle yet rash younger sibling. They were orphaned at a young age but they survived this long. KnightSky is just another obstacle in their survival.


Blue eyes

* * *


James Brown



Flask or Uvlar:



The timid and kind younger brother. James has always been the one that has been looked after when it comes to the two twins. Despite being protected a lot he's very rash when it comes to things, which is the reason why Cody has to look after him so much.


(right one: below)


(Same as Cody's)


Green Eyes


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yes please :)  
Guys, i'm thinking of putting up some dorm rooms. You guys can choose which dorm to take....But one flask and one Uvlar per room...what do you guys think?

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