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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy


I didn't Ask to be a Unicorn, I was Born that Way

Character Sheet






Sexual Orientation:


Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):




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Name: Daniella Killigee

Nickname: Danni

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Gender: Girl

SO: heterosexual

Danni is loud and obnoxious most of the time. She means well and loves to take care of her friends, even when they don’t need it. Most of her friends end up drifting away- or running away, because she’s very clingy. She takes her friendships extremely seriously and would much rather have a long conversation than make a couple jokes. When she’s in, she’s all in, and she breaks down emotionally when she loses someone. She’s good at annoying people with questions but she only asks them because she genuinely cares about every detail, even the boring ones. If anyone ask her about anything she’s passionate about she can go on for hours.

Art: Danni is amazing at a variety of instruments, and writes her own songs. She usually sticks to drums and the ukulele though, and doesn’t normally sing her own songs.

Background: Danni was born into a family that cared more about their jobs than her. She submerged herself in music to try and ignore the fact that her parents were constantly leaving her with a nanny who didn’t speak english. She can speak fluent french because of this, but she doesn’t use it much since her nanny died when she was 14. It took a devastating toll on Danni, and she secluded herself entirely for months, even refusing to go to school. Her parents didn’t notice until the school called worried of Danni’s absence, and that’s when they confronted her and decided to send her off to Bouvardia, in hopes she’d drag herself out of her depression with what they know she loves; music. It is her first year at Bouvardia, and she’s looking forward to the new experience, but a dark cloud still hangs over her.



Other: Her Ukulele


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Name: Mr. Brooks

Nickname: Mr. Brooks


Class: Creative Writing


Sexual Orientation: straight

Personality: He is generally known for yelling at students not in class, or breaking rules in his class. There is no excuse for that level of disrespect. However, when students apply themselves, his demeanor completely changes. He seeks to inspire students to pursue their interests and their feelings. He hosts a competition every year, called the Playwright Contest, which is centered around creating a character. The student with the greatest character wins. If students act in sarcasm or in the cliché student attitude, he will notice. He doesn't like it too much, and when not angry he will joke with it.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):Creative writing, poetry, music writing, sports teams

Background: Mr. Brooks started as a student heavily interested in psychology. As a boy, he spent most of his days devoting his time to studying. However, as he grew closer towards graduation, he felt a change in heart. It wasn't until college when he cemented his change to Language Arts. Brooks graduated from the University of Chicago at the top of his class, before getting his first teaching job as a Language Arts II at a private school in Portland, Oregon. He remained in the teaching business there until eight years before the events of this plot-line, when he got a call. In a tough decision, Mr. Brooks accepted the deal to teach creative writing at the illustrious Bouvardia Academy. He became generally well-liked, but many students were felt off-kilter by his demeanor. He is a traditionalist when it comes to rules, but in the classroom he runs things as an independent individual.



Other: He likes to sit in his office and read in his free time. Oh, and watch hockey.
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Character Sheet



Carolyn Jana






Freshmen ( 9th)



Sexual Orientation



Lynne is very adventurous, she loves trying new things. She thinks that it's better to over come fears, and have a thrilling life than sit at home with a boring desk-job. She also hates the "same-old same-old" except when it comes to friends. They're forever with her. She'd do anything to make her friends happy, that's just who she is. She always puts others first.



Photography, and sketching. She can also write a little.


Before Lynne was born her father left her mother. So she's never met him, and never wants to. When she was about five her hardworking mother died in a car wreck due to a drunken driver in another vehicle. So Lynne was raised by her loving aunt and uncle, who never complained. They treated her as their own, since they never had children themselves. This is why Lynne likes drawing happy people in love... To try to block out the fact that her father didn't love her mother and her, or maybe just never got the chance to. She also struggles with on and off depression, but she usually never tells anyone. Other then that she has a normal life.





Has one tattoo.

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Nickname: Ky

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Kylie has a very upbeat and energetic personality, generally off in her own little world most of the time. Kylie loves to interact with others, she isn't shy in anyway, she doesn't find it hard or awkward to talk to people. Kylie can be defensive and can take things to heart, but Kylie will stand up for those she cares about, although she isn't big she will never back down from a challenge.


Singing all the way, she can't really play any instruments, she considers her vocal cords her instrument


Kylie grew up in a big family, to some they may not see them as a family but Kylie considered them one. Kylies both parents gave her up, for the first few years of her life Kylie moved around a lot. Until she met the Mitchell's, who had already brought in and adopted 5 other children. Kylie was the youngest, her new parents taught her to always see the best in herself and in others, When Kylie was 8 her mother heard her sing, she thought she had potential so she signed her up for vocal lessons, everyday after school Kylie went to her lessons and she loved it. Although Kylie couldn't write her own songs her older brother wrote them for her, he didn't really talk much, but he loved to write so one day he wrote her a song to sing. A few days after Kylie's 14th birthday her older brother died, she was so upset, he was her best friend, for a few weeks she didn't talk or sing. She found one of his notebooks, he had written a song that she hadn't seen before, and it was beautiful, it encouraged her to keep going at to follow her dreams, if not for herself but for him.

Character Sheet

Name: Damon J. Black

Nickname: DJ


Grade: 9th Freshman

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Marcus is very passionate when it comes to his art. Though he puts his friends before himself. He listens, and cares, and tries to make them feel happy even though he hurts sometime. He is mischievous, and can be the center of the party. He knows how to have fun, but he also knows when to stop and get serious.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):

Graffiti Art, and Hip-Hop Dancing


Background: DJ grew up with his mom, and without his dad. So he took his anger out in dancing, and street art. He got really good at it. So when the school offered him a spot in seventh grade he took it. Dj has now been there for almost three years.




Character Sheet


Dustin Kemp






Freshmen ( 9th)



Sexual Orientation



Dustin is more of the observant type, always trying to figure people out. He's very insecure about himself but tries to hide it as much as possible. He deals with his own problems and tries not to bother anyone. Dustin is a straight A student, who is always studying or hanging out with friends. Often gets into trouble because he doesn't think before he speaks a lot.


Music (preferably writing or singing it), and dancing.


Dustin is an only child, who grew up with his father, because his mom moved to Europe and divorced her husband to follow her dreams of seeing the world. Dustin isn't torn up about it at all, in fact he barely remembers her. He can't complain. He's had a good life so far, but he wants more. Not in a selfish type of way, but he wants to do more with his life and help people. Music saved him once in his life, he'd love to do the same for someone else.




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Serane Nymira

Nickname: Mira

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: distant, cold, aloof, closed, guarded, secretive, devoted, determined, flexible, Kind, caring.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): She is a Author of Novels. A true believer in the fictional world. She also is a photographer of moments earth lets go of to fast. Such as Rare sunsets and rises. Or maybe her Self Smiling for once. Ha like that ever happens.

Background: Mira was raised in a hateful family of four. Her parents didn't give a hell about her. They would yell for hours on end at her. She began to twist realitly into something it wasn't. Beautiful. Through her writing. When her parent saw this they kicked her out of the house. She ran to her neighbors. A woman of many young children accepted her. When the woman saw her photographs and writings she gave Mira an opportunity to join the school. Which Mira did. Mira hates talking into her past in depth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/imagesCAE9K12X.jpg.d3e894f6073d7c29ab22f8ed785eeafd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/imagesCAE9K12X.jpg.d3e894f6073d7c29ab22f8ed785eeafd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: "If I walked away, would you can after me?" She muttered.



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Aria Griffith



Full Name:

Aria Griffith

Aria - Italian for air, but in opera, its a solo

Griffith - formed out of the word Griffin which was a might creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle

Age (14-19)



Music [singing]




Cis Female

Sexual Orientation:





Aria has a very prickly personality; she is known for being sassy, dark, and sarcastic to those around her. She has a macabre sense of humor, usually saying things about people being hit by a bus at various episodes, as well as somewhat sadistic tendencies, such as enjoying people getting hurt, even her own friends or an ex beau. Aria is jealous, often insatiable, mean and rude to many people. She sometimes shows authority and control at school, yelling at others and even using physical force at times (although she does not fight; she retaliates in way "that will make [someone] sad for a long time". She is very jealous and possessive of her ex boyfriends, protecting them from others that have a seem interested in him even as friends. Despite her tough attitude, she can get freaked out by a few things, such as getting caught by the police, which explains her paranoia around men of duty. Aria fits the stereotype of a "bad girl" much more than a "mean girl". She is very rebellious, as she doesn't like being told what to do and often points out that she's doing something because she wants to, not because someone told her to, and often claims that she is only doing something because she wants to and not because someone tells her to. She can also be quite flirty and feminine even in her dark, blunt nature.


It all started one morning when Aria opened her eyes, junior year. She had kept her standard 3.8 GPA, and she just wanted to live. Sure, she did some illegal graffiti on her own, but she never really lived. So during the summer for senior year, she changed completely. She dyed her hair different colors, got a few piercings, even a hidden tattoo and changed her output on life completely. She was close to being arrested, once, but she managed to escape her sentence by a scratch. Nowadays, she's got a bad reputation, but doesn't seem to care.

More about her home life though. Not many people know about her home life as she keeps it that way, but Aria was actually born into a
very wealthy family. With two older brothers, Aria is the only heiress to David Griffith, a very well known lawyer. When Aria was born, her mother always tells the story of how she sang an aria rather than a cry, thus her name. Ever since, Aria's been singing. Despite the support of her family, Aria does not like to mention them and rarely ever talks about them.


- Doesn't like a lot of things, but scissors are on her top list.

- Gore movies

- Horror

- The feeling when you get high

- The smell of sharpies

- Watching things burn

- Graffiti

- Your boyfriend



- She can't stand sweat

- People who pose as a bad girl or boy, but refuse to do anything "adventurous"

- Authority figures

- Ducks [long story]

- School

- People

- you

- sweaty people

- small spaces


Eye Color:

Baby Blue

Hair Color:

Originally light brown, but she dyed it black

Looks Overall:





107 lbs.

Clothing Style:




PM me c:


PM me c:


- She's the bad girl of the school

- She came out of the womb with a cigar in her lips, no joke



Brandon Blacksaint




Senior (12th)

sexual orientation



- extremely competitive

+/- likes to be in charge

+ somewhat friendly

- especially cool to people he doesn’t like

+/- tends to have a darker humor, but he jokes easily

+ observant

- puts himself first

+ loyal

- shorter temper

- tends to think his ideas are endgame and the best

+ independent

+/- has rare sassy streaks

+/- sarcastic

+ he is known to clear out his schedule for his friends

- definitely not a people’s person


Writing {has high hopes to become a speechwriter}


Brandon is the second child out of four: he trails his oldest brother, Lyle, by three years, while his younger siblings, his Irish twin Isaac and then sister Valentine, who trails him by two years. The son of a screenwriter and a director, Brandon grew up in a family that encouraged the arts, introducing theatre and music to him and his siblings at young ages. Brandon picked up writing especially quick, taking after his father. Since his mother is a director and his father a screenwriter, he spent most of his elementary, middle school, and freshman and sophomore years on TV and movie sets in various states, being home schooled. Brandon took a particular interest in speechwriting since he always dreamed of doing a form of writing, like his father, while always having a dream of a government office; with those dreams in mind, he decided speechwriting was his best way to incorporate them both.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.gif.f83c8c2132bc0a2cb79feeb535f8d89f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.gif.f83c8c2132bc0a2cb79feeb535f8d89f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He has an irrational fear of sunflowers. Like, if his mom gets a bouquet and there’s sunflowers, he’ll literally start to cry until she gets rid of them. It’s usually his favorite ice-breaker, and he tends to make jokes about it.



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Character Sheet


Parker J. Williams


Park, P.J,




11th [Junior]



Sexual Orientation:



Parker is very creative, his spark is the reason he's aat Bouvardia. Parker is friendly, talkative and optimistic so he can makes friends easily. Parker is extremely protective and loyal to those he cares about. He is very funny. If Parker wasn't so stubborn, he wouldn't be at Bouvardia. He likes to be himself and is independent. Parker likes to try new things; he is curious, a party animal, adventurous and daring.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.):



An only child, raised by his single mother in Los Angeles, California, she always wanted him to be a successful doctor or lawyer like any parent. Instead, he was a more of a creative child. He was always interested in the arts. He fought his mother who wanted him to go to a private high school in L.A which was close to home but he wanted to go to famous Bouvardia Academy for the Arts. He is a self taught artist and aspires to be a tattoo artist, despite his mother's wishes.




Constant sharpies his arms with "tattoos"

Sharpie business, 50 cents a tat.

Drawings that can be found in his sketchbook:




Name: Shane Emil Reeze

Nickname: Crow (By Dustin)

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: He is a Blunt person, always telling anyone what's on his mind. He can be kindhearted and Funny, but to a certain degree. He can be a vindictive if messed with.

Art: Dancing(Breakdancing) and Music (Songwriter)

Background: Shane is your average kid coming from a middle class family. He has a older brother at the age of 27 and a young sister at the age of 10. He has been dancing since the age of 6. For him, music is life and that's what most of his life revolves around.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2746ca77f7013b7c28a58d146dde1f47.jpg.bb7cfbea617753695ba13f01d67b4e29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2746ca77f7013b7c28a58d146dde1f47.jpg.bb7cfbea617753695ba13f01d67b4e29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Usually has headphones with him at all times.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/622453ef76bda5843310e745f7ab3e7a.jpg.615b39f445c35f0e665a90b7c88ae834.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109670" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/622453ef76bda5843310e745f7ab3e7a.jpg.615b39f445c35f0e665a90b7c88ae834.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Mari White


Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Girl

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Personality: Mari's rough and has a knack for getting into trouble and starting a fight. She goes for the rebellious act any day at any time, and loves to joke around and make fun.

Art (drawing, theatre, music etc.): Drawing and theatre

Background: Mari was born in a city where living off scraps from the trash was the norm. No one was above stealing, lying, or cheating to make a quick buck, and every man was for themselves. She lived in a small apartment with her mother and two younger brothers and did whatever she had to do to provide for them. Sometimes that meant stabbing someone, and sometimes that meant prostituting herself, but she always got them by. It wasn't until she sold her first art piece that she even realized she could make money off it. It was a rough sketch to one of her classmates for twenty dollars. From there on she took a break from breaking the rules, and decided to earn money in a more legal way. She got a letter from Bouvardia about wanting her to attend, and so she decided to because she figured it'd be even easier to sell her artwork and send money home from a rich-kid academy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-2_21-34-27.jpeg.6b7219f2b6e35c181eea11b5c34d3267.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-2_21-34-27.jpeg.6b7219f2b6e35c181eea11b5c34d3267.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-2_21-34-41.jpeg.79dae69504a09a50b408203c7fcda324.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-2_21-34-41.jpeg.79dae69504a09a50b408203c7fcda324.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: She has a tattoo on her thigh

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