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Realistic or Modern bouton d'or


hippie in training

this is a really self-indulgent gay summer roleplay for Almost Watson Almost Watson and i.
"two bois in a boarding school fall for each other" - watt​
[class=titleholder]height:60px; padding: 20px 10px 0px 10px; width: 320px; background-image:url; background-size:120%; background-position: 50% 20%; transform:rotate(-90deg); transition:all 1s ease-in-out; color: white; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: relative; top: 130px; margin-left: -120px; [/class] [class name=titleholder state=hover]color: #f1f1f1; text-shadow: 2px 1px 0px #7f806a; letter-spacing: 5px [/class] [script class=bigimage on=mouseenter] addClass selected bigimage fadeIn 600 hoverimg[/script] [script class=bigimage on=mouseleave] addClass selected bigimage fadeOut 800 hoverimg[/script] [div class=titleholder]Aurélien.
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[div class=firstword]age[/div] 16.

[div class=firstword]birthday[/div] november 28th.

[div class=firstword]weight[/div] 127 lbs

[div class=firstword]height[/div] 5'6

[div class=firstword]birthplace[/div] lyon, france.

[div class=firstword]special skills[/div] a good tennis player; well versed in art history and also a decent artist himself while we're at that; eloquent, has won some prizes in MUN's before.

[div class=line][/div]
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]identity[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow] [div class=firstword]likes[/div] pop girls (especially charli); galleries; huge parties;

[div class=firstword]dislikes[/div] biology; cake; mess.

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]probably personality[/div] Driven and obstinate, Aurélien is what people call an "aggressive go-getter". Leaving his country at the ripe age of 15 in seek of a better education would seem like quite the noble thing to do, if only he hadn't decided on it as a whim just to prove to himself that he could. Something that this little tornado really craves is recognition and, because of that, he usually ends up doing some dumb shit without giving it proper thought. On his mind, consequences are not a priority, while the thrill of the moment is. It should be noted that he has some wild mood swings, by the way. In contrast to his "aggressive" persona, Aurélien is actually really cultured and can be somewhat pedantic too, living up to the french stereotype, in a way. He has a solid standpoint on art and will definitely fight you if you say that modern art is not worthy. His love for anything labelled as "erudite" made him develop a superiority complex, which is extremely annoying, especially since he is the type to speak over you. However, behind that whole bravado, there is a lonely sixteen-year-old, who, more than anything, just wants to be liked. It might not seem like it, but he is pretty sensitive. In spite of his self-confidence, it's not easy at all for him to be so far away from home. There are times when this boarding school thing is just too much for Aurélien. But will he ask for anyone's help? Haha, hell no. Not only it would hurt his pride, but also he hates depending on others. He's thought of going back to France countless times, but would never admit it. If Aurélien wasn't full of determination, he'd probably would have gone back to Lyon by now. He can be pretty tough, that kid.[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]extra[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow][div class=firstword]his art[/div] x x x x (actually by pinetre3)

[div class=line][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=credit]width:550px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
「the moment they first met」

it was a lazy sunday afternoon and winter was just around the corner. staring blankly at the screen of his laptop, aurélien was fed up with his paper on the pre-socratics. no more than three months had passed since he joined hotchkiss, but the french was already facing some degree of burnout. in his romanticized vision of the school, aurélien would only be doing mind-stimulating activities, but that was far from reality. he decided to take a break to clear his thoughts, in hopes of coming back to a more productive mindset. aurélien's workplace also wasn't ideal, his dorm was a complete and utter mess since assignments kept piling up and left the boy without barely any time for himself and well, he'd rather spend the little time he had partying, indulging in that sweet, sweet escapism. however, the state of the room had gotten too chaotic and something had to be done. "hey gary. let's clean up this fucking mess" aurélien blustered, waking up his previously asleep roommate. "huh? oh, that's probably a good idea." replied gary, still not quite awake.

it took the pair quite some time to spruce up their shared room, but the result was pretty satisfactory. the only thing that wasn't blending well with the neat and tidy aspect of dorm was aurélien's heap of dirty laundry. "i should take care of that" he said to himself, but loudly enough for gary to hear it. he stuffed it all in his laundry bag, it was heavy ass load, almost too much for his poor bag, and stormed out of the room. as soon as he left the building, he was hit by the cold breeze, but didn't feel like going back to the dorm just to get a sweater. the campus was basically empty, given that pretty much everyone was either hungover or finishing up some homework, which created an eerie vibe to the ambient. aurélien liked it, though. it felt like the whole place was forgotten in time and reality was an illusion. the walk from his dorm to the laundromat wasn't long, so the french quickly got to his destination.

aurélien didn't notice the tall guy's presence at first. he was too busy being thankful that the place was heated to pay attention at his surroundings. the boy went straight to the first washing machine he saw and put all his clothing in it. still thinking that he was alone in there, aurélien laid down on the floor. suddenly, footsteps. not only that, but the footsteps were coming in his direction. "fuck.", he softly muttered. aurélien pulled himself together as fast as swiftly as possible, afraid that the other person would think of him as a weirdo if they saw him like that. "oh, I've never seen you before. are you new around here?" the stranger's voice filled the room. he was taken aback, gary was indeed right when he said that there were a lot of hot upperclassmen. "well yeah, i'm a freshman." he smirked. "i'm aurélien beaugendre, nice to meet you." said the blond, as he reached out for a handshake.

template by astraea
1st meet

otto did not have a particularly stellar memory. certain things ran together. people appeared in his life, and he couldn't say he remembered exactly when, why, or how. it just happened that one day they weren't there, and the next they were. that's how all of his relationships worked.

well, with the exception of aurélien. that was, oddly enough, something he had fairly vivid memory of.

it was his junior year. it was cool enough out that he had kept his shirt on while fucking around outside, but not so cold that he was searching through the abyss of his room for a jacket. he was, for lack of a better term, bored as shiii. there was no practice, everyone seemed a little duller than usual, and his "new friends" meter was running dangerously low. but perhaps more important than that, he had been wearing the same pants for roughly three days, and his chair seemed to be sagging under the weight of all of the clothes thrown on to it. he sniffed the air and winced. there was only so much cologne and candles could do.

with a heavy heart, he filled up a garbage bag with his clothes until it looked not too unlike santa's sack of gifts. he hoisted it over his shoulder with relative ease, and meandered slowly across campus grounds. he felt the cool air caress his skin and whip through his unbrushed hair. upon reaching his destination, he dumped his garments into a washer, leaned against the machine, and groaned.

and then he heard a sound.

it was soft, not more than the squeak of shoes and breath, but to otto it was like thunder. he set his gaze on a boy, smaller than he, brunette. otto grinned at him and lifted a hand, but the boy paid no notice. instead, he continued on to a washer without gesture, and began his laundry. not one to be ignored, otto followed.

when he came towards him, the boy was on the ground. amused but not one to judge, he just smiled. "oh, i've never seen you before. you new around here?" otto peered down carefully. the other boy was cute; most definitely the sort he'd recognize, and otto was out on campus and had seen so many faces that the boy had either transferred or was a habitual recluse. either way, otto would find out.

the other's voice took him by surprise. it was thickly accented and precise, and otto couldn't say he wasn't a fan. "well yeah, i'm a freshman." the answer sated his initial curiosity, but the name sparked more. "i'm aurélien beaugendre, nice to meet you."

otto took the others boy's hand loosely, but didn't shake it. he just kept it balanced in his palm. "aurélien beaugendre, huh?" he said, tasting the words on his tongue. he thought about it momentarily, and his mouth spread into an easy, crooked grin. "that kinda name is too sexy and sophisticated for a kid, yeah?" his smile grew wider. "i guess it fits." he laughed, eyes lighting up. "i'm otto mckinney. not as hot, i know." his lips curved again. "i'm a junior. it's a pleasure."
/coded by allure/

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