Bottle and a Gun [Open]


New Member
"Wh-what are you doing? I thought you were-"

"The tables are turned now. Trust. No one."

Being in a gang isn't like being a member of a club... A club is entertainment... A gang is your life!

It's Los Angeles, California in the year 2014, and gangs are on the rise once again. With more and more people creating groups of dangerous people, the gang population is becoming more than the LA police force can handle.

You blink at the wrong time, you die. You turn your back on someone, you die. The only way to stay alive is to stay alert... Keep your back to the wall and your eyes open.

The gangs have split into three sides. Their labels, color-coded, are Reds, Greens, and Blues. Each label has taken over a portion of LA, and they're all looking for the same thing. They all want more territory to come one step closer to taking over LA, and they'd kill to get it.


-No cybering

-No godmodding

-No one-liners

-No ditching








Name: Vinita ‘Vinny’ Russo

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Gang: Reds

Rank: Lieutenant

Weapons: She has quite the assortment, but she rarely uses them. That's what her lackeys are for.

Personality: She's a class A bioch. Vinny is quick to take advantage of you if there’s something to gain. She’s a schemer, so you can bet that if she shows sudden interest in you, the wheels in her head are turning. Nothing is too low of a blow for her. And if she doesn’t have a need for you, she’ll tell you by putting a bullet in your head. No conscious, almost no true feelings, and an insufferable female dog when you get her mad.

Other: She’s the Lieutenant of the Reds, meaning she's the boss's pet. She and she alone meets with the boss, gets his orders, and delivers them to the rest of the gang. The boss doesn't trust anyone else to meet him in person. She drives a black Mustang, which she never hesitates to show off. She owns a night club that fell into her posesstion when her aboptive father died. The club, Night Pulse, is where most of her deals unfold.

Appearance: Tall, lean, not a very big muscle build. She has olive tone skin and distinctive Italian features. Her hair is dark brown, as are her eyes

She’s a been a bit battered up in the past, something that leaves a good amount of marks. Vinny has a good bit of random scars on her body. She also looks like she was attacked by a tattoo parlor. She has a good number of tattoos (See below), one including the gang's trademark.

History: Her father was a gang member before her. He married her mother without telling her what he did. She ended up paying for it.

Only a year after Vinny was born, her mother was caught in the crossfire of a shooting. Her father never forgave himself for it. He ended up going into the bathroom and putting a bullet in his temple.

Vinita was taken in by a family friend, also a member of the Reds. He was a very well trusted friend of the Boss's. Vinny grew up around crime, murder, drugs, and violence. She began working for them at an age as young as 18.

It started out by doing simple things, playing go-for. Then it was “Hey can you pick up this order?” Once she was trusted, the tasks became more and more until one day she was enlisted to take part in an assassination.

All she had to do was lure the guy into the right place, where he would be shot and killed by a hidden sniper. The task was simple, but Vinny found that she was good at it.

Vinny learned more and more about how to trick and con people, playing them like chess boards.

When her adoptive father was killed by a Blue, it seemed only appropriate that she step up and take his place. Vinny worked good and hard for her position just like everyone else. Now she sits back and enjoys the rewards.


Name: Cambria Zinerva

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Label: Blue

Name: Vinita ‘Vinny’ Russo

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Gang: Reds

Rank: Lieutenant

Weapons: She has quite the assortment, but she rarely uses them. That's what her lackeys are for.

Personality: She's a class A bioch. Vinny is quick to take advantage of you if there’s something to gain. She’s a schemer, so you can bet that if she shows sudden interest in you, the wheels in her head are turning. Nothing is too low of a blow for her. And if she doesn’t have a need for you, she’ll tell you by putting a bullet in your head. No conscious, almost no true feelings, and an insufferable female dog when you get her mad.

Other: She’s the Lieutenant of the Reds, meaning she's the boss's pet. She and she alone meets with the boss, gets his orders, and delivers them to the rest of the gang. The boss doesn't trust anyone else to meet him in person. She drives a black Mustang, which she never hesitates to show off. She owns a night club that fell into her posesstion when her aboptive father died. The club, Night Pulse, is where most of her deals unfold.

Appearance: Tall, lean, not a very big muscle build. She has olive tone skin and distinctive Italian features. Her hair is dark brown, as are her eyes

She’s a been a bit battered up in the past, something that leaves a good amount of marks. Vinny has a good bit of random scars on her body. She also looks like she was attacked by a tattoo parlor. She has a good number of tattoos (See below), one including the gang's trademark.

History: Her father was a gang member before her. He married her mother without telling her what he did. She ended up paying for it.

Only a year after Vinny was born, her mother was caught in the crossfire of a shooting. Her father never forgave himself for it. He ended up going into the bathroom and putting a bullet in his temple.

Vinita was taken in by a family friend, also a member of the Reds. He was a very well trusted friend of the Boss's. Vinny grew up around crime, murder, drugs, and violence. She began working for them at an age as young as 18.

It started out by doing simple things, playing go-for. Then it was “Hey can you pick up this order?” Once she was trusted, the tasks became more and more until one day she was enlisted to take part in an assassination.

All she had to do was lure the guy into the right place, where he would be shot and killed by a hidden sniper. The task was simple, but Vinny found that she was good at it.

Vinny learned more and more about how to trick and con people, playing them like chess boards.

When her adoptive father was killed by a Blue, it seemed only appropriate that she step up and take his place. Vinny worked good and hard for her position just like everyone else. Now she sits back and enjoys the rewards.



Her tattoos: (Minus the ones on her hands)


Name: Connor

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Label: Reds

Personality: Connor is a bit creepy. He can scare people easily, and is a bit intimidating, but only because he can easily scope out dangerous people and the risks of what he is a part of. However, he doesn't care that he may be wrong. He can be easy to get close to, once you see his good side. He sees the glass as half-empty, and has a problem seeing the bright side of anything. He knows not to trust anyone, but sometimes, he needs to think he has someone to fall back on if something goes wrong and makes the deadly mistake of trusting. This has happened one time, and got him a scar from a bullet on his shoulder.

Weapons: Connor always carries a loaded pistol, but has a preferance for fist fighting. He can throw hard punches and has good aim, making him potentially very dangerous.

(I will add history and a better description soon. Please excuse this, and, you may either wait to accept or deny me, or do it when you can...Thanks =))
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