both for bloodshed (1X1 THE ONLY TRUE ME AND WRITE.) [Inactive]

The only true me submitted a new role play:

both for bloodshed (1X1 THE ONLY TRUE ME AND WRITE.) - What happens when a blood hungry monster falls in love with a blood hungry human? romance

write: please come here, PWEASE! the set of this is that at an auction for your services, i bid highest at 60 million (to assassinate my bloodchild) knowing you would lose and die, but then, he feels a pang of feeling, the first in thousands of years.
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"30 million!" said a bidder, remind me to drain him... "60 MILLION!" i shouted, my pale skin and dark hair glistening in the dark, my fangs slipping out, i cant wait to trap this new hunter, if only i could see what he looks like, maybe if i mesmer him, i can slowly eat him, corking the holes when i dont need more blood...
Misty's crimson eyes looked over the crowd, unimpressed as she sat back int he shadows, watching the bidding. Her reputation preceded her, men and woman alike bidding for her services. Her eye flickered to the male whose voice raised over the crowd. 60 Million. She raised an eyebrow, no one willing to go higher. The auctioneer finalized it. She stood up, brushing her dress off. "It looks like we have a winner." She smiled, her smile cold as her eyes fell on the man, a vampire. She walked over to him, "It will be a pleasure doing business with you." She told him.
"hmm, a woman, interesting," said Xander, leaning to her ear silently, he breathes in the smell of her neck and blood and then says "I think you will need a stake, meet me at the Crowwe mansion 1 hour from now, no sooner, no later, i will be eating before then, and i will be hunting for tommorow's dinner afterwards..." then he breathes in her neck and watched her shiver, smiling a cold smile that didnt reach his eyes, then he felt a pang in his chest *Are you really going to let a lady die at the hands of your starved bloodchild?* he thought to himself, then thought more *And it would be a waste, she is so good looking* he finished, then turned away as he started to blush a brownish red (he still had some blood pumping through his veins from yesterdays meal.)
Misty narrowed her eyes at him, "Yes, you paid for a woman's services." She smirked, watching him. She nodded, "Stakes won't be a problem. And I will be on time, I assure you." She told him. Stared evenly up at him, "1 Hour." She repeated, she didn't miss his blush but, at the moment, she had no interest in it. She had no interest in him, just in the the job. Without another work she slid through the crowd and out the door out of sight. She was no ordinary assassin. She was a noble demon, and with luck she'd have this done by morning. She heading to her house, grabbing a few stakes from her pile and heading of the house. She arrived exactly on time, not a minute late or early. "Now, what is the job you have for me?" She asked, sitting down and crossing her legs.
it appears i got the time wrong, a scrawny, young girl was still being Bled in my house, and i just started feeding from her when misty burst open the door, the look of absolute horror on misty's face made his hunger flash higher, and he sucked the poor unsuspecting girl dry, until even the blood in the thin membrane over the eyes were empty and shriveled, then he forced some of his own blood into her, and she woke up, licking her old blood from her now masters' lips eaglerly, whilst i stared emotionlessly at misty, then the slave/vampire girl got on her knees, and bowed, saying "Master, shall i take care of this demon who entered your house?" loyally. (SORRY!!! MY INTERNET WAS SHUT DOWN 4 A MINUTE!!!!! :( )
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Misty watched him in indifference, crossing her arms over her chest as he fed. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. She waited until he was done, smirking and rolling her eyes a bit as the new vampire awoke. "Sorry sweetie, I don't kill easily... I'm not human." She told her standing up, from where she had been leaning against the door "So... Who exactly do you want me to kill?" She asked, spinning the stake in her hands.
"he is my bloodchild, like this one here, but he went crazy with the power of a vampire from my bloodline... he will most certainly kill you if you do not take the right preparations, but maybe not, he seems not to kill the woman too quickly, he seems to favor their warmth during...... certain night time activities, so, if you are caught, take this cyanide pill, it will save you much more than what you will lose, namely, your virginity...." he said, handing her a cyanide pill, and cutting his thumb and making a glyph that looked like this: {/\|/\|/\|/\} then explained "It will protect you from his mesmer and other things you lesser demons are weak to..." he said, not meaning to say lesser, but the teachings being knocked in his head so far, it slipped out. xander then showed her that only he could mesmer her, with an example that made her blurt out what the latest magazine she read said on the cover and you said "Jake Show, justin timberlake, johnny depp, sex, kiss, marry"
Misty listened, spare me the flowery interlude, I just want the details." She told him, nodding a bit, stake in hand, a few more at her side just in case. "Very well... I'll take it." She told him, letting him have his fun before glaring at him. "But let me make a few things clear. I am a noble demon, I have not been or ever been human, I'm not lesser. If he takes me I'm not a virgin and that mesmer? I've been trained to break it. I'm not helpless, so stop acting like I am. She took the pill but slid it into her pocket. "I have killed hundreds of vampires so I would watch how you talk to me before I kill you myself, do you understand?" He asked, about fed up with his attitude. Demons created vampires and werewolves. She didn't know who he thought she was but it made her sick and after their business was done, she had no intention to see him again.
he got mad, bad choice of words (seriously, if u watched my characters file, then you'd know not to make him mad) "WELL THEN YOU'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT I AM IMPERVIUS TO THE STAKE THROUGH THE HEART METHOD, AND HOLY WATER DOESNT KILL ME, NEITHER DOES SILVER, NOR ANY OTHER METHOD, THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO KILL ME, KILL ALL OF MY BLOODCHILDREN, ANDI HAVE MADE THAT NEAR TO IMPOSSIBLE!" he said, pushing her to the ground using super speed and strength, watching as she tries to stake me through the heart, it goes right through with no resistance, and i dont die, just weaken a bit until it heals (very quickly) finally, when he pins her to the ground with his fangs near her neck, he whispers in her ear "They call me the vampire boss for a reason, you know" calmly, then went to his basement for a minute brought out a small boy, no older than 7, old enough to know he was going to be killed, young enough to not be able to do anything, xander started toying with the kid, cutting him with his claw like nails, watching misty squirm uncomforably as the kid tries to fight back, slowly losing thrength... he was about to die when xander sucked all of his blood out, letting him stay just alive enough to feel the pain "If you want, you can make this little child begin a new life, or if you have no heart, like i, you can tell me not to give his my life giving blood" i said cruelly. 
"and you see, i am not only vampire, but a mix of mostly vampire, some siren, some werewolf, some demon, angel, fox spirit, and another large bit fairy, i have quite the array of animal in me too, from when i sucked too much animal blood in my young days" i said, listingly.
Misty gritted her teeth, falling back to the ground as he pushed her. She remained calm, heart rate never increasing. She rolled out from under him, shoving the stake into his heart. Interesting... He was different. She'd heard rumors of hi, but not much else. She gritted her teeth a bit when he got close, pushing him away as he stood up anyway. She stood up, brushing herself off and watching him walk downstairs and come up with a child. "What? You trying to invoke a sense of sympathy? I'm a demon... an assassin who's been killing for thousands of human years. Kill him, tear him to shreds, skin him, drink him try, turn him... I don't care." She told him, taking a seat on one of the chair and watching to make her point, voice void of emotion. "I don't care what you are, I have no intention of getting myself killed for you. If you don't want my services I'm happy to leave, if your 'child' needs blood bring him someone. what exactly are your intentions?" She asked him, despite her situation her voice was level, heart rate calm even in the dangerous situation.
"My intentions are for you to murder an out-of-wack child of mine, he is crazy beyond the "hizzle" as you young ones say, and he is pillaging a city that i have... although, he is like me, he only has one child though, at first, i was tryin to test you, see if you have a heart, you dont, good, because what he will use against someone is beyond belief, his mesmer is even stronger than mine, you wont be able to work through it, thats why i gave you the glyph, also, he likes to eat demons for breakfast, LITERALLY" i said, emphasis on the literally, showing her a picture of his bloodchild, and making sure she knew his name..... joseph B. crowwe, my actual son...
Misty watched him with narrowed eyes, "I don't say that." She frowned, she looked young but she was far from it. She just nodded, "So I have to kill his child than kill him, is that what I'm understanding she asked finally when he finished explaining, taking the highlights... what needed to be done. She kept his warning in mind but wasn't concerned about it. "Now that we've gotten the facts taken care of, thank you for the warning, I take the job. It's been a long time since I've had a challenging mission like this." She smiled, her smile cold as she glanced at the picture, committing his appearance and name to memory. "Lucky for me I'm not an ordinary demon..." She thought aloud, she'd have to watch her back.
"ah, one last thing, i can smell your blood, HH-? why, that's rarer than .01% it would be a shame if you spilt any on the ground, i've had someone with your blood type before, his blood was made into bloodwine, fairly nice, blood with a bit of cinnamon and chocolate and curry powder, seems queer, but it is not. quite tasty, still have some left, let me get it" said xander, going down in the basement, and getting a scared human to pick up a barrel "I presume you drink, blood, yes?" 
(BRB!! like i may be gone for a little)
Misty stopped, looking back at him as he stopped her. She crossed her arms over his chest, listening to him. She raised an eyebrow as he mentioned her blood. She raised a hand, looking at the blood that ran underneath and nodded a bit. "Just because I work in the secret arts doesn't mean i'm not from a good stock." She told him, watching as the blood was brought up from the basement. "You offering me the blood of one of my own?" She asked him, stepping back into the room.
"No, human blood, pure human, but it does have spices that you demons created, including curry" said xander, disgusted at the prospect of feeding from a demon, unless it is for battle or comepletely necessary, then pouring her a cup, corking the barrel back up, putting the cup on a hot plate, and gave it to her, warm, rich, and slightly spicy.
Misty nodded, "Ah.." She sighed, walking forward and watching him pour her a glass. Maybe it was another test, she didn't care. She took the cup, smelling it before taking a drink. She took a small sip at first, before taking another, larger drink and draining it. "Impressive." She told him with a smile, setting the glass down. "You have good taste."
"yes, after you kill him, we can have a big party, i have many other ways of preparing blood, also kids stuff too, that way the newly turned child vampires can feast with stuff that tastes kind of like what they had in life." i said, eyes glazing at the mention of all of his recipes, he'd drain his entire stock....
Misty raised an eyebrow, "I try to avoid high profile parties." She told him with a small smirk. "Considering my reputation I try to keep a lot profile." She told him, "Still... when I come back and you pay me, we'll talk about it. This bloodchild of yours... you're sure he only has one child to kill?" He asked, narrowing her eyes and watching him carefully at the question.
"er... well, the thing is, he's only ever needed one child to defeat my armadas, he was a comepletely steroid-ed out mountain of muscle, so far, his only known weakness is the top of his skull, THE TOP" i said, emphasizing top, then sent her on her way.
Misty leaned back, watching him as he spoke. "So far? That doesn't sound promising." She muttered to herself but nodded. "Very well... I'll aim for that, and if that doesn't work I'll have to find something out." She told him before sliding out of the house. Her eyes flickered over the surrounding before thinking over his information and making her way to the city.
he forgot to tell her that he lived in the country-side, so he sent it to her mind *Hey, misty, he lives in a mansion just off in the north side forest of my town*
Misty froze as she heard his voice narrowing his eyes. "Thanks for the information... next time, stay out of my head, I don't like people in my head." She told him
*wow, you really are a demon, we vampires developed a skill that your kind didn't! and besides, im only on the receiving lobe of your brain, not in your memory section!*
Misty narrowed her eyes, "I don't care, I don't like having people inside my head.' He growled angrily. She had a short temper, not that she let it effect her work.
even from this far, he could hear her heart pumping blood faster in her anger, she kept her cool in a fight, in a test of sympathy, and promise of a luxurios party full of bloodwine, the most expensive and time taking blood product in the world, but she gets mad at some telepathy? she must have something to hide......

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