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Futuristic ๐—•๐—ข๐—ฅ๐——๐—˜๐—ฅ๐—Ÿฮ›๐—ก๐——๐—ฆ


New Member


So you want to hear a story, eh? One about treasure hunters? Haha, have I got a story for you. Pandora... This is our home. But make no mistake - this is not a planet of peace and love. It'll chew you up and spit out your corpse if you let your guard down.

They say it's a wasteland, that it's dangerous, that only a fool would search for something of value here. Maybe Iโ€™m that fool. There was a legend... Many people tell it. The legend of the Vault. My father would always go on about the Vault; even with his dying breath.

Advanced alien technology. Infinite wealth. Fame. Power. Women.

So you can understand why some little kiddos who hear the stories want to become Vault Hunters.

But here's the kicker, this is not just some bedtime story. The Vault is real, right here on Pandora. Just donโ€™t get your hopes up, youโ€™re not the only one after the treasure and there are local tribes that guard its secrets. Not to mention intergalactic corporations that are drawn in by the recent sightings of the high-priced crystal, Eridium. Some of them are worse than the bandits, if you ask me. So, if you want a shot at this, youโ€™ll need a crew, and a damn good one.

Good luck, you're gonna need it.

Come on in and strap yourself for the ride. This roleplay will plunge your character into a vibrant and chaotic world that blends science fiction and post-apocalyptic themes. It will be chock-full of stunning vistas, pulse-pounding action, and unforgettable moments. Brace yourself for plenty of awww and ewww and a whole lot of hell yeah in this epic adventure.

The start of the roleplay will primarily take place on the planet of Pandora, known for its deserted landscape, scorching sun, lawlessness, lethal wildlife and whispers of the hidden alien technology. Itโ€™s an ex-prison planet, a desolated rock that recently became profitable for its newly discovered deposits of the priceless crystal, Eridium.

The macroscopic setting is as wide and deep as the cosmos. But weโ€™re locked on to a few galaxies and endless star systems. True to the Fermi Paradox there are no sentient alien species inhabiting the planets that people colonized over thousand years ago. But thanks to technology and often hostile environments people differ, culturally and sometimes even physically.

This rich and diverse universe is populated by a wide range of human civilizations. Some planets are uncharted or inhabited by primitive tribes, their populations accustomed to the demanding lifestyle and their bodies adjusted to the environment they were raised in for centuries. Others bristle with skyscrapers that shine with cutting-edge technology and their corporate societies are filled with robots and augmented humans.

Pandora itself has a handful of cultures: ruthless ex-convicts-turned-bandits, fanatic cultists who call themselves The Children of the Vault, hardy settlers - scientists and fugitives among them - just trying to carve out a life amidst the chaos, natives - hiding away from the foreigners - living in harmony with the wildlife, and the corporate bastards that once abandoned this godforsaken rock and now returned to chase profit once again.

Then there are the Vault Hunters, a unique breed of adventurers from all walks of life - veterans and rookies alike - drawn to Pandora by the lure of the legendary treasures.

Make sure your character is a flesh and blood human with realistic fears, goals and desires. This will be a realistic version of this fictional setting. But donโ€™t take the story and aesthetics too seriously. This is supposed to be a breather from all the angsty, life-like roleplays and novella lengths. Just a story for our characters to goof around, blow shit up, make friends, chase their dreams and almost die in the process!

click click boom!
1. This roleplay will be fun and light-hearted but it will also contain offensive themes, gore and dark, potentially vulgar humor. You should be 18+ to join and ideally not an easily triggered person.

2. Communicate. I know itโ€™s sometimes uncomfortable to tell when you need to go on a break or want to dip from the story, but do it anyway. Everybody will appreciate it and youโ€™ll have the satisfaction of being a cool person.

2. Adjust the length of your posts to whatโ€™s happening in the scene. Whether it will be a single paragraph filled with dialogue or a page of exposition, give us some substance but also give us a chance to react. This wonโ€™t be a novella type of roleplay but I seek seasoned writers who proof-read their text before posting. Give us emotion! Give us unique character flavor! Give us an occasional typo!

3. Preferably you don't take longer than a few days to reply after the last person before you has posted.

4. Go wild but stick to the tone and aesthetics introduced in the lore and make sure your characters match the setting. They will be accepted on case-by-case basis!

5. Act respectful, be proactive, plot with others and have fun! The rest should work out just fine. I mean, honestly, in a roleplay like this...what could go wrong!

6. Discord will be utilized for OOC.

I tagged this roleplay as semi-sandbox because we will create the plot together and control the storyline as a group, no single GM in this one! If this gains some traction I will promptly create another thread with lore and send you easy instructions to ensure all participants are compatible. Show your interest below or PM me!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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I want to remark, this is not a fandom roleplay. You don't need to know the game as there will be nothing "canon". We will utilize the setting but we'll introduce original characters, plotline and higher levels of realism! Hopefully equal levels of fun. :xFcool:
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I could be down for this. I'm thinking a vault hunter with DID. She's usually happily using a wrench to fix up people's rides, but then things start getting scary and someone else comes out to use the wrench more offensively.

Thank you everyone for your interest! The discord server is now live and I'll be sending invites shortly.

If you're interested in joining, just show your interest here or PM me!

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