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Active [Border near Ghenitus - East Empire] Stop bugging me!


The Overseer
IanThe170 IanThe170 | Joshua Wincent
NachoGod NachoGod | Ceasar 'Surpann' Romano


Ghenitus stood as a breathtaking marvel among the towns of the East Empire, perched high upon a rugged mountain. The city boasted a natural waterfall cascading gracefully from its peak, its waters flowing down from the base of a grand palace—an opulent residence of the local proconsuls. The palace itself, like a crown atop the city, glistened in the sunlight, its polished marble reflecting a legacy of power and authority.

The architecture of Ghenitus was reminiscent of ancient grandeur, with towering marble pillars supporting the structures that lined the city’s steep, winding streets. Everywhere one looked, there was an elegance that spoke of meticulous craftsmanship. The buildings, all of pristine white marble, were adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of conquest and myth, a reminder of the Empire's might and cultural sophistication. Among these structures, one stood out in particular—the city’s vast library. It sprawled across a sizable plaza, its colonnades inviting the scholarly and the curious. Gigantic marble bookshelves filled the interior, brimming with countless volumes of knowledge, their spines worn from years of study and reverence. It was a sanctuary for the mind amidst a city otherwise braced for war.

The streets of Ghenitus bustled with life, though the air was thick with an unspoken tension. Merchants haggled, children played, and citizens hurried along their daily routines, yet there was a palpable heaviness. Beastkin, shackled and subdued, moved among the crowds, a stark reminder of the Empire’s rigid social hierarchy and its relentless pursuit of dominance. The recent joint military ventures with their once-bitter enemy, The See, had left their mark. The alliance had come at a steep price, born not out of friendship, but out of necessity. Their common enemy, The Hive, a swarm of monstrous insects bound together by a twisted unity, posed an existential threat. The bugs, as they were contemptuously called, had carved out a domain of their own—'The Hive Nation,' though many would scarcely dignify it with the name of a nation. For now, the threat was dormant, their Queen slain, but the East Empire’s military leaders were not content to wait for the next eruption of conflict. They sought to cull the Hive, to press the advantage, and ensure the bugs would never rise again.

Ghenitus had been selected as the rallying point for this bold campaign. The city’s tall, imposing walls bristled with the preparedness of war. Atop them stood Centurion Alexas Maximus, a striking figure in the scarlet and gold armor of the legion. Though young, she commanded a presence that belied her years, her blue eyes sharp with determination as they scanned the distant horizon, where the unseen Hive stirred. Behind her, ranks of legionnaires stood at attention, their spears and shields polished, their crimson capes fluttering in the mountain breeze. The rhythmic clinking of armor was the only sound, as they waited, taut with anticipation, for the order to march.

Alexas Maximus
Alexas Maximus.jpg

The Legion

But the legions were not alone. The East Empire Adventurers' Guild had issued a call, a plea for reinforcements to join the military in this audacious operation. The Empire was no stranger to war, but this was different—an open call to those who would dare tread where even the disciplined ranks of soldiers hesitated. Adventurers, mercenaries, and warriors from distant lands had begun to trickle into the city, answering the summons. And so, Centurion Alexas stood at her post, watching the road below, her gaze unwavering. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, orange glow upon the city walls, but her eyes were fixed firmly on the eastern expanse, towards the desolate lands claimed by the Hive. In that moment, the air was thick, not with dread, but with anticipation—a promise of what was to come, a storm of steel and fury poised to descend.

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