Book 1b: Clockwork Shadows [Incarnadine Waters]


The Clockwork Citadel:

Honor's Redeeming Light

Maya Blackthorn


Seven Blossoms


Yume considered for a moment. "Well, let's see, our ultimate objective implies the descrption of Magitech. Does anyone know anything about it in this group? Or is that one reason we need to pick up this other person?"

"What about your people, Maya, can you tell us a bit about them? Will they help us?"

"What about preperations, does anyone have special strength, or just charms or wards, for use in a shadowlands?"
Teliseria frowns slightly with a thoughtful look. Coals Over Time hammered with all sorts of odd First Age information into her pretty little head. Of course that stuff was much more interesting than say sacrificing something important for sorcery. Teliseria still remembered the latter event, even if she's not entire sure what she sacrificed.

"I know a bit of First Age stuff," Teliseria remarks. "Not truly a large set, but I'm sure I can help in that regards when it comes to the Clockwork... whatever." She looks away though, "My skill in sorcery is a lot less and I have nothing that will help us in the places the taint of the dead lie. I do have single spell that will protect us from other spells, and I am okay in surviving out of the large settlements called cities, so I can hunt for food if need be. And I'm a Lunar, so my animal forms allow me some bit of stealth, allowing me to gather information if need be."
Yume nodded, "Thank you, Telerisia." she carefuly placed the holy sword in front of her. "Some of these gems seem like they should be moveable, could there be magitech in this?"
Teliseria gives the sword a curious look as she looks at it. Examining it without actually touching though her frown deepens as she calls upon her teachings and memories from Coals Over Time.



Using 2nd Intel Excellency for 3 Successes: Teliseria rolls 10 dice to discern if sword is magitech 4,3,7,8,7, 9,1,3,1,9 (5+3=8 successes) 6m nommed xD
You've rarely, if ever, seen anything anywhere near this complex. You can clearly make out the distinctive facet paterns indictiive of microscopic essence circuits in the gems. Without advanced tools, you can't tell much about that level, but you believe the magitech is made to respond to it's attuned wielder. Not all it's systmes are so complex, though, a few fairly simple repairs should unlock a series of very basic reconfiguration capabilities. Perhaps this is made for a magitech master to fight with? Or, rather, the most comlicated layers are made for a master, the most basic may require only simple repairs before the wielder can begins working with the idea of trainin on a reconfigurable sword.
Teliseria smiles a bit and nods, "Yes, this is certainly the finest creation I have seen yet, but damaged I believe. If it can be repaired you could probably use it, but assuredly there are features built in that are very complex, it would take a workshop and a person good with the repair to bring forth it's abilities," she tells Lady Yume, folding her arms behind her.
The Witch of Goarse Vale followed the lines they were to travel on the map, showing where she coud break aay and trake a sheapards path t Gaors Vale, then enter negotations with her people for comand of a force she could gain leadership of and bring to the aid of the valley city state 3 nations fruther South that was the northernmost teritory controled by Mast of Winters.

<i>Temporary npc status during computer issues</i>
Teliseria frowns slightly as she regards the group, she has very little else to add to their preparations, she didn't like the fact that they would have to pass through a dead tainted land, but she still would do her best. No dark taint of death was going to make her cower like a scared little girl. Still the entire trip should be interesting, she had never been as far as she has been now. Her home was so far away now, but she knew Coals Over Time had sent her knowing this. Coals was very smart, assuredly smarter than anyone else she had met. Though that was unfair, several here seemed very intelligent as well, Brilliant Singing Hammer was most definitely one. She blushes thinking of the man whose very touch and look brought her heart to race. The bond between them, the Solar Bond, was a strange and mystical thing to be sure.
Honnor stood quietly towering over the rest as she gazed around their location keeping a look out for trouble. one hand kept Sakura steady as she had sat the girl on her shoulder while the others were talking.

"You doin ok?" she asked her passenger quietly.
Early that morning, a shimata aproached the great adamant manse, ridden by a man with a comely d'jala in scant red halter and loincloth with golden wrist bangles and a heavy necklace that might or might not be a collar snuggled back into his chest, and an elegent, voloptous girl in a white dress with a bodice of pink coral riding behind him. They lead two great Yedim on lead ropes, the first heavy laden with packs, the second yoked to a great wagon.

The silver wolf girl watched them winding down the road from the tree she perched in at a safe distace.

The D'jala girl spoke, "Do you think these other exalts will help us, Master, when we take the pay of Lookshy?"

The woman behind him agreed. "They only welcome you into the city when the source of your power is kept secret, my lord. Over a year now we've retrieved and repaired magitech for them, yet if they saw the light of your power in public, they'd call you anathema and drive us out."
Nivek chuckled and patted the D'jala on the leg. "Hard to say, Khimi, can't say I planned either way. That's why I have Pearl. Well, one reason at least."

He flashed a smile to the blond behind him and kept riding. "Come to think of it, we are nearing the location of these other Exalted. Do you remember their names or anything about the specific place? I'd like to get there today, though wouldn't be opposed to one last peaceful night."
It's him... finally, I...

As soon as the group passed by, Iris lept silently from the tree and ducked back into cover.

But who are those two with him? They seem to be going to meet someone others, as well... judging from his manner, everything seems to be fine, but... I shouldn't show myself yet. Not when so many people will be near...

Iris followed behind as they approached the manse, taking care to stay out of sight.
OOC: Sorry, my internet sucked until two days ago.


Maya Blackthorn finished tracing out the route on her map then answered the questions. "The Berrians are an ancient race of the First Age. We are tireless, strong and deadly - ask anyone from the Scavenger Lands. Our lands are also being threatened by the Mask of Winters. Do you see why I am here? I can also call upon twenty of my warriors."

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