

princess aria
hello everyone im aria

do not be alarmed by my terrible grammar

i usually type with it when i am actually role-playing

but other than that its nice to meet you all

what a cute lil community (o'v'o)
Bonjour Fitten, your Mother is pleased with you.

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

I saw that you commented on someone else's introduction and that was very nice of you.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mother Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun.
Xylin said:
Bonjour Fitten, your Mother is pleased with you.
Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

I saw that you commented on someone else's introduction and that was very nice of you.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mother Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun.
okay thank you so much, mom! ill read up on those! that helps a lot!

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