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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

love bug

Junior Member
Feel free to put pictures anywhere you'd like on this character sheet, just make sure that they're realistic!








Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.):

Any tattoos:

Any piercings:

Usual outfit:



Job, if any:

Favourite colour:

Favourite song:

Dreams and aspirations:


Pet peeves:



Place of birth:



Reason for needing an escape:


Just putting this here to keep track of who still needs to post their character sheet. If you've uploaded yours, your name will be bold and underlined. Anyone else still needs to submit it.







@Tiny Dragon
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/18.jpg.19d213850133a43d8e524ea76391d2f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/18.jpg.19d213850133a43d8e524ea76391d2f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Logan Rousseau

Age: 17

Gender: Male, but doesn't care too much for gender roles. He dresses in any type of clothing that he likes because he believes that clothes shouldn't have genders in the first place.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Height: 5'3

Weight: 105lbs

Distinguishing features: A noticeably big nose and light freckles.

Any tattoos:

]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/flower-tattoo-on-back-flower-tattoo-23132.jpg.d079df31455b792ce0d265ae9a2f30af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/flower-tattoo-on-back-flower-tattoo-23132.jpg.d079df31455b792ce0d265ae9a2f30af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_m8roxfs8Mu1rze36so1_500.jpg.2bc40961b56f2921de46f3dd97088b98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_m8roxfs8Mu1rze36so1_500.jpg.2bc40961b56f2921de46f3dd97088b98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n51k7sw6eM1t2463ro1_500.jpg.723f97159617514c272dfd634fc78531.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n51k7sw6eM1t2463ro1_500.jpg.723f97159617514c272dfd634fc78531.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Any piercings:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/148af11044c570eb0a9cc8ff2dfce2d0.jpg.edf3263cd390282a5ef4e641523f16e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/148af11044c570eb0a9cc8ff2dfce2d0.jpg.edf3263cd390282a5ef4e641523f16e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Usual outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/c600x703.jpg.e6cdbde3b785655760d775566486f095.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/c600x703.jpg.e6cdbde3b785655760d775566486f095.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

On a more masculine day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/c600x417.jpg.995b03ee14d2a6a4efe3cbdf80d8f82f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/c600x417.jpg.995b03ee14d2a6a4efe3cbdf80d8f82f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

On a more feminine day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/24.jpg.2f7c639a8127f44a52f294c770510d89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/24.jpg.2f7c639a8127f44a52f294c770510d89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hobbies: Gardening, painting, sketching, fashion.

Job, if any: Works at a local flower shop. Secretly a prostitute.

Favourite colour: Lilac or olive green.

Favourite song: Heroine by Sleeping With Sirens.

Dreams and aspirations: To be a known artist and to get away from his brothers.

Fears: His oldest brother--Eric, being lonely or unloved, heights and the water.

Pet peeves: Loud noises.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsob1p16A11qel8u1o1_500.gif.a0780e7055bc30f72ae281ea41e7d307.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsob1p16A11qel8u1o1_500.gif.a0780e7055bc30f72ae281ea41e7d307.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Birthday: October 2nd.

Place of birth: Belgium.

Personality: Logan is a relatively shy person. It's rare you'll be able to spark up a conversation from him. He gives off a very nervous appearance and is usually looking down to avoid any kind of interaction. Logan isn't one to start chatting, but he'd never ignore someone. If you're able to get talking with him, he's a quiet sweetheart. Due to what he's been through in the past, he doesn't tend to trust many, but he does care a lot for others. He knows how terrible it is to struggle alone and doesn't want anyone else to have to feel that way.

Background: Logan was born in Belgium to a very wealthy family. He was too young to understand that their money didn't come from a good place, though. Logan's parents were drug dealers and when found by the authorities, they fled the country. Logan was left living and being raised by his three older brothers. All was well and worked out smoothly until the eldest of their family, Eric, went down the path of drugs just like his mom and dad. Since that point he became abusive towards Logan. Luckily, due to their ages, the other siblings were able to leave; but Logan was stuck being tortured and held captive.

Reason for needing an escape: Broken Home

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/BlM138TCAAACc-r.jpg.b140a83075d3755286eeef1cdec9a434.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/BlM138TCAAACc-r.jpg.b140a83075d3755286eeef1cdec9a434.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



@Teddy Squirts

@Antlered punk




Feel free to start putting up your character sheets now. :)



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"The One Who Pays For His Problems"




Zayn Atticus Slater








5 foot 9 inches


125 pounds

Distinguishing features:

Very Very Impressive Bone Structure

Any tattoos:


Any piercings:


Usual outfit:

Zayn is always caught in a shirt that buttons up, sometimes slacks, sometimes jeans, but always a button up.






-Manipulating People

-Having Sex


Job, if any:


Favourite colour:


Favourite song:

Dreams and aspirations:

Dreams of taking over his fathers business

Wants to break the hearts of 100 people


Getting heart broken

Running out of money

Pet peeves:

When his flirtation doesn't work

When he cant buy people




October 29th

Place of birth:

New york City


- Loyal

- Passionate

- Resourceful

- Observant

- Dynamic

- Jealous

- Obsessive

- Suspicious

- Manipulative

- Unyielding

Zayn is calculating and selfish and demonstrates an extremely well-developed sense of self-preservation, almost always at the expense of someone else. In the process of getting what he wants he manipulates and seduces others to do his bidding.

Despite his ruthlessness, it is clear that Zayn has deep, genuine feelings.

His relationships with others sometimes reveal a crack in the "psychotic bitch" facade.

Zayn's extremely heightened sense of self-preservation has helped him develop a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. Even when he takes a risk, which must be well worth it, he proceeds with caution and a means of escape in place. Thus, despite whatever feelings he has for anyone, he would usually choose himself.

(Zayn is usually calculating, selfish, manipulative, sexy, seductive , and ruthless. However if he trusts you then he can be genuine, kind, loving,dorky and charismatic. )


Zayns parents are both very wealthy, his father owns his own business and his mother is a fashion tycoon. Growing up his parents dealt with any problem they had with Zayn with money. They missed his 16th birthday so they bought him 3 new cars. It didn't take Zayn to figure this out, so he started taking his parents money and would use it to his advantage. He would pay off cops, teachers, anyone he could. When money wouldn't work he would move to flirting. He would touch and seduce anyone to get what he wants.

Reason for needing an escape:

After a major fight with his parents, his father threatened to cut him off. Outraged, he took the money in his account and decided to run away. On his way he found camp and decided to stay there.

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Name: Barrett Ward

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender Male

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123 lbs,

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): exceptionally pale skin and wide, shining green eyes

Any tattoos: None

Any piercings: None

Usual outfit:



Hobbies: Stargazing, taking walks, thinking, being generally unusual

Job, if any: None, due to his illness.

Favourite colour: All the colors of the sky, but if he had to choose,

the orange color that it gets right before sunrise.

Favourite song: Angels Fall by Breaking Benjamin

Dreams and aspirations: He doesn't really know. He's still trying

to come to terms with the fact that he could be dead by the end of the year.

Fears: Enclosed spaces, total darkness, oblivion, death

Pet peeves: People who joke about death, being ignored because he can't speak


Birthday: February 10th

Place of birth: New Jersey, USA

Personality: Despite the implications of his illness, Barry is a generally upbeat person who always seems to be wearing a smile. He hates seeing other people upset, and will do anything he can to brighten a person's day, even if they're a stranger to him. Barry is a bit of a joker, with an odd yet endearing sense of humor and a tendency to do some pretty strange things, and he's great at giving hugs. However, all is not as it seems, and underneath his cheerful facade is a confused boy screaming for answers, about death, about his condition, about anything, really. His thoughts often turn dark, although he tries to hide them so as not to upset anyone else, and he is ruled by an inferiority complex that stems all the way from his childhood. On occasion, when everything gets to be too much, he will lash out at the person in nearest proximity, which is why he prefers to be alone when he is at his worst.

Background: Throughout his life, Barry has never felt good enough. Growing up the twin brother of a virtual child protege, he always felt second rate to his brother, Isaiah, who excelled in all subject areas, while he was more content daydreaming during school hours, as the classroom setting never really clicked with him. However, neither one of his parents nor his brother ever treated him with anything but kindness, and he grew up in a loving home, eventually realizing that he didn't need to live up to his brother's standards, although the inferiority complex kinda stuck. Everything was fine from that point on, that is, until at age fourteen he began to notice signs of illness. He waved it off for nearly two years, dismissing it as a very bad sore throat that never seemed to go away and not telling anyone so as not to bother them. But once it began to get so bad that he was rapidly losing weight and having trouble speaking, his parents finally realized that something was up and intervened, taking him off to the hospital one night when things got really bad. By then, though, it was too late. He was diagnosed with cancer of the larynx, which, although treatable in earlier stages, had been ignored so long that it had already matured to almost the highest stage and was beginning to spread to other areas. Refusing chemo because he didn't want to become sickly, he was given a year to live, and is still trying to come to terms with what that really means.

Reason for needing an escape:
Facing a Physical Illness

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"The Bully"





Chanel Stacy Rogue








5 foot 8 inches


115 pounds

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.):

White mark on pointer finger


Any tattoos:


Any piercings:

Ears and Nose

Usual outfit:

Chanel loves the color pink, and anything girly and pink she will wear.





? Cheer

? Debate & Argument

? Acting

? Modeling

? Singing

? Mock Trial

? Shopping

? Talking

? Dating

Job, if any:


Favourite colour:


Favourite song:

Dreams and aspirations:

Becoming a famous model


-Being ugly

-Being alone


Pet peeves:

Girls who could be prettier than her




June 21st

Place of birth:

Paris France


Chanel is the cheerleading stereotype. Quick to pass judgment, and insult and even bully other people. She views her bitchy behavior as honesty. Chanel seems to find no issue flaunting her spot on the social ladder that is High School or to be promiscuous to remain on top.

Deep down Chanel is less concieted than she appears to be. She has admitted that she loves singing and acting, and that it is the best part of her day, when she gets to do it at home. However, if anyone asks she hates it, showing that she cares a lot about her image.

She is extremely emotional at certain times for ridiculous reasons and is often comforted by Celeste. Chanel gets jealous quite easily, especially when it concerns her sexual partners. She has displayed hostility towards everyone at least once.

Chanel is also known to be manipulative and persuasive. Chanel can be considered the most perceptive person of the school. She is always finding out others secrets just by observing.

Chanel acts confident, but it has been proven on few occasions she's actually insecure, she got a boob job over the summer so people would notice her more. She gets incredibly hostile when her weaknesses are exposed. It's also been shown that while she has no problem insulting and putting down others, she can "dish it out, but can't take it," and gets upset when others turn on her, showing she cares a lot about what people think of her.

Chanel was raised by two very wealthy parents and was spoiled since she was a child. She has a very snotty attitude and she can be quite a bully to other girls. Nevertheless, most girls wanted to be like her and have her good looks. She is quite popular among the male crowd. When it comes to her best friends, Celeste and Skyellar, she shows a different side. A softer side, more kind, and funny.

- Energetic

- Clever

- Imaginative

- Witty

- Adaptable

- Superficial

- Impulsive

- Restless

- Devious

- Indecisive


Chanel was raised by two very wealthy parents and was spoiled since she was a child. Chanel has an older sister named Coco who all throughout her childhood bullie her and made her feel small. So Chanels first day of 6th grade she started being the bully her sister was to her. So all through art the grades, she bullied others and used her beautiful and charm to make sure she didn't get in trouble.

Reason for needing an escape:

The girls Chanel was bullying turned on her and beat her up one day after school. She felt so awful that when she was running through the forrest, she found camp.

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Elliot Lily Lotski

The One With Little Money


Name: Elliot Lily Lotski

Age: 18

Gender: Cisgender Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5' 2". She's a little insecure about her height.

Weight: Her weight, however, she couldn't care less about. She weighs exactly 130 pounds, but it's mostly of muscle and maybe a little fat.

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): She's not sure if this is counted as one, but her hair is extremely curly. And big. And hard to maintain. Other than that, she has light freckles that pepper the entirety of her complexion.

Any tattoos: Nope. Elliot wishes she could actually pull those off.

Any piercings: If she can't pull off tattoos, then she definitely can't pull off any piercings.

Usual outfit: Although maybe her fashion sense would probably be slightly sharper if she had more money, she likes to wear comfortable, 90s inspired clothing. She loves denim and her favorite baggy green jacket.



? Sports (Volleyball, American soccer) and working out

? Reading

? Sarcasm

? Listening to music

Job, if any: Elliot works part-time at a convenience store to save up money for uni.

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite song:
by Andy Bull. She kind of relates to the lyrics on some levels.
Dreams and aspirations: To get a scholarship for high school and college, get good grades, become a doctor.


? Drowning/suffocation

? Claustrophobic

? Failing/not getting into a good college

Pet peeves: Cocky people, people who spend their money like its nothing


Birthday: April 17

Place of birth: Sydney, Australia

Personality: Elliot is an extremely stubborn girl. She'll do anything to prove her point, and would almost never turn down a challenge. She's also highly competitive, so if you beat her at something, she'll probably challenge you again and again until she wins. Elliot, although you would never expect it at first look - is extremely aggressive when angered. She's got quite the temper for a person as small as she is, especially when you comment about her height. Elliot curses like a sailor and loves sarcasm and dry humor. She's not picky with friends, however, and is actually very sociable if you give her a good first impression. Basically, if you're nice or funny, she likes you.

Background: Being born the youngest in a family full of girls was never easy. It was hard to compete with all the awards and high grades and boyfriends, and since then, she'd stopped trying to impress her parents. Instead of being a bubbly, sweet girl like the rest of her sisters, she decided to go with her own path, but still worked hard in the process. Elliot moved out of her parent's house once she turned legal, so now she's living with her roommate Riley. It's a hard life when there's no one to shelter you and shower you with money, but she's adjusting. Elliot does her best at school and scrapes money off of anywhere or anyone she can get it from - legally, of course.

Reason for needing an escape: Financially troubled. Elliot, during a small breakdown of hers, had gone for a run, tears streaking down her cheeks and all. She found camp and met some sort of peace there, away from the stress of schoolwork and her judgemental parents.


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The one Battling Mental Illness



Name: Edward Leonard

Age: 30

Gender Male:

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'11

Weight: 160

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.):

Missing right index finger scars on right side of his face.

Any tattoos: Various military tattoos on his left side and birds on his left arm

Any piercings: Right ear, three piercings

Usual outfit:
Jeans and and old sweatshirt from boot camp and his old desert boots




Video Games

Studying Philosophy

Job, if any:

Disabled Veteran

Favourite colour:


Favourite song:

Perfect Blue Buildings-Counting Crows

Dreams and aspirations:

Write a book

Get better


Never getting better

Never having a wife and kids

Pet peeves:
Thunder and Fireworks



May 25th

Place of birth:

Portland, OR


He tries to keep his pain secret, but if you're near him long enough he'll have to take his pills eventually and he'll just brush it off as "Anti Crazy pills" once you get him to open up though the flood gates will pour out. He'll make a joke, or something, but his pain is deep and he's not sure anyone can help him anymore.


Edward fought in the Iraq war and was injured in a roadside bombing. It took a long time for the PTSD to really set in, but once it did it hit him like a sack of bricks. He lived a normal life with his brother and sister and mom and dad before the war, but he feels so distant from them, how could they understand what war was like? How could anyone understand? He trusts his doctors, but they move slowly and sometimes it feels like he's never going to get better and that scares him. All he wants is to be a regular guy again. He's just been released from a VA hospital for trying to kill himself. He felt his life was useless so he tried to end it all. Now he sees the bonfire and is curious. What could be worse that Iraq after all?

Reason for needing an escape:
Battling Mental Illness
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Name: Makena Royce Quinn

Age: Seventeen years of age.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5 feet, 6 inches.

Weight: 8 stone - 112lbs

Distinguishing features: Makena doesn't really have any serious distinguishing features, apart from tattoos. She hasn't got the more uncommon dimples or a birthmark.

Any tattoos: For her sixteenth birthday, which of course was rather young, Makena's parents allowed her to get a tattoo. She was obsessed with drawing, so why not put an illustration on her skin too? Vintage designs had always fascinated the teenager, so she opted for something that fit into that genre. Her upper, right arm is covered from the shoulder to the elbow in a tattoo of red roses. Within the midst of the roses is a large skull, and the most outer flowers are wilting. The whole colour scheme follows a slightly washed look.


Any piercings: Makena doesn't have any piercings other than her ear lobes done.

Usual outfit: Makena usually wears muscle shirts and denim shorts at the moment, as it is summer after all. She is also rather hardy in regards to the cold, and can be found wearing sleeveless tops on a day that others might be wearing sweaters.​


Hobbies: Makena's main hobby is art. Her creative mind is often satisfied with books when she doesn't have the chance to draw or paint, or if her muse is lacking.

Job, if any: Makena only recently moved to the area, and thus does not have any sort of job.

Favourite colour: Wine reds and teals.

Favourite song: Makena listens to far too much music while drawing and painting to have a favourite song. She likes Apocalyptica's music the most, because their powerful instrumentals and lack of lyrics often give her inspiration.

Dreams and aspirations: To be successful with her art, and to receive job satisfaction. Makena hopes to move on to art college after high school.

Fears: Makena has a really laid-back and lackadaisical personality, so fears don't often enter her mind. On a whim, she'd have to go with losing the movement of hers hands or something like that.

Pet peeves: When people stand over her and watch her draw, Makena can quickly become frustrated and cease her actions until the person backs off again. Exposing her art to others in person can be a frightening thing, especially when you aren't sure how people will react.


History: Makena was born into a loving and generally happy family. She doesn't have any siblings, so she got most of what she wanted as a kid. Growing up, the raven-haired female was always doodling. She started off awful, as everybody does, but the amount of practice she has put into her work over her lifetime has certainly built up some skill. Makena is obviously very critical of her own art, and is never quite satisfied. This is probably a good thing, since she only wants to continue to improve.

Makena's father works as a businessman and his job has the family constantly moving from one place to the next. Heck, she even spent two years in Germany when she was nine years old to eleven. They never settled quite long enough for Makena to make some solid friends, and eventually with the constant moving, she really just gave up. There was no point befriending people that she wasn't sure how long she could stay with. Therefore, this teenager is a bit of a lonely soul.

Birthday: 17th of September

Place of birth: Long Beach, California

Personality: Makena is a friendly character when she wants to be, and is well able to strike up conversation. She doesn't really go out of her way to speak to new people much anymore, though.

She is nonchalant about jests and insults, and confident in a lot of things. The one thing she woudn't be too quick to share is her art. Nobody is allowed to open her sketchbook without receiving a blow to the face. Except her mother perhaps, who seems to root through her things when Makena isn't in the room.

Reason for needing an escape: Makena is pretty sick of the constant moving around the country and being in a new school almost every year. At a younger age it didn't phase her too much, but in her teens she began to become a bit bothered by it. Now, she doesn't try too hard to get attached to people, since it always ends up in disappointment. The teen just wants to stay in one place, permanently.

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Felicity Grace "Felis" Anders

the one battling mental illness

Felicity Anders

Age: 17

Gender: Genderfluid (they/he)

Sexuality: Demisexual polyromantic

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 94 lbs

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): Has a red birthmark on their left forearm and freckles all over their body, especially on their face and shoulders.

Any tattoos: No, but they draw on themselves regularly to get the same effect.

Any piercings: Three piercings in each ear and a septum piercing.

Usual outfit:


on more femme days


on more masc days

Hobbies: drawing, painting, colouring, photography, designing fashion, playing guitar

Job, if any:
Art tutor

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite song: Kitchen Sink - twenty one pilots

Dreams and aspirations: They don't really have any, but if they had to make one up to answer this question they'd probably want to be a well known artist or mental health professional.

Fears: Large men, loud noises, losing people, blood, death, wounds, abandonment

Pet peeves: People who call them "she" instead of "they" or "he", people who talk themselves up a lot, overly optimistic people, the noise when people eat food, too quiet music

Birthday: May 27th

Place of birth: Boulder, Colorado, USA

Personality: Felis is generally pretty quiet and often pessimistic. They have trouble seeing the brighter parts of life, partially due to their illnesses and partially due to their circumstances. They desperately want the attention of other human beings, but they're skeptical of others as far as whether or not they can trust them. It takes a long time for them to warm up to people, not because they dislike the company but because they're worried the other won't enjoy theirs, or is somehow stabbing them in the back. Because of all this, Felis finds themself to be rather lonely. They brood in self hatred, wondering why nobody likes them, while they shut out everyone else for fear of being hurt. Deep down, they're a caring person who really only wants everything to be okay again. But on the outside, they're not sure if they can lie to themself like that. They're not sure if they can pretend to think that anything is okay anymore.

Background: Born to a decently well off family, Felis had an alright childhood. Their parents fought frequently but stayed together for the sake of their three children. Up until two years ago, things were going not great, but at least they were going. And that's when the cancer struck.

After a few months' struggle, Felis' younger brother Thomas was killed by leukemia. The entire family was devastated, and everything began to fall apart. Their parents finally divorced, unable to pretend for the sake of a child that was no longer there to be happy together, and the next year their older brother went missing after school and never came back home. Felis went off to live with their mother and although the relationship was healthy and happy, it wasn't enough. Felis attempted suicide four times that year, and their skin acquired plenty of scars accounting for the times that they weren't brave enough to carry through. They recently left a mental hospital for their problems, which don't seem to be getting much better.

Reason for needing an escape: Felis just needs a break from life, and their mother doesn't want it to be a permanent one. They're both hoping that this trip will provide at least a little solace.
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Aisling (pronounced "Ash-ling") Anja or AA as she likes to call herself.










105lbs (7.5 stone)

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.):

She had a birth mark on her left hand however she covered it with a tattoo.

Any tattoos:

She has a hand tattoo that is a Nautical Star

Any piercings:

She has a a single silver stud piercing below her lips.

Her usual outfit consists of a camisole in slate grey, a light-purple bell-bottom Jeans and vollies/converse-style wedge sneakers. Her accessories consists of a purple bandanna, a black spiked choker necklace,silver bangles on her right arm, a studded wristband on her left arm, 2 rings on her left hand, and a chain-belt.




Smoking, Hacky sack, Partying, Listening to music

Job, if any:

She works at a small music store.

Favourite colour:


Favourite song:

Krazy by Elephant Man

Dreams and aspirations:

She doesn't have any or more clearly has never thought of any.

She just take life as it comes and refuses to think about the future.



Losing her individuality.

Heights(when she's not high anyway.)

Losing her "brother"(not real brother)

Pet peeves:

She hates seeing people be or being stressed herself.

All the myths about Russia.

People who only think about the future.



January the first

Place of birth:

Krasnodar, Russia


Aisling to say the least is a social butterfly, she can talk to anyone anywhere whether its the popular people, the unpopular people and everyone in between Aisling does't care she will talk to them. Aisling seems to embody rebellion with her frequent drug taking(mostly marijuana) and other rebellious actions she seems to go against the 'code' at every twist and turn. Aisling never seems to take anything seriously whether its work, play or even her future, she utterly and completely hates the idea of the future and hate people who have everything planned out normally telling them to "chill out." Or "take life as it comes." which basically means you can plan all you want doesn't mean you will achieve it. In a nut shell Aisling seemed to embodied rebellion, drug abuse, and amoralism and has a non-chalant, sarcastic, mellow attitude. However if you get on her bad side and she has a temper you wouldn't expect from her at least when she's not high that is.


Aisling was born in Russia to a wealthy family, however she never really lived in Russia since when she was only six months old her parents and her moved to America, luckily both Aisling parents know English. Her mother was a teacher in Russia who taught English to a private class and her father was a Russian to English and English to Russian police translator. Upon moving to America her father was able to take up the same career he had in Russia since translators are always widely looked for, her mother however had a slightly harder job since not many Americans want to learn Russian however she found a nice little cafe that gave her flexible working hours so when Aloyoshenka( Aisling father.) was called into work her mother could go home and look after Aisling.

As years went on
Aisling began struggling at school she just didn't get any of it causing her to be stressed nearly twenty four seven, until one day some guy who she didn't even know approached her after school, she has seen him her and there but never talked to him. They got talking and before long the conversation took a turn on to drugs, at this point Aisling had never touched anything in her life. The guy now known as Joe pulled something out of his pocket and stated what it was being a blunt. He lit it took a puff and offered it to Aisling and for whatever reason she accepted it and taking her first puff she instantly fell in love with the stuff, from then on her and Joe were inseparable most thought they were lovers however in reality they were more like brother and sister.

As a few more years went on her parents began to get concerned, her school report said she had missed p of school that year but she was going to school they were sure of it, entering her room they caught Aisling smoking a pipe that was the first time in the three years since she stated smoking. They were shocked and giving her a big speech on why drugs are bad they thought she would understand and stop, maybe she would have if she wasn't high when they were giving her the speech. Another two years went on and her parents knew she hadn't stopped, heading up to her room they caught her smoking once again (this had now happened many times) and finally they said "kick it or we'll kick you out." The next thing that happened was that Aisling began packing a bag right in front of her parents before pulling out her cell phone. "hey Joe yeah I kind of got kicked..." Aisling paused since Joe had already answered. "The beds still set up from the last time you couldn't stand your parents harassing you." Joe replied and just to make sure her parents knew what was going on it was on loud speaker. "Thanks Joe I owe you one." Aisling said before hanging up the phone. "I guess you don't have to kick me out, I just did it myself." Aisling said to her parent pushing past them.

Reason for needing an escape:

She is a Stoner and her parents have just had enough of her because of it saying "kick it or we'll kick you out."

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Name: Megan Ramos

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Height: 5"9

Weight: 130

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): A dark birthmark on her inner thigh

Any tattoos: Several

Any piercings: Nose, ears.

Usual outfit: Her Favorite band Ts and jeans


Hobbies: Photography, Travel, Cooking, Concert Going

Job, if any: Barista at Fantasy Espresso

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite song: Enter Sandman - Metallica

Dreams and aspirations: One day open a shelter for troubled kids

Fears: Heights, Being forced to live with her parents even though she is over aged, Logging trucks losing their load - Final Destination style

Pet peeves: People who feel entitled to everything. Loud eaters. Not picking up after yourself



Birthday: January 6th

Place of birth: Hartford, Connecticut

Personality: Megan will be there for her friends through thick and thin. Although she prefers to be independent and do things on her own, she is sympathetic and caring and will offer a hand to those in need. She is always open to doing new things, with new people. Don't judge Megan based on her appearance. She will love and respect you, as long as you do the same. She loves animals, so anytime she gets to go to the zoo or the aquarium is the best.

Background: Born to a well off family, her father was never around and her mother constantly nagging her about her appearance, the way she behaved, her grades. She was always surprised that she had time to nag with all of the time she spent with the pool boy. But don't feel too bad for her father, he was also banging his secretary.

She was to finish school and become a Yale graduate and take on the world, but Megan had other plans. She didn't want to walk in the footsteps of others, she wanted to create a path of her own and do something that would change somebody's life.

Reason for needing an escape: Soon after Megan turned 17, she had enough of her parents constant guilt and pressure. So while her family was at dinner, she got into a fight about college applications and accidently exposed their affairs. Megan felt so guilty about what she had done that she ran away for good. Every once in awhile, Megan stops by the house and stands at the gate, watching them in the window.


The Closeted Homosexual



Name: Elijah Faith

Age: 20

Gender: Man

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 6'0

Weight: 160

Distinguishing features: Scar behind his left ear.

Any tattoos: none

Any piercings: None

Usual outfit: v-necks and jeans


Hobbies: Dance, singing, working out, walking, shopping,

Job, if any: Helps teach at a dance studio

Favourite colour: Green

Favourite song: Cough Syrup - young The Giant

Dreams and aspirations: to one day be a model

Fears: Being judged, thunder, society,

Pet peeves: Messes, bad hygiene, un-needed swearing,


Birthday: February 14th

Place of birth: Victoria, Canada

Personality: Elijah is a quiet, somewhat shy person until he's comfortable, then he tends to babble about whatever topic he's on. It takes quite a bit to get him comfortable and situated. He's friendly and kind, never has anything bad to say about anyone unless they wrong him.

Background: he was born into a very religious, middle class family, he had an older brother who was the absolute star of the family, getting many athletic scholarships and eventually getting drafter into the NHL. He knew early on that he wasn't at all like his brother, he chose arts and dance over hockey and all the boyish things that his father and brother did. He had no interest in girls at all since middle school, he'd even kissed his best friend who was a girl and accepted the fact that he was gay, he cried to himself over it, never telling anyone and keeping it to himself out of fear of what his family and friends would think. Elijah grew up with the secret, bringing home girls he dated to cover it up and staying unde rthe radar at school, he never was picked on, in fact he was quite popular.

Reason for needing an escape: Elijah was at a point in his life where simply, he just needed to get away from the world and be comfortable in his own skin.

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Name: Isac St. Jones

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

"Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so I'm not picky about what gender you are."

Height: 5"6

"I know, I'm short..."

Weight: 120 lbs

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): he has a little tear in the top of his left ear and a birthmark on his right wrist

Any tattoos: nope

Any piercings: his ears are pierced

Usual outfit: he usually wears jeans, a solid t-shirt, a hoody, and a set of dog tags around his neck he keeps inside of his shirt


Hobbies: he's a fan of photography, almost always taking pictures of people or scenery. He also loves card games.

Job, if any: he's a worker at the local pawn shop

Favourite color: navy blue

Favourite song: things we lost in the fire- Bastille


Dreams and aspirations: though his whole family (siblings included) have gone to military, he wants to become a photographer and take photos for magazines

Fears: death, spiders, needles

Pet peeves: clicking of pens, swearing without necessity


Birthday: July 22nd

Place of birth: Fredricksburg, VA

Personality: He's quiet, understanding boundaries and needed space. He doesn't like talking about himself for very long, but he'll sit and listen for hours. He's nervous around his family, and he visibly tenses when they're brought up

Background: as long as Isac could remember his family was in deployment. They've always served, as far back as the family had existed. His parents were in the navy, his oldest brother in the armed forces, and his other older brother in the Air Force. He lost his oldest brother in an accident 3 years ago, and his parents haven't been the same since, throwing themselves into their work and pushing him to sign up when he's able. He's terrified of their reaction when he'll admit he doesn't want to join them.

Reason for needing an escape: the military family son

Some Kinda Hate

The punk



Name: Moxie Dechaurme

Age: 18

Gender: Gender Fluid (She/They)

Sexuality: Confused

Height: 5'6

Weight: 135

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): Freckles across the cheeks, 3 inch scar on the hip

Any tattoos:
Milo, Sick

Any piercings: Ears and cartilige, nose

Usual outfit:






Skating, playing bass, hanging out

Job, if any:

Works at a record shop

Favourite colour:


Favourite song:

Dearly Beloved- Bad Religion

Dreams and aspirations:

Living life to the fullest while owning a punk record shop


Being alone, rejection

Pet peeves:

Wanna be punks and emo kids





Place of birth:

London England


Moxie has Moxie, she's brash and loud. She won't hold back and won't fight it either. Without hesitation she will call you out. Buts still she has a much softer warmer side, just takes a bit to find.


Growing up in a decent family, her family was great till her father has cheated on the mom. He said how he didn't like the wild side of her mother. Being a punk her mother had Moxie live with her father who married a conservative American woman, sending her to the states. She was sent to Christian school only to kicked out for rebelling hard. The parents would limit Moxie's freedom not allowing her to live to her fullest and stunt her with boundries. At onepoint she snapped following her mothers foots steps, stepping up to the rebellious punk scene.

Reason for needing an escape:

Strict parents and not enough money to move out yet.
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Name: Yuliya Kozlov


Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Height: 5'7

Weight: 140lbs

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): A sharp nose and multiple small burns on her neck from utterly useless flatirons.

Any tattoos: None

Any piercings: Ears

Usual outfit: A plain t-shirt and jean or khaki shorts, but more coats and scarves than she knows what to do with, from when she still lived in Russia.


Hobbies: Dancing much better than she sings and fixing up broken things

Job, if any: Washing dishes with a temporary work visa

Favourite colour: Dusty blue

Favourite song: Wonderlust King - Gogol Bordello

Dreams and aspirations: To have what TV tells her is a normal life-- but, first, to get her green card.

Fears: Rejection, closed spaces, being laughed at for confusing her words

Pet peeves: Cat-calling


Birthday: February 9th

Place of birth: Stavropol Krai, Russia

Personality: Shy in English, but craving company. Loves to dance, sing, and drink, whenever given the chance.


Background: Yuliya grew up in the most nuclear of families: one mother, one father, and one older sister that loved to take her stuff and lie about if afterwards. She used to be loud, brash, and unafraid to pick a fight. In fact, she might still be, if she found someone to bicker with in her native tongue. Not that she isn't sick enough of that, already. For a long time, she was constantly pestered by friends and family. "Why don't you get a nice boyfriend?" "What is wrong with you, talking all the time, but never saying anything? Quiet down, a while." "Yuliya, these things do not suit you. Help at home, or find work."

She came to America to get away, to be herself and have the freedom she'd been craving for so long. The irony is, now that she's here, she's on the search for a man to marry to obtain her green card, is scared to speak a word in English, and must work as many jobs as she is given to maintain her place in a small apartment built just big enough for one: so long as that one is a toaster and not a person.

Reason for needing an escape: She's starting to think she may need the company of a nice girl, but how can she? The law may allow her to marry, but it won't stop that marriage from being the thing to get her fired.


NIKITA "MARKOV" (real last name unknown)

"The Ex-Circus Freak"

Age: Dix-Huit

Gender: (mayogendered) Male

Sexuality: Homosexual but Closeted

Height: ~6'10"

Weight: ~200lbs (somewhat slender considering his height)

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): A scar on his left cheek that resembles a dimple, a scar through his eyebrow, several other scars along his arms and legs

Any tattoos: A phone number on the inside of his right thumb, three Cyrillic letters on the inside of his left arm.

Any piercings: Left nipple

Usual outfit: "hobo chic," outfits consisting on whatever he finds at bars and clubs or at the thrift store on the cheap.




Hobbies: Drinking more vodka than can possibly be healthy, exploring, making friends.

Job, if any: None now but was a circus performer.

Favourite colour: Sky Blue

Favourite song: He doesn't remember the name of it but he was totally singing it while drunk last week in the bar

Dreams and aspirations: Have a normal life

Fears: the Markov family, being alone

Pet peeves: When women try to ask him out randomly, people who are rude for no reason, homo/transphobes (so basically 75% of Russians), people who say Nikita is a girl's name.



Birthday: April 2nd, 1996

Place of birth: Pushkin, Russia (small town within St. Petersburg)

Personality: Tends to act masculine and tough around strangers, but softens up and acts somewhat more feminine and cutesy when he's comfortable with you. People generally get along very well with Nikita because he's the physical embodiment of the "gentle giant." He's kind, outgoing, easy to talk to and you can tell Nikita anything without judgement.

Background: His father was murdered and his mother vanished when Nikita was four years old. He lived on the streets with his older brother Dmitri until Dmitri, much like their mother, vanished. Nikita was picked up off the streets of Moscow by his aunt and uncle, who were owners of the Death Bear Circus. Nikita was forced to be a performer, as well as assisting sideshow performances and being behind the stage helping with costume changes. He couldn't take the abuse he and others faced in the circus, such as being starved, beaten and/or murdered for not doing exactly what the Markovs wanted and when, and escaped, and he is now in hiding from his aunt and uncle.

Reason for needing an escape: God knows what'll happen to him if he goes back now, but Nikita still needs somewhat of an outlet.








@Teddy Squirts






Kindest regards,

Lizzy the co-supervisor/moderator/person/thingy

(PS - if you have work or are out of town or any other reason you can't join in 24 hours, please message Emilie or myself ASAP (preferably Emilie) and we can arrange something for you)

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"The Runaway Stoner"




Nessa Williams










About 119lbs

Distinguishing features:

Nessa has very strong cheekbones and bright blue eyes.

Any tattoos:


Any piercings:

Nessa has her ears pierced and a nose ring.

Usual outfit:


Likes and Dislikes:


Smoking, doodling, taking long walks, reading, looking at the stars or clouds, photography

Job, if any:

Nessa switches around from job to job since she doesn't tend to stay in one place for very long because of he fact that she is a runway. She is currently working at a small gas station near the hotel she's staying in.

Favourite colour:

Blue and maroon.

Favorite song:

She Moves in her Own Way by The Kooks

Dreams and aspirations:

Nessa's biggest goal in life is to be happy and to find people who care about her, she loves making people smile, too.

She's still figuring out what she wants to do for her career.


Dying alone


Large amounts of blood


Pet peeves:

Loud gum chewers


Litter bugs



July 18th, 1998

Place of birth:

San Diego, California


Nessa is a very caring girl, she loves animals and nature. She is light-hearted and loves to make people smile or laugh. She sometimes can have a morbid sense of humor since she is constantly trying to make light out of any situation.


Nessa was born into a considerably well off family, her parents are both educated individuals--her father is a college professor and her mother works as a nurse and the local hospital. Her parents love her very much and she loves them, of course, but Nessa has always felt very disconnected from them, they are very practical and reserved where as she has always been easygoing.

Money in her household was never a real issue but compassion was. Nessa is in need of more physical and emotional affection than material affection, her whole life her parents have given her almost everything she wanted but they are emotionally unavailable to her.

When Nessa was 15, she entered her first year of high school and stared smoking weed. At first it was only occasional, but then it slowly began to become an almost everyday thing.

During her second year of high school, Nessa's grades started rapidly declining. This caused an uproar in her house, her parents were incredibly disappointed in her.

Two months ago, Nessa decided to get away from home. She hoped on a bus and started to travel around, she has spoken to her parents briefly and has told them that she refuses to come home. She is currently staying in a motel room.

Reason for needing an escape:

Nessa has felt immensely stressed ever since the beginning of the year, first it was her grades declining and now it's about finding money to stay in her motel room.

She's had very little social contact with anyone, she's only called a few of her "friends" from the area for a chance to smoke weed to distract herself from everything. Aside from that, she's only talked to the people she works with--there is usually only one other employee working at the gas station.

Nessa needs a place to gather her thoughts and breathe.


Sorry this took so long to finish, I got picky with the coding. Hope it's not too late.


  • tumblr_nbpyazu0n61qdey5co1_400.jpg


    "Blame my parents."

    Stella Penelope Leaf


    "Fuckin' legal."



    "Well, what do you think?"



    "I'm a woman's woman."



    "What? I don't know. Go ask my doctor."



    "Who cares?"

    120 lbs

    Distinguishing features:

    "The first thing that you notice when you see me."


    Any tattoos:


    Mainly all over her arm; three on her leg

    Any piercings:

    "Maybe some time soon."

    Aside from her ear piercings on both sides, none

    Usual outfit:

    "Beanies, leather jackets, and graphic tees."

    This, this, this, and this


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|The Bullied One|


•Melani Beaufort•






•Panromantic Asexual•





|Distinguishing Features|

•Melani has a slender and tall build, she has large chocolate colored eyes•



|Usual Outfit|





+Vinyl Records







-Egg Nog

|Favorite Color|


|Favorite Song|


|Dreams and Aspirations|

•Melani wishes to become a politician in order to fund for children who do not have stable homes•


•Melani works at a local music store as an employee, selling various instruments and records•




•Volunteering at a local shelter


|Pet Peeves|

•People who judge others on their appearance

•Disorganized spaces

•Excessive swearing




•Not being able to finish something she started


•Enclosed spaces


•October 14th, 1996•

|Place of Birth|

•Charlotte, North Carolina•


•Melani is curious, timid, and unique. She is eccentric and loves to be kind to others for the sake of it and is often mistaken for being younger than she actually is due to her caring nature, people often believe she is naive and easily manipulated and while that may be true, Melani is more intelligent than what people seem to take her for. She is loyal to those she considers friends and is more often than not a reliable person when things get hard for others. She is slightly introverted but is quick to help those in need•


•Melani grew up in a dangerous neighborhood which had a high demographic of thugs and gangs, resisting the criminal influence and attending school in order to leave the area along with her mother. It was only a matter of time before Melani began coming home with various bruises and bite marks caused by the other kids and her mother was unable to remove her from school due to them not having enough money to leave the district, Melani was shoved into lockers and pushed onto desks, she was tripped and teased. Her breaking point had reached its limit when she had been stripped of her clothes and locked into the girl's locker room, lashing out at the group of students who had committed the act and hospitalizing 3 of them. Melani was then ordered to be suspended for 10 days and her mother struggled to find another school to no avail, she continued her courses at the High School and the bullying only worsened, by the time Melani was in 12th grade she had been ridiculed for her childish nature and her ability to surpass others in most of her subjects and was often hurt at the hands of both girls and boys. She had been ecstatic to learn that she had graduated and would be going to college but became deeply depressed when her mother admitted that they were going bankrupt and that she would be unable to attend in turn for getting a job•

|Reason for needing an escape|

•Melani feels the need to get away from the conflicts of life and find friends•
"The Closeted Transgender"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ncxdlaoZf61s6sc4lo1_500.gif.a11b6dee6ebf25b229f8cd4ceadb551e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ncxdlaoZf61s6sc4lo1_500.gif.a11b6dee6ebf25b229f8cd4ceadb551e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"Brandy Davall"


"I am currently twenty."


"I'm a trans female. Post operation as of last year."


"This can be rather confusing for some people so I find that if I state this in the correct manner, the ignorant people of the world may understand me. I am a straight, transgender woman."


"I am five eleven."


"I weigh about one-hundred thirty-five pounds."

Distinguishing features

"I'd say I'm distinguishable by my strong, angular cheekbones, jawline, and chin. I'm very androgynous for obvious reasons, though I'm lucky that I naturally have a very feminine and model-esque figure. I also have rather thick, muscular thighs, in a feminine way of course."

Any tattoos


Any piercings


Usual outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4098d2ec_HalterCowlNeckTop.jpg.bb42455111d844a36fe8f69622fa9267.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4098d2ec_HalterCowlNeckTop.jpg.bb42455111d844a36fe8f69622fa9267.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4099216b_LeatherLeggings.jpg.14e73fb025fbb766ef3879e694585454.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4099216b_LeatherLeggings.jpg.14e73fb025fbb766ef3879e694585454.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40988f10_BigBuckleBootie.jpg.9b7568a5ad13419c90fcd9b9c4d81078.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40988f10_BigBuckleBootie.jpg.9b7568a5ad13419c90fcd9b9c4d81078.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"As far as liking thing goes, I typically don't. But I'm fond of fashion, beauty, makeup, things of that nature. I like to travel, especially to Europe, I'm very fond of the U.K. and France. And coffee... I love coffee. As for dislikes, I can't stand ugly things, dirty things, I hate unintelligent people. I've never really been fond of people as is, honestly."


"I entertain myself with fashion design, modelling, and makeup artistry. I can entertain myself whilst reading or movie watching.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40abc4ba_WillamForOCC4.jpg.99e1391ee0a8c8876ebaca44117a2cfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40abc4ba_WillamForOCC4.jpg.99e1391ee0a8c8876ebaca44117a2cfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Job, if any

"As of now, I'm trying to break into modelling. I've had a few jobs here and there, nothing big however, and I have a very long way to go."

Favourite colour

"Is there a color darker than black? No? I'll settle for black."

Favourite song

Croatia Squad-

All the Girlz or Back to Life

Dreams and aspirations

"As of right now, at this point in my life, my aspirations or dreams, if you rather, would be to become a successful, known model. A 'top model.' Aside from that though, I hope to become a leader and a voice of change for the trans community as well as the entire LGBT community."


"I fear a lot of things, though I do not show it. I fear poverty, the inability to become famous, and I especially fear going crazy..."

Pet peeves

"People. Annoying people, stupid people, people who are oblivious to the world around them, people who think the world owes them something, the list goes on."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40ab5227_WillamForOCC2.jpg.663d08ebb20a5246ce239996bb3e24cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40ab5227_WillamForOCC2.jpg.663d08ebb20a5246ce239996bb3e24cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"November twelfth"

Place of birth

"Columbus, Ohio"


"To have someone describe themselves is often not an accurate depiction, though I know exactly how the world views me, as that is how I wish to be viewed. I'm no one's first choice to sit next to, I'm no one's best friend, and guess what? I don't want to be. I'm confident, level headed, and driven. People tend to not like me. Fuck 'em."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_npldaqyEog1r6zqpdo1_1280.jpg.01295a76c54a063903b4f48caf6d277a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_npldaqyEog1r6zqpdo1_1280.jpg.01295a76c54a063903b4f48caf6d277a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"I started life out just like anyone else, really. You know, apart from the fact that I'm no longer the same gender, but whatever, that's besides the point. I lived in an upper-middle class family, Mom, Dad, two brothers, the whole thing. I had always know that I wanted to lead the life of a woman and thought I was one until I started to learn the obvious differences in anatomy and differences that society places on gender in general. But I never cared about being different and I never once censored myself for anyone. It was as if the confidence was just born in me. It was hard for my parents at first but they grew to understand it. I don't really keep in contact with my family. We just never clicked. I see them as just more people. So it was great when I finally changed my name to not only have a woman's name, but to also break ties with my family by changing my last name.

As for my childhood, apart from my very small years, I started to become obsessed with the fashion world and I was simply inspired. It consumed me and I vowed that I would be just like the great, strong women that I had looked up to. And... well, here we are."

Reason for needing an escape

"I'm a spiritual person. Not religious, spiritual. I need space and time to just realigned myself. Not to mention, I'm not sure how much I can keep this secret from my partner, so I come here to get away from him. He's a great guy but I didn't tell him when we first started dating like I should have, and now I'm in too deep, and it wasn't until recently that he's expressed his feelings about women like me.."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Away.gif.38da35bb33077b2f51a442a68aebfac2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Away.gif.38da35bb33077b2f51a442a68aebfac2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Felicity said:
"The Closeted Transgender"

View attachment 157216



"Brandy Davall"


"I am currently twenty."


"I'm a trans female. Post operation as of last year."


"This can be rather confusing for some people so I find that if I state this in the correct manner, the ignorant people of the world may understand me. I am a straight, transgender woman."


"I am five eleven."


"I weigh about one-hundred thirty-five pounds."

Distinguishing features

"None that I am aware of."

Any tattoos


Any piercings


Usual outfit

View attachment 157124

View attachment 157125

View attachment 157123


"As far as liking thing goes, I typically don't. But I'm fond of fashion, beauty, makeup, things of that nature. I like to travel, especially to Europe, I'm very fond of the U.K. and France. And coffee... I love coffee. As for dislikes, I can't stand ugly things, dirty things, I hate unintelligent people. I've never really been fond of people as is, honestly."


"I entertain myself with fashion design, modelling, and makeup artistry. I can entertain myself whilst reading or movie watching.

View attachment 157226

Job, if any

"As of now, I'm trying to break into modelling. I've had a few jobs here and there, nothing big however, and I have a very long way to go."

Favourite colour

"Is there a color darker than black? No? I'll settle for black."

Favourite song

Croatia Squad-

All the Girlz or Back to Life

Dreams and aspirations

"As of right now, at this point in my life, my aspirations or dreams, if you rather, would be to become a successful, known model. A 'top model.' Aside from that though, I hope to become a leader and a voice of change for the trans community as well as the entire LGBT community."


"I fear a lot of things, though I do not show it. I fear poverty, the inability to become famous, and I especially fear going crazy..."

Pet peeves

"People. Annoying people, stupid people, people who are oblivious to the world around them, people who think the world owes them something, the list goes on."

View attachment 157224



"November twelfth"

Place of birth

"Columbus, Ohio"


"To have someone describe themselves is often not an accurate depiction, though I know exactly how the world views me, as that is how I wish to be viewed. I'm no one's first choice to sit next to, I'm no one's best friend, and guess what? I don't want to be. I'm confident, level headed, and driven. People tend to not like me. Fuck 'em."

View attachment 157227


"I started life out just like anyone else, really. You know, apart from the fact that I'm no longer the same gender, but whatever, that's besides the point. I lived in an upper-middle class family, Mom, Dad, two brothers, the whole thing. I had always know that I wanted to lead the life of a woman and thought I was one until I started to learn the obvious differences in anatomy and differences that society places on gender in general. But I never cared about being different and I never once censored myself for anyone. It was as if the confidence was just born in me. It was hard for my parents at first but they grew to understand it. I don't really keep in contact with my family. We just never clicked. I see them as just more people. So it was great when I finally changed my name to not only have a woman's name, but to also break ties with my family by changing my last name.

As for my childhood, apart from my very small years, I started to become obsessed with the fashion world and I was simply inspired. It consumed me and I vowed that I would be just like the great, strong women that I had looked up to. And... well, here we are."

Reason for needing an escape

"I'm a spiritual person. Not religious, spiritual. I need space and time to just realigned myself. Not to mention, I'm not sure how much I can keep this secret from my partner, so I come here to get away from him. He's a great guy but I didn't tell him when we first started dating like I should have, and now I'm in too deep, and it wasn't until recently that he's expressed his feelings about women like me.."

View attachment 157225
Can I just take the minute to say I love you for making such a fabulous character? Because I do.
Felicity said:
"The Closeted Transgender"

View attachment 157216



"Brandy Davall"


"I am currently twenty."


"I'm a trans female. Post operation as of last year."


"This can be rather confusing for some people so I find that if I state this in the correct manner, the ignorant people of the world may understand me. I am a straight, transgender woman."


"I am five eleven."


"I weigh about one-hundred thirty-five pounds."

Distinguishing features

"I'd say I'm distinguishable by my strong, angular cheekbones, jawline, and chin. I'm very androgynous for obvious reasons, though I'm lucky that I naturally have a very feminine and model-esque figure. I also have rather thick, muscular thighs, in a feminine way of course."

Any tattoos


Any piercings


Usual outfit

View attachment 157124

View attachment 157125

View attachment 157123


"As far as liking thing goes, I typically don't. But I'm fond of fashion, beauty, makeup, things of that nature. I like to travel, especially to Europe, I'm very fond of the U.K. and France. And coffee... I love coffee. As for dislikes, I can't stand ugly things, dirty things, I hate unintelligent people. I've never really been fond of people as is, honestly."


"I entertain myself with fashion design, modelling, and makeup artistry. I can entertain myself whilst reading or movie watching.

View attachment 157226

Job, if any

"As of now, I'm trying to break into modelling. I've had a few jobs here and there, nothing big however, and I have a very long way to go."

Favourite colour

"Is there a color darker than black? No? I'll settle for black."

Favourite song

Croatia Squad-

@Annabella, your character is fierce as shit and I want to be one with Brandy


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