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Fantasy Bonded



One Thousand Club
In a world where humans have to rely on the life force of demons to survive, they have until the age of 21 to find a compatible demon and become bonded. This does not come without benefits for the demons, who gain additional power upon bonding. This is where the story begins...

((Ignore the terrible intro, please. I had to put something.))

The High Demon let out a somewhat-exaggerated sigh, letting his head fall back against the throne-like seat. Why did these meetings between the High Demons need to be so boring? Athena was only amusing to poke fun at for so long, after all, and she was the only one that gave the really interesting reactions around here. Whatever. At least he'd finally be meeting that human he'd been dreaming about soon enough. The long haired male grinned wickedly to himself at the thought of a new "toy" to play with.


A pale hand pushed through already-mussed brown hair as the teenager frowned at the sketch lying in her lap. She was trying to capture the demon (likely a succubus, as far as she could tell) that she'd been seeing in her dreams. She could only assume she was having visions of the one to become her bonded. Leo thought it unfortunate that she had to borrow someone else's life energy but had made progress to accepting it. After all, there wasn't really anything she could do about it.

((And with that, the RP has officially begun!))

Lixa held her hands together behind her back as she walked down the street. She didn't really know which street it was, she didn't bother remembering. What she did know, was that she was supposed to be here.

At least... It was somewhere around here, anyway... She was pretty sure, at least.

She kept her eyes out for one individual in particular. She couldn't remember the details, but she did know it was a girl (A rather cute one, at that) wearing glasses. Sadly, she could count at least three people around here that already matched that vague description... She was starting to wish she'd written down everything while she still remembered it. Still, the message of her visions in the past few days were clear - She was being bonded to someone, and judging by how she was drawn to this area, that someone had to be around here. It would only be a matter of time before they saw and recognized each other. Until then, she wasn't in too much of a hurry.

Ocean123 Ocean123


Lisa sat on her bed as she stared blankly at her calendar. Her 21st birthday was just two days ago, and she was already feeling the weight of what was going to happen to her. Her birthday celebration had been a very somber one - Family and friends could hardly be happy for you when you're just weeks, days, maybe even hours away from rotting away... They tried to make the party as festive as possible, but everyone knew what this meant. Everyone else she knew already had Demons bound to them, yet she hadn't seen hide or hair of the visions she'd heard about from the others... At least, not until yesterday, but that small spark of hope wasn't enough to keep her optimistic. How long did it take a Demon to find their bond? What kind of Demon would she get, and would they even be willing to bond with someone like her in the first place? Would they even arrive at all? Despite her vision's attempt to raise her spirits, in her mind her chances had never been more grim.

She collapsed in bed and pulled the covers over her head. She hadn't set foot outside her house since then. Why would she? It wasn't like she had any obligations left. Even the band was preparing to move on without her, she knew. She wasn't dead yet... But she sure felt like it. It was only a matter of time...

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite

A low rumbling sound came from the throne next to Baelzark as Khaoul attempted to 'hum' thoughtfully, a sound not too dissimilar to gravel grinding together emanating from the mass of swirling shadows that concealed the demon's true form. The High Demons only held meetings for a good reason, so the matter at hand probably wasn't particularly trivial. Still, it was exceedingly dull to just simply wait for the damn thing to start - Khaoul severely wished he were out fighting something strong right about now instead of having to sit here guessing what they were all brooding about.

"Bael. Why are we here again? All this waiting is getting boring." His voice, while it was deep and rumbled, was not necessary serious or cold but instead curious. Despite being juxtaposed with great intellect and boisterous mannerisms, he was not particularly impatient or easily angered, nor overly vain and arrogant like some High Demons. He had always supposed that was due to his less than noble upbringing. One learned to temper their inner emotion for coming battles after all, it made no sense in exposing yourself to the enemy at any given point. This very philosophy was the reason Khaoul had chosen to create and don his Shadow Veil, a ghostly armour that protected him from view, eliminating any possible openings for an opponent to read him.

But now was not the time for fighting. Glancing around slowly with two involuntarily glaring red dots that pierced out from his veil, Khaoul observed their surroundings impassively. The only other High Demons he really knew were Baelzark and Athena. Bael always seemed quite stuck up and fairly stereotypical of a High Demon, always bored and seeking some sort of thrill or entertainment. Khaoul couldn't really understand how someone could be so powerful yet so bored; he himself just fought things for fun and that seemed to cure the dullness of living an incredibly long time. Perhaps he doesn't like fighting... He thought to himself, pondering Bael's motivations and inner mechanisms. And then there was Athena: pretty weak-looking and somewhat timid, but Khaoul knew she was a High Demon for a reason. You didn't get to positions such as theirs without some kind of insane power. For Khaoul, it was his indomitably powerful physical strength and speed, his ability to withstand most damage and some other powers he prefered to keep lowkey for now. With all this thinking, the waiting was really starting to get to him now.

It can't be that much longer, surely?

Ocean123 Ocean123

Huffing softly, Bael shook his head. "Hell if I know. All I heard is the guy at the top wants us to sit here and wait for him to show up. Dunno why. Anything real interesting happen in your neighbourhood that might be reason for a meeting?" He couldn't think of a single reason for it. The only thing that had really changed recently, that he noticed, was his own dreams. He highly doubted the leader of the Council would call a meeting over that.


Glancing over towards the nearby street, Leo felt as though she'd been struck by lightning. What...? How could she be... Her head whipped down to look at the sketch, then back at her. It was just too convenient, but it was definitely the same woman-demon. The brunette felt her muscles stiffen and her lungs had trouble filling with air properly. What should she do? Should she go talk to her? How would the she-demon react if she did? What if she was actually here to kill the weakling that dared to invade her dreams?!

Lixa suddenly felt eyes on her. Well... Of course, she always had eyes on her, Succubi tended to have a natural allure about them like that. But this was different. It felt important. She stopped walking and looked around, trying to identify the source. That was when she spotted her. A short-haired girl, wearing black glasses and an equally black jacket, was staring at her. The girl felt way too familiar for this to just be coincidence, so Lixa figured this was probably the one she was looking for. Smiling to herself, she started to walk towards the girl. Hey, she could've gotten a lot worse, for sure... She was definitely happy with this.

If it was possible, Leo tensed further when she met those eyes. She could only watch, mesmerized, as she got closer. Not wanting to be sitting for this, the brunette stood from where she'd been sitting cross-legged in front of a bench. Yes, in front of the bench, not on it. Weird? Maybe, but she couldn't hold her sketchbook properly when she sat on top of it. Deciding that just waiting wasn't the way to go, the teen walked steadily to meet the other halfway, near a fountain.

Four hundred thousand, two hundred and ninety-nine... Four hundred thousand, two hundred and ninety-eight... Four hundred thousand, two hundred and ninety-seven...

A mass of smoke-like gas hovered over the faintly lit altar. The black, swirling substance had a vague humanoid shape, and emitted a low, periodic humming.
Renyx had been gifted his vision days ago, he knew that he was finally going to be bonded to a human, who’s face and attire he had memorised and inscribed for safe measure. For the last two centuries he had studied what little of human culture his kind had recorded - a pitiful amount to be generous - and he had developed a somewhat enlightened understanding of their ways. Not enough.
Renyx had devoured everything there was to know about Arcane Symbology, and practically invented the Azier Remadetic Principles, so satisfying his curiosity was a task not done lightly. Perhaps he would earn a higher rank if he recited human culture accuractly? Maybe not, to say demons preferred bronze over brains was not an understatement. They will learn.
Luckily, Renyx was patient.
Four hundred thousand, two hundred and seventy-six...
He was devoted.
Four hundred thousand, two hundred and seventy-five...
And above all, he was hungry.
Four hundred thousand, two hundred and seventy-four...
*Lilly was in her room, staring at the painting, she had recieved her vision a few days ago and the swirling smokey mass was confusing, after a few moments she grabbed it and pulled on a black jacket over her tank top and grabbed said painting and went out the door, holding up her poster and examining every demon that passed by, she was determined to find her bonded demon if it was the last thing she did*

Lixa watched as the girl stood up and approached. She was right next to a bench, why wouldn't she just sit on it? Maybe the ground was just more comfortable for her or something. It wouldn't be the first time. Maintaining her smile, Lixa stopped a few feet away from the girl "Hey." She said. It was a simple greeting, to be sure, but Lixa didn't need her emotion senses to tell that the girl was nervous. Fear definitely pervaded her emotions, although she could also sense a small twinge of... Fascination, perhaps? It was difficult to tell. Either way, her casual, one-word greeting should help her feel more welcome. At least, that was Lixa's hope. Honestly she'd studied Succubi much more than Humans, so she was just taking an educated guess.
note: The picture indicates what form Qinu is in for the majority if not all of the text!


i solemnly swear that
i am up to no good

"Ow, ow-ow-ow..." Qinu hissed slightly while clutching his right ankle. Luckily, he had found a safe place to sit down and rest. Qinu knew that he could heal more quickly than normal humans from past experience, but it's been a while since he's fed.

Thinking back, Qinu couldn't help but pout. He pulled a prank, but it ended up backfiring on him, so he ended up being the one to get hurt. It was one of those unfortunate, rare instances when a prank failed. On him. He gritted his teeth, trying to ebb the pain away by massaging it. Crap, any human. I just need--

His thought was abruptly cut off when he noticed two people who looked like lovers, sitting and laughing together while talking about something. Qinu didn't care what. They say love is for weaklings, after all. Qinu grinned, giving off a slightly mischievous if not maniacal air (even in his girl-form) as he murmured, "Sorry, not sorry." With the support of the wall, he hauled himself up to his feet before raising his hand toward the couple. As the energy from the emotions flowed in, it remedied his throbbing ache in his ankle.

Once he finished, Qinu withdraws his hand back to his side, sighing in relief. His expression then turned uncharacteristically serious as he thought back on the dream he had.

The dream of the human he is bonded with.

It was a girl. A brunette. And she wore monochrome clothing, for the most part. ... All these humans wear such colorful clothing, it's almost blinding. That said, it should be pretty easy to at least spot her. But when would she show up? Maybe in the next minute-- hell, maybe even in the next second-- or worst case scenario, another week? Month? Who knows. Qinu laughed to himself. Maybe I should play another prank?

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
mentioning: MysticNeko MysticNeko | interacting: Open.

"Ow, ow-ow-ow..." Qinu hissed slightly while clutching his right ankle. Luckily, he had found a safe place to sit down and rest. Qinu knew that he could heal more quickly than normal humans from past experience, but it's been a while since he's fed.

Thinking back, Qinu couldn't help but pout. He pulled a prank, but it ended up backfiring on him, so he ended up being the one to get hurt. It was one of those unfortunate, rare instances when a prank failed. On him. He gritted his teeth, trying to ebb the pain away by massaging it. Crap, any human. I just need--

His thought was abruptly cut off when he noticed two people who looked like lovers, sitting and laughing together while talking about something. Qinu didn't care what. They say love is for weaklings, after all. Qinu grinned, giving off a slightly mischievous if not maniacal air (even in his girl-form) as he murmured, "Sorry, not sorry." With the support of the wall, he hauled himself up to his feet before raising his hand toward the couple. As the energy from the emotions flowed in, it remedied his throbbing ache in his ankle.

Once he finished, Qinu withdraws his hand back to his side, sighing in relief. His expression then turned uncharacteristically serious as he thought back on the dream he had.

The dream of the human he is bonded with.

It was a girl. A brunette. And she wore monochrome clothing, for the most part. ... All these humans wear such colorful clothing, it's almost blinding. That said, it should be pretty easy to at least spot her. But when would she show up? Maybe in the next minute-- hell, maybe even in the next second-- or worst case scenario, another week? Month? Who knows. Qinu laughed to himself. Maybe I should play another prank?
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Nekoda had grown up being told stories of the demons that wandered the earth and how she herself had until her 21 birthday to become bonded to one. Bonded? What did that even intell?

How does one become bonded to a demon? Glancing down at her blank sketch pad she let out a frustrated sigh. To her it felt as she if she could actually feel time ticking by and her time to find a demon willing to bond with her growing shorter.

How does one even go about finding a demon? What do I do just stand here looking helpless and pray one comes to take my soul or something?

She stared out at the dead street before her hand started to move almost on its own- she didn't care what she was drawing just that she finally was.
Three... Two... One...

The altar flashed violet light, which condensed and streamed - as designed - into familiar demonic runes. Coordinates. Renxy had offered his invention to his peers, but they claimed that hunting their humans was half the fun. Idiots.

Given enough time and data - sourced from his visions - the altar would instantaneously transport the operator to a determined location within half a mile of the human objective. Locomotive altars of the old eras were still used on occasion, but Renyx saw their potential and improved upon the design years ago, in addition to some of his own personal modifications.

Was he celebrated for his efforts? Did his personal career forward the developmental relationship between human-demon cultures? Of course not. Anything that doesn’t have ‘magic’ or ‘muscle’ in the name card didn’t deserve attention.

He would not get homesick.

The altar entered its second phase, wherein it waited for a demonic presence to initiate the immediate relocation. He quickly did some metal exercises on human culture, society, language, science, history... mathematics...

Maintain focus... Locate ‘Lilly’...

As his body was slowly pulled away, his thoughts slowed like a trickling river, almost ceasing entirely whilst the teleportation occurred.

As his mind recollected itself, he sluggishly observed his surroundings. The atmospheric pressure was less dense, pleasant, even, and the absense of netherwinds was refreshing. He was alone, no humans in sight. Maintain focus, locate ‘Lilly’.

He began his search.
"Stop moving," Athena hissed at her own leg. She couldn't stop tapping the ground with her heel. Sitting still was always a struggle. In that moment, she lifted her head, smiled, nodded her head to pretend she was listening, and then continued to assault her knee in a choke hold. If that was possible.

Sure, sure, Athena had always had these "quirks" these "things that are not suited for a high demon and she should apparently be dropped down". But, her leg surely was never this uncontrollable. She sighed and sat back into her throne-like chair and rubbed beneath her eyes. Athena hadn't slept well for the past few nights. She was kept up by devilish dreams, if that was possible for demon... This just wasn't a good day for the antler headed girl.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Bael's head fall back against his own chair. He appeared to bored as well. Thus she turned her head to tease him, as he always had done to her. Yet, what Athena saw was not Bael. "Bael!" she gasped, reached out, grabbed either side of his face and twisted his head towards her. "Why do you have a woman's face!!!!" Athena was flabbergasted. His eyes were blue.

Ocean123 Ocean123 (involved)
LegoLad659 LegoLad659 (Bond)

Robin sighed, looking over her drawing. I hope this is a good gift, she thought, placing it in a plain wooden frame fit for a sheet of copy paper. It felt a bit strange seeing her own work in a frame instead of being on a button. The girl laughed to herself hoping that her destined demon would like her cartoony art style and recalled a conversation she had with her friend about a week ago.

“Just think of it as a first date!” Her friend Nat joked over the phone. “Except, you’re stuck with him no matter what.”

“That just makes it more stressful!” Robin groaned, falling back on her bed. “I just want to get along with him.”

“I know, silly,” Nat laughed. “You’ll be fine. If you’re so worried about first impressions, why don’t you get him something?”

And so here Robin was, wrapping an old shoe box in silver wrapping paper. She slipped on her black sneakers, placed the box in her matching shoulder bag, and sped out her door. Today’s the day, she thought, walking to the café a few miles away. Between her freelance work, studying, and socializing, the girl hadn't given herself the chance to actually process how important being bonded to a demon was until now. She wasn't at the brink of death, but her heart was pounding as if she was. This was supposed to be a day off, not a day to panic. She sighed and took a bit of the urgency out of her steps. It wasn't like her to be so anxious.
Azarael let his arms rest limply across the back of the bench he had slumped down into, his head hanging back and tilting up toward the sky, eyes closed. His white hair fluffy and falling back off of his forehead slightly due to gravity's pull. He let a soft sigh out into the air before him, listening to the world moving around him.

His tongue flicked out across his mouth, wiping saliva off of his lips. There was a delicious scent in the air. Something he had never quite smelled before. Reaching his right hand up, he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to focus instead of being distracted by the now overwhelming odor. He could feel movement under his sleeve as he began reacting in excitement, pinching the bridge a bit harder. "Not right now, you just fed..." he muttered under his breath before opening his eyes to look around him, seeing a few people walking down the streets.

There was one person in particular who caught his eye as she rushed forward in his general direction, short hair bouncing with every hurried step she took. A glint shone in his silver eyes as he examined her approach. Perhaps today would be more interesting than he had expected.
Sleepy Lanii Sleepy Lanii

Rising her arm up over her head, then bringing it back down to swing around her chest and flick out to the side, Kaylie's every movement was precise and focused. It was only a practice, but she never pulled any punches when it came to dance. Dancing was a release for her. It let her push out all of her negativity into each energetic shift of weight. She ducked down and pivoted to the side, sweeping her leg around before planting her foot back into the ground and rolling up into it.

Now with both feet firmly on the ground, she crossed her ankles, spinning and then standing like normal, pulling her black jacket around her and popping her collar and smiling to herself. The feeling of satisfaction spread through her body as she reached up, wiping a bead of sweat off of her brow. "I think that's about all I can do today..." She brought her sketchbook out of her bag that had been resting on the ground near where she'd been dancing and flipped to an empty page, logging how far she got into the dance before beginning to doodle. There was no direction she was wanting to go in particular with design, but she felt inspired to do...something. Anything really. Unable to get much out of her hands, she set the book back into her bag, leaving the rough sketch of someone wearing a cowl necked sleeveless shirt sitting on the top page.

She pulled her bag over her shoulder, turning to walk away from her spot of choice for the day, only to almost trip over a young lady who had been leaning against a nearby building. Kaylie could have sworn she was alone not even five minutes ago. "Sorry about that..." She gave a shy wave toward the other girl, realizing quickly that she seemed otherworldly... more like an angel than a demon.
K kurishiri

The smell of coffee filled the air as Robin approached her destination. She had spent a fair amount of time in Belle’s Café over the past year, helping Nat write a few songs here and there. Maybe she could convince her demon to join her for some coffee. Did they even drink that kind of stuff?

She felt a shock inside her and stopped in her tracks. A white-haired boy was observing her from the nearby bench with the same unmistakable silver eyes she had seen in her dreams. She smiled at him as she wondered whether he was pinching his nose because he had a nosebleed or if he just hated the aroma coming from the café. It’s him. It has to be him, she thought, walking towards him as though drawn to him by an otherworldly force.

“Hey there,” Robin greeted, waving as she approached. “Is your nose okay?” she asked, concerned. “Do you need anything?” She could have sworn that she had seen some unusual movement under the boy’s right sleeve, but brushed it off. It was probably just her mind playing tricks on her.

MysticNeko MysticNeko

His eyebrow raised when the young woman approached him, letting go of his nose and wiping his mouth to keep from salvating. It was her...the smell became exponentially stronger as she approached him. It was time to turn on the charm.

With a crooked smile, he sat upright, giving her his full attention. "Actually...I wouldn't mind grabbing a bite to eat." He stood up, walking to stand right in front of her. Pulling his right sleeve down firmly, he tried to hide any movement beneath. "You look to be in a hurry though, are you sure you have the time to chat?" There was a veil of concern in his voice that he used to shield his extreme curiosity and desire to investigate what made this person so different to his senses. At this point it felt as if he hadn't fed in days even though it had been a mere few hours.

He took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to take it in with every sense. The soft texture of her skin beneath his lips. The delectably sweet scent coming from every inch of her, causing his mind to feel fuzzy. He opened his eyelids, eyes looking hazy. When he released her hand and lifted his head, his eyes regained their clarity. "It's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask your name?"

Sleepy Lanii Sleepy Lanii
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i solemnly swear that
i am up to no good

Qinu jumped when somebody, a girl, almost tripped over him. "Sorr--" he cut his apology off short when he more carefully inspected the young girl in front of him. Brown hair, mostly monochrome clothing. . .plus, he could feel it. What he felt couldn't simply be explained in words; he just knew. If that made any sense. "You. . ." he trailed off. However, his surprised expression is quickly replaced by a somewhat impish grin. "You and I, we're bonded together, aren't we?"

Qinu stood up, brushing off any debris before approaching the girl, excitedly grabbing her wrist like a little child as his crimson eyes glimmered innocently. "Can we hang out together for a little bit?"

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
mentioning: N/A. | interacting: MysticNeko MysticNeko

Qinu jumped when somebody, a girl, almost tripped over him. "Sorr--" he cut his apology off short when he more carefully inspected the young girl in front of him. Brown hair, mostly monochrome clothing. . .plus, he could feel it. What he felt couldn't simply be explained in words; he just knew. If that made any sense. "You. . ." he trailed off. However, his surprised expression is quickly replaced by a somewhat impish grin. "You and I, we're bonded together, aren't we?"

Qinu stood up, brushing off any debris before approaching the girl, excitedly grabbing her wrist like a little child as his crimson eyes glimmered innocently. "Can we hang out together for a little bit?"

The long haired male stared blankly at the other for a moment, stunned. "I don't have a woman's face. You need to get your eyes checked! Jeez..." He shook his head, shrugging to himself. "I'm not the kind of demon that does that kind of shit. You sure the boredom's not just getting to you?" With that, Bael was back to smirking, leaning close to his fellow High Demon. "Want me to help keep you entertained for a bit...?" He waggled his eyebrows and laughed to himself. It wouldn't normally be all that funny, but he was just bored enough to find amusement in anything.

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite


Clearing her throat slightly, the teenager nodded her greeting. "Um, hi... So... Are you... who I think you are...?" Smooth. The brunette winced slightly at her own awkwardness, tempted to do one of those 'face-palm' things. "Ah, sorry. I'm Leo. It's nice to finally meet you." Aaand now she sounds like a creepy stalker or something. This was not going very well for the socially-awkward human.

LegoLad659 LegoLad659

"Bonded?" Was this some weird kind of pickup line? Sure, she was familiar with demonic bonds with human beings, but this was their first time meeting. Though there was something quite familiar about the way that the other's hand felt grasping her wrist.

"Hang out?" She looked around herself to be certain it was in fact her that the younger looking female was referring to. "I don't have any other plans.." It was difficult to say no to those intriguing red eyes. The connection felt binding, to the point she could not look away from the gaze. Eyes locked. Hand locked to wrist. Feeling closer to a stranger than she had been in quite some time, if ever. Something inside of her felt like a string pulling her forward from the core, linking to the other now that they had come into physical proximity.

K kurishiri

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