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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

More continued to enter the room after them, some with their own forced welcoming, each bringing a slight cringe-filled groan from Aruka, though never really loud enough to hear past Sumi. One even tried it in another language, just who were they trying to impress?

gee, i havent felt this much love since the third reich
It's been soooo long that I literally couldn't think of what to post for Kaoru gotta get adjusted again to her.
Hibi's been less of a difficulty...
Why are you being lazy? (I'm lazy allll the time though TT-TT, only things that motivate me can make me non lazy)
Because I feel rather discourage when trying to write a summary on what my character did during all of the events. I also fear if I got them wrong.
Because I feel rather discourage when trying to write a summary on what my character did during all of the events. I also fear if I got them wrong.
Honestly no need to do that. You can start just from going to class
Because there was a reset of the counting, you're now only a week late. This means provided you can provide me with a reasonable reason as to why you haven't been posting you're not kicked out
Well this whole time I was waiting for trombone to post when no one told me he left the rp
I guess that's reasonable enough. I've been a bit slower with update matters lately, so I guess it's my fault.
You're still in the RP, if you want to be of course
Of course I do, I'm just having a wee bit of writers block, but I'll have a post up soon

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