Boarding School Life [Inactive]


Bust :(
ChlorineKiss submitted a new role play:

Boarding School Life - school, life

This is between @Nerdygeekflower and I.

Name: Neal Qaurters

Age: 17

Year: jr.

Gender: Male

Personality: Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is...
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Neal was trying his hardest not to rumple his new uniform. He had spent his Freshmen year of high school at a small arts school closer to his home in the village town of Camden, it had been weird for everyone and while he liked the kids well enough the teachers were weird towards him. It became harder to deal with certain things as time went on. and then here he was. He turned to his Mom who was looking the bags that his dad had packed into the trunk in such perfect arrangement, his mum had no clue how to even begin to remove a single thing.

"Are you sure?" He said turning to look at her, eyebrows raised in uncertainty. The building behind him looked like a Gothic castle site than a school, there was ivy going up the stone walls and the windows were small slits in the walls. She sighed and shook her head at him.

"I know that uniform is uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it." She said chewing on her lip, "I'm going to go find someone to help us with these bags." She said heading off. Neal shook his head fondly at her and looked up to the castle that was his school.

"It can't be to bad?"
Emily hadn't looked up from book since they had left, but once she felt the car come to a complete stop and her oldest brother Cliff cut the engine, she knew she was here. Closing her book, she gently placed it into her bag, taking her time because she really didn't want to go. This was her third and final year here. At least she could feel happy about that. She opened up her car door and slung her bag over her shoulder going to help her brother with the rest of the bags that were in the car.

Emily gave a big sigh as they brought the last of her bags to her room. Looking over at her brother Cliff, she frowned slightly at him pulling him into a hug. She loved all her brothers to death and she hated being away from them, along with all her other friends back at home. "I'm going to miss you guys...please come and visit if you can. Tell Dad I love him too." With that, she walked her brother back down to the car, waving as he pulled out of the drive way and drove off. "Guess I should go unpack..." She said under her breath as she turned away from the drive way. Her blue eyes looked ahead of her as she walked, noticing someone she hadn't seen before. She stopped for a moment looking at the brunette haired boy standing next to a car in arm braces, a lady she guessed was his mother came up to him along with one of the staff from the school.

She turned away and continued to head towards her room, the only question in her mind as to way the boy had braces. Not like it was any of her business, but it wasn't too often she saw someone with them. After climbing three flights of stairs, she made her way into her room, leaving the door open behind her. Putting her hands on her hips, she gazed around at all the bags that had to be put away in a nice organized fashion, otherwise, one of the staff members who came to check rooms, would make her do it all over again. It had only happened to her once and after that she never left anything a askew. Running a hand through her long bright red hair, she started to unpack.
Neal watched another student - a girl - go by happily. She lingered on the crutches with her eyes but he shook it off, that kind of thing rolled off his shoulders at this point. Or they always had. Neal had dealt with it for his whole life. His mother fussed around behind him with the bags and the staff member, soon all his things (and some things that weren't his but his mom's own anxiety) had been put on a cart and were being taken to his... third floor room. THIRD FLOOR? These people were geniuses, at least there was an elevator. Which was where he headed first, room 221. It was small and it looked like he would have a roommate, hopefully it would be an understanding one. Hopefully. Neal sat himself on the bed as the staff started to unload his things. "Oh no, leave those I'll do it." Neal said the staffer frowned and warned him of the checks. Neal shook his head and the women left with a shake of her head, he sat and looked around his room. Alone.
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