Board Request (And New Player Request?) "Incarnadine Waters"

Okay, first of all: I'm 24, so bring it on.

Secondly: Here's my Lunar concept

Seven Blossoms was born into slavery, the bastard child of a mortal dynast and his slave concubine. As soon as she was old enough, she was sold just as her siblings where, to prevent family ties from superceding their duties as slaves.

At age seventeen her months-old son was to suffer the same fate as her, being ripped from her grasp to be sold toward the Blessed Isle to some unknown relative of her current owner. Besides the fact they were Dynasts and their family lines name, all the slaves didn't know much.

She'd never had the slave mindset, though, and the scars on her back to prove it. When they came for her son, she grabbed the newborn and ran. Surprising her masters with both speed and ferocity she managed to escape into the eastern woods, albeit with a few deep scratches.

But, naturally, the master's guards followed in pursuit, wanting to discourage other slaves they had to prove running wasn't worth it. During the inevitable confrontation a hasty blow by a guard's chopping sword cost Blossom's babies life. At that moment Lunas boon awakened, filling the slave girl with the power of a demigod.

Like the mink, her totem animal, she went berserk once cornered. None of her pursuers ever left the forest, after weeks a search party found their shredded remains, as well as an improvised grave, marked by a freshly planted tree with an ingraved prayer. Seven Blossoms was never seen again in those parts, using her newfound shapechanging abilities to evade capture until she was properly instructed and introduced into the Silver Pact.

A few years later, Seven Blossoms watched the Dynast's estate burn to the ground. Since then she has been taking out slavers, greedy local lords and agents of the Scarlet Empire throughout the East. As a Changing Moon she never has problems to disappear when autorities are looking for her and chosen easy enough targets to strike and disappear, long before the Wyld Hunt even gets near her.

At the present time she is beginning to think on a larger scale, wanting to change the fate of the east's small nations, rather than only individual families. Also, for a while now she has been feeling a presence, as if someone very close to her is looking for her. Not knowing the nature of her Solar Bond, she assumes it's a member of her family and is focusing on slavers again, in search of the source of this Bond.

At least that's the short version. I might elaborate on parts of that, once I know more about the setting of the story... Or at least sleep before I post, I hope I didn't write too much crap right now... But I'll probably see about that tomorrow ;)
Here's my old character, probably a little different then his original concept.

Dancing Winds was born in Lookshy, raised with a sense of entitlement. His family was aristocratic and powerful, his Exaltation came when he was young, and he wanted for naught. Even as a young man, he found and bonded with a small Huraka named Kuros, whom he had adopted and saw as even more of a sign that the Winds favored him. He looked at mortals with a certain degree of pitiable contempt, and so called "Exalted" that were not Dragon-Blooded were Anathema.

A few years back, his family ruined a rival wealthy family in the south. They acquired all their holdings and sold the family into slavery. As a final humiliation, they took their meek yet beautiful and thaumaturgically gifted daughter and gave her too Dancing Winds to with what he pleased. Although his family expected (and to some extent, encouraged) him to use her as a f***toy and nothing more, Dancing Winds was intrigued by her talents as a Sorceress. Though he did enjoy her for her body, assigning trainers to maximize her potential as such, he also enjoyed learning the Sorcerous ways, especially from her.

This was the first time his views were challenged.

The second time came during a Wyld Hunt. Dancing Winds was sent by his family to hunt the Anathema as a scout. During a major battle, Kuros and Cinnamon Sweet Moonbeam were severely injured. Seeing Dancing Winds distraught over them, the Anathema, rather than turn to finish them off, offered a truce to heal them. Desperate, confused, cut off from the rest of the other warriors and not knowing what to do, he allowed them to heal them. In truth and never admitted to anyone, he expected this to be some ploy and if necessary, he'd have killed both his concubine and his companion in case of treachery, seeing it a mercy. Instead, the Anathema was true to its word. Dancing Winds may have been a spoiled jerk, but he did possess a sense of honor. He allowed the Anathema to escape, and everything he's been taught has been inaccurate.

Though he lied about everything that happened during the battle, his family is more than a little upset at him, and are beginning to view him as a liability.

However, despite their power, Dancing Winds refuses to consider himself or other Dragon Blooded inferiors. The Dragon Blooded are the Chosen of the Elements and Keepers of Creation, and even if the Anathema are not the raging monsters of the myths, they are not to be fully trusted (at best either having bargained with dangerous otherworldly powers for power and only beginning to understand they might have done something incredibly stupid, or empowered at random by fickle, sadistic beings).
OK. Now that I know I am not amongst Trowizilla players I would like to get in on this game. 33 years old and looking forward to some serious RPing!

Radiant Sounding Hammer

Born in the south, in the hills near Kirighast, a boy named Pulkin was born 40 years before the disappearance of the Empress. Here he took up his fathers trade of blacksmithing as well as his religion as a fervent follower of Ahlat. The tribe’s cattle were constantly in need of defending and the ways of the warrior are well known by every man of fighting age and many women as well.

Decades past and one night forces from two rival tribes banded together to steal all of Pulkin’s cattle. Fate dictated thought that an alarm would be sounded and the tribe would not die in its sleep. Some men instantly picked up sword and spear, but Pulkin knew this was no normal raid and decided to don his armor. A full minute into the battle he drew his two hooked swords and went out into the fray.

Outnumbered and surrounded there was no chance for Pulkin’s tribe until the glory of the Unconquered Sun shown down. Visions of the wonders of the first age filled Pulkin’s mind as the Unconquered Sun gave him a brief view and understanding of what could be possible. Then and there Pulkin vowed to help bring that vision to life, no matter what. It was then that the Unconquered Sun bestowed upon him his new name, his Sun Name: Radiant Sounding Hammer.

While the battle was not short, its outcome was certain. With one of the Chosen of the Sun on only one side, the other would loose. Radiant Sounding Hammer knew that if he stayed in his village, with his tribe, that it would soon be visited by the Wyld Hunt. Those that were loyal to him because of his exploits in battle would be killed. All of his efforts would be lost to the forces of the Realm.

So, Radiant Sounding Hammer left his village and wandered into the mountains. It was many years before he wondered back out again, having found a refuge to allow the Unconquered Sun to work his chosen towards a brighter future. Now Radiant Sounding Hammer is looking for more of his kind anywhere and everywhere using his Sorcery.

He knows now all to well that in the first age the Solar formed group, circles, to perform their greatest deeds. Bringing the Celestial Hierarchy back in line and reforming the Solar Deliberative certainly falls under the heading of Great Deeds. Certainly sooner or later the Deathlords will have to be dealt with.

Solar Twilight – Visionary

Primary – Mental

Secondary – Physical

Heavy in Crafts/Occult with some in Melee, Resistance, Lore, and a tad of several others.

I am unsure about backgrounds though. I will send a character sheet to you and you can tell me what you think.

If you would like to check out some of my experience in PbP you can look me up at ... php?f=1558 where I run a 1.5 edition game. I have done 1.5 years in an IM game, but it ended with the defeat of Mask of Winters and the GM went on to grad school and had no more time left.
Hey, Khaddi, it's Morninglight/Renaissance Blonde here.

You already know that I'm 28, born 16/03/1981, and legal age to see adult materials in Australia. Can you please add me and I can work out PCs?
I'm going to state the obvious and that I'm 18. I've a long history with RPG's but this would be my first game of Exalted. I've played other White Wolf material before, especially VtM and have more than a little history with D&D and Mutants and Masterminds, so I'm not lacking in roleplaying experience.

I do ask, though, if that will be a problem. I understand that some players may not want to be hampered by someone who lacks experience in the mechanics of the game, so I put that forth ahead of time.

That said, if that isn't a problem, I shall put forth a concept post-haste.
I'm 41, so my age is not a problem ;)

I have a concept of a Zenith cult-leader, planning to breed an army of Solar half-caste.

All women of the cult will be his wife, chosen to give him "holy children".

the cult is always on the move, to avoid wild hunt: depending on where the campaign is based, they could be a yeddim caravan or a small fleet...
Chaka, Elminster, my apologies you two, but i have only one slot.

Could you both send me a writing sample/charecter history of the sort that will give me an idea of who is more compatible with my gaming style?

Alternatively, if you volunteer to help me out a tad bit, such as by offering to present reference materials, or prepare GM NPC statistics from time to time, then it might give me enough backup for both of you.
Yes, you did, but you didn't count on me being a blind moron.

Well, now I noticed. ^^
It is my sad responsibility at this time to consing Incarandine Waters to the underworld. This being my first time doing so on this site, I do not know the proper procedure.
Khadavla said:
It is my sad responsibility at this time to consing Incarandine Waters to the underworld. This being my first time doing so on this site, I do not know the proper procedure.
This is fine and it's been done.

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