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Fandom BNHA OCXCC Partner Search


Junior Member
So I’m looking to do an MHA RP OCXCC

So I have a few ideas and I’m open to hearing yours as well. I want us to make this story together after all, but here is what I don’t want to do, the canon story. Don’t get me wrong, I love the MHA story. I wouldn't be asking to do an RP if I didn’t. However, I don’t want to do the canon story for a few reasons.

Because in the past when the canon story has been used in my experience, the story doesn’t flow as well, it just feels like we’re trying to reach a checkpoint and it either results in us rushing to that point or biding our time until that point which can sometimes make the story drag. In some cases my partners just want to do the canon story beat for beat with our characters just squeezed in and I’ll be honest it’s not really fun for me.

So I would prefer we did our own story, even starting them off in the second or third year of highschool or after graduation.

Things I like:
  • Action: Obviously I enjoy thinking of ways for my character to use their quirk in combat, working around their weaknesses and creating epic moments.

  • Romance: Duh, I love romance and I love writing the relationship just as much as the build up to it and writing how a relationship between two or more people with their own personalities wants and goals would interact with one another in a relationship. How do they compromise, how do they learn and grow together as a couple as well as individuals? I love this stuff! Also on the romance end, don’t be afraid to be disagreeable, couples argue, couples fight and get mad at one another, that’s okay, but they also work things out so don’t be afraid of a little drama!

  • Fluff: I like wind down time, slice of life moments where our characters are just being people, being silly, being cute and stuff.

  • Angst: I have no problem with angst, just not 24/7 depression with no levity in sight whatsoever.

Things I want:
  • One of the things I would like in this RP is for our characters to have a relationship of some kind, why? Because I feel like when I double me and my partner’s stories can become far too disconnected and sometimes this can lead us to focus more on one person’s story than the other and I feel like we could avoid this if our characters had more than a passive relationship and interacted more. Now make no mistake I’m all for our characters doing their own thing, even having arcs and plot points where they are the focus I just think this would be better for the story overall.

So what kind of relationship you might ask? Well it depends, they can be friends, rivals, enemies, exes, even lovers. But Aqua! You might be thinking. This is OCXCC, how could they be lovers? Well one of two ways I can think of so far.

  1. They end up in a relationship, but it doesn’t work out or they both are in a poly relationship. I do find the idea of writing a poly relationship to be interesting. How did it start, how did they adjust to being in a relationship with multiple people and how do they all manage it? How does one react when the other two are fighting? What if two of them are upset with one? How does date night work? So many things to explore.

  1. If we did, the relationship would be between 3 to 4 people, depending on how you felt. This means it would be our characters and a character that we both agree on or our characters and two characters of our choice. However, either way it went we would both have to share responsibility for posting for the CC or CCs if we chose to go through with the poly storyline.

What do I need?

  • Someone willing to contribute to the story, someone who has their own ideas if not for the overall story then at least for their own character.

  • Someone who is cool with LGBTQ+ my characters are usually bi/pan and I usually make them with male and female versions depending on if I want to play a boy or a girl for an RP so sometimes it might end up being M/M or F/F but there is a good chance it will be MXF.

  • Someone who can write at least two paragraphs, they don’t have to be super long, but I’m not really a fan of one liners and short responses, at least not constantly they burn me out, really quick. Look I get it sometimes you just can’t think of much to say, but please not every single time.

  • Someone who enjoys OOC, I enjoy talking with my partners, joking around, coming up with ideas and just random stuff. it gets really uncomfortable when I feel like I can’t communicate with my partner because at that point I feel like I’m bothering you and I will likely stop responding to stop bothering you.

  • A list of your top 5 picks, why? So that if we have the same top pick, we’ll still have other characters to pick from. Also if you are interested in a poly storyline we can either pick a character on both of our lists or one from each.

Who are my picks?

Katsuki Bakugou
Eijirou Kirishima
Izuku Midoriya
Kyoka Jiro
Ochako Uraraka

Who will I play for you? Literally anyone, but I would prefer if both our characters were in 1-A to make the dynamic I discussed earlier much easier, that being said, don’t be discouraged from picking what you like.
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Hello! I’m a bit late but I am definitely interested in doing this type of rp with you! It sounds super fun!

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