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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

“Hmph, is never use a silver platter when gold would be better, silver leaves a taste.” Lexi says

Emmy on Dante’s team: alright let’s go bloodclod! *zooms off down the hallway directionless*
"Hmm neat well, I guess I better make sure she doesn't fuck this up for us, TTFN" *glitches to the floor Lexi is on*
Dante: "fortunately... she didn't think to ask how I could actually tell what my blood is doing without looking~" *casually walks under where the Device is as his wings form* "With Emmy most likely keeping crabcakes busy, MJ should be arriving just in time to see~" *the blades spin in a circle and cut a a hole under the device so it drops in front of him*
MJ: *glitches right in front of the bomb* "Oh good you didn't fuck it uuuuuuuuuu-" *MJ says as she starts falling with the bomb*
MJ: *glitches right in front of the bomb* "Oh good you didn't fuck it uuuuuuuuuu-" *MJ says as she starts falling with the bomb*
Dante: *uses a blood net to stop the bomb gently because not gonna drop a bomb like a dumbass, inadvertantly tangling MJ up too.* "whoops.. sorry about that. I didn't expect to catch you, too"
Emmy on the radio: "oh, right, don't let MJ touch the bomb once cought, she can still glitch it away." *continues her assult on the crabs*
Emmy on the radio: "oh, right, don't let MJ touch the bomb once cought, she can still glitch it away." *continues her assult on the crabs*
Huh, I thought the bomb would be too big for her to glitch with? Plus, it's encased in blood, which would seep into cracks, which.. muddies the waters a bit. Lol now I just imagine her glitching with a house
MJ: "Hehe, as long as I can actually carry the item in question even for a second I can glitch and as for the blood well it's a living thing so it'll just drop. Speaking of which" *MJ grabs the bomb and glitches out of the blood net with it*
MJ: "Hehe, as long as I can actually carry the item in question even for a second I can glitch and as for the blood well it's a living thing so it'll just drop" *MJ grabs the bomb and glitches out of the blood net with it*
Dante: "Well now you've complicated things! But kudos, even if you completely fell for my trick, you did instinctively put yourself in the right spot to salvage the situation. However... the rules just said we had to touch the bomb with any part of our body. My blood is, after all, part of my body~" *taps his chin thoughtfully*
MJ: *yelling 10ft away* "I think the rules meant like your actually hand or something like that, not your blood"
MJ: *yelling 10ft away* "I think the rules meant like your actually hand or something like that, not your blood"
Dante: "eh.. fair point. Still, with your limited glitch range, and this being indoors, a war of attrition isn't exactly ideal for you when I can just pepper the hell out of your entire glitch range at once" *blood forms hundreds of senbon needles surrounding MJ*
Emmy flys out of a window with the crab army unable to follow and flies to where MJ teleported the bomb, she fires a fireball at MJ so she'd have to choose between getting hit by the fireball or teleporting away from the bomb, since it was too big for her to teleport it a second time fast enough. "too bad I play with MJ so much I naturally remember how her power works."
MJ: "Actually I can make it a war of attrition because even though my senses get all glitched up when I glitch too much I can still glitch. *MJ glitches on top of Emmy* "Hi Emmy, so how's this going for you so far?"
Dante: "perfect timing Emmy!" *the senbon quickly melt and encase the bomb in a thin layer of blood, just enough to keep MJ from warping with it again* "hello Vanellope~"
*lexi comes rushing down the hallway with a army of crabs directly at Dante* "tag out popper, you take care of the unwealthy dragon and I will overwhelm the bloodfiend with my crabs." she rushes dante with her giant army of crabs.

Emmy: "it's going pwetty good. I got to eat a cwab, and now I am gonna win by touching that bomb. bye bye!" she launches herself at top speed towards the bomb.
MJ: "Oi crab girl, mind giving me hand, you deal with Emmy I've got an idea on how to deal with the blood" *MJ glitches next to the bomb* "So you guys know how I can't teleport living things with me. So you maybe wondering how I'm going to get the bomb back. Simple actually for some reason living things are displaced when I glitch into them and are destroyed when I glitch into them *MJ places her hand on the blood surrounding the bomb and glitches a few inches to the side destroying the blood and now touching the bomb before glitching again with the bomb*
Dante: "see, if you'd have just done that, instead of explaining it, you probably would have succeeded." *a blood cube falls to the ground where the bomb was.* "but since you wanted to talk, I encased the explody part in blood. A rather unconventional way to diffuse a bomb, but still works~" *uses the leftover blood to form a tendril to bring the cube into his hand before he sticks the tendril to the ceiling to evade the crab army* "oi! No pinchy!"
Our school staff so far seems really fantastic. I loved their interaction, it was very cool.

I hope I get to post tomorrow after work, but as a 3rd year, would I be expected to show up to view the entry exam / is the opening ceremony immediately afterwards?
Our school staff so far seems really fantastic. I loved their interaction, it was very cool.

I hope I get to post tomorrow after work, but as a 3rd year, would I be expected to show up to view the entry exam / is the opening ceremony immediately afterwards?
I'm not sure! A second year did show up shadowdude505 shadowdude505 what were your plans with Lynn again? Is she watching the exam?
OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi @Everskold @Todo_Doki_Doki @WeeabooChild Amyleii Amyleii @Katakon @XxMiss_JacksonxX @Nenma Takashi Xcelgamer Xcelgamer @Nico Natural Flavour Natural Flavour shadowdude505 shadowdude505 @Vagabond Spectre @Hella Downweather @Phobia @Vakuity One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost @Garebear184 @Bum Bear @Xantheeer @Jigale @EldridSmith @Necr0Danc3r The Tyrant The Tyrant

Everyone, make your way to the auditorium! The written test is next, so I guess, just have your character do it? I'm guessing invisible staff are handing them out, then maybe we'll hear from IKingI IKingI again or one of the other teachers once most of the applicants are done?

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