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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

in a ring tournement fight. Emmy flies straight at Lexi, Lexi scoffs and pulls something from her pocket, she flicks it just outside the ring, the sun hits it and the glint catches in Emmys eye, she spins around and flies out of the ring to pick up the gold coin.Present Mic: uh...well...Lexi Bancroft has won, Emmy has stepped outside of the ring?"
Emmy: shiny shiny shiny. *hugs the coin*
I would also imagine wisdom form as well. But low-key though what if schools hired Present Mic to do their sports festivals
hmm these two things really did effect her more then I inticipated. maybe I should talk to the GM about retconning one of my weaknesses? I feel like the greed and the sleep are vary big weaknesses already.
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour maybe the weakness to water could be a mental thing and not a real weakness to my quirk that Emmy could learn to get over with help from her friends?
Ok so I know this is meant for Lost but I just assumed that her quirk lessened from water is because it was a mental thing that Emmy believed that water did weaken her quirk
Quick question, are the first years already accepted, or is there an entrance exam still to take?
I haven't had Cyrus make his way yet zzz
They are upperclassmen so I won't put them into one of the groups but list them separately
Alrighty, I'll post the calendar soon as we determine what month we're in so we can come up with some events
I think everyone will be able to add things to the calendar as well and we can skip to dates as we see fit
For our teachers have you guys decided what you'd like to teach outside of your homeroom?
As well as what your homeroom class will be like? If you need help brainstorming ideas I'm sure anyone here could help
I've got a few ideas and the general feel for class A and for Ren's subject outside of homeroom, I'm thinking foundational hero studies
... I think I came up with an ultimate for Dante.

Vampire Seraphim- blood forms into six wing-like blades that he can manipulate at will. Incorporating the footwork acquired from years of dance, these blades can attack and defend independently of each other.

Similar concepts: Penny from RWBY and Irelia from League of Legends

And no, Dante can't manipulate the blood in his suit to fly. While it's strong enough to hold great weight when hardened, it cannot freely float with the added weight of a person. Basically, if he tried to pull a silver surfer, the board wouldn't be able to support his weight while floating and would fall to the ground. To catch a falling person the blood would have to be anchored to something else.
Emmy, whos wings work on mythical dragon logic: wait....why can't you fwy? my wings are tiny and they hold me.

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