Name: Victor Sanders

Nickname (if any): None

Age: 29

Occupation: Hunter

Gender: Male

Looks: View attachment 12212

History: Victor is an orphan, father a drunk and his mother was a hooker who was murdered by a john while working in a whorehouse in Limestone, Alabama. His father later drank himself to death. Victor still had a decent childhood, although he spent the entirely of his childhood in foster care he never was accepted by any real family but those that looked over him treated him well. At 18 he enlisted in the Marines and served for 4 years. It was here in Afghanistan where he got his first taste of the supernatual but unlike the other hunters his first encounter was by a vampire that wiped out his patrol, Victor the last man standing was being fed on when a hunter intervened and saved his life. Victor finish his term in the hospital and after discharged started hunting, he wants to honor his fellow Marines that were killed by hunting.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):

Personality/Description: Victor is more of the strong silent type, he's a long range kind of fighter were the others like to get up close and personal with the prey he prefers some distance. He has minimum education but can easily calculate in his head the distance, wind and vectors to make almost impossible shots with a rifle or crossbow.

(I figured I'd use one of Izabella's favorite people for him.)
YOU ARE EVIL!!!!!! Why couldn't Jason be norman :P

approved :)

Wait, is he going to be a Lycan hunter as well, or vampires only and be on the Pack's side against the new rogues and hunters?

Name: Alessandra "Alice" Maieli

Nickname (if any): Al, Alice, Red, the Duchess

Age: 427, but looks to be about mid-to early twenties

Gender: Female

Looks: Alice stands at a little under six feet, it's rumored that she has some Amazon blood in her. Dark brown hair that falls just past her shoulders, pin straight. She has olive/golden eyes and flawless ivory toned skin. A bit of an athletic build, along with some curves, Alice has long jagged claw marks going down her back from when she was turned, that never quite healed properly and she tries to keep it covered as much as possible.

View attachment 12226

View attachment 12224

Looks Wolf Form:

View attachment 12225

Family: All known family is deceased

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Her human cover job is a cop in the local precinct, but she has had a long standing position on the council of Elders, as the only "mutt" with such a position

Personality/Description: Part of Christian and Jason's original Pack, Alice is a bit of a hard-ass, and isn't known for taking anyone's nonsense. The only survivor after her village had been ripped apart by rogue Lycans, Alice was a lone wolf for at least 100 years before stumbling across Christian's path. He spared her, allowing her to join with him and later on Jason. Since then, she has done nothing short then to prove her worth and such efforts lander her a spot on the council of Elders. As of now, Alice is the only known "mutt" to have ever received such an honor and she will not let anyone or thing mess that up. Very protective of Chris and Jason, as well as Rika since she is Christian's mate.

((sorry so short, Mac, Jirro, and Faith are already familiar with this character from our original Lycan rp way back :D ))
Not sure if you’re still accepting characters. I’m looking for an rp that’s fantasy but not like magic and glowy orbs. I really like where this rp seems to be heading but should you accept I have a question. Could you brief me on whats happening and where I might jump in. I had this idea for a kind of disturbing and violent intro but depending on what you have going on it may not be the best time. I’ll read last few pages but I don’t want to mess up any plots.


Alexandria Claire Bonavista (Alex-andre-ah Clair Bon-ah-vee-stah)


Alex or Claire



Description: Oversized hoody fits snuggly but is long in waist and arms. Its color is actually white and it has a lightly embroidered pink flower up the side with a large baby blue lotus on the back of her hoody. She often wears bikini cut panties with snug fitting capris. Always has DC skate shoes on.

Her hair is a deep red, almost auburn with the most vibrant grey/blue eyes for a girl her age. Cheeks lightly dotted with freckles and a smile that could melt your heart. Her hair is about mid chest length and usually pulled up in some fashion with bangs to one side of her face. She has two piercings in each ear, made for studs both on her earlobe.

Claire stands about 4 feet 11 inches tall, she is very slender, but for her age has a little shape. Her hips are wiper than her waist but being a Lycan is somewhat muscular with slight muscle definition but only the faintest.


From Pureblood parents. Born a Lycan not turned. Booth parents are unknown to her as she cannot remember the events or anything before being dropped in the forest.


Besides school, can bake like a pro. Loves to cook and make sweets.


Claire is a pure-blood Werewolf from Northern California. Thus why in form, her fur is fluffy, mostly being oranges, browns and blacks. It better blends with the summer foliage in the Rocky Mountains. Also why her form is slightly different than the others. Her stature is smaller more agile for dealing with rock facings and hills, as well as softer point ears and a wider snout. Often people could mistake her for a wolf/canine mix breed. The only feature she maintains from human to wolf form is her glorious eye color.

In human form she is gentle. She will help almost anyone in need or at least be compelled to. It's her nature. She is compassionate in everything she does and gives it 110%. Around friends she can be playful and innocent. Will help with chores and in general anything anyone needs help with. Claire can be extremely emotional towards everything. Even a simple argument she feels strongly about can lead to frustrating yelling and intense sobbing. It doesn't necessarily mean she's bi polar, just that she is very vocal about her opinions. This in no way means she's trying to undermine authority. She's just at that age.

She absolutely LOVES to play in water. Swimming, bathing, splashing. It could almost be considered a fetish.


She is originally from the woods of Northern California. From a rich family enjoying the luxury of the forests in the Rocky’s.

About 5 years ago, Claire was abducted from her school. No ransom, no note, no warnings, just up and gone. Her parents thought it was from a competing Lycan faction but when they came to the aid of their own kind they knew it was not so. Somehow they had been unable to trace claire.

Only about a year ago, did she regain enough memory to find her parents again.
This is good, but I'm not so sure about the part about her being kidnapped. Right now we have another child with a similar story going on so the two might clash a bit. If you wanted to make it that she had been kidnapped but our Pack found her and brought her and eventually her family in or something maybe?
Thats kind of what i had in mind. If your allowing, she was going to be dumped within like a half mile of the manor in a kind of >_> Explicit type of way and i figured you guys could find it, but the trauma was going to leave her with nothing but the memory of her name, and i figured that gives me story to play with like memories coming back and her parents eventually finding her. That's why i did it as recent as 3 weeks. So her parents would still be looking for her, prolly just not on the other side of the United states lol. I also think the kidnapping could be a miniplot against the manor somehow but that would be up to you. I DO have a few questions though.

What type of transforms happen in this rp? Are they like twilight where its instant, no clothing damage, or like monster movie, painful and slow.

How fast is the regeneration ability?

Would solid silver bullets impair abilities only while in the body? Would silver impair the ability to transform? Does it burn to the touch?

Also i work except on wednesdays and saturdays about 3pm -10 pm cst. Is that going to be an issue? i see peeps post in the evening when im at work =x
I know it's a few pages, but you should ready through some of the posts in the rp, get a feel for some of the characters first. Most of them are in their late teens or older (we have a few who look like they're in their twenties but are well into their hundreds)

Also, like I said, we have a plot in the works right now of a child who was found in the woods and had to be turned and her back story is that she was kidnapped before coming to us, so I'm not sure how 2 twleve year old characters with similar back stories would really work right now with all the plots going on, But I could be wrong. We have a bunch of mini plots in the works at the moment, so like I said, just do some read through and see if you think we can fit her in.

As for your questions:

The transformation: This is a Lycan pack. It's more a mix of Underworld and Twilight in a way I guess. Really big wolves, we can change at will (except on full moons we have to change)

Depending on the damage, regeneration, or "healing" as it's probably going to be referred to as in the rp, could take anywhere from minutes, to hours, or even days. A few cuts and scrapes could be healed in seconds. It all depends on the cause and the wolf. Some (especially pure bloods) will heal faster then those who may have been turned.

Like any werewolf story silver can be deadly if not taken care of fast enough. If shot with say a silver bullet for example: should it miss the heart or brain, it would need to be removed asap otherwise the silver would spread into their system causing a slow and painful death. Silver does NOT burn to the touch, but could cause irritation with some

As for when you can get on and post, don't worry about it, I'm sure if you read through the rp, you'll see that we all get on at different times of the day. I myself work overnights, so it's hit and miss when i get on really
yeah. ill have to do something else, its just the fact it would take attention away from the other character and im not after that. Not sure exactly what i could do. If i was just wandering wouldn't the peoples be aggressive towards me? Plus im not sure how to justify a 12 year old traveling on her own. I may not post yet need to figure out a way to come in without putting attention from others.

As for reading i read up to 5 pages back just didnt want to read all 30 D: did read the first though.
Maybe you can change it where she was kidnapped at a younger age? Or make her a few years older? Then she's be able to relate to what this new girl is going through. She can already be an established member of the pack, so everyone would already know her. You wouldn't have to do the whole introduction thing.
Hmm. what if we alter it a littlebit? Heres what im thinking. Shes an established member. Still 12, but the kidnapping and drop i had planned happened like 4 or 5 years ago. So know she has found her parents and could actually just be returning from visiting them in california? Then if/when relating to Caroline, could eventually do a flash back? that wouldn't change the story to much on what christians said does it? him being leader and all?

ps im on msn if you want to chat?
yeah i added it says ur offline xD i guess ill post about waiting for someone to pick me up when no one does she'll get all grumpy.
By the way, a Lycan and a werewolf aren't the same thing, werewolves are mindless and are controlled by their base instincts, Lycans are in full control in their wolf form and unless under a full moon change at will. Calling a lycan a werewolf is actually insulting to them. Like calling a Blackblood a Vampire. Refer to Underworld Rise of the Lycan, the savage ones that lived in the woods were mindless until Lucian the alpha took control.
FULL NAME: Nathan Alean

AGE: Appears to be about 26 but actually he's just over 200

RACE: Lycan

POSITION: Former Beta to Christian

Human Stats:

Height: 6"2

Weight: 184 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green with flecks of gold

View attachment 12890

Wolf Stats:

Height: about 5"4 on all fours, as he could be an Alpha he's much larger than the average pack wolf

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: Pure Black

Eyes: Bright gold

Personality: Nathan is a sociopath, lazy, selfish and self preservation are the words that come to mind at first glance, at second glance he is cool calculated in everything he does or says, he is very elegant when he needs be but also very aggressive when the time comes, he has a natural charisma that if he chose to use would make him a natural leader. But then there is a serious dark side of him that may come from his being a direct descendent of Lycaon the King, a legend among Lycans that has never been proven to exist, but this has not stopped generations of claiming to be a descendent of his. Most are turned into lycans by the pack's Alpha but on rare times bigger packs will absorb a smaller pack into itself or destroy them it's 50/50 usually, Nathan was part of a pack that was taken in by a larger one. Which probably explains his lack of respect for the pack concept in the first place and his leaving for months at a time to be on his own where he has blended into other packs but is eventually forced to leave by killing the Alpha or Beta of that pack.

Before Jason, Nathan was Christian's beta, but do to his even rougher relations with the pack Nathan decided to part ways with the pack, leaving the love of his life Alice behind when she refused to leave with him. Nathan didn't leave the pack without doing what he could to prepare them for all future threats, it was him and Christian that recruited Jason over 70 years ago and groomed him to one day take over as Nathan's replacement.

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(Not happy with at part of why Nathan left the pack, I'll revise it when wake up.)

FULL NAME: Nathan Alean

AGE: Appears to be about 26 but actually he's just over 200

RACE: Lycan

POSITION: Former Beta to Christian

Human Stats:

Height: 6"2

Weight: 184 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green with flecks of gold

View attachment 12890

Wolf Stats:

Height: about 5"4 on all fours, as he could be an Alpha he's much larger than the average pack wolf

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: Pure Black

Eyes: Bright gold

Personality: Nathan is a sociopath, lazy, selfish and self preservation are the words that come to mind at first glance, at second glance he is cool calculated in everything he does or says, he is very elegant when he needs be but also very aggressive when the time comes, he has a natural charisma that if he chose to use would make him a natural leader. But then there is a serious dark side of him that may come from his being a direct descendent of Lycaon the King, a legend among Lycans that has never been proven to exist, but this has not stopped generations of claiming to be a descendent of his. Most are turned into lycans by the pack's Alpha but on rare times bigger packs will absorb a smaller pack into itself or destroy them it's 50/50 usually, Nathan was part of a pack that was taken in by a larger one. Which probably explains his lack of respect for the pack concept in the first place and his leaving for months at a time to be on his own where he has blended into other packs but is eventually forced to leave by killing the Alpha or Beta of that pack.

Before Jason, Nathan was Christian's beta, but do to his even rougher relations with the pack Nathan decided to part ways with the pack, leaving the love of his life Alice behind when she refused to leave with him. Nathan didn't leave the pack without doing what he could to prepare them for all future threats, it was him and Christian that recruited Jason over 70 years ago and groomed him to one day take over as Nathan's replacement.

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View attachment 12892

(Not happy with at part of why Nathan left the pack, I'll revise it when wake up.)


Ann Harthway

Nickname (if any):

She doesn´t like being nicknamed


Age: 249 turning 250 ((Pure-Blood Lycan)) Seems Twenty-five-ish.

Gender: Female


Looks Wolf Form:

Family: Ann has no family she knows of.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Actor

Personality/Description: Reserved, rude, honest and opinionated. Ann has been affected dramatically by her past. Being found at the rare age of five in a small hut Ann was raised by the Harthway couple. Through her small time living with the two ((5-10)) she was never lied to. Them spoiling the fact that she wasn´t theirs when she was barely 7. They raised her the way they would raise a business man; giving one a cold harsh sight of reality before settling for business. Harthways were not cruel in nature rather truthfully honest people to the core and gave her an loving up-bringing though they were both old and slowly rotting away. When they passed away when she was ten she was sent to foster homes. Being kicked out, called a freak and honestly never feeling accepted till she was 17. At the age of 17 she had been abused by a 38 year old man assigned as her new foster parent. She was ´rescued´ a few months later and when she turned 18 she had decided to leave the foster care system and started to take a interest in acting; being able to become someone else for a moment. She decided to settle down in NY and found a getaway town near the mountains and thus how she came across pack-life. Being told she is accepted as long as she deems no threat to the pack by the elders, Ann now resides in an apartment complex in town.

Um, This is incase you are still/will apply for new players since this seems rather interesting.
Approved, just make sure you read through the RP thread. There's a lot that's going on at the moment. A lot of plot twists and new characters coming in :bigsmile:
If its not to late I hope I can join :)

Name: Malloy

Nickname (if any): "Boy!!!" was shouted after him alot...

Age: 10 but only looks 6

Gender: Male

Looks: Grey eyes, light red hair and 3'8View attachment 13362

Looks Wolf Form:View attachment 13363

Family: Unknown, was dropped off at a local orphanage until the age of 6 when he first transformed into a wolf pup and escaped from the dark and gloomy place.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Often gets pity because of his looks and is taken into homes until he can escape, or stealing when he doesn't want to stay indoors

Personality/Description: Spunky and light hearted Malloy happy wanders the streets and seeing life through the eyes of a pickpocket. He wasn't that good yet but his feet still managed to be fast enough to carry him out of those situations. No longer did he pay attention to the miles that distanced him from the orphanage, but instead grinned into the miles ahead of him, always looking brighter as he roamed from town to city and back taking advantage of those he could, even if it was only for a bus ride to the next place.

If it s too late, my apologies :)
I like the character, but honestly with everything going on with the pack right now I'm not really sure where another child could fit in, especially another one without parents. If you could, maybe read through the actual roleplay thread and see, maybe make him a few years younger, early or late teens could work. It's just there's a lot of plot twists going on, I feel like we might lose him by adding a much younger child to the mix. should we kill off Ann or just say she decided not to stay? So who is left then? Izzy and Esme, Jason and Nathan, Rikarah, Sheena, Caroline, Andrea, that it?

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